Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 10, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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    J U L Y ÎU 1924
A/^wwg ^/rsf/es«"*Continued
Il AI SRV F \" l R R I'R t s r
PAG h 3
at lowest rate of interest.
T h is is gool advice: " i l you liv e ,
in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live Real Estate
in some other town, trade in that tow n ." i
Hut in these automobile days many re- I Prompt service. Courteous treatment.
aiding elsewhere find It advisable to do W m B a i n , Hoorn 5, First Savings Bank
at least part of their buying in the
huilning, Albany
larger town. Those who go to Albany
to transact business m il find the firms
named below ready to fill th eir require­
ments w ith courtesy and fairness.
W iite for booklet describing our 20-
vear Rural Credit Amortised Loans.
The loan pays out in 20 payments, re
tilin g the principal. Cheap rates. No
Wedding cakes to order.
B e a m L a n d C o .,
1.53 Lyon St.. Albany, D ie
A lbany
Floral Co.
A lbany
Cut flowers
ami plants
Floral art for every
and all occasions.
______________ Flow er phone 458-1.
G l in n
Electric w iring
Delco Light
products 202 Second
W il l a r d
W m . m o f l ic h .
uto Electric Service— Ktcharg-
Shoes that coat less per month of wear
sble A St H batteries— W IL L A R D
storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W.
Second st. H . D. Prestor—J .C . Cochran
B lue
W hy suffer from
h ead ach e?
Have your eyes
S. T . F R E N C H
Bird Restaurant, 3UR Lyon
street. Eat here when in Albany
Open from 6 to i and 5 to 8
B r u n s w ic k
W O O D W O R T H 'S
Optometrist, with
avenport Music company offert
Piano-case organ, good as new
Eatey organ, good as new
Used Pianos.
Albany, Oregon
a A J L A A
iistburn Bros.—Two big grocery
stores, 212 W . First and 225 South
Main. Good merchandise at the right
Wbat a satisfaction to know
hat your K R Y PiO K GLASSES
1 Home cooking
Pleasant surround­ ire built upon the highest stand-
Courteous, efficient serviee.
.rd of QUALI r v .
W e make our own candies.
Anvone buying for quality will
i-k for KRYPTOKS.
ilms developed and printed
pine Cafeteria and confectionery
We mail them right back to you.
Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or
F irst garage going north.
Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline
repair work.
W . IL H u l b u r t .
Tires and accessorie*
Repai rs
KtRic-PoLLAic M otor C o .
F ortmiller Burnitine 4 7-433
f i li n i -
ture, ruga, linoleum, stoves rauges
Funerei director*.
west Eira.
Street, Albany, Oregon.
P C I . L H R G R O C E R V . 23Ó l.y m
(Successor to Stenberg Bros.)
l'itone 2b3K
w . SEXAUER, auto and gen
• eral painter
Get my estimate
2ol E. First strei t
Grocery— Baker)
[ in the line of eats
H ub Uatidv Co., First street, nex
door to Blain Clothing Co.
Noon lunches.
Home made caidv and icc Cream.
H ub Cleaning Woiks,
Cor. Fourth ami Lyoi
Master Dyers and Cleaner*
M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes
Meade & Albro,
>pt metristä. Manufacturing Optician-
Alliany, Oregon
An up-to-date hydraulic gold mining
plant w ill be Installed near Foster on
the South Santiam riv e r by a com­
pany of Albany capitalists.
Rev. George Douglas Byers, report
ed murdered on the Island of Hainan
near the China coast, presumably b;
brigands, was a graduate of Alban;
The red spider, a menace to the hoy
crop, is doing considerable damage li
the hop fields around H arrisburg. T h i
hug turns the leaves red as well a.«
the hops.
□u Im v e , lie m iä th e y sboul
re your photograph
Clifford's Studio
West First street. Albany.
A ll work done piom ptly and reason-
}ffici«l Strömberg carburetor serv
Conservative prices. A!
119-121 W. Second
RiNEl.I.d P A R L o RS
(A beauty aid for every need)
II.C A Ho'e
Prep., W IN-I. MSB R osi.
u and money are best w het
lusy. Make your dollars work ir
vings department. A l b a n y S t a t s
Under government supervision.
funtral Director and Li­
censed Einbalmer
Efficient Service.
Motor Hearse
Ladv AttendanL
itrownsville__ . . . . . --------------
Mortician & Funeral Director
' E verything musical”
hr Motor Co.
Buick and
evrolet automobiles. Tires and
A1 h».n y, O regon. Phone M g
I hone No. 269
Halsey and Harrisburg
i Call D T a y l o B. Ilslsev. or
W . I.. W tttOKT. Harrisburg
First s t
ilders' and shelf hardware, gar
a. crockery and glassware
New low price».
nd street, opposite Ham ilton's
"Sudden Service.”
marguerite s h o p p e
npooing. Marcelling and Scalp
Margaret Countryman,
heater bldg Phone 158.1 Prop
Weflnriday and Friday
12 to 8.30
First-class W ork
J . W S T E P H E N S O N , r.op
r* and dealer* for M axw ell, Chal-
isea. Hodson ft llnom obile car*,
iva Supnhea. 1st A Bmailalbtn
- furniture and
¡ht. told and exchanged at all times
B E N T. S U D T E L L
>< 76-R. I l l N. Broadalbin s t, Alliany
can make both
and C I T Y
L O A N S at a very row rate of inteicst
From 5 to l i years.
Salem. Ore.
W rite me foe par
410 Oregon t» io .
Th»n appeared a alight suggestion of
light ahead, and thia when reached
! became nn abrupt turn In the canyon ;
1 wall.
Rounding It, they beheld the source |
of the fain t illum inations— a rosy bed ,
of coals, w ith flames licking through I
the charred ember» of two wagons .
The ground was strewn w ith boxes |
I and hale*, snd the horses had been
| butchered 1 But what constituted a
more borrlble litte r were the mutilated
forms within tbe zone of light.
TTie girl had named four dead men
■ nd one woman
H e r rescuers ro u st­
ed nine stark figures, which meant the
Belinan outfit hud been wiped out with
the exception of ons— the girl.
"W atch sharp!" yelled Ban Juan
galloping Into the lead w ith the reins
In his teeth snd his derringers ready
There was no sign of the enemy on
the canyon floor, and tbe riders de­
voted their attention to the walls of
broken rock now fain tly Illum ined by
the fire. T h irty feet up and on the
right-hand aide something moved nnd
j dislodged pebbles.
Instantly Dlnsdala threw up a gun
and began firing. W ith the third bul­
let a savage rolled down the uneven
slope and sprawled grotesquely across
a boulder. He wore three feathers of
the golden, or w ar. eagle In h l* long
black hair. The red paint along the
median line of tbe lia lr was conspicu­
To count coup Dlnsdale bent low to
one side, and the girl screamed for
him not to drag her from the horse
H e snatched awny the feathers, only
to drop them as several bullets wbls
tied about hl« head.
San Juan Joe w a i firing at the left-
hand wall. Rifle« bellowed nn answer,
filling the canyon w ith crashing echoes.
, A dead w arrior, b l* head smashed by
a heavy derringer bullet, hung over
a rock, his hands hanging down as If
he were trying to reach the rifle Just
b tlp w him. Then In a few might.v
springs the frightened horse« turned
a bend In the road and leaped Into
the darlrueas. Dlnsdale felt the girl's
anna relaxing
Replacing his belt
guns, he reached around nnd caught
her Juat as she b"gan to topple Into
the rond. lie pulled her around In
I front of him and placed a hund over
tie r heart. She still lived.
A fter a mile of reckless traveling
t ba men drew rein and listened. There
vua no sound of pursuit. Then the
garni ler s a id ;
" It ’s near here. Can you hear It?
ilu n n ln g w ater on the right.
fcpiing where the Metz fam ily was
piped out. Five men anil two women "
T he girl gave a little shiver and be
itnn to weep
“ She's come to her senses," Dins
6*1« announced.
"Get some w ater
and perhaps she’ll feel better.
you hurt, girl?
And what'a your
nn me "
" I ain't hurt I Wish I was dead. I'm
L o ttie Carl,” she moaned
dropped down out o f the sky and be
gnn shooting. The Stacey hoys were
juchdlng a brokpn wheel by the fire."
"Any of your folks with them?"
geatlv asked Dlnsdale.
"None of my folks
I ain't got any
B u t they was good to me.
, friends I had Then they dropped out
o f the sky like big htark birds They
fe ll almost Into our fire. The Stacey»
snd the Belntan* was killed In a Jiffy
O h !"
"Can you ride behind me now?"
naked Dlnsdale.
"Here In front.
I'm 'frald of the
•lark when I ride behind you. I'd feel
From behind them rose the u lu lat­
ing cry of a w o lt a signal of discov­ ahem clawing at me.”
In thia fashion they came to the
ery. The cry quavered and abruptly
upper end o f the canyon and Into the
ceased ss a wounded w arrior reached
the maximum of effort.
Both atared curiously at the one
“T h a t tells the others the whole
survivor of the massacre. She w: »
story. We must be out of this before
alight o f physique, thin of face from
daylight— and no turning baric,
H I,
horror and probably privations. She
girl, how many were there o f Itiem?"
looked undernourished, and her coarse
The girl moaned hysterically* and
clutched the speaker's waist .more gown and man's boots did not mske
fo r a ttrar tiven»««. Snn Juan Joe. bow
Pinedale reached hack and
ever, something o f an expert In f»tu
pinched her ear, and commanded*
Inlne appraisals, m entally decided that
"Stop that noise. How roanv In ® feed
her large gray eyes and wealth of
chestnut h slr would some day trans
"They Bred from the sky.
form her Into a beauty.
killed Reiman and hie w ife
T hey
"H ow old are you, girl?” he asked
killed the fltacey brothers
"Seventeen.” she answered, study­
Pawley fired back.
They dropped
from the aky and need clidi*.
Oh 1 ing them with great frankness.
Dlnsdale m um bled: 'T ho ug ht you
O h! O h! W ith c lu b *, Young Pewtey
was a mite of a child, not more than
A dozen, like pteturee o f devil*
O at
thirteen by the heft of you."
of the black aky almost la te our fir»."
" I ain't very hefty," she admitted,
"Call It thirteen,'' said I'in ad ale to
" f f « was Ohio folks. Now they're all
bta companion.
“ Five or six out o f It already. 3 tx 1 dead. Wish I was with them 1”
•T h a t's no way to talk," said Dlnu-
or seven le ft ! Not enough for bretik
dale "Troubles are all ended. Tell us
fa s *' l^ied up end get going, Pefle.
how you m anag'd to get away from
snarled the gambler.
"A moment, fro loaded. Stop yeeir
H er lips trembled, hut thia time ah»
noise, girl, or they'll have your s-eljl/'
fought down the hysteria and managed
On swept the horses e t a gallop
They plunged rw k le M ly flewn a eteep t to e x p la in :
'T h e y were so sure of me. I was
grade, and th eir rider* were Mind I
prakv ? "m It all. T h e / got Jo done
men because of the vglF* d u t a m
o Anderson A Sou. dialrtb-
They walked their horses for half
an hour. an d ^ d a s d a le was beginning
to believe the alarma of the Bight had
been eihauated w *>n the gambler
»wore softly and w a rn e d :
"They’re com ing!”
Dlnsdale cut In ahead nf him, both
hand gun* drawn, and abnrpty »aid:
“No place fur rifle«:
I'm using
hand-gun». Shoot by the flash of them
tf you can.”
"I'm sitting in with my derringers.
They'll know I'm dueling.’'
And Joe'« stirrup nibbed against
Hinsdale's. The horses stood motion­
less, their ears pricked forw ard to
catch the telltale sounds.
suddenly w hispered:
“No Injun's feet making that racket I
White man's boots. Only one man, at
that. Keep behind me so we won’t
>e shooting each other."
San Juan fell back. Dlnsdale cocked
t gun and held It h a lf raised. Tbe
clattering footsteps drew nearer. The
iffa lr took on a new complexion wheu
t shrill scream of despair cift the
n ig h t; and Dlnsdale felt the roots of
Ills h air prickling as he pictured the
isntlier spring of a Sioux on the back*
if the victim. T he scream was an-
iwered by a chorus of diabolical
iow I s .
Again came the terrified cry,
ind the gambler exclaimed:
"A woman 1”
"She raust have broken loose from
h em !"'
Dlnsdale cried.
“ Here she
s !"
H e leaped from the soddle.
;ropeil with his hands nnd threw his
irms about a w ildly struggling form.
“ Hush your noise, child.” For the
'gure was very slight. “W e’re white
nd frim d s," he addl'd.
"Save m e! Save m e!" she fatntty
hrleked, now clinging to him. "Save
ne, or k ill m e!"
“Get 1 er on to the horse. W e must
Ide through them," softly warned the
H e drove bis horse alongside Dlns-
Inle and c rie d :
" III. girl 1 Keep shut If you want
o be saved. You’re «11 right."
The Indians redoubled th e ir fero-
•lous cries as Dlnsdale mounted and
•ullid the girl up a fter him, much ns
f she had been a bag of menl. lie
drew her across the horse behind him
and d irected:
"Sit straddle!
Arms around my
waist. My waist, not my neck I All
ready. Joe. Let her go I"
The Indians, confident of soon over­
taking their victim, were using time
and breath In voicing their bloodcur­
dling cries. They had heard the girl
cry nut but attached no significance to
It. They never dreamed that succor
was nt hand for her until they heard
the thudding of sw ift hoofs, and then
It was too late for them to take shelter.
F o r a moment they listened, astound­
ed. Then Dlnsdale and the gambler
were upon them, both hands o f each
spitting fire. The first flashes o f Dlns­
dale'* heavy guns revealed the posi­
tion of the Indians; then It was over
before the red men had had time to
realise tt had commenced.
W ith the crashing boom of the big
Colts and the murderous bark of the
derringers three o f the flve bucks
dropped on the canyon floor and went
to" talk with the ghosts. The other
two managed to craw l to one aide,
bleeding profusely. F ifty rods tip the
canyon Dlnsdale checked the m«d rush
of Ids horse.
"Those ahead must have heard our
guns. They'll be laying for UA" he
You and the family can visit Portland*at surprisingly
small expense.
Take advantage o f Southern Pacific season ticket*.
Sold any day ; 15 days stopover privilege.
W eek-end fares are still lower. Start Friday, Saturday,
or Sunday.
Its comfort, safety, and convenience, make Southern
Pacific service worth more to you than any other
form o f transportation.
For fu ll information ask any Southern Pacific ¿gent
Southern Pacific
C . P. M O O D Y , Ila’scv, Agent
lug. They began hurting I he poor,
dead bodies. Oh, but that was a w fu l!"
She censed speaking and bit her lips
Again conquering her weakness, she
went o n :
" It was while they were busy thn»
1 started to w alk away. I was hoping
they'd kill me quick. Before 1 knew It
I was at the turn In the road. Beyond
that the light didn't shine. I began
running I guess you know the rest.
“I couldn't run very fast In these,"
and she thrust forward u hoot. "Seeius
us I f they didn't want to catch me hi
(list. They was hooting nnd laughing as
they come a fte r me. That's about all."
“Now I know what 'trouble' the
card* meant and who had to cut the
deuce," remarked the gambler.
They took to an old lodge-pole trail
and followed It to Pleasant valley.
Reside a spring the men halted and
produced bacon, bread and coffee The
gambler started to cook the breakfast.
on Attending
but the girl Insisted on tBklng charge
nt the coffee pot *nd frying pan, and
gravely Informed h im :
"It's for the woman to get the
Han Jusn pepped back snd stared
whimsically at Dlnsdale Like nn old
housewife, weighted with Iesponslbll
Iriea. th» girl fried the bacon and made
the coffee, then fried the bread In the
heron fat. She had been u»ed to hard
work. A fte r they had eaten nnd while
•be was washing the utensils at the
aprlng San Juan m urm ured:
"W hat's to he done with her?"
Dlnsdale frowned and rubbed his
Jaw, then gave It up
‘T im e enough to decide that when
we get to Deadwood," he «aid.
“K itty will take care of her," mused
tbe gambler.
"K itty? ” repeated Dlnsdale.
“Friend of mine Good friend, too,
but It won't do to stick here any
longer W e're too near the canyon.
Tbe Injuns may he sneaking round
these parts. We must be going.”
They followed the road toward Cut
ter and frequently passed old prospect
holes, dng the year before, and not a
few deserted cabins At mhhlsy they
rounded a low hill and came In sfgtst
of the town, tbe first to be luld out
In the Black hills and now an excel­
lent example of a 'bu sted ' boom In
1875, when white men were taboo In
the hills, It had been « magic town,
with a main street half a m ile long
and crowded w ith business houses and
disreputable resorts. Now Its m er­
chants and gamblers and Its painted
womqii « e re bugling their profits In
Phone 226
Dendwood City There were some hun­
dred nnd fifty Inhabitants, mostly men.
In the town, w ith row a fter row o f
dwellings left to the ravages o f squir­
rels and kindred mlacblef workers.
Snn Juan took his companions to a
hotel, where the girl was given a roons
while the men ordered dinner. W hen
she rejoined them they nodded ap­
proval. Although her pale face and
thin features made her look all eyes,
there was no .Ignoring her uestly
Lruslied hair, fine as spun silk. Sha
glanced shyly at them and s a id :
T ain't thnnkad you for what you’«
done fo r me.”
"Never mention It," said San Juan
bowing gallantly. "Now w e'll eat"
H e ushered them Into the dlnlni
room, pulled out a chair fo r Lottla
C arl and seated her with q u it* th*
grand manner.
The fare was bountiful, and Lott!«
Carl found that tha tragedy had not
killed tier appetite They had finished
and the gambler was cutting the end
from a cigar when a man rushed Into
tbe room and bosraely cried out:
"W ild Bill's been shot I Done to
death from behind by that dirty snake
of s Jack M cC a lll
D — n him I If
Deadwood City ain't stretched his
oughter be bu'sted flatter than this
town even la."
"Rut W ild Rill Hh-kock! Some one
got the drop on W ild Bill?" Incredu-
onsly gasped Dlnsdale.
"Got the drop, h— I I " howled the
newsbearer. "M cCall took grubstakes
from him. Made off to be everlasting­
ly obliged to hlui Then stood behind
him while Bill was playing a few
cards and shot Idin through the back
of the head. 8 ’pose that akunk would
'a' dared make a move If W ild B lit
had had h alf a' eye on him? An' a t
that Bill had a gun pulled clear n f
the holster art’ cocked when they
picked film up front the table wber»
he fell, face down."
San Juan sorrow fully lamented.
"W ild B ill was whit». Too bad. Too
They left the dining room and found
that the hotel and town was alive w ith
the news From the hotel proprietor
San Jusn hough* a m il nf blankets fo r
the girl and some cooked fond, and
hired a horse. When they struck ma
the corduroy road that led to Dead­
wood City San Juan was keen to sinks
fast tim e; but the girt, wearied hy her
terrible experiences and unused to
horseback riding, made haste an Im ­
possibility Dlnsdale delected Ida r«un-
paulon's Impatience and suggested th a t
he ride on ahead, adding ;
" I'll fetch Lottie Carl along.”
"N o ; I'll stick along w ith you two.
There's probably some excitement In
town over W ild Bill's death, and I'd
like to h« there.”
The travelers passed through f a ir
valleys, richly grassed, that wnnhl
have delighted the heart of the hus­
According to Dlnsdale'«
count they crossed hprlng creak th irty-
one times In traveling a dozen mile*.
They made their ram p on the head
waters o f th l* str-rnm, and built a
lean-to, or half-fared ramp, for the
girl. Hhe Insisted nn attending to the
Early In tbe morning, while the val­
ley was still swathed In white fog,
they were up and eatlag anil soon on
their wey. A abort ride brought them
to ll l l l City, which Intereeted Dlnw-
dale hugely. There were two hundred
log house», many nf them uncompleted,
and not a solitary Inhabitant
Deadwood City again w»e the answer
for thia wholesale abandonment. One»
the citizens herrd of the poor man s dig­
gings In the northern gulch they had
stampeded as one.
That noon th e j rode Into Rapid C ity
on page