Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 10, 1924, Image 8

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    curt.tiu B i.I,” McCanle- ro»’•s I
Wild Bill stepped out with a
tifle in his hands—it was McCanles’
own rifle left behind when he had
sold the station—and shot McCanles
through the heart. McCanles stag­
gered back through the door and fell
dead on the ground at the feet of
his little son.
Hearing the shot, Woods and Gor­
don ran to the house. Woods rushed
in at the west-end door as Gordon en-,
tered at the front. Wild Bill shot
Woods twice with a six-shooter and
Gordon once. Both turned and ran.
Woods ran around the house and fell
in some weeds at the east end. Gor­
don staggered toward the Rock Creek
bridge and Wild Bill, stepping out
the front door, emptied his revolver
at him, wounding him again in the
Wild Bill subsequently became the
most famous of the frontier’s long)
roll of “bad men.” He was scout and
spy in the union army during tht
civil war, scout in later Indian cam-1
paigns and marshal of Hays City,
Abilene and Ellsworth, the “toughest”
towns on the border in old cattle-
trail and railroad building days. He
is generally rated as the quickest
man on the draw and the deadliest
marksman with a six-shooter the
West ever knew. How many men he
How Some Spent the 4th
A. J. Hill and wife
I ravvio,dsvdle.
slain by
whose picture
is on the other
killed is a dubious questton. Buffalo Bill’s death was instantaneous, his
Bill, who was associated with him in hands flashed to his guns and drew
Indian wars and knew him intim ately.1 them halfway from their scabbards as
once told me that the dead men who ' he fell lifeless across the card table.
slept in T. lid Bill’s "private grave­ When tried before a “miners’ court,”
McCall was asked why he had not
yard” numbered more than thirty.
Wild Bill was killed in Deadwood shot his victim in front and given
in 1876. While playing poker, he him a fair show. His laconic answer
was shot in the back of the head by was a tribute to Wild Bill’s deadly
Jack McCall, who was hanged for facility with a revolver. "I didn’t
the crime at Yankton. Though Wild, want to commit suicide,” said McCall.
hinwegs went, but they came back I Mr». Knott io Dead
with some mighty tine fish, caught1 Mrs. Mellie Knott, mother of Mrs.
for by Mrs. Hazel Wallace.
J. C. Bramwell, died at the Bram-
C. J. Straley and M. H. Shook and
O. W. Frum and family had a fine fBnriiea started celebrating early by
time a t Crawfordsville.
driving to Newport Thursday. They
J. C. Walton, J. W. Stephenson returned Sunday evening.
ami W ilis Southem went to Spring-
P. H. Willis started with his fam­
field July 4.
ily for Chicago to spend the day, but
When last seen July 4, J. J. Cor- was sidetracked at Jefferson, so
.oran and Dorothy were headed for spent the afternoon on the banks of
the Santiam.
well "home Thursday evening, aged
75. Mrs. Knott had long been crip­
pled, but through all her sufferings
was one of the most cheerful resi­
dents of Halsey and her constant
sunny smile had the stamp of genu-
Undertaker W. L. Wright of Har­
risburg conducted the funeral, which
was at the Methodist church, with
W. ’I. Beene and Geo. W. Laubner
Mrs. Arthur Foote and Ruby Schroll inlero.snt at Pine Grove.
end wives decided that the Jefferson went partnership on a freezer of ice
camp ground was hard to beat.
< cream and invited in a few friends
Charles Mornhinweg and wife of
Carl Hill, Delos Clark and William and relatives to watch them eat it.
Ridge arrived Wednesday of
Corcoran agreed the only real way At least they were the last to finish
last week and visited at the G. W.
was to drive to Crater Ijike. They eating.
Mornhinweg home. They continued
left Thursday and returned Sunday.
. . . .
. „
John Bressler and family and Har- on to Portland Thursday for a visit
Edward Sawyer, express truck | y Rres>ier and wlf e took to the with Mrs. Mornhinwcg’s parents, Mr.
driver, went to Crawfordsville,
: hills and we know a lot of folks who and Mrs. Charles Gulliford. They
is able to be at work again.
took to the woods and C. H. Koontz made the trip in their new car.
B. M. Bond drove out to tend his claims he had the best time of all
flock of goats ami kids but we under- and stayed “to hum.”
A number of people from Albany,
stand he was kicked or bitten by one
C. P. Moody, on account of the Shedd and Halsey visited the Ma­
o f them on the ball of the thumb,
great heat it is thought, invited hie sonic home at Roseburg, interviewed
which caused him to remember it was family out to the lo n g Tom river to many inmates and came away with
July 4, so he took his family to the see him drown himself. He was the co.iviction that its management
banks of the Willamette at Peoria.
enable to do this, however, so is back makes it indeed a home to those
who seek Its shelter.
It is a mystery where the Morn- at work at the depot.