» t “CUT IT OUT" ALBANY’S CO-OPERATIVE ADVERTISING PLAN T IR E S $6.50 up urp/iy An Appeal to People of Rural Districts for a Wider and More Mutual Interest in Commercial Circles of Linn County. J. H. ALLISON F irst and Washington Sts, “ Where tires arc cheaper’’ “SAY IT. WITH FLOWERS” Clip thia corner out and bring it to our store. I t’s worth 25 cents in trade. The County Fair SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS ^eec/ High Grade Lumber help you. Let “Copeland Quality” be your guide. 9 x 1 2 Hussorah Axm inster rug 62.50 rug for 52.50 tJ ,b‘ir .leia tuienta iomzi«te 9 x 1 2 Bussorah Axm inster rug 42.00 rug for 32.50 - nd a.dications i.ow are that thw will J. W. COPELAND YARDS 9 x 11C Seamless Axm inster rug ................... .. 29.00 i Le the »*•««» livestock show ' . the I.l'M B E B 9 x 1 2 Grass rugs, double warp 6.75 history of the fair. 337 W. F irst St. 8 x 1 0 Grass rugs, double warn 4.75 PIar» tre under wav t0 hold one- Albany Yard at the west end of Second S treet Flowers-Flowers A I other rugs reduced in the same proportion. ard Po“ ‘hly two, purebred livestock Phone 278. \ ,’e also have some special values in new and used tf naignment sales during the fair, O ther yards a t Lents, Salem, Hubbard. Yamhill and Store Phone Greenhouse furnit. re -40 breeders who wish to consign in Hillsboro. 24-F-21 458-J BARTCHER FURNITURE CO. ; these sale* *hould *•* in toueh with t 415-421 West First St. Albany, Ore. the fair office soon . . Albany Floral Co. A L T E R A T IO N SEA RS’ Bert Clark Handles it in Halsey. is the Best by Test. Holman & Jackson GROCERS Where Aleo Bread is made. ALBANY, OREGON WALL PAPER PAINTS Mountain States Power Company Albany, Tints, Varnishes and Get our Prices. F. C. DANNALS 123 E. Third Street. Albany, Oregon. Auto Electric Service Authorised Sales and Service Willard Storage Batteries Brownsville Woolen Mills Store If you have been chronically ill for six months and the X-ray shows your spine per­ fect I will give you the picture FREE. This offer holds good for all t f July, 1921. J. C. BREIER CO. 53 Albany, Oregon Dependable Merchandise at the Lowest Possible Prices M«b’a high graJe Suit»........ IMPERIAL CAFE 209 W. F irst Street Albany, Oregon We want your Cream fjhe &tite Let us figure with you on your w ater sysfenf. A Place to E at Wliere All FAIRBANKS MORSE LIGHT PLANTS Is Neat. Best On E arth. The R ight Service a t the Right Time. Full Stock of McCormick-Deerinc Repairs Mail Orders Taken Care of. 1 » BARRETT BROTHERS Albany, Oregon. Everything to Wear . I Yes. everything, from overalls, work s hilts, khaki clothing, work orouting* shoes, to the best and newest stvled S U IT S , overcoats, hats, shoes and to wear for dr *ss. A'way» giving quai tv merthand'* Quality 1 vtuilig and f ir e very dollar ree ived Albany St full Value Service ¿ lain CLOTHif Reconditioning Shop and Prop. 212 E. First St. ) STIMSON-IZE \\,I T R SHOES STIMSON “The Shoe Doctor” 316 West Second St.. Opjx»site HAMILffONS’ STOKE ' AlbanyA Oregon SHOE PO L ISH E S SHOE GREASES 4 w he W H ITC H EA O . P lu m b e r 71 F [V ,Y1 F -n \ V, ÍÍ Tecaute he'» tfficieiil 125 W. £ • ond »tri et Acute Sickness Chiri&practic gives nature \ a chanco to correct ' acute illness in the shortest pc is- sible time. Acute Sickness is always ac­ companied with at leait tem- poraiy tuhluxallon» of the «pine, either cauialire or frem red»«. Dr. R. H. Harria, Ckiro»r»ctor meds into Into OxP" Oxf- ’ *■ t / U I V O l l V / l j O High h Shoes made High Heels taken off n ' . Js $1.0 0 p» r pair. shape 75c » - ' _,,d M ilitary H eeh put on without changing the Tennis Sh"* u 81.00 per pair. ,es, Rubber Boots, Hot W a te r Bottles and Inner Tubes Re­ paired. Sewcd-on Soles a Specialty; also the R $ w irin g of Arch Support Shoes and Turn Shoes. Rubber Heels put on, "While You V a it.” O ild re n ’s Scuffer Shoes Rebuilt. SHOE LACES I Z SI, TORRANCE w Oregon. ¿ H Men and Boys Boya’ Dree» Shore................................¿ Women'» Pre»» Pump’ Albany, s> for $1 7» to 96 $2 50 lo >8.45 81 89 lo 82 98 (UABiC 83.45, >3.93 and >1 »5 I Brothers Two Grocery Stores I P12 W. F irst S treet and j 225 Main Street 1 j ’ Phone 58 and Phone 54 T ♦ 3 85 i.nd 81.25 81 59 to $2.95 Albany, Oregon Ebstburn Albany, O re g o n T O OLE GROUCH VAÛWT, VO i K V . kAtET TH* OLE GROUCH'." TWAT5 IASI VIA A WAOD-BOvEO o l e attto. b u t M ouae g o u î T* LIKE IAE BECUX I SAT TV\' TWtWOrS NOU'O OFFEW U K 6 T' SAT tP TOU WA0 TVA' WEttVE » I GOT TVA' HERVE \ LEAVE rt T' 129 Broadalbin PRACTICAL ECONOMY SHOES Parts for all Car», Harold G. Murphy, ATIVE CREAMERY BARRETT BROTHERS 120 W. F irst St. »4.50, | t »5 $5.90,86 45 79e. 9Oc abd 88« 9 8 ’. 11.65. 11 95 M »n’a Brown Oxford?, Goody* ar well». Man’ « »oui i>»r outing ilio-a privati a' Boy»' W uk S h o .» ...................................... , Key to. the Dairy Industry of the Willamette Valley EXNER & SUMMERFIELD’S Variety Store ........ 819. .50 to 82« Fin» Wool Dies« Pant«......... Blue C tian.hr«; W<>rk Stil la Khaki Pa t< .................. 310 W est Second St. A FARMERS’ CO-OPER­ 1 hat means buy for less. T h at’s the opportunity Monday morning fire caught in a straw stack while .1. S. McMahan's this store affords the people of this trib u ta ry country. thrashing was being done. It was We supply the home economically. I t’s a sto re of seen from town and very plainly many bargains. through a glass at James Rector's shop and several men went from here I to help quench it or save property but the thrashing crew “beat them to it.” MEN’S CLOTHING Dr. R. H. Harria. Chiropraettr Mi»»»»’ N ie n t L -a iher Slipper». Cueick Bank Bldg , Albany Stores Ralston Electric Company THE ARCH PRESERVER STORE G. W. Mornhinweg and family en­ joyed a trip to Crawfordsville Sun­ day afternoon. Having discontinued our store at Brownsville, Oregon, the Brownsville Woolen Mills Store is now open to the public at F irst and Ellsworth Sts. (op­ posite A bany S tate Bank), Albany, Oregon, where we have a complete line of Clothing, Furnishings, Blankets and Flannels. At our new location we are prepared to carry a larger and more complete stock than in the past. MILL AT BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. Ret; il stores at Portland, Eugene, Marshfield. North Pend and Albany. H. D. Preston, J. C. Cochran Proprietors 53 —: Phon» 28: — Stores H eadquarters for A. & B. Radio Rechargable Batt erieg. REWARD Oregon.’ Change of Location Brushes. The auto caravan to Clear Lake this week will be one of the big events in Oregon history. In addi­ tion to the governor and hundreds of citizens there will go representatives of O. A. C., the state board of h. alth, the state game commission and other organizations. THAN A T oaster or Table Stove. Special Toaster and Plate 82.00 Complete Line of Electric Appliances. McDowell Shoe Co. Wash, Cook and Clean Make it your servant. SALEJ Continues, and we have added manv new lines oi fine footwear w hich.will be sold at very low prices. The carpenters are still busy, but we have added much more space in which to exhibit the large assortm ent. A visit to our store will convince you of the great values to be had. Albany Magnolia Laundry B utternut Bread It A number of Albany business men arc planning to group their displays ii. auch a way that Albany, as v city, may be represented. The association has offices in room 501, First National bank building, Rough Dry Family Washing, Albany, where anybody interested i- invited to call Finished Family Washing, Twenty ro-nmunities in the Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, Feather Beds and county have pledged their support and the following niueleen expect Pillows, Lace Curtains Scientifically done. to have exhibits that will fill to overflowing three fourths *of the main pavilion with Linn ccurtr ‘Quality Work. Prompt Service.” products : Forks of the Satiam, Lebanon, E. C. MILLER, Halsey Agent Harmony grange, Harrisburg, Foe ter, Sweet H o ne, Sand Ridge grange, Crownsville, Shedd, West- trn Star grange, Riverside, Oak. villa, Morning Star g-ange. Hal aey, Charity grange, Lsromb. Ash Swrele, Crowfoot grange, Pine WITH ELECTRICITY Grave. Oregon Nothing Better for Hot Days county fail, with Leonard Gil- _ . . . . , . . . . . To reduce our stock of iugs we are making big ! key The as manager, will probably eclipse Rl*h t out of our own virgin forest»—home grown, reductions in the price of our entire stock. No m atter w hat the oc­ First-class building m aterial is your most im portant nny of its predecessors. casion may be, let us 9 x 12 Royal Ardehan Wilton Velvet $122.50 consideration. rug for 898 0 0 1 ^he ,ive,tock breeder» are planning | 5/, ore Albany, île // a n i . S u r e t t i Cusick Bank Bldg., Albany —*'*> BANKS’ SEMI-ANNUAL C LE A R A N C E SALE A Real Sale of Dry Goods I I you know bargain» when pipciate the»*». 81-*9O-in. Pequot Sheet» 81 39 Japanese Crepe . . 19c 12 in. Pre»» Gingham . 19c AH Linen Cra»l> Toweling 5 yard» for 81 you eee them you will »p- 40-in. Unhleaeh-d M i - lie or 36-in. Bleached Maalin 6 yard» Io» fl Windsor Lingerie Crepe 29c Genuine 12 run Jap Funge» 79c BANKS