« ^^banyj£/)irectory & ib**y ^¿)ifactory—Continued FARM LOANS W rite for booklet d 'scrilung our -2#- T h is is good a d v ic e " I I you liv e vettr Rural Credit Amortized l.usut. in Albany, trade iu Albany , if you live The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ in some other town, trade in that tow n ." tirin g the principal. Cheap rases. No Hut in these automobile days many re­ delay. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do Be am L and C o ., at least part ol their buying in the 1.13 Lyon St.. Albany, Ore larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments w ith courtesy an t fairness. A I bany Floral Co. .C u t flowers a * and p lan ts Floral art for every and all occasions. ’ Flow er phone 458-1. Albany Electric Store. SHOE g SERVICE z Radio I s > sets. Electric w iring. Dele* Light products 202 Second W il l s r o W m . h ö f l ic h . G lbwm W hy suffer from headache? uto EiactriC Service— Ktcharg- A Have your eyes exam ined able A & b batteries— W IL L A R D storage battery.., Phone2A 119-121 W Second st. H . D Frestoc—J.C . Cochran B lue HUGH PENDEXTER C o p yrig h t by The B o b b e -M e rrlll Co. (Continued from pate 2) S. T . F R E N C H Bird {Instaurant, 30W Lyon street. Eat here when in Albany Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8 Optometrist, with M rs . M lovmt . F . M . f r e n c h & S o n s J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S r u n s w ic k B i Shoes that cost less per month of wear j P H O N O G R A P H S at W O O D W O R T H ’S Albany, Oregou D avenport Music company offer» Quality Piano-case organ, good at new Eatey orgah, good-as new Used Pianos.________ T ________________ W h a t a »atinfactien to know astburo Bros.— Two big g ro cery that your K R Y P iO K G LA SSES stores, 212 W. First and 225 South are built upon the highest stand­ M ain. Good merchandise at the right ard of Q U A L IT Y . prices. Anyone buying for quality will lite Cafeteria ami confectionery s-k for K R Y P T O K S . E E Home cooking. Pleasant surround- ings. . Courteous, efficient service. W e make our own candies. W ./S . U u n c a *. P irns developed afid printed. F rst garage going north. F Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline. .repair work. W. H. H u l b u r T. T ire s and accessories R epairs K irk -P ollak M otor C o . Meade & Albro, O p t metristä. M anufacturing Opticians Albany, Oregon PVirtmiller Furnituie Co., lu in - ■T ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 4Ï7-4J.I west First street Albany, Oregon. F u l l e r grocery , 2&> ty « i. (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Fruits Produce Groceries Phone 2t>3R F Modern * BarberShop A Lautidrv sent Tuesday» Agency Hub Cleaning Works A B E ’S P L A C E W . S E X A U E R , auto and geu- • e ral p a in te r G et my estimate. 2<>1 E. First street Amor A. Tussing o lm a n a jackson H Grocery— Bakery E v e ryth in g in the line o( eats O pposite H ub Cleaaii g Wti'k*. Inc. H LAW YER i or. Becoond and Terry Master Dyers and Cleaners M a ile -T o -M e s s u re Clothes H alsey , All work Jone piom ptly and reason­ ably. M Official Stroniberg carburetor serv­ ice station. Conservative prices All work guaranteed 119-121 W . Second a r in e l l o parlors M (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel Prep.. W immifrmd R osf . fen and money are best when - - I busy. Make your dollars work in our savings department. A lbany S ta TF B aku , tinder government supervision Mf O O R E ’S M U S IC H O U S E M • E veryth in g m usical" 223 W . First s t __________ _________ _ M [ Motor Co. Buick mid Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and accevsories. • ' Albany. Oregon._ Pilone tot). O hkgon F. M. GRAY. D RAYM AN A G N E T O ele c tr ic co . u ip liy AND NOTARY l’ostoflice uh Cmidv t o . , First »tieet, next door to Blain C lothing Co. Noon lunches. . Home made candr and ice Cream» l'lioue N r. 269 HALSEY Cream * . 4 and Produce Station * Cash paid for Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides. M. H- SH O O K D ELBER T STA R R funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer Efficient Service. Motor Hears» Ladv A tte n d a n t Brow n f v ille .......... . ............ O regon OSCOE A M E S H A R D W A R E , R the W IN C H E S T E R S T O R E .322 W First st S. G IL B E R I à SON S • Builders' and shelf hardware, gar den tools, crockery and glassware New S t o c k . _________ N *w low pricer W - L W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director Halsey and Harrisburg Call D. T avlo R. Halter. or W. L. W RIGHT. Harrisburg T IM F O N T H E S H O E DOCTO R S Second street opposite Ham ilton'» **ore‘ DR. W H E TST O N E "Sudden Service." D E N T IS T he T m a r g u e r it e shoppe HALSEY HOTEL Shampooing. M arcelling and Scalp Treatm ents Margaret Çountrynian, Prop - “ Phone one 158! Globe i heater bldg Watlneaday and Friday 12 to 8:30 aldo Anderson A 8cm. distrib W utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai mers, Esse«, Hudson A H upm oN le cara Accessories Siipnliea. 1st A Broadalbin FURNITURE and FARM MACHINERY bought, sold and eachsnged st all times \ BEN T. S U D T E L L K - ■ phone 7 » R I2 J N . RroaaUlbin i t . Albany FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest Real Estate Prom pt sen ice Inaurane« Courteous treatm ent. WM B*»». Fu®“’ *• r,r* t s* v"’«' builmng. Albany A” going away T o O r e g o n s Vac at ion land low roundtrip fares Southern Pacific We mail them n g llt back to yon Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or egon. ord sales and service J U L Y 24. 1924 H U .S’ÎY ENTER PRIST. PAGE 5 oc-.»Miru M t called upon to vindi­ cate Ids a r t and loudly protested: | "I've made plctuxee of lots o f men In this town, bigger men than Bandy Allen They never got rued When I was with the Sioux I mads one of old One Stab, who married Red Cloud's daughter. He was so pleased he gave me a rifle. Lots of men In Son Juan I Joe'e p'ace buy ray pictures. Bandy ' Allen don't went to get nppleb with me, or I'll tell Jo«, "But I ’m much obliged to you, stranger Tou meant well. Still I don’t think Bandy Allen would hare hurt roe I'm wakan wdtsbesha, you know. W hite men et well as the Sioux ' are finding that o u t” W ith s duck of his heed he worked his w s , through the group and Into the street “ Who I t he? W hat Is he?" Inquired : Dlnsdsle. The men « e re eyeing him curiously. 1 A m iner Informed h im : “Scissors Is a natural fool In every- thing outside o f cutting paper Into pic­ tures and talking polite. He blew into the hills right a fte r Custer was wiped o u t He was caught on ths way by some of Crary Horse's hocks. Seeing he whs foolish they didn't skin him Crater Lake, Tillam ook, Newport, Coca alive offhand. And when they found Day beaches, Oregon Caves, the McKenzie ont what he could do w ith scissors and River and scores o f delightful m ountain paper they took him to he big medi­ resort» in O regon are available for your cine H e can cut out buffalo, elk, hear, vacation this summer. any animal or bird. He can ent out horses on the dead gallop, or a whole Special low roundtrip fares ere now In string of men fighting, or anything.” effect to all points. Stopover» along the line. "H e mnai have been educated some­ A n d on F rid ay x, Saturdays and Sunday« where before he went foolish," mused even lo w e r ro u n d trip fare« are sold, w ith ­ Diflsdale. "H e talks well. What's his real name?” o u t stopover* along th e ro u te. These fare» “Don't know. H e ’« Just Scissors to Lave a return lim it of 16 days. us, «nd Two Knives T alking to the In­ Tor com plete in fo rm a tio n an d copy o f o u r juns. W ell, he's lucky In one way— boo klet “ O rego n O u td o o rs ’* co m m u n icate he don't have to pack any guns In his outfit." w ith And the miner glanced significantly at Dlnsdale'« two big Colts C P. M O O D Y , ih-hrv. A g e n t-P I»"» 2 3 " I have to pack guns, and I can use two at once," Dlnsdsle Informed him, his face hardening. “Some of you fellows get the same hstdt and there 11 be few er Injun killings.” "An' fewer stage holdups,” supple­ mented a voice from the back o f the crowd. "W hy, surely, If you know how to use your guns and have snnd enough of work. If I won't he s merchant nr k ■' to take s chance,” agreed Dlnsdsle. I H e waited a few moments to eve tf miner I can be a gambler tlam hlv.y others ivkhed to Indulge In Innuendo, seem to be thought of highly her».’* I t was late afternoon of the day he srtd as the men remained silent he re­ had met Mrs. Colt when he passed turned to the street. through the entrance of San Juan “ I'm doing well,” he grimly m ulteied as he aimlessly wandered down the Joe's tent. Although It was not the street. "In town only for a few hours rush hour a considerable number of and already I ’ve thrown a gun on a men were trying their luck at faro, bow legged scrub— and offered to fight roulette and monte. For aeveral minutes Dlnsdale sought Ran Juan Joe. although the public doesn’t know about that. Reckon I'll to locate the proprietor, but was un drop around and see Joe. I owe him successful. Satisfied he was not In the some sport because of the girl. I 'l l tent, Dlnsdale wandered to the fnro see if I can't put him In a better hu­ layout and placed a few bets, staking greenbacks, to the envy of the other mor." players. He quit the game a hundred dollars winner and without any en­ C H A P T E R (V thusiasm pas.cd on to a roulette wheel I and quickly dropped the gold he had Hunting for Action. He smiled as If pleased For two days Dlnsdale walked and won at fnro. rods up and down Deadwood Gulch when a man exclaimed: "There goes the greenback man I” and made several stunt trips Io out­ H e was slowly tusking for the exit lying places. Most of these digging« He were abandoned because of the Ind ian when a shrill voice halted him. scare, and the few being worked were turned to face the grinning Scissors The fellow had bis paper and sclgsms i j under a heavy guard. Several time» lie passed San Juan In band, hut what made Dlnsdule's J««'B big tent. In fro nt of which stood eyes widen was the great horned owl W ..-S sn Indian medicine-pole, hut saw noth­ perched on Scissors' shoulder. " I want you tn meet Sitting Bull," “They Might Olvs Yeu Some te e d lw- ing of the proprietor. Once he met tte td ef Geld.” Warned Dinedele. K itty the Schemer. Il was on the . slid Scissors, reselling up s band to road to Crook City. He was re h i'n ln g ’ tickle the owl's bead, w 'tbln two nights a ft - r It s happened." to f/eadwood, snd she was t i d i n g | "Ilow dy-do, Sitting Bull, g ravel, "But If these geutlen en of tl.e road north tn the company of several men. I greeted Dtrisdule. knew you talked like (his they might t "Chief, this Is the young man I was She Hashed lilni a smite and bowed not like It. They might give you w in s I telling y«u about. Friend of min«. graciously. He asked him self: lend Instead of gold." warned Dine Ain't many folks that cun tam e an owl "W hat Is the llttls cat planning n o w t dal». j and have him lik e S ittin g H u ll," Beta Sharp claws." 8hlm "tKwi'g and pick np a living S< tssnr. heceme flurried and backer, call at th« house to see Bottle Cnrl till take kindly Io any man trying games on me or Kitting Dull.” I » « , from Dlnsdsle as If suddenly I say so You snd your-Vwo gnns!" He I,eld the silhouette before the afraid of h lto ; but he repeated: 'S u re ly other men w ear tw o gun« Mexican and raised four fingers. The "Just tell them It Isn't an. Now I In Deadwood,” hs defended. tnnal tusks a picture of 'H o i eeshoe' "Scoundrels do, snd men who hav« Mexican gazed with much pleasure at The big hat Intrigued Webb, over at the monte tshte,” an honest right to wear .them , f re the likenc«« A pause and e sharp glance at Hins­ you a guard on a treasure coa«h? hlin. and lie handed over four bit« and dale's expressionless fer e. Guarding any diggings? ( Going to tucked the paper In hla ahtrt. fictssora •H e 's t e r , u g t, or ear, good nstured fight Injuns? Aa fnr as f>cnn make turned back to the amused Dtnsdals la hls drinks. Just now ht's good ae- nut you ain't even a gambler. You r ’d« snd confided : "T h a t’s the way It goes I f Jos tursd." around, but don't seem knen to be knew how much I take In he'd probe- W ith s hasty dn k o f hla heed, whlctk earning an honest living." Took tn moat the big owl teemed to Im itate, lie sldleil " I f I don't want to work, that's toy bly ask for a rake off The night ought to hta w s , to the monte table, uberw business. I f I do want to ,w o rk , and sn ounce today floreeshoe Webb was twisting h it hugu can afford to w ait till V strike some- bring It up to two ounces, mayhs black must ache snd smiling amiably. thing to suit, that also (A my business. 1 more. You don't say'" exclaimed Dlnsdale. Webb wore e gayt,-embroidered buck­ I won t bother yon, M r^ Colt. Ko long si you're good to L otfle Car! potldng 1 "And what do you do with all yout skin cost snd carried an leer,-handled gold?' revolver et the front of hla belt. From else m a tters " Bclssnvs' amlnble grin gave p'a • to below the skirts of the east protruded "Ton talk pert. You’ve toll’ , me to I the decorated sheath of • long knife keep my nose out of your b> wine»«. en expression of fear D lm d a'e shifted hta position so th a t " T h a i’s telling." lie muttered “8ft- But I ain't going to git fired u p 'o v e r that. Toti're new here. Your of flng Bull knows, and I know. T hat a he might study Webb mere rto»ely. H e ! coming made you known to t hie v.dio'e enough to know. And no one »iso has was large end gaunt of fram e, and , e t : tim e to think about ms They're whis­ was r e t , rain . He covered bis uncouth» 1 town. Whet you do Is noticed.' pering on the street today that some flgure with the softest of bu-Msklaei "T-ottle Carl Is too green ,1« look a fter herself, I fired a p ro m p t paying n»w men are tn town, some Stint have and received hls neme from s horse shoe if brilliants worn In h's neck boarder yesterday, fired him n a k mid robbed » railroad train. I dun t want those fellows to hear about my saving« scatf And he «as Inordinately proud baggage, for wlnklug at her. She ain't Ktlll I hope they are here They throw of hls long Hack muttnebe. I In a n , danger In m , house, but I f you J the!» dust around m lg t», freellke.” i To lie continued) aJn't the proper aort I'd have in , I "flo w do jou know that unless yon BARBER SHOP "Hold Yer Yap, Y e r Poor Fool Idiot I" Roared Allen. he big medicine and let him live, OOd he saw thing».'' ‘‘I whs wakan wltshashn, nlyfctery man," proudly recited the man called Sriasor*. "A ny one might get to be pejihut« wll»ha»ha, a common grass root mmi. but I whs wakan. Before they could cut off my arms I pulled out my little scissors end niHde a pic­ ture of th eir chief. They thought It was magic. It was magic. None of you fellers e ie r see tt done before. I t » an art. Always could do tt. I can go anywhere In these hills and If the Indians see my scissors they won't hurt me Can't remember when t couldn't do It. Ree here.” H e whipped out s pair of scissors end a piece of paper, and, squinting a t ' Bandy Allen, began cutting the paper w ith marvelous rapidity. He held the scissors in one position, work­ ing the blades, and turning the paper back and forth and 111 half-circles In a most bewildering manner. "The Sioux call me Two Knives T alk in g —each eqlesors blade Is a knife to “them, you know,” he explained In a singsong voice as he whirled the paper, Ilinsdale studied him w ith much sympathy. He was a slight, washed out looking epeclinen, and b it face was vseOou». H e had all the appear­ ances of one m entally unbalanced. Allen lowered at him w rsthfu lly. un decided w hether to remain as an ac­ commodation to the artist or to w ith ­ drew. T he men suddenly raised a sheiit of laughter, and Scissors triu m ­ phantly held up the result' of his skill. It was an exceeding', clever carica­ ture of AJIeu w ltl) the long, ragged hair and bow legs grotesquely accentu­ ated. ''Give me four hits for It?" asked Rctwors, ruffling his thin yellow hair and tentatively offering the picture to “Allen. > '' Roaring an oath, Alien ran hie eyes over the grinning feces and dropped s hand ou s gun. “Who's laughin' et to«?” he demand­ ed, advaclng a few steps The smiles vanished Rtandlng In front of Scissors, he drew beck his fist to drive it Into the simple face. Hinsdale stepped between the two end Informed A lle n : "I was laughing, too. I'm laughing new.” And he grinned broadly. The men scattered. Allen reached for both guns, hot with a flirt of bis hand Dlnedale had him coveted and was saying: "Better keep your hands out of mis­ c h ie f Allen controlled hie rage, for the muxx'.e o f the forty-four was moat con­ vincing. 1 "1 wasn't goto' to use a gun on th* fool,” he grumbled. "H e wee m akls' game of tin, an' he ougliter be smash»'! In (he face," Ptnndale slipped the gun Into the W o rk holster and Informed Allen : "Hnve It that I made game o f you. J . W S T E P H E N S O N . Prop Smash me In the face." Allen stared at him furiously, not Instinct warned him to be wary. "1 ain't got any fight w ith you ylt, mister. This feller's s nuisance. Ton didn't have no call to h u 'tt Into this I can make both F A R M an.l C IT Y LOANS at * very row rate ol inteiest game. I'm a poor forgltter.” W ith t in t he turned and swaggered From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par to the door. Dlnsdsle looked a fter irculars « * L aW A B . him thonghtfully for ■ moment, then aelein, Ore. HO Gregoo Bldg laughed lightly. First-class FARM LOANS 5! K > vs. doubts. The little fool seems to tlitnk she belongs to you along of what you fione. Bo w e ll wait a bit, young i now them h , sight '/” quickly asked Dlnsdale. “ Why. road agen'a always do ■ sa" t Very llberwl. I tan atwaya tell when Dinadal« removed his hat and any of them are In here Why, after b»w«d low on leaving her lie walked tlte treas u re conch was robbed of K e n - pa. moodily wondering why he cgr«d ty-fl » thousand I got fifteen ounces of Mean»« the Colt placa «ns rioted to (tu«t In one sfternoou and night kto. T t.ln k o f I t ! K ic r y tim e « hlg haul'« Finally he decided : I "It von t do. I must have ra m se~t um-'e I'm sure of extra m ud profits p ^ *A » j 1 »” Cne o f the thou .atulr. of tobacco tin s occurred when l . I*. Hulejard'a barn nnd lo o ten ts nt M ill torn station on the Oregon electric «« I «.it week. The electric Ix>., :i S1500. burned, railroad d«Co not throw cinders, but orne fo'tl rijro rrt amoket threw bin stub fro m a ra r window.