; I My Business ALBANY’S CO-OPERATIVE ADVERTISING PLAN la selling auto supplies, tires, tubes, motor bear­ ings, piston rings. J. H. ALLISON Clip this corner out and bring it to our store. It’s worth 25 cents in trade. An Appeal to People of Rural Districts for a Wider and More Mutual Interest in Commercial Circles of Linn County. F irst and Washington Sts. Where tirea “CUT IT OUT” are cheaper. “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS Th« Clear Lake Caravan Albany, Oregon Nothing Better for Hot Days High Grade Lumber (Albany Herald) To reduce our stock of nuts we are making big There is going to waste within a reductions in the price of our entire stock. comparatively few miles of us power Right out of our own virgin forests—home grown. THAN No m atter w hat the oc­ 9 x 12 Royal Ardehan Wilton Velvet $122.50 that can turn the wheels of countless First-class building m aterial is your m ost im portant A T oaster or Table Stove. casion may be, let us rug for ...................................._...................... $98.00 , Mills, of mills that can give us a consideration. Special Toaster and Plate help you. 9 x 12 Bussorah Axm inster rug 62.50 rug for 52.50 'larg o populatino, of mills that will $2.00 Let "Copeland Quality” be your guide. 9 x 12 Bussorah A xm inster rug 42.00 rug for 32.50 imost the values of all county prop- Complete Line of Electric 9 x 1 1 6 Seamless Axm inster rug ....................... . 29.00 1 er*y, city or rural. We as a peo- J. W. COPELAND YARDS * Appliances. 9 x 1 2 Grass rugs, double warp ............................ 6.75 , Pl* arc indictable on the charge of 337 W. F irst St. L IM B E R 8 x 1 0 Grass rugs, double warn ....................... 4.75. «'.othfulness if we refuse to be atir- Ail other rugs reduced In the same proportion. j re;l by this prospect; if we fail to Albany Yard a t the west end of Second S treet Flowers-Flowers Phone 276. We also have some special values in new and used l°°lt *nto it, if we refuse to do our Store Phone Greenhouse furniture, utmost to take advantage of it. O ther yards a t Lents, Salem, Hubbard, Yamhill and 458-J 24-F-21 The big caravan which will set out Hillsboro. 310 W est Second St. BARTCHER FURNITURE CO. 415-421 W est F irst St. Albany, Ore. for Clear Lake the Inst o f this month and the fore p art of next has been designed to hasten the day when Linn county will be taking advantage of Continues, and we have added many these potential resources. new lines oi line footwear which will be It will be an expedition of modern B utternut Bread sold at very low prices. Argonauts, who unlike their ancient Rough Dry Family Washing, predecessors will not pursue a fabled The carpenters are still busy, but we chimera, but will be exploring sources Finished Family Washing, have added much m ore space in which of wealth which are known to exist. Bert Clark Handles it Albany Floral Co. Ralston Electric Company A L T E R A T IO N SEARS’ is the That caravan from Albany to Clear Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, Feather Beds and lake will go July 31 and August Pillows, I .ace Curtains Scientifically done. and 2. A thousand people are ex­ “Quality Work. Best by Test. Prompt Service.” E. C. M IL L E R , Halsey Agent Holman & Jackson Wash, Cook and Clean GROCERS WITH ELECTRICITY W here Aleo Bread f 4 is made. ALBANY, pected to go, among them Governor Pierce and members of various state boards and commissions. The p ar­ ticipants will cam,’ their own camp­ ing equipment. Waldo Anderson’s stupendous w ater, light and power project will receive the principal a t­ tention, but the Santiam pass road and a proposed fish hatchery will also be considered. to exhibit the large assortm ent. A visit to our store will convince you oi the great values to be had. A FARMERS’ CO-OPER­ McDowell Shoe Co. We w ant your Cream Make it your se rv a n t OREGON WALL PAPER Mountain States Power Company Albany, Oregon Change of Location Tints, Vumishes and Brushes. Having discontinued our store at Brownsville, Oregon, the Brownsville Woolen Mills Store is now open to the public at First and Ellsworth Sts. (op­ posite Albany State Bank), Albany, Oregon, where we have a complete line of Clothing, Furnishings, Blankets and Flannels. A t our new location we are prepared to carry a larger and more complete stock than in the past. MILL AT BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. Retail stores at Portland, Eugene, Marshfield, North Fend and Albany. Get our Prices. F. C. DANNALS 123 E. Third Street. Albany, Oregon. Auto Electric Service Authorised Sales and Service Brownsville Woolen Mills Store Willard Storage Batteries Can you Imagine that a little Insect pest called the cucumber beetle could cause a loss of *3,000,000 to S5.000.0IX) annually to the cucumber crop of the United States. This Insect not only injures the plant by feeding, but car­ ries bacterial diseases which are In­ jurious to many other plants. Do you want this loss to go on In the future? Your answer would be “No.” You can become best acquainted with Its control by reading bulletin 355—"Nicotine Dust Kills the Cucum­ ber Beetle,” by J. E. Dudley of the Agricultural Experiment Station, Madi­ son, WIs. This bulletin explains how nicotine dusts are made and used In the most efficient and profitable way. It will also tell you how much of the dust to apply to the acre, and the manner In co-operating wlrh your neighbors In using It. Now Is the time to send for this free bulletin and lenrn to km the most dangerous enemy of the cu­ cumber, the striped cucumber beetle. 9 4 Let us figure with you on your w a te r system. A Place to E a t W here All FAIRBANKS MORSE LIGHT PLANTS Is Neat. Best On E arth. Full Stock of McCormick-Defering Repairs The R ight Service a t the Right Time. Mail Orders Taken Care of. 129 Broadalbin Albany, H. D. Preston, 53 53 | J. C. Cochran Proprietors Stores Albany, Oregon Stores —: Phone 23: _ H eadquarters for A. & B. Her« Il «here you get dependable tutrchandiie at the low. *ft poseible price«. You are cordially invited to visit ue Radio Rechargable B att vries. Oregon. x* strau G ers I l K YY A II I I 1-3 IT x k l l l / _. . , It volt have been chronically ill for six ”. . . m o n t h s a n d IllO A -F U y shows your spine per- i . . * ’ ii • .i feet 1 will give you the picture FHEK This r. o ffe r h o ld s good Dr. R. H. Harris, Chiropraricr Cnalck Bank Bldg , Albany 209 W. First Street Harold G, Murphy, S P E C IA L EF HE POUT LIKE VT H E R E , VJHT OOUT HE KM»E o u t , h e h * i Prop. The ««I« of men amt». inelndei light, dark, «triped and «onio gray eu.ti. *Shree big lota $19.75 $24.75 $27.75 One b'g Ir.t of ftO Y 8 ’ S U IT S leas 25 per cent ............ * U9 MEN’S AND BOYS’ TENNIS SHOES O regjit Bov*’ h «’»nva«. »urtion............ $1 .19, $1.29 and $1 85 Child » bl .ek Ienni« Oxford« . .................................. 79j black Tenni» O xford«........................... . 8 9 and 98e )! < •// att<) S u c e » f t) Heavy canvas Btdlicka, 49c TORRANCE Reconditioning Shop and SA LE STIMSON-I?fc „ YOUR SHOFS L High Shoes rn.de into O r % re Chambray Work S h in e ....,......... ...7 9 and 90c Men’« ea’ ra large Chambray Work Shirt« ............... 98c Men'« Ba briggan Union Suits ............................................. *1 i M«n’e Ail.letid Union Suit»........ ....................6«c, 7Uc. 11 25 Men’» Khaki Wotk Pant» ....................98c, $1.76 $2 10 y6 , Exner & Summerfield’s I M«n hr“‘" f""* Brothers Two Grocery Stores of the possibilities.—tell your neighbors the savings in home necessities you have found in the V ariety Store 212 W. F irst S treet and when on a shopping expedition in the metropolis of 225 Main S treet Linn county. If you are not one of our satisfied cus­ Phone 58 and Phone 54 tomers, get busy. MEN’S CLOTHING r t n i f r . ry rx Eastburn YOU TELL ’EM G O H , TVAÍ G U M t A » U T tovuu Albany, Oregon BARRETT BROTHERS GOT UO u s e FER (S T H ’ F 6 U .E R WIHO KUOC k S OUR. J. C. BREIER CO. Albany, Oregon BARRETT BROTHERS 120 W. F irs t St. TH’ OLE GROUCH ATIV E CREAMERY THE ARCH PRESERVER STORE Listen, Albany Pickle Growers P aints Key to the Dairy Industry of the Willamette Valley Albany Magnolia Laundry in Halsey. It SALE _ P O L IS H E S ’ --------- I3H O E GREASES W IL L END JU L Y 26 Acute Sickness Chiropractic gives nature a chance to correct acute illness in the shortest pos­ sible time. Acute sickness is always ac­ companied with at leant tem- porary luhluxation« of the »pine, either rautatire or from reflex. Dr. R. IL Harris, Chiropractor Cusick Bank Bldg., Albany BANKS’ SEMI-ANHU AL CLEARANCE A t A lb a n y is a genuine sale that is interesting Halsey people many o f y o u have w ith­ out doubt already taken advantage of the offerings that are made, and all would benefit bv so doing. Call B A N K S ' ‘‘Albany's store for Halsey people.” Get the habit 'of going to O A N JIfQ * Yoo’ll always And new thing« at D x A l x ZYO