a ■J C *4 t/fa . HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII ALSEY, L IN N CO UNTY, OREGON, TH U R SD A Y, JU LY 31, 1524 NEWS NOTES FWM Big and Little Bugs in Clear Lake Caravan HALSEY HAPPENINGS ------------------- AND CODNTY EVENTS E p ito m e o 'f E T e u t e But There Will be no Bugs in Clear Lake W ater it We Get It I » Short Stories from Sundry Sources The Clear lake caravan which passed aoulbw ard this morning on its way from Albany to tha mountains may mean much to Halsey Mr. and Mrs. Ben Holt and child­ and every other community in tha rallay from and including Kug*na ren drove*to Eugene Sunday. ou tha south to the stats capital on tha north. Tha governor and Frank Koontz went to Newport a majority oi the state officials, tha state health, highway and game Monday to join his mother and Her­ commissions, fifty or seventy-five Albany business man and «telega* man, who are occupying a cottage tions from all over this part of the valley go to inspect the largest there. potential water supply in th's region and by test the purest on the S. J. Sheen, drug and oonfee- coast. Added to this is sufficient fall of the immense volume of water to supp’ y us all with abundant light and power. Waldo Anderson has . ’ Loner7 /.’*i5 er3 t Shedd, has pur- , , j ... chased C. P. Thompson’s oonfec- stsrted something._______________________________________________ Gonery #„ d |roc, r/ Alford Arrows (Baterprlea Correepoadeace) Beverly Isom spent Sunday Retta Armstrong. with I>ee Ingram and family called at J. H. Rickard’s Sunday afternoon. Cheater Curtis and family called at J H. Rickard's Sunday evening. John Burnett and Chester Curtis both started thrashing last week. Tbs supreme court of Oregon, in home near Harrisburg Sunday even­ a Linn county case, bolds that a ing. man may he tried for larceny from Henrietta Starnes and Thelma In­ his wife. T it for tat. Protection gram spent Thursday with Kate and for liubby'a pocket book. Hazel Green. Mrs. Hugh Lesper was taken Chester Curtis and family called at Julius Falk’s and Michael’ Rickard’s | t udde,n ly ill with heart trouble Tuesday morning. Mrs. Georgia Sunday afternoon. I.eeper of Albany came on the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor and Mr. noon train to be with her. and Mrs. Dodd of Bruce visited at Tuesday afternoon two ladies the J. H. Rickard home Sunday. ran their car off the pavement be­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wicks and tween here and Shedd. Dstnage T b e f w tf# abl< |o Mr. and Mrs. Hannon of Corvallis *bout |4Q sailed at Lee Ingram ’s ou Sunday bring the machine under its own Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Straley, son evening. : power to the Halsey garage for Leroy and two granddaughters, Ger­ repairs. Mrs. Lee Ingram and daughter aldine and Elaine Straley, were Sun­ More local newt and Correspond. day afternoon callers at the A. E. Thelma and Mrs. John Rolfe called on Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck last Satur­ er.ee than could be hand eet cans* Whitbeck home. Wednesday, too lato to be sent to day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe and son the linotype. Left-overt will ap­ Mrs. J. H. Rickard came home pear next week. Send contribu­ Deo visited at the George McCart. frum the hospital at Eugene Wed­ tions to reach the office Monday nesday of last week. Her health or Tuesday, preferably Monday, Albany’s Only seems much improved. please. E XC LU SIVE B e a v e r S ta te NO. S3 W ill d,e Albany Bridge be Built ? >» th e l , o w I Shot hole borers have destroyed many trees la orchards south and west of Molalla. A change in the direction Of the wind saved the town of Alaoa from threatened foroat tires. Lyle Dixon, 22. of Woodburn, was drowned In the W illamette river, five mllee south of Newberg. Fire destroyed the lumber mill own­ ed by Roy Hide In northern Currey county, causing a lots of $8000. All sprinkling will be prohibited in Portland unless water users imme­ diately stop the waste of water. Fire of mysterious origin at Hunt­ ington destroyed three frame build Inga and a barn, causing damage esti­ mated at *5500 C. B. Smith, R. J. Smith and F. R. Morrison were fined $10 each at Salem for refusing to assist a federal officer in fighting a forest fire. Reports from Wallowa county, where farmers are engaged In hay lag. are that the crop thia year will be about one-half normal. The first shipments of The Dalles watermelons and cantaloupes were sent to the Portland market last week. Good prices were reported. ,h e O l* r ,,r ‘ lle ( Yesterday's Alban) Herald) ( Yaalerday’e Albany Democrat) Final determination of the A1 bane Pacific highway bridge wild die will ba fought out in the courts. Yesterday owners of property abutting [on] North Ellewoitb atraet served notice on the state highway cotnniisaioo at ita Port­ land meeting that they will enjoin the contractor from atartiog ton- atruction work. Members of thia group wars J. J Barrett, C. E W illiam son. Ben Bartcher and A. K. McMahan. The o>ntr>clor's representative announced that ha had started several carloads of machinery and equipment toward Albany. Members of tha Albauy delega­ tion ware inoensed this morning by tbs report given in a Portland newspaper Io the eff>et that that the state highway commission will abandon its effort to erect the structure if the injunction suite are started. There was no quarrel and no dispute between the Albany busi­ ness man and members of the state highway commission at their meet­ ing in Portland yesterday after- aeon, J. J. Barrett, a member of the party, said today. It is proposed that tha people of Aibauv and Linn county purchase the lots abutting on the eastern side of Ellsworth street; that tho county court provie $6000, the state {10000 and Interested paitieo •5000 towards tha 120,000 it ia estimated the eaterprlaa would re­ quire. . The commiaeiun toek the mailer under advisement, promising Io leok the situation over this week while passing through from Clear Brownsville Briefs lake. The oommieaiou wae said tw have made the statement that if a plan to avert damages can be worked oat it will ba glad Io par­ ticipate. I home of Edward Storti Tuesday of I last week. Edgar Lafaxelte went to Olympia, Wash,, Tuesday to h«eef. no matter what Single or Distant Vision Lonses and Mrs. A. F. Robnett of Eugene ta and Mrs. Mary Haves ecctirred tiona. lt y from Springfield,where she lias his breeding or value. last Sunday. They drove to the H alf a million trout fry will be re­ were guests of Mrs. D. I. Isom Sat­ 6 D Curve Tone, $13.50 ; Mencius, urday night and Sunday. Doris Rob­ Brownsville picnic ground with C. leased In the streams of Coos county teen visiting her sister, Mrs. Stella $12.50. ( Fro ns the Times) 1*4 D Curve Penscopic, $12;50; nett returned home with them, while P. Moody and wife, Grant Tay­ within the next 39 days. The fish Hemingway. Flats' $10.50. her sister De Etta remained for a lor, Gilbert Hayea, Howard Ternen were hatched on Coot river and near Mrs. Joe Harrison and Mrs. E tta , Moss King and Ids pickets finished Fitted in Zilo. gold-filled or rimless and Guy Bramwell and family. Bandon. longer visit. Chastain are getting ready to go t o ' picking his nine acres of loganber­ frames. Don’t know just what thay had The historic Scott trail, which cross Newport. They expect to be gone ries this week. He hoe ship,*« over For heeavy Zilo frames add $1 to $2. Mr and Mrs. Guy Roberts and for lunch but they finished up twenty tons from this nceruge o f Deduct $2 for second-grade lent. ed the Cascades shout three tulles about two months. children of Toledo came Saturday on soda pop, watarmalou, ica south of the present McKenzie pass. Reading glaaaea. $2.50 to $10. good berries. Last Thur.-day he Farmers around town are busy cute took thirty of his helpers to the Hol­ evening to visit Mrs. Roberts’ par­ cream and cake. Is new being reopened by a force of B a n c ro ft O p tic a l C o. ting their spring grain preparatory ley bridge where they enjoyed a pic­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rickard. When Robert W. Nichols came in foreet trail builders. i to thrashing Some of the fall wheat Mr. Roberts returned home Sunday 313 West First street, Albany, Ore. off his route Friday afternoon he L. Ktchus of Adraln reports to L. was rather smutty but oats is quite nic for the day. They roasted weinee evening while the family stayed for over a camp fire and also served Ice finished his term of service as a rural R. Brelthaupt. Malheur county agent, good in spite of dry weather. Ask about Punktal, the perfect lens. cream. a few days’ visit. route carrier of more than twenty- that some of h l* Federation wheat On Wednesday three truck load« one years, up to the present time went 97 5 bushels to the acre. This Rev. M. S. Woodworth preachtd at of Rainbow trout were planted in the Is regarded as a phenomenal yield Murphy school house last Sunday. the longest term of service fcf all Celapoola river seventeen mile* the carriers in Oregon, with the ex­ Because of the extremely haiardoua Next Sunday he expects to preach at ception of one, John Shear of Al­ fire conditions prevailing through­ Holley in the afternoon. The Bap­ above Brownsville near what ia bany, who retired last year with out the state, Frank E. Elliott, state tists from Brownsville who expect to known as the Upper Bridge. The twenty-four years service to his cred­ forester, sent telegrams to all district tttend intend taking their luncheon American Iggion had mode applica­ it. Mi. Nichols’ retirement is Ir ac­ fire wardens to cancel existing burn and eating dinner in the grove at the tion some time ago for some trout to be planted in the Calapooia and cord with the law which pension», all Ing permits. hurch house. the arrival of the Rainbow Wednee civil service employees that have Although The Dalles has an ample Mias Isabel McKercher was a pass­ day was in response to this request. served fifteen or more years at their water supply, restrictions on Its use Faye Evans accompanied thoae in sixtyfifth birthday. — Albany Herald. have been ordered by the city com­ enger to Portland Thursday. charge of the trucks to the place missioners, that farmers along Mill Dr. W. J. Shelton is taking a where the email fry were planted. (Continued on page 3) creek valley may save their crops, weet's vacation in Portland The man in charge said it wa- an drying up for lack of water. ideal place as there were a series of Uarbsrt and W illie Lerwill The Oregon Poultryraen’a a a tor la shallow riffles which would protect kills a coyote the other day. tion will send a delegate to the na them from the larger fish. They Mrs. J. Holt returned to her home tlonal poultry council at Chicago n Portland Friday after a visit with wore brought out front the McKenzie August 10 to sit In conference with hatchery. Brownsville friends. representative poult rymen from all The first of this week a deal was other atatea on means of promoting Mi.-s Minnie Johnson returned to (onsumated whereby W. J. la n e dis­ the poultry Industry. her home in Seattle Friday, after a posed of his jewelry store to a Mr. Work started Monday on a lioo.oo# visit with the John McKercher fam­ Uhrcn from North Dakota. The new structure to replace tha burned build ily at Crawfordsville. man will take charge of the business Ing of the Pacific International L ira Mrs. J F BralHier, Brownsville, this coming week. He is an expsr stock exposition at Portland. It Is ex fenced man at the business, having Halsey Church ol Christ pected that It will be completed by v.as a passenger to Albany, and Mrs. conducted a store In his home state November 1, in time for the holding D Lane of the same place went to for a numtier of year«. You have probably concluded that Portland, Monday. of the annual exposition. Church Announcsnwnts to be tough and durable a shoe must Mr. and Mrs. Lane have been here CUerges against Pendleton meat Another cigaret fire in the grass for over twelve jeers and have built be uncomfortable. You have a new Church of C h rist; markets that they sold sausages and endangered the Calapooia bridge and sense of satisfaction coming with your op a good businss and will now take hamburger tn which sulphates were s:orched the sidewalk before • was Lon -Chamlee, unniffier. first pair of Weyenberg Comflex “All a vacation. They will spend some t out Thursday. Solid Leather’’, shoes. Bible school, 10, W. H . Robert- used is prsservstlves were filed In time here and also taking some side the local jostle« of tha peace court. •o r, superintendent. Rev. E. L. Wood, pastor o’ the trips to various places, and about the Four of them appeared and paid tinea W C V C N B C R C ’S Christian Endeavor, 7. Christian church, look the train at first of September they will leave Morning wership, 11. Lord’s of $25 and costs in etch case Halsey Monday for Myrtle Creek to for their old home In Arkansas for Three members of tha Astoria po­ • upper every Lord’s day. visit home folks. He is on a three- an extended visit. lice force were discharged by City Evening service, 8, The main work of the present ad­ v eeks vacation. I f you want work shoes that will The church without a bishop, in Manager Krata on charges of deliver ministration hat been to bring the wear longer, that will be comfortable The approaching wedding of Rob­ Ing liquor for hootleggert. accepting the country without a king. citv water system un te a standard, and flexible, that will protect your I f you have no church home presents from bootleggers, drinking ert Damon and Miss Georgia Weber and thia work is still going on. A feet and your health -get Weyenberg’s with bootleggers. -Alaobeylng orders was marked but not dampened by a come end worship with us. complete new system has already Comflex with the double-Un aolea— and conduct unbecoming officers. shower Thursday. Glenda Ross and been installed which pumps the water Methodist; we tell them because they offer our cus­ Travel Into Crater Lake National Helen Weber were authors of the directly into the mains, and ordinar­ tomers, at a moderate price, the beat shpwer, though they do not profess park coattnnee to shatter ell records Robert Parker, pastor. ily maintains a fifty pound pressure. aervice that can be bought at any price. Up to July 22 a to u t of 753$ auto tc, bo rainmakers. New fire hydrants have been and ara Bunday School, 10. mobiles, bearing >5.924 vtsHoPS. had Mrs. Mary Robnett on Saturday now being installed in various parts Preaching, 11. entered the park, as compared with took the Halsey trot« for Cottage of the the city, and such work as boa Intermediate League, 7. 4091 automobiles, bearing 13.324 Grove to attend the camp meeting. Epworth League, 7. already been accomplished has been GOOD GOODS visitors, on the same data last year. She was smiling over the arrival of Prayer meeting Thursday, 8, sufficient to reduce the Are rates ia