HALSEY ENTERPRISE SUPPLEMENT H A L S E Y , O R E G O N , J U L Y IO, 1924 James Butler Hickock Known ns “ Wild Bill,’’ He Killed and W as Killed. |N thia issue our story, •• p . , G ravel,” brings the »“ oaoçemjnt of the assassination of W ild Bill Hikock. April 12 of this year Henry Ford's weekly paper, the I earborn Independent, published an authentic account W I4hn H.’ a‘ h J * raeS B u ,l* r Hickook. wh.ch was W ild Bill ■ real name, and of the “ W ild B ill-M cC and- less fight, of which many versions have been current, some of them wilder than Hickoek’s nickname. We quote below from the article in the Iu d eDendent, which was w ritten by Walter Noel Burns after interviews with survivors of the scenes described and careful in- yestigation of the facts. Through the courtesy ot the Independent we reproduce its illustrations : T h . oblatory runs this w ay; Ten members of the McCandlass gang,’ bound on a horse-stealing foray, swooped down on the relay station of the Overland Stage comyaiiy at “ Rock Springs, Kansas," at the oubreak of the civil war. They were led by I 11 BUI McCandlass,” horse thief and murderer, terror of the border. W .ld B ill was alone. He emptied his rifle and s x-shooter and then fought on with his bowie knife. Soma stories sav he k ille l ten men; some eight. None credit h’m with having killed loss than seven. The faots are : O ly three men were killed They were Dave McCanlee, James Woods and James Gordon. Wild Bill killed McCanles—there is no doubt of that. He shot Woods and Gordon. It is probable Wood diod from the wound W ild B ill give h m, though this is not certain. G "r down, the remainder to lie paid in d >n, according to reliable evidence, monthly installments. Holliday was Killed by a shot, from another placed Horace Wellman as agent man. and Wellman was to deliver the The fight did not occur at monthly payments. "R o c k Springs, Kansas.** usually When the first payment came located in the stories “ fifty miles due Wellman told MeCanl e> tbe west of Topeka,’ nor iri Kansas at money had not come from o impa ny all. but at Rook Creek, Nebraska. headquarters. McCanles was sus. ‘ •B ill McCandlass ” of tradition picious, but waited another month. becomes David Colbert McCanles Wellman failed to pay the second of fact, neither horse thief, mur­ installment. At 4 o’clock July 12, derer nor criminal. 1801, McCanlaa met Welmsn at McCania« sold Hie E lkhorn sta­ the smith door of the cabin. tion to Ben H o llid a v , [Does the *’ I ’ll get your money in time. name sound f-im ilie r to vou. Ore­ M »o .” said W ellm an, “ but 1- gonians?] owner of the Overland haven’t been able to get it yet.” stage compinv. He received a sum ” You’re a lia r,” McCanlee I I hurled at him, 11 and a thief i boot.” Mrs. W'ellmau crowded to th door as her husband retreatei into the house and she volley« vituperation upon the lowerini giant before her, 'M v business," said McCan les, contemptuously, “ is with men, not with a woman.” Wild Bill Hickock thereupor brushed Mrs. Wellman aside and confronted McCanlee ‘ • l a m a m an,” he said. *’ I ’Ye come to have thie out with W ellm an,” McCanlaa said. *' Thia ain’t no affair of yours. You send Wellman out here so I can settle with him or I ’ll come in and get h im .” W ild Bill stepped back into tbe house as if to romplv. As W ell­ man did not appear, Mt Can les walktd inside. He was just in time to see W ild Bill disappearing behind a nlanket which curtained off the east end of the house as a bedroom. ” Come out from behind that