JOLY 17 » « • HALSBY E N T E R P R IS E The exclusion act, as it affects the 4 We bare a stock of —— —— ~ Japanese, «as entirely within the HAUBÜY E N T E R P R IS E |op ,h ., any enterprise which taken , ights of thia nation. If the Japanese i Enterprise Correspu&ilent«» Aa !■>«•»•>«•■<—*<»T • • • » » ! — m w * . excessive profits from our citizens, don't like it that is their affair. The ■ *»•< aaU U nbrS • » • » / T h u rs4ay Lee Ingram and A. E. Whitbeck i such as would subject it to a burden- great rush of Nipponese to get into M r M aa- M. Ä H I V I X H were at the county seat one day last some income tax, ought to be curbed America before the act took effect the Super-Fuel It.gredienl. This chemical, mixed with the week. gasoline, cleans the motor of carbon, produces a better running •aba- i Ip o. | l 6) a year la »dvanee. in that or some other way, and that showed that, whatever they may Miss Hattie Dannen of Shed- vis­ Advertising, >lc an inch; ao discoun any other state to which it flies will _ think of our laws, many of them like motor and increases the m .lea per galloo. Absolutely guaranteed. ited her sister, Mrs. E. A. Starnes, lor liiue or space , no charge lor com C .me to our «hop and let us explain thia new fuel more te time apply a similar curb. our location. All talk of that coun­ eoaitibn or c isuge*. Sunday. le • ' P e l o b . i Paragraphs," 6c a ilea The man who stakes his all in the try going to war with the United Mrs. Ingram called on Mrs. A. sia dlsgulsad aa nawa. production of our bread and butter States is bosh. elephone j RewJence U1|£ht*. 18x A L B E R T F O O T E Prop. E. Whitbeck Tuesday afternoon of To Advertisers --------------------- .s entitled to at large a percentage last week. Copy received before Tuesday is Nut to be outdone by the Hawaiian j of profit as the man who sells us tim e lor good position. Wednesday Mrs. L. E. Bond and daughter Vera gasoline or buys our prunes, pota and Japanese earthquake prophets, of Albany visited at the E. D. Isom late and Thursday'a mail is loo late. Prof. David Todd of Amherst college homo Thursday. oes, wool or wheat. OSee hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to t except A square deal, if it were possible, predicts that the weight of New and Mrs. Medford Ingram of Mondays and Friday forenoons. would wrong nobody, hot oh, what York’s skyscrapers and the relief of Silverton called on Medford’s uncle, may communicate with F.ntigt) Lee of the Salvation A r a y at the underground pressure by the world’s Lee Ingram, Sunday, taking Miss' towls it would evoke from some! THE INCOME TAX Z White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Poftland, Oregon. A partial stagnation in lumbering oilwells will combine to produce a Thelma home with them for a visit. is by some attributed to a fear of great earthquake. Put him on the Je'se Jenks and family, Mrs. Floyd C. C. Chapman, head of the move Jenks and daughter Jessie and Miss making so much profit as to be hard =am Enter prli) are due and payable in adranoe Springfield Sunday to visit with rela­ llalsey Friday in the interest of that leased with the letters “K K K” d Japanese are buying less Amer tives. Mrs. Ingram’s sister, Mrs. C. at the rate of $1.50 » year. If It is not convenient for a subscriber campaign. can lumber, which caused a slacken branded between the shoulders. The P. Clover, accompanied them home o pay lor a rtnenal promptly the publisher is willing to continue the Mr. Chapman brought photogra ng of the lumber industry, but the Ku Klux say they did not do it. Of for a few days’ visit. | paper a short time and wait fur the mousy, but definite instructions to phic copies of a large number of let nills are fast coming back to normal course not. They don’t do things Mrs. Chester Curtis received word ’ do io are desired, because— ters from capitalists who say they Should the mills slacken in produc •.hat way. They just happen. last week that her brother, Herbert j Under our Oregon law a publisher cannot collect for such contin- v.’ould have located pay-roll enter ■ - ■ ■ — —— ion Oregon has more than any other Tandy of Elmira, is to undergo « sm- uacce unless he can prove that it was specifically ordered, hence ad. prizes in Oregon but for the income La FoUette has achieved something. tate of fine timber, and it will be gical operation soon and the rest o f . v a n ct payment ¡, desirable. tax, but he did not accept our pub io calamity to have its destruction He has made the republicans sit I up the family are down with scarlet Three people, one of them a schoolteacher, who might be pre* lished offer to advertise a list o and take notice. In Oregon they an­ fever. delayed. »urned to koow belter and to have a higher conception of what consti­ them for 20c an inch, nor even con A few industries that have no‘ nounce that they wili fight him more Mi. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer and A. tutes fair play towards a fellow mortal, have been unkind or dishonest sent to their publication free for een driven from Oregon by the in- than Davis. !. Robnett and fam ily came now 1| * B0 to refu)e p.y for jj,. Eutsrprise after it bad been mailed to they, or the most of them, are con from Evgene Saturday evening and | 6 . , , . j « .. . m u *». ome tax are mentioned by Hofer 4 Chicago mosquitoes beat the devil With E. D. Isom and family and Mrs. ‘h«® ,or » y<” r and regularly accepted from the postoffice by them fidential and not to be made public— ion in th is w eek’s bti'letin, from Friday night when they routed a D. I. Isom drove to Cascadia Sunday. without protest. tnly to be shown where It is thought vhich we quote several, as follows: I do not wish to be thus defrauded very often and I do not wish Methodist camp meeting after his to spend the day. Miss De Etta Rob- they will do the most good. Ashland—$132,000 subscribed for nett remained for a longer visit with t 0 , eDJ th . Enterprise to any person who does not dtsite it, though Satanic majesty had failed to do so. The men who have plenty of cap icw tourist hotel. her grandmother, while the others re- thankfui for the privilege of tending it to all who will pay for it at ital which they are willing to set at Eugene— Building permits in June The congregation fled td the churches turned to Eugene in the evening. $1.50 a rear. work against the income tax are, as otaled $208,000. St. Helens—Lumber shipments Inst capital is said to be, timid. There veek of June totaled 3,600,000 feet W i l l . H. WHEELER. Publisher is one word which, above all others Baker—Spokane capital erecting they dislike to hear, and that word 26-ton ore mill at Gold Hili For G r a i n S a c k s and T w i n e see Coquille—Alpine paper company Pay Gravel is "tax-shirker." drew her skirts about her to eacupe « / buys site to erect plant. contact with Lottie Carl’i coarse cloth­ (Continued iro n . pnge J) Mr. Chapman avows that there is Woodburn—Work started on $10,- ing and run up the stairs. W to he no skulking or evading of the hut I was the one to pick her off her Ban Juan Joe tried to laugh as he 00 power plant. \lz feet and ride with her. She'll be better light in his activities in the cam­ complained : Foster—Hydraulic mining plant Off In the Cult woman's boarding V I/ "D— n It, Dlnsdale! But you've paign. He will not follow the tactics -oing in on South Santlam. house. 'A froatier woman with a rifle,' VI/ you and best grade of made bad blood between me and Kitty. Milton—Box factory, recently burn- of Mr. Brownell. His work will be called her." Why the h—I couldn't you show your VI/ 1, again operating. onpn and above-hoard. We fear this ”1 mutt be poison,” trilled Kitty the cards on the table before I made an Alford Arrows FAG F HALSEY GARAGE T, Boyce-Ite HALSEY GARAGE •••••••••••••••••« ; Any Girl in Trouble An Appeal for Fair Play I O. \Y. I K I M I1 New The amount of money which capi Inuduhle stand of his will deprive his cause of many shekels, through the .lists allege that they were about ahove-mtntiened timidity, hut we i invest in establishing industries in regou if the income-tax law had must commend him for It. He thinks our reference to the ot been passed, added to what will • invested anyway, would hav? giv- $1300 which his publication received t this state a most amazing indus- for advertising the repeal campaign ial boom, and we believe is greater may have carried to some minds the tan those same capitalists would idea that said advertising influenced ive so invested if the state had his editorisi course. Perhaps it did, Tered them a big bonus instead of hut we wish to disclaim any such tax. Siangily expressed, we be intention. No doubt the business •ve they are talking through their i fllces of some newspapers are aide its. Io sway the editorial writers. We have no proof that such Is the case MISSING LINKS with the Oregon Voter. But we have a decided lielief that a contrary sit- The brand of spirits Conan uation existed - that the editorial ut­ oyle consults and advertises, and terances of the Voter influenced the e brand which the great and num- men who directed expenditures in ous American bootlegger dispenses, that campaign. ■verally produce some startlimr ef- W’e do not he lieve that those fin­ cts. Combined, their effects are anciers would have paid so much for ill more hair raising. Marion and advertising in the Voter if it had op­ oy Smith, J. Peterson and Fred posed their cause. And we believe *ik, all spiritualists and accustomed they were unwise. They were under-, seeii»" things, went prospecting stood to be spending thnt money to ■ rm Kelso to a place called, appro- make votes for their cause. Had riately to the succeeding events, the they directed their energies and their jiirit I-ake country, traditionally re- funds to opponents, placing thetr lit­ rted by Indians to harbor a tribe erature in opposing publications, they I gorilla-lik c n ea tu r cs known as could have reached more of the peo­ mountain devils.” ple they wanted to convert. What antidotes for snake bite the Christ, on earth, was critiis party carried is not reported, but ed for associating with publicans and they fled the region in the morning sinners, but he said he wanted to ith hair on end and reported that call not the righteous, hut sinners, ■ey had been besieged all night by to repentance. He was wise. Just l«nd of thirty gorilla-like crea so the campaigners of today, if they res who showered stones upon are wise, will do their advertising cm and knocked one of them un- where it will reach the eyes of thos< i scious, in which condition he re- sinners who, they fear, will vote thi ained for several hours. wrong way if not converted. The veracious prospectors shot at Mr. Chapman does not seek to de ’ horrid creatures, wounding one fend himself against nny personal d killing another, they report, hut aspersions. He devotes himself tc ley failed to bring away the car the work in hand. The explanation xsa, the hide, or even a hatr of the given above is entirely without re ad monster. quest or suggestion from hint. Add these missing links to the pre- Mr. Howard was evidently very I storic amphibian reported last year sincere in his argument and was put a secluded South American lake tiug all his powers into the voicing id the remains of men and monsters of what he iwlievea is for the good illions of years old that have tieen of all Oregon. ported about once a week since in The chief argument against the in undreds of locations all over the come tax is that it will drive capital orld, and to these add the beings and pay rolls away to other states man Doyle and his followers have or prevent them from coming to * i i seeing end even photographing, Oregon. nd you will have a museum worth The Enterprise is still of the opia­ oing far to see. Second Sacks on hand VI Schemer with an ugly side glance at San Juan. "You must be very lovely. You look It." retorted Dlnsdale. "But there are those who come here who are not Now we'll be going, Lottie." The girl obediently rose. San Juan Joe stepped between Dlnsdale and the door and said: “Not so fast. We'lt discuss this a bit further." "You'll get clear of that door, Joe, or w ell discuss It with guns." Dlna- dale warned io a low voice. "A had man, eh?" politely asked the w e serve u i i l prove none too big gambler. "A mighty bad man when held back fo r y o u r a p p e tite a fte r you once from a door he'i set on going ta ste it. In fa ct, y o u ’ ll wish you through." It was difficult for the gambler to (O'Jld fin d room fu r m ore. T ry some a t home fo r dessert. T he hate a man to the edge of ileeth for being proof against the Schemer’s way the fa m ily w ill enjoy it w ill lure. Dlnsdale had been a good com­ m ake y o u r h eart feel g ls d . panion. He was a prepossessing young nan and might easily Interest good » omen and weak. The gambler gave him a high mark for being Indifferent to Kitty. Because he believed be would never have cause for Jealousy on Dlnsdsle's account, the gambler lacked heart for what he knew would end In the death of one, perhaps the two, of them. The girl was of no Interest to San Juan. He felt an Immense relief In believing that the fickle Schemer could never make his heart ache by receiv­ ing any attentions from Dlnsdale. lie crything in stock. Be quick amazed the woman by quietly agree­ ing: U n i v e r s a l and Bridge. "Let It go at that, Pete." Beach 4 Co., best in the world And he stepped one side. "You used up all your nerve and your fighting spirit In the canyon, I H |*avv ° r Hght. F ull stock on hand, reckon," hissed K itty the Schemer, Come in and see the q n u lity ami !earn prices now thoroughly enraged at Dlnsdale, the gambler and herself. San Juan did not mind her angry mood»: he rather preferred them. When she was In a rage It was likely she had failed In some attempted con­ quest. He was not to be trapped Into a fight to the death Just to please the noman’s vanity. "Really, Kitty, the girl Isn't worth two good men throwing down guns on each other. We know Just about »hat the other can do. I f we went through with thia It would mean one dead man and probably two. Now look tha kid over and any what I ’ve •old Is true. And It's as be says; be saved her, not L" "He might have let her «tease for herself," Insisted Kitty the Schemer. "I want to go with Mr. Dlnsdale!" hastily cried Lottie, deeply frightened et the threatened tragedy, and yet not knowing Just what all the argument » aa about. "You've made a conquest." laughed Kitty the Schemer "Look ont. girl. I may decide to take him from you." You ca n t! Tou mustn't!" cried the girl at the drew Dlnsdale Into the hall after her T a k e me away! I'm S'-ared of thia place. I'm scared ef that woman." T P . Bttte fo o t, c m s rk M K lt t , "You little fool." tn t 5 ch Fra er eonterrptuouilj a« ih< I I G R A IN Market prices paid for any kind of Vi/ 0/ V«/ AND H A Y£ The Big Dish of Ice Cream Clark’s Confectionery •••• &«••< •••:•••••••• •• •• • • JHILL & <5 8 Hardware • Earm Machinery »■ te’ "ric” "" Stoves & Ranges •• H 'lm P Q Q la t ti I lv o o • • .. O ur prices sell our goods H IL L A m e r ic a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Hay is w orth ju s t ns m uch in sto rag e as you m ight got fo r it in case o f tiro. Th .? A m erican Eagle Fire In su ra n ce t ornitali f I will pay you o f th e ■ al Jour getting wiped out. It . . . B . be nice mee 1* ir «he she can keep what «he's she's ^ / h ^ , t (To t* continued) «