4 ALBANY’S CO-OPERATIVE ADVERTISING PLAN T IR E S $6.50 up *' Where tires are ch taper" An Appeal to People of Rural Districts for a Wider and More Mutual Interest in Commercial Circles of Linn County. “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” The Wise Are Those Who Advertise J. H. ALLISON F irst and Washington Sts. SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS To reduce our stock of rug» we are making big No m atter w hat the oc­ reductions in the price of our entire stock. casion may be, let us 9 x 12 Royal Ardehan Wilton Velvet $122.50 rug for __________ _______ __ _______ __ $98.00 help you. 9 x 1 2 Bussorah Axm inster rug 62.50 rug for 52.50 2 Bussorah Axm inster rug 42.00 rug for 32.50 Albany Floral Co. 9 9 x x 1 11-G Seamless Axm inster rug ....... ................. 29.00 9 x 12 Grass rugs, double warp ............................ 6.75 337 W. F irst St. 8 x 10 Grass rugs, double warp ______________ 4.75 Flowers-Flowers Ail other rugs reduced in the same proportion. We also have some special values in new and used Greenhouse Store Phone furniture. 24-F-21 458-J BARTCHER FURNITURE CO. 415-421 W est F irst SL Albany, Ore SEA RS’ B utternut Bread Albany Magnolia Laundry Rough Dry Family Washing, It Bert Clark Handles it Finished Family Washing, in Halsey. Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, Feather Beds and Pillows, Lace Curtains Scientifically done. is the Best by Test. “Quality Work. Prompt Service.” Holman & Jackson Wash, Cook and Clean WITH ELECTRICITY Where Alco Bread is made. ALBANY, OREGON WALL PAPER PAINTS Make it your servant. Mountain States Power Company Albany, Tints, Varnishes and Get our Prices. • F. C. DANNALS 123 E. Third Street. Albany, Oregon. Auto Electric Service Authorized Sales and Service Willard Storage Batteries Having discontinued our store at Brownsville, Oregon, the Brownsville Woolen Mills Store is now open to the public at First and Ellsworth Sts. (op­ posite A'bany State Bank), Albany, Oregon, where we have a complete line of Clothing, Furnishings, Blankets and Flannels. At our new location we are prepared to carry a larger and more complete stock than in the past. MILL AT BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. Retril stores at Portland, Eugene, Marshfield. North Lend and Albany. Brownsville Woolen Mills Store H. D. Preston, J. C. Cochran Proprietors 53 —: Phon. 23: — H eadquarters for A. & B. Stores Radio Rechargable B att •eries. REWARD If you have been chronically ill for six m onths and the X-ray shows your spine per­ fect 1 will give you the picture FREE. This offer holds good for all cl July, 1921. Oregon. Change of Location Brushes. You have seen th e title w hite hen, s tru ttin g around th e barnyard, adver­ tisin g the fact th a t she had ju s t laid , p w arm , w hite egg, guaranteed s tric t­ ly fresh. She knows she has a good product and has no hesitation in ad­ v ertisin g it. You patronize the hen th a t advertises her product; then ac cord the sam e fa ir treatm en t to the Linn county business men who seek to reach purchasers through adver­ tising. W ith a desire and in ten t to make A lbany a b ig g er and b etter trad in g center, a cam paign has been launched by th e business men and enterprising concerns of th e m etropolis. I t has te e n in the m aking fo r some tim e and sta rte d w ith the opening of the vacation period of the year. I t is a com m unity project in which m any of the business concerns a re represented. In this issue and the n ext m ay be found special price concessions fo r the week ends which a re w orthy of the I J. C. BREIER CO. Surrounded by the best ag ricu ltu ral d istrict in the W illam ette valley, good toads and modern m eans of trav el and tran sp o rtatio n , Albany is steadily fo rg in g ahead. U nusually good things a re a p p aren tly In sto re for th e old tow n, and like the “little w hite hen,’’ the business men are alive to the situation. They propose to make A lbany such an a ttra c tiv e trad in g and m arket center th a t there will be no desire to “ w ander from your own fireside,” no desire to p a t­ ronize the m ail order houses. The m ovem ent is under way and th e best w ay to keep f t going is to lend a hand. /' Loyallty to your own county is q uite as essential as loyalty to your country. 209 W. F irst Street WE NEVER M 1 ¥■ CLOSE Nothing Better for Hot Days Ralston Electric Company A L T E R A T IO N SALE Continues, and we have added manv new lines of line footwear which will be sold at very low prices. The carpenters are still busy, but we have added much more space in which to exhibit the large assortm ent. A visit to our store will convince you of the greirt values to be had. TH’ OLE GROUCH •ÍPÍA.KO4' OF TVA OWÛRKTtFUL ÎA JiS eS UIWO KIMM» k u o t x O U « VAOM6 PAPER XKW’ SAS « u a w n w ' t v u u a f t ABOUT TM’ S O C O « ., ALL » UhSM TMtVA V5 Í.U C K -- VAAttQ LUCK. 1 'J h e Q lite Let us figure with you on your w ater system . A Place to E at W here All FAIRBANKS MORSE LIGHT PLANTS Best On E arth . / Is Neat. | The R ight Seivice a t the Right Time. Full Stock of McCormick-Deering Repairs Mail Orders Taken Care cT. Albany, Oregon BARRETT BROTHERS < Albany, P | O regon. Phone 379. OUR 14xmZ9EKC8f^k * SHOE , r o LISBES S u c c ttA Oregon j Acute Sickness Chiropractic cives nature a chance to co rrect acute illness in t.he shortest pos­ sible ' time. Acute aicknesA w always ac­ companied »’Hh poraty eubli, •pine, either from reflex. / Z -5_ . .. “a treaties er y Cusick Bank Bldg., Albany* BANKS’ SEM I-ANNUAL Inner Tubes Re‘ ‘ » leeet tem- of the Dr. R. H. Harris, Ch/top.*«** CLEARANCE H0t W atWP B° ttles and W W H IT E H E A D . 125 W. Second etreet A"“ n' [BLAIN CLOTH in o c o ] M e// a n i * , l o o . ioo% W MEN, BUY YOUR SUITS THIS WEEK a / IOO'/o BIG Saturday Night, at 9 o ’clock July 26, f j: ioo\ S p e c ia l S a le I 316 West Second St., Opposite HAMILTON'S' STORE Albany, Oregon A Brothers P L U M B IN G Do N o t F o rg e t STIMSON “The Shoe Doctor” 8IIOE LACKS____ Eastburn EXNER & SUMM ERFIELD 120 W. F irst S treet , Albany, Oregon. Se" 'x cnmpjn y Two Grocery Stores bid the record price ol 16 67 IT’S A NECESSITY, a thoutand feet for 4OO,OCO,0(Kf 212 W. F irst S treet and I feet of government timber on the 225 Main S treet That s w hat the Exner £ Summerfield V ariety stump on the Klamath Indian Store in Albany does for its custom ers. The S to re of \ rgservation Tuerday of last week. Thousands of Bargains. Come in on your n e x t visit Phone 58 and Phone 54 Is the income tax killing Oregon to Albany and see for yourself. Albany, Oregon. industries? Men’s Br< wn Oxfords, Goodyear wclta__ 43 8.5 and 41.25 Men’« summer outing shoes priced at 41 59 to $2,95 Boys’ Wmk Shoe* {I.T O ta fS M Boys’ Pre « Shoes $2 50 to $8.45 41 59 to 42.98 Dr. R. H. Harris, Chiroprartcr Misses' r.tent leather Slippers. ........ 43.45, $3.95 and $4 e5 Cusick Bank Bldg., Albany Women’s Dress Pump* IM PER IA L CAFE u r p /iy s THAN Right out of our own virgin forest»—home grown. First-class building m aterial is your m ost im portant A Toaster or Table Stove. Special T oaster and Plate consideration. $2.00 Let “Copeland Quality” be your guide. Complete Line of Electric J. W. COPELAND YARDS Appliances. LUMBER Albany Yard a t the west end of Second S treet Phone 275. O ther yards a t L nts, Salem, Hubbaid, Yamhill and 310 W est Second St. Hillsboro. 53 Stores 1 Albany, Oregon Clip this corner out and bring it to our store. I t’s worth 25 cents in trade. High Grade Lumber renders’ earnest attention E. C. MILLER, Halsey Agent GROCERS “CUT IT OUT” SHOE. G R EA S® SA LE A Real Sale o f Dry Goods If you know bargaiua when j eu nee them you will ap- iriiiate there. I 40-4 o. Unbleaehad Mualin **r 81-xDO-io. I'eqnot Sheet* 41 59 36-Í..I.'Bleached Muslin \ 0 yards for $1 Japanese Cretie . . . 19c *2 in . Dree» Gingham . 19c Win» tor I ingerie Crepe 29c AH Linen Crash Toweling Gnenrine IS 'vuo Jep Tongee z \ 79u 5 yarda for 41 B A N K S .' i