H 1 HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY. U S X COUNTY, OKQCON. THURSDAY, JVL\ 24 i C4 HALSEY HAPPENINGS ANO COUNTY EVENTS * k he and his son, in the latter's auto, 17 enjoyed an outing. I Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Moody of Har­ risburg spent Wednesday and Thurs- (X NO. SI Ç fsaxtrî»r/-I T u r n in g O r p h a n s i s H o m e A g a in O u t to P e ris h NE#S NOTES FROM A ll OVER 0RE60N some time ago and has not recovered from it. Mr. and Mts. .Milo Cummings, Mi. and Mrs. Frank Fee and daughter S h o r t S to r ie s fr o m S u n d r y fa m iiy ith their ,on’ C P' M oo,b' * nd P r e s e n t s O c u la r E v id e n c e N o th in g C tti7 A ? e r t it b in Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Ira laur- E p ito m e o f E v e n t« in th e ence and daughter I a Neve, and the B e a v e r S ta te T h a t H e is n o t D e a d M o re M o n e y f r o m l Ts S o u rc e s Misses Mary and Belle Lawrence, all G. W. Momhinweg and his broth­ of Lebanon, visitod their relatives, er-in-law, Peter Lewi«, had bnunrts Mi. Handsaker, transmitting the .he J. C. Harrison family, Sunday, Postmaster Bramwell was in Al­ The lost is lound. K. O. Tks small r’ n-mlll ef Rehula broth- v hich called them to Newport last S tew aid h ta com e hom e and copy of Mr. Vickrey's letter which taking picnic dinner on the Calapooia bany Monday. Hell rraek, 2« miles acu»bea»t Thursday. i not a “ «lrnins»d dam p unplesa- oppears below, writes: • of Eugene, wig deetreyed by fire. rt'-e?. J. C. Standish was a passenger to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Robe, from U n - ant cot pie ’ in (ha bottom of some When the grave significance of the Tfcsrs bss been a total of 30« feres* Albany Saturday. E. L. Miller was en arrival from Area reported at tbe offices of F. A. at ilia county, arrived Friday to visit • c«ms a reminder tive committee to turn children out int w»11 paper at the Wheeler home, men during June. wife and Mrs. Fred Robbins were all her sister, Miss Peggy Lovely, and or vanished days of h a p p io tsf. of the orphanages. Cruel as the or- Haise Gretia Harrison. Salem visitors last Thursday. Alber« Brownell of Portland, waa Ona niernii g last year Stewaid i io, it is necessary because for the Miss Grace Matlock ef Corvi» li» elected president of the Pacific Coast Stagedriver Southworth is running failed to a , pear at it s home of h e first time in our history wo are not Miss Cleona Smith went to Port­ • even.passenger W illve.K night on ! i roth tr-in -law su d sdjoinii g <>nlv without reserve hut we find arrived Friday to visit her si'tei Nurserymen’s association la session land Friday to visit with a school at Yakima. Washington. his route now. It must be bran new neighbor, j . L. H a y c . where 1 ourselves with a deficit. This co n e, « * • friend, Miss Shannon Pettinger. h«d been helping with tho h arvest. 1 because of the expense of bringing Holstein Freslan breeders from all from the looks of iL „ , , _ , ,, Ycs'erday Miss Ida W ilt wrnt - - - - “ our children ovt of Turkey last year H te* visited the Steward place John Gormley and wife spent Sat­ sections of Marina and Polk (oiiatlen to ■ Port Is ed, »»hers »lie has * " held thetr annuel picnic nt the Mea- Mrs. Marcella Kirk motored down a j found nobody at home and and of saving the lives of hundreds plrn'ment' urday at the home of the latter’s from Portland with some friends and t • stock u nr a red for. H * alro of thousands as they fled from their dowlawn dairy near Salem. Thnrsday. mother, Mrs. Hannah Cummings. Mrs. Anna Reynolds nnd Elsie and ! Roy O. Hadley, prominent resident spent the week end with her parents, f ma a not“ from Steward sskir g ancestral homer in Turkey into John Gormley and Ralph Tobey re­ Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Corcoran. us uto.tj Xsi’unjv dtnoq »od p|» »sp I of Oregon City, fell from a mn»tc< h in to look after the property. propel Greece. cently returned from an auto trip t > T h -re b s s notbing to indicate train near Banning. C al. aid waa in­ I am sure there are many among outing at Newport. L. L. Ray, nephew of Mrs. William « b rib e r t'le m isting man bad 3 our readers who will not slscp un Port Orford, Bandon and other points. stantly killed when the train pasted Mrs. R. H. Jonas _nd sons from White, with his family, visited nt her Mesdames Karl Bramwell, Edith home last week. They enjoyed an g o ‘C to another town or to a n ­ til again they have sent thrir enntri Prineville were visiting the former'« over his body. buttons to the Near East Relief that father, John Cooley, last »veek. Stats Treasurer Myers en August 1 Robnett and May Miller and M. outing up the Calapooia river Sunday. other w orld. Hayek accepted tbs tru s t, and, at least some of these children now will turn evtr approilmstely K Ward drove to Albany Thursday. »« t o fu rth e r word came from playing happily in the orphanage Mrs. M. M. Walts returned to her | 000 to various achoel districts ef the- L. D. Taylor, Eldon Cross and Miss J. W. Stephenson visited Portland T-a .----- «.$.• his v._u— 1 . 7 3.20 train to • t r at auction C ct. 24 last, after werte, .»ith her .on, Dr. Waltz of Browns- duclbte school fund. .Sunday. keeping barber cjay.^ for iiivv ^ ey took ■ —------ j . . . After .... ---o — —- - u»v, w u il biic u.tv uaui i u shop open until nearly midnight he Albany and from there proceeded to f t ? , “ ™ V k iL Y io ’ V ^ f do iM SO. »•ille. J J. Handsaker, Of the 15.AM.00fi pounds of the 15IJC took the 3:20 train. From Portland Newport. ’ T1“ !e * e.r# 1 * S“ 1? ’ 7 .,n f. lhc m Northwest Regionel Dire tor Newport M isses Elma Pohn and Jo” ' 1 Oregon prune crop pooled for mar­ registered Holstein», 3 horses, Dear Mr. Handsaker: Paine, w-Ro have been v isitin g lb» keting by the Oregon Grower»’ Co- The Murphy 'Motor company re­ 14 h»gw aud a very com plete equ»p- We came to the close of our fiscal Brigg« home, left yesterday f°t operative sssoeiattoa. la»» that 4,- ent of farm m achinery, Albany’s Only port! the talé of a Ch»v olet r * r yea», June 30th, without receiving 000.000 pouitls remain» inn old to Vernon Thomas, »<»»• h eir. the amount reqi’ired to meet the W oodburn. to Vernon Thomas, a a Ford Ford to to 4. J. A. A. ■ , The Hood River Apple Grower»- aa- .. . j ov j j and j a ou i . I brought Not enough »vater for the u. e of lortatleg, leeerglng te an anaeunce Shendan of t Shedd Chevrolet , « , ruit . . to . have . . Steward , ■ . . . de- . minimum expenses for the summer ■Isr-d dead, nia estate distributed. the city is filtering through the sand sedan to F. E. Harrison of Browns H ayes was cbaiged with running months. Reluctantly, the committee and gravel from the low Calapooia msnt of General Manager Steele, fenei ville. ha ‘ bheen obliged to issue the order contracted the eetioa • Bartlett pear- ’ the property as though it war» bit for the discharge of additional or- I *° , *’c c*^-v Pun’P' tannage ef Ita member» to itneera. M l u L i V e d K g v s ir of S i'v «wn. How otherw ise an honest Mrg- w , , ane revei, e,I d k tte , The heaviest fine ever levied at. ton cam e In on reaterdsy'a trail- 'tian would have run it deponent phans despite the fart that moat of! OUR NEW P R I C E L IS T : those now in out Inatftutlons are un j-Prom her brother, Dr. Young of O$ Bend for a traffic law rtelatton war. It* visit her grandm other, Mr», -ailh not. D ou M b Vision Lenses i W heeler, a coup I • «1 Hava h»f ne j LA. A . Tusriug, liases' attorney, eleven.years of^age. »ho J) a, stating lie had recently met aaaeasad in juattea leurt ibare when am sailing on behnll of the com I»»; - father f.iR ... at si • flm e n jn g o n to V -n sta to the wsddinp found tiiat Stew ard had recently het. th e old soldier-;' soldier, •- le Van ’»«Won vena aewtancad ta par Uttex, $18.50 ; Kryptok, Si7:50. of i n aunt. -'oniniutiieated n itb thn H alsey tnittes to eonfet and co o;»erate with | onion at Memphi., Tenn., and that $150 and $52 coats en a charge ef Peerless. $16 50: Brights. $15:50. imprudent driving S lats bank, got in toiieli w th him ou. managing directois in applying Ceineuted Segments $14.50 There were a few Cascadia visitors ird p icseo tsd in court a letter thi.i order with as little hardship a- he was considered tbe most nbn! I" A W. Norblad Aetorla attorney and and best looking of the 8000 at the not mentioned in last week's paper. Single or Distant Vision Lenses from him and tbe court is still p fr- possible, but at I cst it will be a heart meeting.—Brownsville Times. exmember of the state senate, was. Wm. Carter and family and mother, breaking tsak. Unle the order can initti g him to remain »live. appointed by Governor Fierce as »pe 6 D Curve Tone, $13.50 ; Mcuoius, Mrs. Mary Carter, dro.e over and •n some wav be n-.„i;r - I, ¡1, Inevit j cial pfosecutor for Clatsop county, lie $12.50. spent 'Sunday, and Harry Davis and ebly means the Miriftcc and blight l ’< I) Curve Periscopic, $12;50; will hare charge of all prohibition and’ Thote '• •» law in Oregon son Merle and Lyman Palmer » » ’ere Flats’ $10.50. ing of life opportunity for hundred? narcetle drug cases also yisitors. lor punishing port ill w! o and thousand* of children. I « ill of Fitted in Zilo, gold-fided or rimless Harold Brown, chirped with posing frames. (Enterprts« C orm pondenra) try to hoy your vole. W hy ahould t o m e l>e in constant cable common! For tieravy Zilo framesjidd $1 to $2 Mi. and Mrs. Preston Newton, who t not lie applied to e v e n o n e « h o os a eon of George M Brem , esse Frank Kropf and family ;|tent the Deduct $2 for second-grade lens. have been visiting at the P. J. Fors­ sal s yon to vote against tbe in ­ .ation with our treasurct V tffb. e. i ■vee' cml at Net»port. date juitlcs of the Oregon euprenm Reading glasses. $2.50 to $10. ter Lome, left Sunday for an outing com e-tax law because it would and my hope is that by the t irtie I court, in aelictttng euhacriptlene to at Pacific City. x From there they re , rfve aw , T ,,fW , ntnrpriiB1y They reach Athens and Beirut, Nazareth B a n c r o f t O p t ic a l C o . Mrs. W. C. Sickcls and son of Eu­ Orason newspapers throughcti* tba turn to Portland, where Preston ex- , re Bg r).ej th a t if all thu states and Jerusalem, we may have some gene visited nt the E. I*. Isom home state, was arrssted at Kureka, Cal. rable advice assuring us that funds JtJ West First street, Albany, Ore. Hherlff Blusher of Cle’aop county, 'ritlay. pseta to sntsr the R»hnke W alker had th “ same law it would be all have come in that will alleviate the stated that a number of premlaeat Ask about I'ujiktsl, the perfect lens. bdainee« college right. They ir » lite ra lly try in g to Mr. and Mrs. Humber of Junctor situation and restore hope fot at (Continued on page ( ) Astoria hoorieggers tndl»»rtly had’ buy yo ur vote against the tax by City were Sunday guests at the J. least some of the children. ailed to hit attention the fart that ' te llin g you th a t the ta x is right 1 know that, if the Christian peo N. Burnett home. hllet ItdrS have he«n unusnallr a'five. | but fo r the sake of yo u r pocket­ Miss Esther Starnes visited her In the oily durlag the p»st few wreka. book you should sacrifice rig h t — pie of America could see and feel that which ( will be obliged to see 'unt, Hattie Dunnell of Shedd, nev- ¡Jun ction C ity Times. G. H, Hechey. director of agricultures and feel during the next few weeks, ral days last week. of tha stats of California, has ap­ there would be no question about the Miss Nettie .Spencer took Monday funds with which to provide food, Mrs. E. A. Starnes and daughters pealed to Governor Fierce for per i i oon’s tN|in for Albany. There she clothing, education, and opportunities »mt Thursday of last week si the ■elssloh to tend 5550 head of cattle now pefOured la Rishtyug en tity lat» was met by Mi£g Clara Hell, a sinter for life usefnlnts for these child- home of Ralph Batmen. «on'hdfa Oregon for grasleg purposes t ach'T from Y o tifalla. an I Mrs. t ? •. Mrs. Wallace Hawk of Springfield The Tttrhrldge Legging company,, ■ Porter of Jefferson, and the trio went Sincerely yours, .¡sited her sister, Mrs. Me Ingram operating setttheast ef Mill City, was C. V. Vickrev. i tc, Newport in the latter's car for an everal days Hat week. ■ompetled Io done down because at General Secretary. ! curing by the salt, salt sea George DAfcnen visited at the the lew water la the llimasoed Lum home of his aunt, Mrs. E. A. Starnes her torapaay log p a id , p et en o u g h everal days last week. water h*ieg available ta fleet the c-nwagy J. II. Kiekatd and family attended log«. The Oregon supreme eenrt will re the fu rem l of Rev. Mr. Nugen a' i era August 1 for a month, accord (By Special Correspondent) Pent is last Thursday. ins ta i b b i j u b i etnent made at the Mrs. Jack Gamble had h»r tonsils F D. Isom and family and Mrs. D. otflcM of the court clerk. Meet af I removed last Friday. She is getting I. Isom drove to Newport Saturday the Justices will spend their aanual : along nicely. vacations at the various beach re » ni g . re’ or* irg Fuo<'ay. aorta. Alan Harrison left for hl home Che ter Cuitia and family railed Armed highwaymen held up the Os in B»rk»l»v, Cal , T botsdsv, afiet on Mrs. Curt s' parents, Mr. and Mrs wego State hank, forced twe bask ■ two-weeks visit w ith relaltv»». Charles Tandy, Sunday t ’ enlng. officials and a woman patron Into the Halsey Church of C hrist The banquet and entertainment at Miss Hattie Dannen and Mrs. John vanlt, locked the door, scooped up / You have probably concluded that the Baptist church last Friday night Cornett of Shedd called on Mr D. I. about liooo in cash and currency and CLurch Announcements to be touch and durable a shoe must was a decided success. Mits \Yc-o-l Isom one afternoon last week. a another of travelers' checks and be uncomfortable. Y ou have a nev/ ' »vorth plan3 giving another enter Church of C h r is t: made their escape 'Mts. J. H. Rickard entered a Eu­ sense o f satisfaction comifig »with your lainment in September. A lease for 26 years of a mualrtpal Lou C ham lee, m tuialer. gene hospital for treatment last first pair o f W eyenberg Comflex “ A ll Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bowers ha>e a week She has been ill all summer. ly owned Industrial site was granted Solid L e a th e r" shoes. Bible school. 10, W . H . Robert- to A C. Coggins. Dunsmuir lumber r.sw ten-pound baby boy, born last u, superintendent. De Etta Robnett went to A lisov man. by tbe Ashland city council. Ac­ m b W CVCNBCRV* week. Mrs. Bowers and baby Leon­ C hristian Endeavor, 7. "at -day to visit her friend, Vera cording ta »he terms of tha leaae, Mr M orning worship, I I . L ord’s ard are getting along nicely. This Bond, going with her to Newport on Coggiaa must have a box factory on is the third boy in the family. «upper every Lord's day. Sunday. Ihe state wtthle alt mon'ka Evening service, 8, Rev. Milo Bentley and family ex­ I f you w ant w ork shod th at w ill Because of the shortage of water If. Rickard and daughter Lilia The church without a bishop, in pert to begin special meetings at the wear longer, th a t w ill be copifortable ar.d sons Emery and Jesse visited In central Oregon thia aes.aon. Oatt i the country w ithout a king. Baptist church Sunday, August 3rd. Mrs. I'iekard in the ho-pital at Eu­ Hathaway represan'lng the office of and flexible, th a t w ill protect your I f you have no church home Mrs. Bentley plays the piano, one gene Sunday. feet and your h ealth -g et Weyeriberg's the state engineer, bss begun id come aud worship with UtL» daughter play.) the saxaf Lone and Comflex w ith the double-tan soles— ministering tbe water of thn Dew De Etta Robnett returned to her ; all of them sing, so those who attend we sell them because they offer our cus­ Methodist: ihntns and Ha tributaries for she hole» in R egen“ on M e»1*«'-, s ', benefit of trrtgetlonlat», power In­ tomers, at a moderate price, the best have a treat in store. Robert Parker, pastor. service th a t can be bought at any price. ter a week’s visit with her grand­ terests and municipalities Mi. and Mr*. Fred Harrison pur­ mother, Mrs. D. I. Isom. Sunday School, 10. TBd state trrtgatlou securities c o v chased a new Chevrolet sedan last Preaching. 11, wtlanlon baa certified refolding bonds Mr. and Mrs. Me Ingram went to Friday and drove to Riddle Saturday Interm ediate League, 7. for $21.600 for tha Payette Oregon . . . V . u .» r, noron«» the Salem Saturday and on to Silverton, - ----- - -- - _ GOOD GOODS E pw orth League, 7. V k'™ , ¿ho i ^ h l t h o u te in Mr J S ^ V t o v t s . t Medford Inyr.m M.ss »r^garid. dl.trlrt Bond, for , le a v e r m eeting Thursday I. T.»kumi, who ai*T«,th quite ill. Mrs , _ »50W Issued by the Crook < ouaty \ j FrcatLirfg, 8. Yokum suffered a stroke of paralyns , " * r*m Wlt*1 tÇvnU»v«|> un peg* 4) I V > ' < ™ C W a iU EXCLUSIVE O P T IC A L P A R L O R A 1 fo rd A r r o w s * I * Needs No Breaking In V, B ro w n s v ille B rie fs Longer W «ar Greater Comfort » ♦ C omfle X KOONTZG ) »