PAGE 4 HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E JU LY 34 »*** poiK i» i»« -nu. * m .u«i iw* Fertile Eggs Cause Loss Every Summer ’ •' years »fier the organisation of the B A L M Y ENTER PR IBB The national political machines .t geverumeot of Oregon at The ceasus showed a < _ lto T atatrato-aowto have been so well oiled that they “ M tatos* popalatlon of 3114 person*, of which ».kuehre •»•»» T k - « 4 - r h work 8IIloothl uj , Mr Was. it. MMUtCI KM , ' ■ n j g l i f t were classified aa males tag M l as tamales. The old volume Is M m 4 made. . I ■ ■■■■ rip u . . g I . j a re a r Io advance. N ews NotM A M. Cannon of Portland, a referee A iv e rtiu n g , 2 k: an inch ; no diacnun ! 1» (Continued irons tor lim e or apace ; no charge lor coir tn bankruptcy, who defied the Waaco Municipal Im grureiuM t C a trU I Ba. position or c jauges, county authorities to impose a penalty le "Palo fut paragraphe.** le a line 1 also were certified kt Ik* heard. M on him when he was arrested for ne advertis e , disguised as u s a A comprehensive program ta BwlW speeding about a month ago, has cap- To Advertiser. the welfare et the agricultural k“tw Uulated and paid a fine of *40 in the | Copy received before Tuesday is iu cultural an t livestock latw eg tl ef justice court at The Dalles. tim e lor good position. Wednesday i Oregon waa adopted at a aeafereace late and Thursday's m ail is too late. of bankers and ethers at lymea* ua The A. D. Kern company promises der the auspices of the ntataelturnl ««”'»•» rocking the low-pass road Office boars, V to 12 and 2 to 6 eacep: commission of the A m e rle a a B a a k a « '( i Mondays and Friday foreneons. assnclattata I on the Valley-to-Florence highway The Cascade Electric ceauaor has before rain comes. That company asked the federal power eemaalaaiaa ’ promised the same thing in 1922 and L E A G U E W IL L N O T DO W N. The democratic platform takes nc stand whatever on the league of Na tiona. The party says, in effect that It will follow the mandate of the voters. I f every democrat con ducted himself according to that prin ciple there would be a great silencr on the league issue, as the last ex preaslon of public subject registered against it. opinion on the 7,000.000 However, votef the p arty’i candidate, M r. Davis, appears to b< for the league, personally— Albany Herald. There has never been in this country “ an expression of public opin­ ion on the subject” of the entry of the United States into the league of nations, nor a time when a m ajority of the people would have voted against ft. A t the time of the last presidential election a m ajority of the voters of all parties were in favor of our en­ tering the league, but the republican party, to which a m ajority of the voters belong, fearing that such ac tion would reflect credit upon Wood low Wilson end through him upoi the democratic party, to which he belonged, bedeviled the issue with promise of an impossible "association of nations” which should be the ex­ clusive property of that party. Under that specious promise republican party was given lease of ascendancy. the a new It couldn’t fu l­ fil the promise and it did not try to. The thing w hich the fuglem en of that party do not want is a direct referendum on the question. Such a vote would show that the majority of the voters, in spite of the confusion which petty partisanship has injected Into the issue, stand wnere such men as T a ft and Hughes did, squarely in favor o* the membership of this country in the organisation through which nearly all the other nations are trying to put an end to the curse for a permit for a comprehensive new. ln m 3 Maybe ft w ill prom- er project on t ie Salmoa river mm its tributaries In Clackamas coanlr. ise aEa,n in *->25. The plans show that m a x * miles of ■ tunnels and canals wffl kg rx u lre d 1 The poultrymen’s^convention at O. A. C. will be July 23 to 25. In the development A conference of governor# and More tourists are visiting Oregon beads of penal Institution. ai Cali­ fornia, Washington and Oregon will than ever before. be held In Salem September 4 and 5 *.o consider the Installation and main­ tenance of Institutional tadustrlca. In line with a plan proposed hv the na­ tional committee on prison aad prison U S . -H E — * ■ - — will do what wc labor. n H C Q l C l l l © claim for I t - Permits Issued to the Oregon Trail rid your lyitcm of Catarrh or Dea/nesi stages and Raars & Coldiron, both caused by Catarrh. SoU i f dryuittt /to evar SO ytan operating passenger und freight auto­ H a ll’s C a ta rrh mobile lines between I-aOrnnde and F. J. CHENEY Sa CO., Toledo. Ohio loseph, were canceled by the pub­ ic service commission. R waa said that the stage lines had tailed to comply with the laws regulating high m ile- way traffia. We ha e “ Sawmill south of Brownsville, in good road Will .aw out votir order for 115 60 Promotion of the Interests of Davis _ candidates, tor tnd Bryan, democratic 'ireald»nt""’and'" v'lce-presiden? at U e ? ‘ b oU M n l H d ta T .^ 1 8 Shannon & M a r tin , K , 2, H a ls e y . general election In November. Is f ie purpose of two organisation, that til- id article, of Incorporatloa la t ie date corporation department at talem. Both clubs will have baud luartera In Portland. G r a in S a c k For There were two fatalities in Ore- ton due to Industrial accidents tn the week ending July 17, according te he state Industrial accident commla- lon. The victims were W. H. Pitt- nan, Nehalem, choker setter, and 'rank N. Nugen. Petrla. killed while 'riving a log raft. A total of 57. acel- 'ents waa reported. £ » New and b est g rad e o f Second I /»> Sacks on hand « M arket p rice s paid for any kind o f « O. \V. F R U M Mandamus prceeedlngs to compel he secretary of stale to certify to ames on the initiative pvtlt Ion pro- . ¡din« for the abolition of .b e public service commission and place the measure on the ballot at t t y general election to be held in November, were filed In the circuit court ar Salem. The hearing is se) tor July tt- The construction of the pro j need Baker Irrigation project Is a step -near­ er realization, as the bureau of ren'ara »(ion is making a Un at Inveatigwtlon before recommending that the work •ta rt. George C. K red irer of Denver, recently appointed >flrertor of (arm economics of the replantation bureau, is now going over (be proposed pro­ ject. 1 f, /gv The state Irrig a te s securities com we sarve will prove none too big for your appetite after you once taste it. In fact, you’ll wish you could find tootn for more. Try some at home for dessert. The wsy the family will enjoy it will make your heart feel glad. mission has set August < as tha data When Henry Cabot Ixidge had a for hearing the laqrt settlement coin- voice In the counsels of his party he mlttee of tbe Portland chamber of onimerce with refiatlM te the devel­ tried to kill the league. He thought opment of the N orth Unit Irrigation he had succeeded. Not the league district In Jefff raon count*. The but Lodge’ , p arty ascendancy w n . conference w ill Re held tq Salem This district qhotaiqj i ' approximately 104, killed. The league of nation», in politic», ghost, “ will not like Clark's Confectionery • H IL L & © 8 Hardware X • Banquo's down,” no m atter Member. I f . the desert Utd hoire how many times scheming politicians • i pressed a ^willingness te rate for ® Beach H a r n fiS fi • ! n d lllC a S • • °r and Bridge. Co.. liest in the world Full stock on hqnd. Come it* .vid vee the q n u lily and learn prices O ur prices sell our goods who In ifny way violate the speed regulations afnd prreiecute tlpffiu to cruse the American nation deserted th.i lim it o t the lawY* w e. Uke sub- them in their hour of need, w ill haunt stamen of am order iqtued at Salem the sleeping and waking hours of by, T. A. Raffety. ciitaf inspector for American wire pullers until this is-1 O 'i atatq motor veti itole ,!epqrtm»m I Voptra ai life order wkere sent te all tion, sham faced, repentant, stained I ottjtera operating unffar the state with innocent blood, w ill eventuall’ , tr itflc rttreaa Special refaraMoe waa return to the line of duty and join ' he wade In the order to Th* DelteeCali­ fornia highway, Old Ore koe T rail lec­ rest of the world In outlawing War, tion o< the Columbia r T « r hlnhway, The heartlessnesa of American Salem Tfilnmook hlghwa.^ lower Co­ politics caused thia country O fficially lumbia rlvwr highway, ank' all maca­ to withdraw support from th e Am er­ dam roeda open for m u te r vehicle ican Christiana and leave the Turks 11 affla. x f The flr*t censue of O ren n N which free to »laughter at will thoa* nnahle hae been lucked away 1« the a r to, ««cape. Now nothing bat the chlvea of the state for aaery ’ Ihna charity of American individuals three-quap-lera of a century, hn. been saves the refugees from death by found by Jefferson Myers, stata L 'M> n*ev? Tbb census was found dar '■« starvation and exposure. • ¿ r c h by treasury department K 'f ( olnla (er Ipfornndoa deallaq w in '' "Men that la born o f woman it of a te early hlalory of ih» state. The few d a y . and fa ll of trouble.” • el usar was compiled ta Jeeeph ) W « tl, b«w ranch heller would it desk, et one time United Ite te e 1 t P l> llM F »» |id jn i i he if he ware horn of man?” perished _______________________________________________ Stoves & Ranges •• U ni v A e r s a l aid a few of the innocents who were nm aXipal Wygysaf.. The city of Vend has, mod ^pllcatioto for the appro- (’» by American national trea­ pi Jhtlon of 11 aeyoad fept of water chery to the cruelty of the Turk. fjo m the Tumalo creek, which at In every general political cam­ present irrigation ter the paign the ghosts of the supposed frmnalu l^rlgdtjon district. " A r re J tia ll motor vehicle* drivers slaughtered league, and of the thous- Ahda of innocent who __ Farm Machinery Hi."'"'1 "rie” Be quick "" everything in stock. the proposal of the city of tend to trade vfhterat’ of tbe Death qtee river The letter of Mr. Vickrey, publish­ for an equar amount of w ater from ed vlsewhcre, appeals for funds to T urned r r e A which la desired for may think they have killed it. lie- I , H IL L & © A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. lla v is w orth ju s t as m uch in sto rag e ns you m ight get for it in case o f tire. Th j A m erican Engle F ire In su ra n c e c o m p a n f, (will pay you F6 t .1 vnllie in CBS ‘I of loss by fire. of tin C. I’. STAFFORD, Agent . I Shop, H a5 HALSEY GARAGE e ephone ( Re llj encti nights, 18x » * ! A L B E R T F O O T E Prop. Any Girl in Trouble may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the Î — White Shield llotue, 565 M avfjlr avenue, Hottland, Oregon. HU PEN D EX TEK y COPYRIGHT Of THE 6 0 0 8 3 - MERRILL CCt (Coutluuedl I werl( tft#t gttn)e— which I don’t believe ”No. no!” obtruded Dinsdule. **rou*ll I ~ t t *n »>>**'»* »,ron* enough to mutxle be shut of me. I'll pay a month’s ^ou board ahead now." , "AU I a»k. 'Bandy* Alien, Is thdt "Taper money!" softly cried the they conte face on when they try to widow. ‘‘Ain’t tt handsome I Worth mnxzle tue,” was the hot reply. "You're a dollar-flve in dust. See here: I'm pretty thick with some of them ; tell s'plclous of young men willing to pey them what I ’m saying. I hope Mc­ for tbe keep of young women with 1 Call rides straight Into h— 1." eyes and hair like hers. But I'll take 1 Had “Colorado Charley"—as Utter you at fare value till you turn out was generally called— poaseaeed pro­ phetic vision his mind would have been to be no good. "She’ll be much better off for htfv- more at rest; for he would have Ing some work to do. She can help looked down the months, less than a me. and 111 give her her keep. Yes, year of them, and seen the murderer I ’ll throw In some wearable clothes riding to expiate his crime on a Yank­ and a pair of shoes that’ll stand the ton scaffold, executed by the United States authorities. wear and tear of our streets." The next circle of men where Dlns- “I knew you were the right sort." meekly said Dlnsdale, hacking *■» the dale loitered were discussing the chances of an Indian Invasion, and door. "Til be going.** "But ain't I going to see you no loudly demanding of one another the more?" cried Lottie Carl, running to reason for the soldiers' failure to come. One dtlsen announced that the him and clutching hls arm. Dlnsdale stared helplessly Into her bodies of three whites had been found thin face, then at the grim visage of that very morning up Whitewood creek Hie widow. W ith unexpected human­ These Isolated killings had been so ity Mrs. Colt drew the girl Io her side frequent as to become commonplace. Through the open door of the I. X. und softly patted the chestnut hair. L. Dlnsdale beheld a man gesticulat­ To Dlnsdale she said J "On Sunday afternoon you ran rap. ing and talking loudly. Twenty or I f I'm here you can come as far as thirty silent men composed his audi­ this room and see your little friend. ence. Dlnsdale entered. "We're coming to vigilantes, same’s I f I'm out. you'll stay out. Tf a man In this house bats a single eyelash at they did In Montana," declared a heav­ my new help, then God help him! New ily bearded miner. “Can’t make me I'm busy, and Lottie Carl can pitch believe ell these dead men found In the gulches was killed, hy Indians." In and help me." There was an uneasy stirring and Dlnsdale shook hands with the girl, an exchange of suspicious glances. It who turned away to hide her tear.. He was outside the door when she was well known that rond-agenta en­ seised hls arm and fiercely whispered: tered Deadwood City at time» to pro­ cure supplies. Within a month a fight "Don't ever kiss that woman." Then she was back In the house be­ had started In front of the Grand Ce*- trai. resulting from a victim recog­ fore he could soy a word. It was a great relief to hare the nizing a robber. The robber had es­ responsibility of tbe girt shifted ta the capable Mrs. Colt. Mounting hls caped In a rnnnlng fight That others horse, he rods down the street unde­ •ta.' cd In town between holdups was commonly believed. cided as to where he should look for The Montana man was Impressed lodging. For a man used to taking Ilfs ns by the silence hls speech bad caused and glared defiantly around for a mo­ It came along It was surprising that ment. Then be began to weaken, and Dlnsdale should give so much thought to work clear of the group. A Jeer­ to the selection of a hoarding place. ing laugh accelerated h l. retreat Yet there were Influences w orklM upon him which made hls choice e Bandy Allen, recently «llenced by Col­ matter a t considerable strategic Im ­ orado Charley, pointed ■ Anger at the miner, now making for the door, and portance. Mis cogitations ended with hls rid­ denounced ,* “That fool and others are talkin' ing up the street and halting before a sign that pleased hls fancy Im­ like lunles." Hitching up his bell ag­ gressively and staring stonily at the mensely. It reed: men, he continued: "Th' agents ain't BED ROCK H O TEL latkln* day wages. What we ougliter PORK A BRNEd d COMMON DO INg do Is to comb th’ gulches for reds an' 50 CENTS io if lt th' agents till th' really 'portant C H IC K EN F tX IN S A FLO UR DOINS Job Is well finished." ONE DOLLAR Allen was not pleasing to look at, but the vital need of protection from 'Hurrah for 'flour doings,'" be soft- the Sioux won him many nods of ap­ up applauded. Entering the Bed Rock, he engaged proval. Finding hls listeners In sym­ a room, paying a week In advance pathy. he hooked hls thumbs In bis from hls roll of greenbacks Leaving belt aad began: “Gtve roe fifty well- hls rifle In the office, he rode his tired armed men an' I'll agree to clear out horse to Clark's livery stable, paid alt th* redskins from the Belle Fourche In greenbacks, snd than, eet out afoot to Red Canyon crick. Th' Job needs men who know th' critters an' alnt fur an examination of the town. afraid of 'em. Here's thousands ef Whenever he paused and listened folks huddled up like sheep In this to men with time for gutoslp he found gulch, shiverin' an' skeered because there were two topics v»f general In­ terest—the murder of Wild Bill and small hands of painted Sioux skunks Is wipin’ out every miner they catu> the menace of the Sioux. by hisself." "Jack McCall waa hired by some of "Excuse me," broke In a shrill voice, the gamblers I" paaeionatBly charged "hut the Sioux ain't painting their one man “They was tfrn ld ray pard faces this season. I was their pris­ »ould be put In office to make thing, oner a bit ago, and I know. They decent here They hired McCall to paint the top of their heads, where do for him, then got him dear with they part their hair, hut Bet their thetr snap miners' meeting, and rushed faces. It's mighty queer." Hm out of the hills so he wouldn't "Hold yer yap. yer fool Idiot r hlsb the truth. I only hope he rides roared Allen, turning to glare malev­ plump Into h—I. sad tlnds thorn that olently at the speaker tired him all waiting for him." "Well, 'Scissors' ought to know," T h a t's a poor way to talk. Utter." quietly Interposed a bystander. "He warned a bowlegged fellow with two was their prisoner. They too* ju « suns In hls belt, " if the^gsmhleri can (Continued on page 5, ( G R A I N A N D H A Y ¡j¡* ’’fee- ¿44 The Big Dish of Ice Cream Boyce-Ite the Super-Fuel Ii.gttdient. Thia chemical, mixed with the gasoline,.cleunajhe motor of carbon, produces a better running motor and increases the in .lea per gallon. Absolutely guaranteed. Come to our .hop and let us explain thia new fuel more fully ------------- ■%*>*“ a large part of the loss caused by i-gga spoiling in warm weather can be prevented by producing only Infertile eggs during the late spring and sum mer. This loss, which Is conservative­ ly estimated at more than *15,000,000 a year, fulls almost entirely on the producer. Not only does lie lose the value of the eggs which spoil, but the producer suffers a further material loss in the reduction of the number of eggs consumed caused by people getting bad eggs among those they purchase. This loss can be entirely prevented by producing only Infertile eggs dur­ ing wurm weather. This Is accom­ plished by tuklng all mule btrda out of the flock after the breeding season Is over. The rooster has no Influence on the number of eggs produced, and should either be marketed or killed— the meat can be canned—or he should tie kept penned up. The United States Department of Agriculture hut just published a large poster showing the difference in the keeping qualities of infertile and fer­ tile eggs during warm weather. This poster also gives simple rules for pro­ ducing good quality eggs on farms during the latter part of the spring, throughout the summer, and Into the early fall months. s aix 1 T w i n e see of waf. American Can Be Prevented by Pro­ ducing Infertile Product. Corrosive sublimate, 2 ounces, dis­ solved In hot water and 13 gallons of water added, will make a medicated bath for seed potatoes. It kills the gcub germs and other disease« ns well. • • • Poultry manure makes good fer tlllzer for almost any purpose. It Is very high In nitrogen content and for (hat reason Is good for garden crops, und Is also good for melons. W e bave a .lo c k of HALSEY GARAGE