r / v »r M A I.3 K Ì K N Ir K P R lS R JULY IU IT i« funeral of »heir aUi.t, Mr< Mollia The gambler repeated what bad and every one o t them reached the K u o li. been told him at Rapid City. Once North South tOR Pyrites was convinced that the mur- Xo n 3 L(.W Davis look the fla g ' to • G L O B E ALBAXT * m No. 17, 12 15 p m derer's Innocence already bad been Brownaville Tue.day. Lt-ooe Balmer was bom« during 24, 4 27 p m proclaimed by a mob tribunal ba 22, 7,«( p m the holiday*. Eldon Cross and « ife spent last 7H £ PICK OF THE BIO 22. 3:20 a. ui. swore vehemently. The girl showed 21. Il 32 p « PICTURES alarm, and DInsdale signaled for a Nos 21 and 22 stop only n } Mrs. E. E. Gormley was on lha week at Newport and Yachats. I change of the conversation. SUNDAY—MONDAY sick list Sunday No. 14, due Halsey at 5:09 p. iIb w I | v a .u a T X a y lo I U I r, , who l has ia s u been m i o on n G w rant Pyrites wus not ready to return to to let off passengers from south J o í v 13-14 O. W. Frum made a business trip «¡ck list, is greatly improved j Deadwood. Roseburg. Z A N E G R E Y ’S Salem Tuesday. j .Misa Cleona Sm ith went down to “I want to go a bit slow along here," No. 73 runs to Eugeue only. ha explained. “Two or three likoiy Bom: To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dan-1 v i,it * ilh E uKc “*r frieuda W edoeaJ No. 21 rnns to Eugene, thence Marsh, - day. looking spots I want to look at. But len, — Monday, a - l«>y. I'll be In town as soon as you are, I held branch. McClure of M other’s In n , Tan­ reckon. Passengers for south of Roseburg should Mrs. Guy Bramwell of Brownsville gent, was here the other day look­ Progress waa slow, little better than take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer vas a Halsey visitor last week. B eb e D a in e ls ing for help. a walk, because of Lottie Carl; and to No. 15. w ith a n j” TaugTter E r n e st T orren ce night found them a good ride from J C. Bram w ell is carrying the Deadwood City. Ban Juan Joe, how­ ienevieve were Brownsville callers 2 * * * * » ♦ * * ♦ > > H U G H m ail on route 1 for M r. Taylor, SUNDAY MAIL HOURS ever, accepted the delay philosophical­ Monday. who has been sick. J Coming toon ly. The nervous haste to get back ©The delivery window of Charles Stralev and fam ily left to the gulch, so obvious In the morn­ Halsey posloffice is open Sunday, Mrs. J. E. Rockwell < f Portland 'or N ew port Thursday for an t ing. waa entirely lacking, and be en­ from 10:40to 10:60 a. tu. and 12:15 arrived Wednesday to visit D. G lutin g. tered upon the work of preparing to 12:30 p. tn. McClain and fa m ily . C opyright by The Bobba-M errlll Co. their last camp with the zest of a Mrs. L. C. Merriam and Mr». J. C. Mra. N ellie T a ylo r arrived Wed­ Sunday m ail gOea out oulv on schoolboy released for the holidays. Standish were Brownsville callers on nesday from C orvallis l i t a visit the oorth-bouud 11:37 tra in : Haliey Happenings etc. (C o n tin u ed fro m p a r e 3 ) Wednesday of last week. (T o b e c o n tin u e d ) w ith Halsey friend«. Mail goes south once a day, cloaiug.t 11 05 a. xu. j north twice, closing n 25 ou the creek of the same name. This •Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beene, Mrs. M r*. Erekir.e arrived Wednes­ town and Its immediate environs were Marvin Martin went to Portland a. m. and 5:30 p. Mal| (or ieene’s mother, Mr». Ara M iller of day evening from P ortland ami is Monday. Brownsville. Lrawfor.’sville and Sweet bustling with mining activities, the Home leaves daily at 6:45 a nl. 'akirna, and brother, W. II. Allen, v isitin g friends in and near Hah first the travelers had witnessed since M a r jr S u c c e e d « Mrs. George Hayes was In Albany ¡sited Cascadia Sunday. M f. leaving Bed canyon. Monday. o n M a in S t r e e t It was at Rapid City that the M ss Audrey Montague, from the Paid-for Paragraphs Karl B ia m w ell’s fainilv ami gambler and DInsdale learned hew Mrs. Lena Beene drove to Albany ummer school at O. A. C„ was the By LAURA MILLER Mrs. Edith Robnetl and Lrui>( McCall, Slayer of Wild Bill, had t.cca Thursday. (5c a Hue) •uest ol her friend, Mias Cleona and Truman spent the 4>h at Ne« arraigned the night before by n so- • - Mary LaRue made a trip to Al­ im itb , over the 4th and the week »Jrt. called 'citizens' ” or "minors' ” commtt- ♦♦♦«♦♦«*++***+**♦♦+**♦***< ©• 1923. by Laura M iller Cb:cken dinner Sunday. bany Monday. Ue. hud been ucqultted and furnished mi Good Eat» Restsurant. ENGINEERING BOTH M r. an) Mra Preaton Newton with a good horse and allowed to try Mi. and Mrs. A. E. Foote visited M r. and M rr. Charles Staah. of Portland are guests of the ls*- his lnelt in escaping from the hills. BABIES A N D BUSINESS at Junction City Sunday at the home larenia of Mrs F rank Ganale, and le r’e parent», M r. and Mrs. P J Ami there were those who had watched Old papers foreale at 5c a bundle of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Robinson. the stage road ever since the word was Would you expect a woman who at the E nterprise office. a- lis te r, M r*. T. N. S m ith, came Forster. received, hoping that the murderer had adopted as her slogan, "Babies Edna Robinson came down from from Oregon C ity and visited the K. K . Schomn returned to his would ride within range of their Before Business," to be written up in Junction City Monday to stay with Ganale» this week, hotre at T rtc v . C al.. Tims,lav, nfter rifles. all sorts of magazines as an unusual­ • -H-4-41 I H I I I I I h I | | | | i | | her sister, Mrs. A. E. Foote, a few Henry Mitzner of Paisley, Lake a v is it w ith bis sister, Mrs. R. K Let him go, eh?" mused San Juan. ly successful geological engineer? d ,y B - .1 .»ft I ounty, arrived Thursday for a visit lew art. T hat s too bad ! Wonder what’s be­ Rules fo r P oultrym en Ten years ago. when the two Gould hind it?” kiddles were healthy, little school ; 1. Have brooder house thor In the six months just ended 11,- /ith the home folks. It is the first “ P h ” Robinson, ss he a children, Nina S. Gould went back to “ L ooks as If he might be able to tell ■ oughly disinfected and on good 139,33(1.98 passed through the hands ¡me he has been in the valley for known at Erownsyille, took the things that some one doesn’t want her Job of being an assistant geolog­ ' sod. or move to ground where of Linn Couty Treasurer Lenore . wo years. ical engineer. In the office of Gould ’ there is good sod. tra in here Wednesday for a visit told," commented DInsdale savagely. Powell. Mrs. Fred Tayior™c7T:ugene w a s in P ortland. F ou rteen m iles w ere covered before A Gould she has entire charge of re­ 2. Rear young stock separate San Juan selected the next camping ports, maps, cost estimates and enough from old stock, and do not allow Mrs. Ara M ille r of Y akim a he guest of her father, J. C. Stan- The Tu*»ing fa m ily visited thp place, a restful spot in Spring valley. other technical details to make the them to range together. and W. A. Allen were with the ish, and wife Wednesday, and on Oreg ,n caves on the 4th. Tbev 3. Have at least one square The night passed quietly, and an­ average woman—or man—blink. She’s Beene-Laubner party at Jefferson on .’hursday she visited her brother foot of spare for every four repnrt them wonderful and well other ride into the fog was com­ an honorary member of Clil Epsilon, I iJverett at Salem. the 4th. ? f *14t7S menced. A few miles out they over­ a fraternity for women doing geolog chicks and have a stove large w orth the trip . Mrs. M. V. Koontz r i .~ . ¿ o . . -;. hi Halsey Monday who said they Tuesday, calling on the latter’s cou 2,100 came down from Portland to enjoy s i, C. P. Stafford, and wife. Mrs. Case is the daughter of B. A. Staf­ in ite m , .in j, ««c„ mclndmg those shown the celebration held at Crawfordsville 15.314 .M 9 ub)kic i . i oT „ $b 74i ; fi<«>.re..»3724.; ; ; ........... July 4th. To save money they en­ ford, one-time merchant of Halsey 6 ,4»>7.OO deavored to steal a ride back on a and county assessor of Linn county. truck bound for Portland. While Ixm Chamlee writes to several coming from Brownsville to Halsey •’ embers of the Church of Christ that 11 ( hc«h, iTe,„‘7 nk,.W,!*id.< Ci,y ° r ,ow" t>f bank snd other' they discovered one of their grips he has arrived in Hollywood, Cal. TO,*T o U1 * n l d U e ir ° m b *'’ k ’' 8 «¿«¿'94 had fallen from the truck, so they and is enojying his vacation immense «topped here and took the Browns­ •y. He asks for letters from niem ville stage back to look for i t Both lers of his congregation. Ills ad 1.1 AILl TIES Capital slock paid i n .................... girls were moderately well dressed. <1 »sa is 5611 Colton way, Los An 7. Sn rp 'ns f u n d ......... .......... ...... - - - - - - - - io.onn no Someone is to blame when two girls 15.000 on les. S (a) Undivided profita ......... ......................................... »7 «0.1.77 are found roaming ovtr the country 4.2*3 75 X 710 52 In this manner. What can their Di. and Mrs. Barnum and daugh mothers mean ? 1 r and son of M ount A n ­ 4 d“ *he 117,7(4.54 rem ind certificates of depoait outstanding ............ About forty young people of the gel drove over Saturday evening and 71« 79 standard throughout V o l'.^ H 0* 'h? ? nk "'- •'« » J -« P.y.hie . . demand........ Methodist church went on the 4th to ’ pent the night and Sunday at the C. 550.25 V reserve, f » i » ? 0 ''‘ P“ '’' Mary’s Peak. It is said that each 1. Stafford home. They were accom­ ■U” . X V m ’o” I « ’ * P - T - b l. ou panied home by Mrs Stafford, who • xtended her trip to Portland before Time certificates of depoait outstanding .34,7(7.54 I Sat mg, «♦apoa.tt, payable subject to notice " ..................... retu rn in g home Monday. Dr .34,(42.72 subjecu’ non“ \ \ 7 ; , < 1 ; 7 ^ , { \ 8 ^ , % ¿ » - d or' Rainum paid the Enterprise a plea- 2 tins fresh Tuxedo. 24o ant call. Total ....................... 1 Frank Channel Pip», 50c B ro s. P ro p s . I «a«» n( counts of Linn, sa ...................« -’M * M M r. and Mt«. H t r t y {H u tto n Total value, 74a M r*. E l i t i Kteppinger and M is that ibe c t»lla Bridges of Salem, cousins S p ecia l for b oth . 50c l Mr». J C. Bramwell, were in R IN G O S D R U G S T O R E Hals»y Saturday to attend the I My commission exyiret Î-D ?«. A a w A fussing Notary Publie Pa y Çravel ! ; Heritage of the . J Desert : ¿By ! PENDEXTER The White Moth \>Q^nnou)KÌn^ L let H a l s e y s t a t e b a n k BATTERIES Ford,Star Chevrolet mu/ other small cars show you ¡he NewGUl’ Pipe Smokers ARROW GARAGE * /