Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 24, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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» ••••» •••O * * «
J u t * 27-2»
The ,, Flaming Youth " girl
lo bar lataat «ucce«,
♦ ♦ ♦ * » ♦ •* ♦ * *
JULY 14 »,
Hulsey Happening, etc.
Mary Smith
frum pam» 1»
was in
P, A. W illi« virittd Eugene
Marvin M artin went to Harris
burg Tuesday.
C. H . Koontx i, back io the
Blare alter a week at Newport.
Lester Green left Friday lor 8o
ver, where be has employment.
jv rin k a rd and Martin
rove to Portland Sunday
Koonti dro
Mrs. L. E. Walton and
am, M
Georgina Clark were Albany «hoj-
per» Monday.
A. H. Quimby has a new Chevrolet,
purchased from the Murphy Motor
company, Albany.
The county fair premium Hat it
out and can he obtained from the
Ten registered Holstein cowa which
cost »5000 were auctioned off at Scio
lest week ant) brought only beef
Mr. and Mrs. Wahl got home Mon
day after spending several weeks at
the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Mills
t ere with them.
Mrs. Armstrong and Helen were in
Albany Monday and in Eugene Tues
Mrs. Harry Commons and two chil­
dren visited Mrs. Hoflich, her sister
io Albany last week.
A straw stack on Mrs. V. C.
Smith's place caught tire Tuesday
afternoon, after thrashing had been
done. Neighbors, summoned by tele­
phone, saved the thrashed grain by
hauling it away with teams and then,
with a tractor, plowed a atrip around
the fire to keep It from spreading.
G. R. Walker and family returned
borne Sunday from their trip to Yel­
low stone park and other points o'
interest, they having been gone sev­
eral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller and
daughter Cardie drove to Cottage
Grove Sunday and attended the camp
R. A. McCully of Eugene, at one
time in the mercantile busines in
ijalsey, was in this neighborhood on
Adolph Sperling and two sons, who
Farmers are geting $12 to $14 a ( live on the Wesley place, southeast
ton for their hay. O. W. Frum ships of town, were Cascadia visitors S-n-
out four or five carloads a week.
Mi. and Mrs. Karl Bramwell w r e
Delos Wesley is among thou Albany visitors Monday, and Mrs.
who are putting cement sidewalks
Bramwell had her tonsils removed.
in front of their homes.
D. S. McWilliams of Albany was
Mr». L. E. Walton end Kila in Halsey Saturday evening after his
Moore and children, Margaiet and
M»«, wont to Harrisburg Tuesday. I * ' " KlHott. "ho has been working
. ..
i.. . ’ with the Bass & Bierly hay baler.
Miss Elsie Reynolds and sister
Bessie left for Jefferson Saturday,! Mr" Edith Robnett drove to Junc-
to visit at the home of their aunt, lion City Saturday evening to bring
Mrs. W. H. White.
i home her son-
| Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman
Postmaster Karl Bramwell and his amJ niec<l Jun(. , ayU)n nre homp
family were in Brownsville Thursday J ;iftpr ’ Rending part of the summer
Karl went to see the dentist about at Pacific City.
an offending tooth.
He says it hurt.
J. C. Standish was an Albany call-
Thrasbing ie in full blast and J r Saturday,
is yledling better than was expected
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bond and son
With considerably increased prices Wellington spent the week end in
there will lie less need of “help” from , Albany,
government and other banks, which
help consists in a lord of debt to pay
interest on.
Those who lived on second street
last year, with all its duat, and thia
year, with the pavement holding
everything down, are the only ones
who can realise the difference.
W. M . Klug it arte J yesterday
for Bend to eee a new grandxhild
who has come to the born« ol hia
daughter and (her husband, Mr
and Mrs. Nelson Damon, and in
«¡dentally take a vacation of i
co iple of weeks, lie took lbs
train at Halsey, intending to go
over the mountains from (here bt
(o l
The Pine Grove thrashing company
started thrashing Tuesday.
Mrs. R. K. Stewart and granddau­
ghters returned Sunday from Eugene
vhere Mrs. Stewart had been helping
care for her mother who had the mis
fortune to fall and fracture her
P. A. Peterson and family w
Albany visitors last week.
A. L. Knighten and family w
Albany callers Saturday.
Mr. Hoflich installed a light and
v. ater system at the Charles Nichols
farm last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Zimmerman
were Sunday visitors at Mr. Zimmer
man's parents' home.
Mrs. Floyd Nichols had as guests
last week a cousin and family from
Oregon City whom she had not seen
for about twenty years.
C a ll a t o u r
Retail Shops
Linn County Packers
Beef, Mutton, Pork or Veal
U T I C u r a O in tm e n *
L E A R t h e a k in o t
b le m is h e s
Our service w ill pltaseyou.
Inftad from (hat XTtl Si fjntsgubilcaiY
-„ ¿ fo r e « u th« report fR«Z praaaufad
congress one hour before adjourn-
(Enterprise Correspondence)
The Pugh Bros, thrashing machine
tarted last Thursday.
Miss Evans of Eugene
Undine Dannen last week.
Mrs. I.. G. Thompson of Portlanl
is visiting friends hereabouts.
Mrs. O. Shook, who has been visit­
ing in Portland, has returned.
Mrs. Emma Gregory returned last
Thursday from an extended visit
Mrs. W. H. Hobbs has joined her
husband, who was already living in
Miss Undine Dannen gave a party
Saturday night to a number of young
Miss Helen Satchwell and Myrle
Graig of Bellfountain drove to Scio
In another place in this issue is
published a letter from C. V. Vickrey,
general secretary of the near east re-
ief, to J. J. Handsaker. Read it and
’end a contribution to feed and clothe
little orphans. Send it to J. J.
Handsaker, 613 Stock Exchange build
ng, Portland. Promptness is im­
portant and may save lives
Mr. and Mrs. George Starr and
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Curry were Al­
bany callers Saturday.
Democratic Platform
(Continued fro m pace 3)
Its de c la ratio n o f confidence In the Ideal
o f w orld peace, the Iseagrie o f N atio n «
and the w o rld c ourt o f Juatlce as tog eth er
c o n s titu tin g the auprem e e ffo rt o f the
s tatesm an sh ip and rellfflous convictio n of
ou r tim e to org a n ize th e w o rld fo r peace.
F u rth e r, th e D e m o c ra tic p a rty declared
th a t It w ill be the purpose o f the n e x t
a d m in is tra tio n to do a ll In Its po w er to
secure fo r o u r c o u n try th a t m o ra l le a d e r­
ship In the fa m ily o f n a tio n s w h ich . In the
providence o f Ood, has been so c le a rly
m ark e d out fo r It.
T h e re Is no s u b s titu te fo r the Taeaffue of
N a tio n s as an agency w o rk in g for peace
th e re fo re we believe th a t. In the Interest
o f p e rm a n e n t peace, and In the liftin g of
the g re a t bu rd en s of w a r fro m the backs
o f / h e people, and In o rd e r to establish a
p e rm a n e n t fo re ig n policy on these su­
prem e questions, not subject to change
w ith c h a n g in g o f p a r ly a d m in is tra tio n . It
Is desirable, wise and necessary to lift
this question out o f the p a rty politics and
to th a t end to ta k e the sense o f the A m e r­
ican people a t a re fe re n d u m election, s i
vlsory to the go ve rn m e n t, to be held offi­
c ia lly un der a c t o f congress, free from
a ll o th e r questions and candidacies a fte r
am ple tim e fo r fu ll consideration and dis­
cussion th ro u g h o u t the c o u n try , upon the
question. In substance, as follow s:
‘H hall the U n ite d S tates become a mem
t>er o f the L eague o f N a tio n s upon such
reservatio ns o r am e n d m e n ts to the cove
n a n t o f th e league as the P resident and
the senate o f th e U n ite d S tates m ay
agree upon?"
Im m e d ia te ly upon an a ffirm a tiv e vote
we w ill c a rry out such m andate.
Second and Lyon streets
or order by parcel post
C h o ic e s t c u ts o f
S hedd
318 W. First street J
b u y C a t t lo , H o e s ,S h e e p
an d P o u ltr y
........... **»« «*•'!
W e fa v o r and w ill prom ote deep w a te r ­
ways fro m the G re a t I-a k e s to the G u lf
and to the A tla n tic ocean.
W e fa v o r a po licy fo r the fo s te rin g and
bu ild in g of In land w a te rw a y s an d th e re ­
m oval o f d isc rim in a tio n a g a tas t w a te r
tra n s p o rta tio n .
Floud c ontrol and the
lo w ering o f flood levels la essential to the
safe ty o f life and p ro p erty , the productlv
ity o f ou r lands, the n a v ig a b ility of oui
stream s and the re c laim in g o f ou r wet
and overflow ed lands and th e creatio n of
h y d r o e le c tr ic p o w e r. W e f a v o r th e ex
p e d ltlo u s c o n s tru c tio n o f flood r e lie f
w o rk s on th e M is s is s ip p i an d C o lo ra d o
r iv e r s a n d a ls o such r e c la m a tio n and
Ir r ig a t io n p ro je c ts upon th e C o lo ra d o
r iv e r as m a y be fo u n d to be fe a s ib le
and p r a c tic a l.
W e f a v o r lib e r a l a p p r o p ria tio n s for
Last Sunday a fire which started
Mrs. Kathleen Chandler and
in a room over the Albany bakery,
i'aughter Gladys arrived yesterday
Albany, destroyed the building, which
I » Visit at the home of W . H.
Iwlonged to E. Firchau, and the ad­
K irk.
joining one. constituting the frontage
il. W. Chance and H Clingman of the half block on Lyon ' street
and wives attended 'Mrs. Cusb- The bakery, "the home of the good p ro m p t c o -o r d in a te d s u rv e y s b y th«
n ite d S ta te s to d e te rm in e th e possi­
n.an's tale, near Rrownsvllle, old 5-cent loaf," had been turning b U ilitie
s o f g e n e r a l n a v ig a tio n Im p r o v e ­
out more products than any other m en ts and w a t e r p o w e r d e v e lo p m e n t
on n a v ig a b le s tre a m s an d th e ir t r ib u ­
I M Ringo and wife of Leba- in the county. It was completely de­ ta rie s . to secu re r e lia b le In fo r m a tio n as
e m ost e c o n o m ic a l n a v i g a t i o n im ­
Lofl and Mr. Ringo's
uiotln-r, stroyed. Mr. Firchau Agues his loss p io ro th
v e m e n t, In c o m b in a tio n w it h th e
I or* Salem, called on Mrs. Adda at $4.1,419, about half covered by in m ost e ffic ie n t an d c o m p le te d e v rlo p m e n t
of w a t e r p o w e r.
I iugo Sunday.
W e fa v o r suspension o f th e g ra n tin g of
He announces that the loss has not
Mr and M rs . fed Templeton lessened his courage, but increased it federal w a te r poorer licenses by the fed
e rs l w a te r pow er com mission u n til con­
end Mrs Maude Ackley attended instead, and that the bakery, which gress has received rep orts fro m the w a te r
power com mission w ith reg ard to applica
»• • Presbyterian svttod at Ettgeue
contained the latest improvement* ilona fo r such licenses.
Su (lay and went to Alsea Tuet-
in apparatus lor producing high
quality goods at tbo lowest eoel,
I. H Safley has returned t‘> his will Io rebu ilt, o ther it tbo old
Io me at Drain alter a stay with location or at s< mo other p'are, as
W e b e lie v e w it h T h o m a s Jeffe rs o n
hia son Jesse. He was taking an contained the latest improvement in a n d fo u n d e rs o f th e re p u b lic t h a t I g ­
because ol apparatus for producing
quality n o ra n c e Is th e e n e m y o f fre e d o m and
s ta te , b e in g re s p o n s ib le fo r
goods at the lowest cost, will b* re­ th ha e t In each
te lle c t u a l an d m o ra l q u a lific a tio n s
Its c ltls e n s a nd f o r th e e x p e n d itu re
Mrs J. M. Newton and daugh* built, either at the old location, as o o f f th
e m on e y s c o lle c te d by ta x a tio n fo r
H r and Mr*. W illiam Newton and quickly as possible after the insur- he s u p p o rt o f Its schools, s h a ll use Its
_____ ____
I’ttle granddaughter,
from ___
near ence is adjusted. Since the fire he s o v e re ig n r ig h t In a ll m a tte r s p e r t a in ­
g to e d u c a tio n . T h e fe d e ra l g o v e r n ­
Crawfordsville,'took tbo train here ’ir’
deluged with telegrams in
m e n t sh o u ld o ffe r to th e s ta te s such
lor Kugesie Monday.
' f rom users of his products in all di- c oun sel, a d v ic e a n d a id as m ay be
m ad e a v a ila b le th r o u g h th e fe d e ra l
Rev M 8. Woodworth of t h . '
wh“n * * W0U“
g e n c le s f o r th e g e n e r a l Im p ro v e m e n t
J. R. Geddes, once principal of the
Halsey schools and singer in the
Christian church choir, passed thru
on Monday afternoon on his n tu m
from his farm at Mill City to his resi­
dent-» in Eugene. His «on, A. K.
Geddes, once I.ion count» sur
veyor, while in the employ ol the
city of Eugene last Saturday was
seriously Injured in a collision of
an auto with a railroad train.
The Clear Lake caravan will leave
Albany next Thursday morning at 8.
lunch at Upper Soda Springs soon
after noon and enjoy a barbecue at
Clear Ijike in the evening, according
to present plans. Governor Pierce
promises to he there. Next day the
big water sources will be explored and
the majority of the party will come
back on Saturday. Should Mr. And
erson’a project be carried through, Brownsville Baptist ohurch was
her. the Other dav distributing
this valley will have water, light and
>r for t h . B o n t l.;
power from one of the big enter mootings, which begin Aug. R.
prieet of the country.
Mr» Edith R ob’iott was tending
, oatoffioe
Mondav w hile Karl
Bramwell and family mad. a Isip
t , Albany
Mrs ¡Bramwell and
Linden had their 1« nails removed
Pine Grove Patters
(E n te rp ris e C orrespondence)
Nebergall Meat
Last Thursday morning D. W'ard,
v ho had escaped from the county jail
once before, walked out and locked
Sheriff Richard in, giving the Intter
a dose of hia own medicine. Richard
had to call help to get out. Ward
Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Marks, M . and
Mrs. G. W. Laubner and Mr. and Mrs
C. P. Stafford went to Cascadia Sun
E. C. Miller and family were Cas
cadia callers Sunday.
Elmer Munson was in Albany on
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Tusaing and
D. J. Hayes drove to Portland Sat
urday, returning Sunday.
IL W. Chance and wife and grand
son Harry and II t Clingman called
cn friends and relatives in Browns
ville Saturday.
H. L. Straley and family were Ai
bany callers Wednesday.
Rev. Robt. I. Parker, Keith Hayes
and Currin Miller went to Cottage
Grove Friday to the camp meeting.
Mr. Gilkey, manager of the county
fair, states that he proposes to spend
the advertising fund this year in
reaching people through the news
papers, rather than through posters
and other miscellaneous methods. He
is not alone. A dispatch from Owa
(onna, Minn., says: The Steele Coun
•_> Agricultural society will dlscontin
je entirely the use of billboards and
window card advertising to advertise
•he Steele county fair this year ac
■ording to an announcement just
made by the directors. Instead of
these mediums they will confine their
advertising entirely to the newspap
?rs, and will use printer’s ink in
Treater quantity than ever. Last
ear they advertised in C7 papers
and this year they will use many
W ,w 8Urted
b~ " 0W ,P‘*d th* "'*ht »*'««-«•
by *
»"d « cigaret
or » match is the suspected cause
Another heavy tribute paid to to*
, n the other bttil<Hnr thp Hub
n e . nln)f W(,rki wer,
Bted. Mr
Mlnt(ln wa, ahlp
iave moat of thp
In circuit uourt at the request of wtovabbe.
Fak*. county Rod, Mr Minton saved moat of the ap-
Croea secretary, who a lleges that paratua of the Hub Cleaning works
the m other is not a fit person to and has taken a five-year lease of
o have custody o l the children, premier at Second and Frtw Arqgt^.
today was set for the reopening af where he is going ahead a if there
the Armstrong divoroo ca st,
[ had been no fire.
Mias Marv
T h e D e m o c r a tic p a r t y p le d g e e It s e lf
a c t iv e ly . e fftc te n tlv a n d e c o n o m ic a lly «0
c a r r y on th e r e c la m a tio n p r o je c ts , and
to m a k e e q u ita b le a d ju s t m e n t f o r th e
m is ta k e s th e g o v e r n m e n t has m ade.
No. 19, 11.37 a. m.
No. 17, 12:13 p. m.
24, 4:27 p nt.
23, 7.26 p. in.
22, 3.2U a nt.
21, 11:32 p. ut.
Nos. 21 and 22 stop only if flagge 1
No. 14, due Halsey at 5:09 p. in., stops
to let off passengers from south of
No. 23 runs to Kttgene only.
No. 21 runs to Eugene, thence Marsh­
W e fa v o r the Im m ed ia te passage o f such
le g is la to r, as m ay be necessary to enable field branch,
th e states effi< le n tly to enforce th e ir law s | Passengers for south of Roseburg should
re la tin g to th e g ra d u a l fin a n c ia l s tra n -
r lln g o f Innocent Investors, w o rk e rs and lake No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer
consum ers, caused by the In d is c rim in a te to No. 15.
prom otion, refin a n c in g an d re o rg a n ls n g
o f corporation s on an in fla ted and o v e r­
cap ita lis e d basts, re s u ltin g a lre a d y in the
u n d e rm in in g a nd collapse o f m an y ra il
roads, public service an d In d u s tria l cor­
delivery window of the
porations. m a n ife s tin g its e lf in u n e m p lo y ­
m en t. Irre p a ra b le loss and w aste, and Halsey pogtoffiee in open Sunday»
w h ich c o n s titu te a serious m enace to the
from 10:40 to 10:50 a. in. and 12:15
s ta b ility o f o u r econom ic system .
T h « f« d « ra l tra d e r o m m le lo n ha» »uh
m ltte d to the R ep u b lic an a d m in is tra tio n
num erous rep o rt» s h ow lne th e existence
o f m onopolies a nd c om bin ations In r e ­
s tra in t o f tra d e , and hae recom m ended
proeeedlncs a r a ln a t these v io la to rs o f the
la w . T h e fe w proaecutlons w h ich h ave re
suited fro m th is a b u n d a n t evidence fu r
nlshed by thia agency c reated by the
D em o c ra tic p a rty , w h ile p ro v in g th e In ­
d ifference o f th e a d m in is tra tio n to the
v io latio n s o f la w by tru s ts a nd monopo
lies and Its frie n d s h ip fo r th e m , neve rth e
less dem o n s trate tlie v alu e of th e fe d e ra l
tra d e com m ission.
W e declare t h a t a p riv a te m onopoly Is
In defen sible and in to le ra b le , and pledge
th e D em o c ra tic p a r ty to vigorous e n fo rc e ­
m ent o f « s ittin g la w s a g a in s t m onopoly
and Ille g a l c om bin ations, and to th e en­
a c tm e n t o f such f u r th e r m easures as m ay
be necessary.
to 12:30 p. m.
Sunday mail goes out only on
the north-bound 11:37 train:
M ail goes south once a day, closing at
11:05 a. tu. ; north twice, closing 11-25
a. nt. aud 5:30 p. m. M a il stage lor
Brownsville. Craw fordsville and Sweet
Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. nr.
Paid-for Paragraphs
(5c a line)
Chicken dinner Sunday.
Good Eat« Restaurant.
Old patter» for »ale at 5c a I undle
at the Enterprise office. '
Francis W. Nugen
Mr. Nt'gen was bom at Spokane,
June 25. His father died when he
LABOR, CHILD WELFARE was 6. His mother slipped away and
he was an orphan. Ho met the world
L a b o r Is not a com m o dity. I t Is hu m an.
with a strong will and a magnificent
W e fa v o r c ollective b a rg a in in g and la w s
re g u la tin g hours o f la b o r an d conditions
under w h ich la b o r is p e rfo rm e d . W e fa v o r
As a student at Columbia Junior
th e e n a c tm e n t o f le g is la tio n p rovid ing
college, Milton, he married Mies Ruth
th a t the products o f convict la b o r shipped
Williams, June 15, 1922. Fourteen
fro m one s tate to a n o th er s h a ll be subject
• o the la w s o f th e la tte r s ta te e x a c tly as
months ago a son was born to them.
chough they had been produced th e re in .
Last year Mr. Nugen served the
In o rd e r to m itig a te un em p lo y m e n t at
•.ending business depression, we urge the
Sweetwater and Lapwai charges, in
-n a c tm e n t o f le g isla tio n a u th o ris in g the
Idaho, as pastor, ably seconded by
•onstruction and re p a ir o f pu blic w o rk s
>e In itia te d in periods o f a cu te un em plov -
his wife. For the past seven months
he has been in charge at Alford, Lake
W it h o u t H ie v o te s o f D e m o c r a tic
Creek, Pine Grove and Peoria, and
n e m b e rs o f th e c o n g re s s th e c h ild la -
Tor a m e n d m e n t w o u ld not h a v e been
his pastoral visits from home to home
4 u b m itte d f o r r a tific a tio n .
on foot marked him as practical.
Largely with his own hands he paint­
ed, kclsomined, etc., the parsonage
and the church walls, ceilings and
F r o m th e d a y o f t h e ir b ir t h fr ie n d ly
floor. He had planned the complete
•e la tlo n s
e x is te d
b e tw e e n
th e
renovation of the surroundings.
« a tln -A m e r ic a n
re p u b lic s
a nd
th e
He planned to attend college next
’ n lte d S ta te s .
T h e f r ie n d s h ip g ro w s
» tro n g e r as o u r r e la tio n s becom e m ore
year, paying his way by labor in
n tln ia te .
T h e D e m o c r a tic p a r t y sends
harvest fields and logging camps.
o th e s e re p u b lic s Its c o r d ia l g r e e t in g ;
Jod h i s m ad e us n e ig h b o rs — ju s tic e
June 25 last, just two years from
h a ll k e e p us frie n d s .
'he day of his marriage, came his
death by drowning, as narrated in
last week’s Enterprise.
The funeral, at the Peoria chuTch,
v as largely attended and the floral
tributes were elaborate. A practical
trstimonial of sympathy was a liber­
spontaneous gift of money pre­
The Democratic party affirme ite ad
îerence and devotion to those cardinal sented to the widow, who will inter
the remains of the deceased near her
principles contained in the Conetitu
ion and the precepts upon which our home at Gifford, Idaho.
government is founded, that congress
shall make no laws respecting the es­
tablishm ent of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof, or abridging
the freedom of speech or of the press,
or the right of the people peaceably
to aaaembla and to petition the gov­
ernment for a redress of grievance«,
th a t the church and state shall be
and remain separate, and that no re.
liglout test shall ever be required as
a qualification ta any office of publ.s
trust under the United States.
These principles we pledge our­
selves ever to defend and maintain.
W e Insist at all times upon obedience
to the orderly precesses of the law
and deplore and condemn any effort to
arouse relifllAue or racial dissension.
Affirming our faith In thee» principles
we submit our cause to th e people.
Boar Pigs
W rit» or phono J. H . V ansick
The funeral »ervioos were (ton-
ducted lie Rev. J. C. Jon es, ad
old mid devoted friend, assisted by
H ev Messrs E J. Harper and II.
I!. 'I at» of his district.
wore K e v .
iVe’sr». Tai'*. Laird, Harper and
G ill epie and J. W . La Mar and
Albert Bayne.
Miss M retit H »rrison went to
Eujen* yesterday.
Electric Trolley Ferry
One of the uinst unusual appli­
cations nf electric power to the
•o ik t.f the world is (he electric
ferry cn the W il'aniette river at
Independence. It operates from,
an o eri.ead trolley. 1200 fret in
length, spanning the river, and
lisplaced au old gasolne ‘ engine
The installation consists of a
two-hone power motor, direct-con-
ui-et»d to the gear parts of a
Fordson tractor, which operates
side wheels by mean» of a chain
W ith the old-style drive the
ferry took 20 minutes for the round
trip end the eperatiog cost wes
♦ 150 a month. Under electric op­
eration the round-trip time ha*
been reduced to two minutes and
the operating cost to 120 a month.
Current is furnished by the Moun­
tain Ststes Power company.— TLe
Open Window.
o f o u r schools In v ie w of o u r n a tio n a l
TTie C Jaq je o i Literature. Science ,
end the A rts with 22 departments
T h e D e m o c ra tic p a r ty w a s fo re m o st
In u r g in g Im m e d ia te r e c la m a tio n fo r
th e a rid a nd s e m l-a r id la n d s o f th e
W est
T h e la n d s a re lo ca te d In th e
u b l’c -la n d a ta t* a s n l. th e r e fo re it Is
t h * d ’it v o f th e g o v e rn m e n t to u tlltg e
th e ir rts o u rc e s by r e c la m a tio n
Hom s
s tea d e n try
n.en u n d e r r e c la m a tio n
projects h a v e s u ff» r* d fr o m th e eg
:ra’ e g s n t In effic ie n c ie s and m is ta k e s
• f th e fe d e ra l g o v e rn m e n t.
T h e r e c la m a tio n act o f 1>14. recom
m en ded by th e f a c t - f in d in g c o * m !« s lo a .
•n d m e n t to th e M S
ond d e ficiency a p p ro p ria tio n b ill at the
la s t session o f th e c o n g re s s _ w g t_ * t m
The professional schools of A rc h i­
tecture and A llie d A rts — Business
A dm inistration— Education—G ra d ­
u ate S tu d y— J o u rn a lis m — Law— I
M e d icin e— M u sic— Physical Edu­
cation—Sew tolofty— Extension
For c ealalo^u» or ong mforrratmn I
urr ft D ie Pefutrar. Urin'rrtrt^ of I
O r»io n. Euitnr, Oregon
The <0r»i Year O jvub Septrmher 25, 1924
ol final account
Notice is hereby given that tb t final
account of S S. Hayes as adroinlstratur
with the w ill annexed ol the estate ol
S. A Ktbeltn, deceased, has been filed in
the Ccnnty Court of the State»! O r t l t r
M r I.inn County, and thst the 25tn (Jay
of August, 192a, at the hour of 10
u clock a. m , has been d ot) apoelntrd
by said court for the hearing t»f obje-
tions te said final acconnt-and the settle­
ment thereof, at which t i a i l any person
nlereeted in said estate may appearand
file objections thereto Io w ritin g and
contest the same
Dated and first pub­
lished July IS, 1924
S S. H » v M , -
A dm inistr ator aforesaid-
A. A. TfSiiw c, Atfy. for Admr.