^ / ^ b a n y j2 ) ir e c t o r y i A Z4w w jr — Continued FARM LOANS Ttai» is goo I advice: “ i f you live at lowest rate of interest. in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live Insurance in some other town, trade in that tow n.' Real Eatate Hut in these automobile days many re­ Prompt service. Courteous treatment. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do M Room 5, First Savings Bank at least part of their buying in the boilmng, Albany larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill th eir require­ ments with courtesy an 1 fairness. W rite for booklet describing our 20- lb*n y Bakery, 321 Lyon «rent, vear Rural Credit Amortised Loan? The loan pays out in 30 payments, re , * Best one pound loaf of bread made tirin g the principal. Cheap raies. No 5 cenlt. delay. Wedding cakes to order. FARM LOANS A B u m L amp C o , A lb a n y Floral Co. , and plants. Floral art for evei and all occasions. Flower phone 438-J A lb a n y * Elnctric Store. Radio seta. Gkgww 1-U Lyon St.. Albany, Ore Cut flow ers Electric wiring. Delco Light product« 202 Second W m un w m . m o f l ic h . A u t o E lectric Service-“ Kechsrg- able A & B batteries— W IL L A R D storage battery. Phone 21 119-121 W Second st. IL D. Preston—J C. Cochran B lu e Bird R estaurant, SOW Lyon 55 ◄ BO _ - SHOE O SERVICE i Continued) enóúgF othefe to awbtl thé M h lents of the h e t When the collection wee handed up to the gambler Dlnadale CHARTER III Shoes that coat less per month of wear W hy suffer from headache ? Have vour eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H Hl#h They halted their horses at the top • steep desvent early la the after- “ *? " ! i ’” ,n *»<• “ >• lo»»T stripped two greenbacks from a re'J aa his contribution. Even In the en tbuslssm of the momeut thia act was noted and rem embered; for groin becks were curiosities In the hill» and readily commanded a premium of five To Oregon’s ^Vacationland low roundtrip fares Gnlcb T he guleb • • « “ H I to ta d abruptly against a C rater L a k e, T illa m o o k , N e w p o r t, C o o s rtdga In the middle rilatanoe, hut Sao B a y b ea ch es, O r eg o n C a v es, th e M c K e tu ie Joan explained that Ita cowan was P* L , <* nL San J u ,b i»ve generously R iv er a n d scores o f d e lig h t f u l m o u n ta in I he noisy promoter called for » * ln*i'n« 8ni1 »hat H was fo lly B R U N S W IC K resorts in O r e g o n are a v a ila b le fo r y o u r committee to count (he collection. This ten miles long Both tides of the road * PHONOGRAPHS v a ca tio n thia su m m er. »»» d< ne in due form with the gam » a re Heed w ith log cabins, shanties Optometrist, with at bier as chairman. A fte r a visit to o f rough board« and ten t« W O O D W O R T H 'S S p e c ia l lo w r o u n d t r ip fares are n o w in F . M . F r e n c h «. s o n s the gold-scales of the nearest »tore the " I t ain ’t very p re tty to look at," effect to a ll p o in ts. S to p o v ers a lo n g th e lin e . TAavenport Music com pany offerr committee reported that |.<>:tle Carl dubiously comment ad L o ttie Cart, gan- J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S Piano case organ, good as new A n d o n Friday», S atu rd ays a n d S u n d a y s wee richer by thirty five ounce» or fcg Ulsapprovlngly at the scattered Kstey organ, good aa new Albany, Oregon e v e n lo w e r ro u n d trip fares are so ld , w ith - »lx hundred and forty-seven dollars , th * aurvlvora o f fires and V ied Pianos. Vociferous cheering greeted the an windfall«. o u t sto p o v ers a lo n g th e ro u te. T h e s e fare» " I agree w ith Lottla. I t | « , 't murh nouncement. The hat with Its wealth h a v e a return lim it o f 16 d ays. Ip astb u rn Bros.— Two big grocery waa handed to the flush faced girl to look a t " said Dlnadale. atores, 212 W. First and 225 South f c o m p le te in fo r m a tio n an d c o p y o f o u r Lottie Carl was too dated to speak • "Forget the scenery, m u . Remero- M ain. Good merchandise at the right b o o k le t " O re g o n O u td o o rs" c o m m u n ic a te but San Juan rose In bis stirrup» and prices. * * r that Deadwood C ity w-sun’t laid w ith W hat a satisfaction to know out till last May, and that a lf supplies bellow ed: l ? l i t e Cafeteria and confectionery "The little lady wishes me te thank and the machinery fo r the sawm ills that your K R Y P iO K GLASSES Home cooking. Pleasant rurround- had to he freighted In fo r tw o hun­ you for her." C . P, M O O D Y , Halsey, Agent — Phone 22*« inga. Courteous, efficient service. •re built upon the h ighest stand dred and fifty miles w ith much o f the Dlnadale leaned forward and spoke W e make our own candies. srd of Q U A LIT Y . road being in hostile conntij,'. Dead­ rapidly to the gambler, who stared W S. D u n c a n . A n yon e buying for quality will wood la a great town. No other like * f “ I™ In faint surprise, and replied: It In the world." "F irst time you've mentioned It to Ip ilin s developed and printed. »•k for K R Y P T O K S. And In saying this the gam bler spoke m « ’’ *■ We mail them right back to you. with but little . If any, exaggeeattlon; " I forgot about It. Heard It at l.a r Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ egon. for the mining camp at the Juntglon anile. M ay not Interest them." of the two creeks was n m iracle of "Everything Interests us up here." ' a * wlawrse- e- a t . w , pirst parage going north. American enthusiasm and enterprise. Again rising in his stirrups and wav pictures, nil In heavy gilt fram e»; and girl, anyway?" Tires, accessorie«, oils, gasoline, l TP to the middle o f M ay It had be< V log his hand for attention, San Juan an excellent piano stood against the repair work. "Nothing beyond seeing Ihnt she Is a tangled wilderness, w ith the growl I k announced: wall. _____________________ W . H , HULBCRT, decently housed— referring more io •o thick and Impenetrable that the "My friend, who a Just through 'rom Lottie Carl continued speechless. It government exploring expadltlon of 1 lieyenne and Fort I.araralo, says waa apparent she had never seen such PORO SA L E S AND 8ER V 1C E the previous year, sent ont to conffriu .traln-robbera held up the Union Pa combinations of colors and comfort. Tires ami accessorie« •he Cuater expedition of 'seventy-four, elite train at Ogalala, went through Repairs Tha gambler watched her with a had not entered the gulch at all. K i r e -P o l l a k M otor Co. the paasengera, took the express and amlle on hl« lean face. She would Since the middle of May, when m all." be the one to decide, he had aaaunied, pV irtm iller F u r n itu ie 'C o ., fu ioi- Craven Lee and Isaac Iirow n built the Low voiced Imprecations rippled and already he was aufe o f her ver­ A ture, ruga, linolenra, stoves ranges flrst pine log cabin and halped to lay through ih« crowds. Only the great dict. A fte r a life of hardship« «lie Funeral directors. 427 433 west First out the streets w ith a la ria t In lieu fe e r of the mighty Sioux nation aud would gladly remain In this, Io her, street, Albany, Oregon. of a surveyor’s chain. It had grown its threat to sweep through the bills fairy environment. Optometrists, M anufacturing Opticians Into n business center o f feverish ac­ P U L L E R G ROCERY. 286 Lyon and exterm inate every w hite person, There came the «oft »wish of »klrta Albany, Oregon tivity. had restrained the miners from taking In the hall, a pause while a low musi­ (Suocessor to Stenberg Bros.) San Juan Joe dismounted before Groceries Fruits Produce up the m atter of the many stage rob cal videe p i » mi order In Chlnoee Parkhurst’s "Lager Beer Saloon" on berles. Phone 2o3R Then K ljty the Schemer stood Inside the left of the road and announced : “ T h « three rode on with Sun Juan the door, one of the most picturesque W. S E X A F E E , auto and gen "Thia la the beginning of Deadwood explaining: snd notorious characters to he found * • eral painter City. L e t’s have a glass o f beer ’” “ Not fa r to my friend’s place where In all the history of mining camp»' Get my estimate. " I’ll stay here w ith L o ttie ,” replied we can leave Lottie." Laundry sent Tuesdays leml-nn qde. 2ul E. First street Dlnadale. Dlnedale retrod In and pointed to a Agency Hub Cleaning Worka She was alight of flgnre. snd her San Juan was soon back. As he IJ O L M A N & JACKSON sign on a long log cabin, which read: face was youthful and showed no swung Into the saddle he told Dlnadale Grocery— Bakery M K 3 . C O L T T A K E S IN R O A ItD E R S signs of dissipation. H er air was that It was true that W ild B ill’s slayer had E veryth in g in the line of eats of Innocence, piqued by curiosity W H O PAY A H E A D been acquitted and allowed to leave Opposite Postoffice Only those oho knew her history 1 ' AYho'e Mr«, l olt?" be asked the town. ub Candy Co.. First street, next ' w ido w with a rifle Know« how to •vuld appreciate the dynamic qualities On that August day sevea-eighths Hinsdale oss now te- door to Blain Clothiog Co, She o.’ lo r spirit of the Black hills population, or some tl»e It. Product of the frontier calling how she had, unaided. Invaded Noon lunches. seven thousand people, were In the 111« no had dnhta.” Home-made candy and ice Cream. the F a r East and had estaldlshol two •*W h j not take Lottie ft town And It was estimated that sev-l L A W Y E R A ND N O TARY ' But we've already arranged to take palaces of sin. one In Hongkong, tha en out of every ten lacked employ-! ub C leaning Works, Inc. other In Yokohama. ment and were living from hand to’ her to see K itty . K itty a a wonder." H alsey , O rigon Cor. Fourth and Lyon Sha took in the throe at a gliiuo« Soon a new note pervaded the mouth. W hile Justly called the "poor! Master Dyers and Cleaners m ana digging" there was scant op­ afreet noises— the ahrewlsh clamor of snd extended her slim hand te the M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes portunity for late arrivals to go pros­ hurdy gurdlea and the crashing hahel gambler. For the flrat tim e D in .d a ir '"Just W hat Hava You to Oo W ith f you h a v e frie n d » they should pecting so long as the fe«r Of th « | o f overworked piano« occasionally re­ «aw beneath the latpasshlly of Sun , Thia O l r i r have your photograph. Sioux held the people close to fhesi lieved by the more dulcet harmony of Juan's face. H a clung lo her hand Clifford's Studio town. * t stringed Instrum ents; fo r they wen- and said no word, but his black eye» her surrounding» than to the furniture. 333 West F irst street. Albanv. now In the thick of the dance balls blaring down Into the upturned face, Later on more permanent plans n s The talk o f the m illing crowds was and tents and bawdy houaet. Dins he mude for her." TLf AU N ETO EL ECT R IC*CO. not of gold but of Indians Even the »poke volume« A ll work done promptly and reason- K itty the Schemer tossed hack her Chinese I sundry men abandoned their dale looked very sober. L ottie Carl T” Official Stromberg carburetor serv. Loaf your voice, Juan?" R ltty ably. I hone No. 264 understood nothing, it was merely asked, her limpid blue eye» turning head and laughed lightly, hut there work In the Centennial wash house ice station. Couservative prices All wb .« a nicked glim In her eyes as she work guaranteed. 119-121 W . Second. and loitered outdoors to pick up. eo much noiee to her. In welcome to Dlnadale. scraps o f Inform ation concerning th«.< | "T hia la K itty'» (dace. Looks better T he gambler hastened to present hi» bantered: A RIN E LLO PAR LORS wanders of Craxy H o rs* i Inside,“ said San Juan, halting before companion». 21'be woman Ignored the "I'd say. Juan, that yon and M r. (A beauty aid for every need) San Juan Joe was on» of the best-! a long two story building made of girl to aludy l»n« 1 J -i