Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 17, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    ".■■S' "
(Continued from
***• The Democratic
Halsey, Oregon
: Direct from JotV the 20-21 Liberty at
! White
aM ar
: with i Conway T L earie
: **♦ < *< < ****
• Soon— ‘The Perfect Flapper* «
The platform pays hommas *• the
memory sd Woodrow WlUoa. de­
nounces the republican administration
ae reactionary and corrupt declares
the Fordney-McCumhar tariff act aa
lust, unscientific aad dlshwnvst aad
pledges the party to drive eat aad
punish corruptMMPM.
The following la a eammary ef the
important plaakai
Denounces republican tariff laws
snd favors a tax on commodities that
will promote competition, protect
igalnst monopoly and produce a lair
with Colleen Moore
i revenue to support the government.
Points to the revenue measure aaas
••eee e ee e eeeeeee aeeee e ee •»
•d by the last congress as aa IQ u itra
ion of the policy of the party and de-
Halsey Happenings etc.
lounces the Mellon plan aa a device
o relieve multi millionaires at the ax-
(Continued from page S)
iense of other tag payer*
Bert Minckley made a business
Favors enactment of legislation to
trip to Holley Saturday.
estore the farmer to economic nuual-
Miss Peggy Lovely was a busines
ty with other Industrie*
visitor at Eugene, Friday.
Would revise the transportation act
vlth a view to adjustment of freight
Mrs. J. W. Blain and Mrs. Fre,
ates, eliminating the rate making Me­
Burk went to Albany Saturday.
lon, abolishing the railroad labor
loard and restoring to states control
Mr. and Mrs. Asher from Toront
arrived Saturday to visit Mrs. Johi iver Interstate rates.
Demands prompt action by congress
or the operation of Muscla Shoals
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Koontz ant
ilants to maximum production of far-
son Herman left for Newport Sunda;
to spend a week.
Denouncea the contraction of legiti­
Mrs. J. A. Newman of Corvallis re mate and necesMry credit and cur
turned to her home Saturday afte
ency which bankrupted hundreds of
a visit at the A. J. Newman home.
tiousands of farmers and stock grow-
rs and demands that the federal re-
Ira Williams of Hillsboro stoppei
orve system be so administered aa
at the C. P. Stafford home for a fev
a give stability to Industry, corn­
l ours Monday on his return fron
ier ce and ftnauea.
Coos Bay.
Pledges the continuation of rsetem-
Rev. C. M. Cline of Grants Pass
tion projects and aa equitable ad
formerly pastor of the Baptist churc!
ustment of the mistakes the govern
of Brownsville, took the train fo’ tent has maA*
Vancouver, Wash., Friday.
Favors * strict public control and
onservatlon of all nation*! natural re-
Mrs. L. O. Moore and son Jack o
Vancouver, Wash., returned to their ources, recovery of navy's oil re-
irves and all other parts of the public
home Friday after a visit with Johi
omain which have been Illegally
Moore and family.
ransferred to private interest*
Among B8 to whom Superintended
Government regulation of the an-
Geer mailed teachers' certificates oi
iirsclte coal Industry and all other
Monday, as a result of the June ex
orporatlons controlling the neces
aminations, were Earl Loucks, Ralph
tries of life favored.
McDonald, Margaret Michels and
Declares for an Atmerican owned
Amanda Carlson.
lerchant marine, American built and
Frank Leeper was in Eugene Mon
lanned by Americana.
day evening and was accompanied
Favors a constitutional amendment
home by Mrs. Florence Leeper and
hlch will prevent members ef oon
son Francis. Mrs. l-eeper returned ress from serving after their defeat
ir re-election to be accomplished by
to her work the following day, bul
mvenlng congress Immediately after
Francis remained for a visit with hb
atlonal election*
Favors generous care and assistance
Mail goes to Brownsville daily (ex­ i rehabilitation and compensation of
cept Sundays) at noon. Halsey and ie veterans of all warm
Brownsville arc now pretty well unit­
Revision of the corrupt i-ractjces act
ed, with four stages and two mails i prevent excessive campaign con
each way dally, in addition to the ributlons and expendltareu favored.
railway mail and passenger service
Asserts the republican admlnlstra-
through Albany.
nn has failed to enforce (he prohlbl-
A fire which broke out Wednndaj Ion law snd pledgee the) party to
forenoon of last week on the Breiten
espect end enforce the constitution
hush river, two miles above Detroit ind ell law*.
burned over more than 4000 acres
Condemns the efforts of the ruaub*
part of which was logged-off land lean party to nationalise the functions
and part Standing timber. The Ham­ f the states end opposes the crea-
mond lumber company alone lost lon of unnecessary bureaus and fed-
more than $100,000.
ral agenda*
Favors exclusion of Asiatic Immlgra
Juck Doan, who has been visiting
his ancle, C. O. Dryden, and family
Immediate lndeos-ndeace tar the
in Oregon City for the past two 'hlllpplnes favored. Would grant ter
weeks, is again a guest of his sunt, •Itorial form of government to Alaska
Favors drafting dll resources of the
Mrs. C. P. Stafford, and husband.
After a few days here Jack will re­ nation In time of era*.
Demands aweeplr.g reduction of arm-
turn to his home at Port Orford.
rments and fa vers securing Joint
A dance at the Skirvin warehouse
agreement with all nations for world
Friday night was attended by about
200 people, who had a Jolly time un
Declares tbsrd Is no substitute for
til about 1 the next morning. Be­ the league of ¿atlons and aRvocates
sides Eugene, Junction City, Harris the following referendum of the neo
burg, Brownsville, Pine Grove, etc., pie: "Shall the United States became
California contributed to the attend a member of Jhe 1- ague ef ’ nations
cnee, there being some tourists pre­ upon such reservations or amendments
sent who passed the night in Halsey to the covenant of the league as the
Music was from a piano and several president and senate et the United
brass instruments.
States may agree ugo*’'
f • • t
Pledges vigorous enforcement of ex­
The application for the appoint­
ment of a receiver for the estate of isting laws against monopoly and Il­
E. O. Steward came up at Albany j legal combinations and enactment of
Thursday before Judge Bingha.n. additional legislation If nsennsnry.
Reaffirms Its adherence nad devo­
Attorney Tussing represented J. L
Hayes, who has charge of the prop­ tion to those cardinal principles cou
lalned In the constltntloa and the nte-
erty. Letters from Stswaid asking cepts upon which «nr government 1»
Hayes to look after tax payments founded, (het coagrees shaO make eo
were introduced. One of these came lews respecting the cstabftahmeui of
from Moro snd one from Idaho. The religion or prohibiting the tree exer­
rase was continued at the request of cise thereof, or abridging the freedom
the heirs. Then came a letter from of ape ech or of the press, or the right
Steward saying he would return of »he people peaceably te assemble
promptly. The heirs will have to and to petition the governmaat for a
wait a while.
r -dreaa of grievmicee; that the ehurch
ind tbe mate shall he and remain
eparate. and fiat no reHMeua teat
| -hall ever be required at a SCnllfl-a
1 "on to any offtoe of putf tc trust Bader
j i he United gtatee Tbiee prtMiPlea.
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savings account» Solicited
1 ^ y y - u v A i V u*L-V V V ‘j * r r r ‘ .‘ 'C‘ i-*i*i* * * * *•» » *
I 5
» » » « » * a a a a a a > » « /v tA Z a W S A ?
C . F IC -Q , Dentist
F I T ’’
Growot, bridge work and filling». It will
p y you to get my prices ou your dental work.
Cusick bank building, Albany
5x7 Enlargement, by return­
ing envelopes to amount of
IS, or
7x11 with envelopes to the
•m ount of »5
News Note
JULY 17. M
♦ M a r y Succeeds
on M a in S tre e t
W it h th e H ig h
S c h o o l C la s s ic s
4). 1 9 U , by L aura M i l l e r
<© by M argaret Boyd.)
George M. Tucker, demented by tbe
death of bla wife end a favorite grand­
son In a fire which destroyed their
borna lest January, ended bis life by
shooting himself b iVe heed at tb's
kome of his brother. D. G. Tucker.
seven mflas east of Joeefib.
Tbs stats irrigation and drainage
•ecurftfee comtabslon at a meeting In
Salem qxtended the time for starting
No. 18, 11.37 a. m
No. 17, 12:15 p. m.
23. 7.26 p. m.
24, .4:27 p. m.
21, 11 32 p m.
22. 3:20 s. m.
Noe. 21 and 22 atop only it flagged.
14, due Halsey at S:O9 p. in., stop»
’ “»let off passengers from south oi
I No. 23 runs to Engeue only.
, No. 21 rnns to Eugene, thence Marsh-
fleld branch
pM iw<erl for
Rolebur|f , houlJ
work on the Jvdsn Talley
from June 25 to August 15 The con- (
tract was awarded soma time ago to
Morrison A Knudson of Boise.
There is no shortage of water on '
tbe Warmsprings irrigation district In
Malheur county desglts tbe fact that
a number of other projects ere euf
ferlng from lack ef moisture, accord
tng to a letter received at the offices
of the state engineer at Salem.
Subject to the approval of the execu­
tive committee of the American Le­
gion of Oregon, Crook county post No.
29, American Legion, of Prineville, has
selected June 24, 25. 25 and 27 as the
dates for tbe 1925 stats convention
of the Oregon American Legion.
Owing to a series of burglaries at
Salem which stirred the city so that
business men held a meeting and ask­
ed that the night police force be in­
creased. tbe city council granted the
request and authorised an addition of
five men for immediate service.
Carle Abrams, secretary of the atats
budget commission, has sent out
blanks to tbe various state institu­
tions and departments preparatory to
obtaining tbe estimated expenditures
of these governmental branches dur
lng the biennium starting January 1,
Government trappers have been
called to Klamath Falls by Elmer
Williams of the -United States bio­
logical survey of Portland to deal
with the rabid coyote situation on the
upper Williamson river, where tbe
animals killed M grown cattle In 10
Tbe public service commission baa
authorised the Portland Railway.
Light A Power company to discontinue
train service between Oregon City
and Canemah pending completion of
the new section of the Pacific high­
way, now under way between the two
The delivery window of the
Halsey^ poetoffice i» open Sundays
from 10:40 to 10:50 a. m. and 12:15
to 12:30 p. m.
Sunday mail goes out only on
the north-bound 11:37 traiu:
M ail goes south once a day, closing at
11:05 a. 1U. , north twice, closing 11:25
a. m. and 5:30 p. tn. M a il stage for
Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Swe
Home leaves daily at 6.45 a. ni.
Paid-for Paragraphs
(5c a line)
Chicken dinner Sunday.
“Yet In her sorrow plegMd thet ene
Good E ats Restaurant.
whs had suffered wee near her."
The word sympathy comes from
Old papers for sale at 5c a lu n d is
Girl» who want to succeed In busi­ words that mean to sufTer, and there
at tbe Enterprise office.
ness frequently aak whether bookkeep­ can be genuine sympathy only where
ing lant a- blind alley occupation; there lias been similar suffering—ex­
Initiative and Referendum
whether once proved dependable In cept on the part o f those rare souls
handling details, they won’t be expect­ who have a genius for sympathy.
Seven initiative bills will stare the
ed to content themselves with the pet­
Specialists say that when a tuber­
voters in the face at the next gener­
ty things as long us they work. And culosis victim is hemorrhaging, there
al election.
other girls, bunting un excuse, often, is nothing better for him than the
There is the monopoly Insurance
for going In search of the romantic company of another victim who has
bill, making state insurance under
success thnt they think to find In some hemorrhaged and recovered. If tlie
big city, Insist that “working for latter assures the sufferer tbat he
the Oregon compensation law exclude
futher never gets you anywhere. Why, himself once suffered Just as severely
all competitive forms of accident in­
your futher and mother can't even or worse and got over it, the assur­
surance for all hazardous occupa­
seein to lenrti that you're grown up, ance does more good than any medi­
tions, and the proposed repeal of the
If you're a girl!"
cine that can be given. The sympa
state income tax enacted by the last
Yet father may be In bis own com­ thy of one who has survived the same
legislature goes on with a big peti­
fortable fashion, a “capitalist," able suffering allays the victim’s terrors,
to choose for daughter business con- calms his nerves and allowa nature a
Three measures will be on the No­
nectlons and short cuts to an estab­ chance to exert her healing Influence.
lished place, thut not one wage earner
vember ballot enacted and referred
It la much the same with all our
In 10,000 finds. And the tusk of win­ Ills, whether mental, physical or psy­
by the legislature: The voter’» lit­
ning father's contldence by hard work chical. Tlie presence of some one
eracy amendment; condemnation of
plus some clever salesmanship. Is, If else who bus suffered the same tort
rights of way for public improve­
we may believe tbe daughters who of III and survived It brings ns cour­
ments; amendment including Spanish
have tried It, Just the same sort of age. Such presence assures us tbat
war veterans under state bonus act.
work plus salesmanship that's re­ we are not tingled out by fate for es­
quired to get oheud on uBy Job.
O pponents have taken the initia­
pecial torment.
It's the story of the bookkeeper plus
According to the oriental tale, a
tive to repeal the oleomargarine tax
the story of the daughter entering young mother once came to Buddha, cftls*
Imposed by the legislature and a bill
father's business that Is Indicated in carrying her dead baby In her arms.
Various sections of tbs Cascade na­
a dignified letter head reading:
She told him how the child had been tional forest other than the Salt creek. is up to create a state board of na­
bitten by a serpent, and how It had
A single-tax amendment, a cut
grown pale and quiet toon afterward. Fall creek and Wlnberry erdek water­
, Dealer In
Her qelghbora had told her the child sheds, which have been closed to rate Interest measure, U’Ren’s one-
Sullivan,. Indiana
was dead, hut she refused to believe camping for a number of weeks, may house legislature with occupation aa
“After graduation," writes Miss them. She called upon the great be closed soon If present weather basis of representation, bills to re­
Leonard, “I accepted a position a» teacher to heal her child and to re­ conditions continue, according to for­ peal capital punishment and abolish
bookkeeper and clerk In my father's store the color to hit cheeks. Buddha, est officiate.
the public service commission, and
grocery store. Soon he began con­ tb keep her from distraction, told her
Almost 100,000 pounds of squirrel the state grange income tax bill fail­
sulting me on minor details and man­ that If she would bring him a meas­ poison was distributed In the state
ed for lack of signatures.
agement. Then he turned the whole ure of black mustard seed from a
during the fiscal year from July L
over to me to niunape. Later, decid­ house where no "father, mother, child
ing to retire from active business, he or slave hath died," things would be 1923, to June 30, 1924, according to
Thomas Carey is serving a 30-day
thq annual report of Ira N. Gabriel-
sold It to me. Now I own and oper­ well.
sentence for smoking a cigaret in
The next dny the woman returned
ate one of the largest grocery stores
without the seed. Sim told him aha control division of tbe United States proscribed territory in the Cascade
In southern Indiana.
forest reserve.
“I recommend bookkeeping, store had searched everywhere In vain. biological survey.
management, and saving till she can Everywhere she went they had black
Five of tbe 12 flax-pulling machines
go Into business for herself to any mustard seed, and all were willing to purchased recently tn Canada have
young woman who has a talent for de­ give her a measure of It; but In every
been delivered to growers of the Salem
tail or for management. She can suc­ house aome one had died. Then
ceed and enjoy her work," continues Buddha gently told her she had found vicinity. Thé pullers were purchased
out of funds advanced by the state ol
Miss Leonard.
S ea rch in g for w h a t none finds— th a t Oregon and Portland chamber of com
“A clean grocery store, with pack­
h itter balm
ages all In an orderly row, with goods I h a d to g iv e thee. He thou tovedat tuerce. The money will he repaid by
slep t
displayed te the best advantage and
the growers In Installments covering
ead on th r boeom y esterd a y ; today
Mod know et the w h ole w ide world
the fragrunt odor of good coffee rising
a period of years.
w raps w ith th y woe;
above It all. ought to appeal to the The g r ie f which a ll h ea rts sh are g ro w s
One man was killed, s score of
leas for one.
housewifely Instincts of any girl.”
passengers bruised and battered, two
locpmotlves and a baggage car reduc
ed to Junk and the lives of hundreds
of vacationists Jeopardised when twe
The U N IV E R S IT Y oi O R E G O N
passenger trains on the Astoria branch
The Oregon Slate Agricalturl C »Hege off .rs
of the Bpnkana, Portland A Seattle
The College of Literature. Science
railroad collided headon at a point
and the A rts with 22 departments
about one mile west of Rainier.
The professional schools of Archi­
The year which ended June 30 show
tecture and Allied A rts— Business
ed the greatest slaughter of coyotes
and other predatory animals for any
uate Study—Journalism — Law—
year In the history of the state, ac­
Medicine— Music— Physical Edu­
In the aererai pursuit» nut profmsions i:i life
cording to 8tanley O. Jewett, preda !
cation— Sociology— Extension
Through the full using school» and department» —
tor/ animal Inspector ef the United,
fo r a eotaloitM or anfi information
States Atologlcal survey. Predatory
The School o f Basic A rts a~.d Sciences
a m u Thr Rrgittrar. UmOrrntjf of
animals numbering 7804 were repre
Oregon, fugene. Oregon
( A n Eiwkdt. sukke weak..-», modem ' e x « « «
• rd »•*
sented at the office tn Portland dur
ProvsdM'g the foMT.danon (rtiM R | upon * h ch wchntcal »pectaluaiKn it hu rt
lng tbe year by skint and »calps. Ot
The 49th Year Opens September 25,1924
this number. 6152 were coyotes.
The Ten Technical Schools
Continued dry westber throughout
June caused a further reduction tn
Agricultnr.’—IB dspatim enis Commerce—4 department»
(B . 9. degree)
crop prospects, snd It now appear»
( B . 9 . M. 9. d eg ree.)
Forestry—'2 department#
probable that tbe 1934 Oregon wheal
Engineering - 7 department#
(B 8 .. M 9 degrees)
crop will sot exceed one-half tbe pro
dnetion of last year says F. L. Kent rkl Tour fy«cm
Catarrh or Deafnew
M ine*- 3 department»
( B 9 , M. 9 degree«)
statistician of the United States de caitte^ yT Catarrh.
(B S degree)
Home Economic»—5 dep'ts
Intf by WmctiM» A k <
Vocational Education—5 de­
pnriment of agricult «re
W eathe.'
CHENEY & c o > X oW o
(B. S . M. S degree»)
bureau records show a rainfall at
(R 8 , M 9 . degree»)
Portland of .63 Inch during June, and
(B . 8 ., Ph. C. degree»)
M ilitary Science snd Tsclics
• total deficiency tines 9eptembet1
— 5 nnits
Cehmical Engineering -
1, 1923. ot 16.81 Inches.
(B 9 degree)
(B. 9 degree )
Oregon pensions have been granted
at follows: William H Powers. Port south of Brownsville, in good road.
The trainin g includes physical education, industrial journalism so­
tend. 115; Mary C. Whitson. Portland , Will
. »sw out
, „ vour
. order
. . . f<»r
. 115
. t o fX)
cial ecitnees and music. Entrance and graduation requirements are
130; Fr«rf H Wilson. Portland. 516; * thousand. Deltvered H#b*V.
standard. Thm ngB the nanal ra tin g «eianisslions the College is ac­
Leland 8 Hanford. La Grande, »13; Shannon A Martin, K, 2, Halsey.
credited to the beet gradaste schools in A m erica
Student life is
William R Hurst. Portland, »16; Mark1
raceptionalty well organiseli to develop,deal«of leadership anil service
W Baker. Salem, 111; James H
I o the commonwesltli.
Admission r f f. sh .ien, September U , 1924.
Gestna. Portland. »It; William P. Wat '
For illustrateli booklets and s p e riti inform ation write to
son. Portland, »16; fames B Layton ,
, " • pledge «urselvee evut tn Asian I
end maintain We hi a let at SB time«
Rye Valley. »11; Julia E Wilsey
upon obedience of th» .edaSis pro
Pendleton. (30. rhsrtnn T. Smith
Cash paid for
O a sco M A o n ic o tT ttB A i C o n i o «
Portend .7»; Frederick D. Rtr.uhe I
I eetea of the law and .l-pfere ahd con
J damn « v effort to c t » » » rell*lom
Timber. IIS; Albert W Dun mire
or racial dtscneeloa*
Dothan, 111,
& Hides. M . H - S H O O K
Plalfoiui io (all ui xt week
“A Liberal and Practical
Education ”
H a ll’s C a ta rrh
w"b' v" Sawmill
Cream and Produce Station