Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 10, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
JU LY 10 l«M
P er C apita P roduction
will make a a tmvx.es va gious ui iva
marketing rondltloas os UM aerarti
ment Irrigation »roMoto In tata aiata
wltb the Idas M naalatlna ta selva
some proMamn ai ram erà sa la» aro-
A a I - « - > • • « - * • — S O T » » « ir a i -« » w » .
. »•»»« aw kllake« ev ery
T k x rO a r
vr w ». »
» H E k IK H
•a h a . r i p o. . I I .6) a year la advance
Advertising, 2 k an inch; no diacoun
lor lluie or space ; no charge (or com
potite.n or c langvs.
t a " T a lo -fo i P areg rep b e," tc a line.
f»a a d v a iii H ng disguised aa nawa.
C opy received liefore Tuesday is in j
iate“. . ’^ ^ 1 (pO'." ,o,,-1
*• '
late atnl i hurvday a m ull la too late.
l o A d v e rtis e r«
According ta a atataaiaal made br
A. A fllxhy, t re a liant a( taa Hudson
Bay c l a m e r / cornano». IM S dairr
rows have been tsstad tar tnberculusis
|D the vicinity ot MUtaa Freewater and
the Hudson Bar dlatrlet w ith in th e
l«W two waaks w lU »at thru- re
Y «69
1 )0 9
of E ggs .
< i
tho Super-I'uel Irg rtd ien t. I b is thtO iical, fiiixeii w.lh the
gasoline, clean« the motor of tarboit, produce« a better running
motor and increases the in les per gallon. Absolutely guaranteed.
C >me to our shop and let ur explain this new fuel more
„ i-. », ... 1 Shop,
honest enough to proclaim that the
farm er must help himself, and he and
his assertion are booed at by all the
test as representing “ the interests.”
What he says, and what the poli-
t ciaus so vociferously den}', is tb t
solemn but neglected truth.
1« an« by government, if they were
provided, would not help the general
rowed must be repaid, with interest,
during the past few meatha there
probably will ba a noticeable decrease
In tbe number of troat in many of the
streams In that section ot the state
according to the monthly report of the
state gatfie warden filed with Cor
zrnor Plena.
Four Initiative measure« one refer
endum and three eoustltuilonal ante id
ments referred to the voters by the
1)23 legislature will ho on the ballot
at the general electloa In November. It
Is announced by the secretary of state
The time for filing completed petitions
for initiative measures expired at 5
o'clock Thursday.
for chidren, as well ns grjwn
people, during the hot months ol
summer time, is a heaping plats
of pure, rich ice cr>am. There is
nothirg so cooling a ini nourishing
to the system as this. The ict
cream we sell is made from the
best milk and creatn, and is fresh
every day. Try it and he cocl.
Clafk’s Confectionery
There’s a sure cure for
hunger at the
The port ot Astoria has just closed
«imply the postponement of bankrup­ its most successful roar in the hand
ling of wheat. The official records
In a few places the tariff might be show that In the period from July 1,
1)23, to June 30 ot this year, com
so amended as to reduce the farmer's prising the grain shipping season of
burden, as by a duty on hides and 1)23 24, a total of 397) cars, or 6,
their products, but when the tariff 361,07) bushels of wheat, was rccelv
is tinkered we usually see two cents ed at the local elevator.
Oregon will receive another allot
added to the burdens in one place,
ment of 80,000 pounds of cannon and
against one cent taken off somewhere
ether war trophies captured during the
late world war, according to word re­
The farm er cannot be helped by ceived at the offices of the adjutant
paying a bonus to raise the price of general at Salem from the war de­
partment. Upon receipt of these tro­
wheat while tuking the money for
phies they will be distributed among
the bonus out of the farmer's pocket the various counties of the state.
in the form of some new tax. Such
The dryest early summer conditions
A L B E R T F O O T E Prop.
ever experienced In southern Oregon
ire being felt this season with prac-
tlcelly no rainfall during the month
of tax-euters to administer it.
just ended. The Rogue river has drop
Changing world conditions and the ped to the lowest stage ever seen and
introduction of new methotvs ano new smaller streams throughout tbe coun
machinery must be met by the farm' try are at lata fall stages. Some have
practically dried up.
During June
ers, and in addition to this they must
only 09 of an Inch of rain fell.
organize and make their influence
Allotments for rivers and harbor
felt in business and legislation, aa improvements under the act of con
the oil men, the manufacturers and gress, approved June 7. announced by
the war department for this fiscal
the merchants have done.
The farmets must help themselves year, include In Oregon: Coos bay.
(663,000; Coos river. (3000; Taquina
or they will not be helped. And
bay and barbor, (21,000; Clatskanie
when they vote it must be for men river, (6500; W illamette river, abote
Portland, and Yamhill river. ('3,900;
and measures, not for ring-control
Columbia river and tributaries, above
led parties.
Celtlo falls to the mouth of tbe Snake
One stereotyped phrase w ill be river in Oregon and Washington.
left idle in all the reports of the H000; Columbia and lower W illamette
river, below Vancouver, W u b , and
democratic national convention this
Portland («37,900.
year. The newspapers will not an
In compliance with a decision reach
bounce that It "carried out a program ed at a meeting of the Oregon state
which had been cut and dried from Ivostock sanitary board. Oovernot
Pierce signed a proclamation modi
start to finish.”
fying materially the embargo regula
Hons adopted following the outbreak
Iut Eullette is running for president
of the foo( «»d mouth disease In Cali
this year and dragging the alleged foruta
The new order removed the
progressive parly along with him requirement that fruits and vegetables ■ .¡.
,hipped into Aregon from California P f t
Spokesmen for the party say that
be fumigated and took the ban oft p D
this order of march will he reversed
treanhous«* products The order also
in the 1928 campaign.
vllowed sheep from California to move
through Oregon and the voibarg« was
removed as It related ta wool and
Naws Note«
bides offered for shipment Into this
(Continued from pass I I
Sstu A. Koter, secretary of state
and Carl (labrlelson, at the head of the
state motor vehicle department, left
Salem Monday for Salt Lake City to
attend the aunual convention of secre
The poultry season begins wtth Sep
tarles of stale, state auditors and
ember. 1, Is the time of the year
traffic department officials.
when the fairs are <>n In full swing,
when the e«»ckercls are beginning to
Reduction la the number of fatsll
•wow «nd the pullets »re henlimlng to
lies In automobile accidents In Port
ay. it Is the time of the year you will
land from three In May. 1919, to one
In May, 1)14 and from three in June. want to begin to advertise to aril your
surplus «took. Don't wait until the
18)J, to none In June 1»S4. Is one of
l»»t minute and then expect tmmedl
the hast records made la any city of »te orders. You may get such re­
the United States. It la said
sults, hut you better count oo a feu
more men who are added to the army
Ja rm Machinery « i;,,,1,,.1, i,
Stoves & Ranges »
or light.
'/ e ,
Full stock on hand,
ami see the quulity and learn prices
« v
Have you us, m 1 any of F I S H E R ’S E G G 'f
P R O D i U
C p E R i ? . Include
a sack with your
Xt order
O l j l t l ' V f feed
o C t l » and
» '( I J io
O n
of D poultry
be sur-y^
p l ’lSCtl w i t h IT’S u i t s o b t a i n e d
New and Second-hand Wool Sax.
Also Twiiicj^
O. W . F R U M
Make Preparations for
Poultry Shows in Fall
lsys or weeks for correspondence R»r-
gaining by mall Is somattniea a slow
l>rocess It msy tske weeks Is land a
particular order. In September buyers
begin to look «round for thatr winter
how birds, and for breeders to flit
n the weak placo In their own flock«
4,»rf your ndtertlslng In September
sod y»n o lii get mora orders than If
yon star, a month or two later.
- A
O. w . F R U M
An Appeal for Fair Play
Subscriptions to .h i Euteij.ris are due and payable in advance
it the rate of $1.50 a year. If it is net convenient for a subscriber
o pay for a ttr.evvs] picwptly the publisher is willing to continue tbe
paper a short time and wait for the money, but definite instructions to
lo so are desired, because—
Under our Oregon law a publisher cannot collect for such contin­
ual ce unless he can prove that it was specifically ordered, h e tc e a d -
vance paym ent i« desirable.
Three people, one of them a schoolteacher, who might be pre-
timed to know better atnl to have a higher conception of what consti-
utes fair play towards a fellow m ortal, have been unkind or dishonest
uough to relu-e to pay for the Enterprise after it Lad been mailed to
hem for a year and regularly accepted f:out the postoflice by their
without protest.
I do not wish to be thu9 defrauded very often and I do not w ish
o eend the Enterprise to any person who does not desire it, though
thankful for the privilege of sending it to all who will pay for it at
11.50 a year.
shouiti nave naroored some dishonest
(C o n tin u e d rro m p age 3)
| men, we ussert that these undesirables
r a
the alien already with u« who Is seek­ do not 'represent the standard of our
ing to secure an economic foothold for national Integrity.
“The government nt Washington la
himself and family from the competi­
tion that would cnnie front unrestricted served today by thousands of earm st,
Immigration. The administrative fea­ conscientious ami faithful officials and
tures of the law represent a great con­ employees In every department. It Is
structive advance, and eliminate the a grave wrong against these patriotic
men and women to strive Indiscrimi­
hardships suffered hy Immigrants un
nately to besmirch the names of the
ile r the emergency statute.
"We favor the adoption of methods, Innocent and undermine the confidence
which will exercise a helpful Inlluence of the people In their government. It
among the foreign born population and Is even a graver wrong when this Is
provide for the education of the alien done for partisan purposes or for self­
’n our language, customs, idculs and ish exploitation.
"The Republican administration has
standards of life. We favor the Im­
already taken charge of the prosecu­
provement of naturalization luws.
tion of official dereliction, and It will
continue the work of discovering and
punishing; but I, will not confuse tha
“There mus, be no further weaken
Innocent with the guilty, nor prostitute
'ng of our regular army, and we nd
for party advantage the enforcement
vocale appropriations suffit lent to of the law.
provide for the training of all ment
hers of the National Guard, the clti
zens military training camps, the re
"We mus, have respect for law. We
serve officers' training camps, and ,h< must have observance of law.
reserves who may offer themselves for mus, have enforcement of law. Iff»
service. We pledge ourselves In round very existence of the government de­
out and maintain the navy to the full pends on this. The substitution of pri­
strength provided the United, States vate will for public law Is only another
hy the letter and spirit of the’ llmltn name for oppression, disorder, anarchy
tlon of nnnament8 conference.
id the mob rule.
Our prices sell our goods
may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the
White Shield Home, 563 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon.
Republican Platform
prices nnw on
«tuck. Be quick
H IL L & ( °
A m e ric a n E a g le
Fire Insurance Co.
Iln.v is worth just ns much in storage ns
you might get for it in case of lire. Th >
i A i!ifin;iH Kngle | in Insuranco couipnn/
'will poy you 85% of tlir cnsli \ . i ' h o in c a s
of Ittss hy lire.
Wm. II. W H EELER , Publisher.
H IL L Sc (s H Hardware •
Harness jj
Any Girl in Trouble
C o n f e c t io n e r n
A ban) , Oregon
M M H » H e tM te M )t)M < M M 6 H H 3 M M « l» « M * * tH I6 6
(b llte
am /
Best sweets and soft drinks
fe te r ia
at the
Best cuisine
Efficient service
Pleasant surroundings
legislation will make jobs for a few
Jk C. Fruitier, assistant to Dr. El
wood IlWhfce director of reclamation.
and interest on a loan often means
The St. Helens Wood Products com­
pany has been organised at St Helens
with a capital stock of (25.000 and
will Immediately begin construction of
the first unit of a factory to tnanu
facture broom handles, mop and brush
handles and other wood tmodneta
1C s 5
' 1 I Residence, n ig h ts , 18x
a<*ea«e>«> a
■o rapidly Is the poultry Industry expanding that within a short time over
production muy cut the farmer's poultry dollar unless production can be main­
dam at the tained at a lower cost, according to the Sears-Iloehuck Agricultural Foundation.
I It Is reported that
Office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 except ’ v
fcatcfcary near L a e in e
Mondays and Friday forenoons
t ir t hatch
A recent survey shows that more than 5,000,000 farms in this country pro.
has gone out. It la tkoeaht that about
duct poultry and eggs. It la estimated that there were 491,000,000 chickens on
a million and a half treat try of this
furms before the hatching season started. This Is an Increase of over 50,000,-
spring's hatch. Intended let planting
000. or nearly 12 per cent over figures of a year ago and 121,000,000, or over 32
per cent Increase since January 1, 1920.
in the lakes and anrtnns of central
I t hup become the set fashion for 1 Oregon this fall, wars washed Into the
Production of eggs Increased 33.8 per cent between 1020 and 1923 while the
population Increased only 5.3 per cent. In the past five years the estimates of
political platforms and candidates to ' Deschutes when the dam «are way
egg production have shown a close correlation with the estimated number of
promise relief for the farmers. 11a I Dale Arthur. Robbia Burns and W
chickens ou hand at the beginning of the year, the ratio being 4.6 dozens per
bltunlly our legislative bodies go s o '* Anderoe* c«»vl^* escaped iro n . fowl. If the same ratio holds good, egg production in 1024 will guln 10 to 12
, the state penitentiary at Salem while
per cent over 1923 when It showed a gain of 33 per cent over four years ago.
ar as to quarrel during sessions on being returned to the aria on (rum the [
Profitable poultry production at the present stage of expansion Is dependent
the subject, making as much noise j brickyard where the» had been em
upon the present high level of demand. Up to date consumption bus kept pace
about it as possible, so that each J ployed. Phillip Porestnr. also Involved | with production. In 1928 enough i ggs were produced to furnish 20 dozen for
every man, woman and child In the United States. This would mean 100 dozen
member can go home and tell his In the break, was captured by guards
tut the average faintly of five.
after being pursued for approximately
rural constituents in the next cam­
six blocks.
paign; "1 tried to get justice for
As a result of the sevara drauth In
jo e .”
various sections of ‘ ..stars Oregon
occasionally bobs up a man who is
__________ ___________________ ' setae*,
Here and there in public life there
W e have a stock of
Anti-Lynching Law.
"We urge the congress to enact »,
the earliest possible date a federal
antl-lynchlng law so that the full in­
fluence of the federal government iiisy
be wk-lded to exterminate this hide
ous crime. We believe that much of
the misunderstanding which now ex
Ists can he eliminated by humane ami
sympathetic study of Its causes. The
President has recommended the créa
tlon of a commission for the Investi
gallon of social and economic condi­
tions end the promotion of mutual
understanding and confidence.
"Every government depends on the
loi city and respect of Its citizens.
Violations of the law weaken and
threaten govetnmen, Itself. No hon­
es, government can condone such ac­
tions on the part of its citizen«. The
It publican party pledges the full
streugth of the government for the
maintenance of these principles by the
enforcement of the conitttutlon and of
all laws.
Greet Women Delegates.
We extend our greetings to the
women delegates who, for the first
time under federal authorization, sit
with us In full equality. The Repub­
lican pnrty from the beginning has '
espoused the cause of woman suffrage,
and Hie presence of thegfl women flrle-
gates signifies to many here the com­
pletion of a task undertaken »hare
ago. We welcome them not as assist­
ants or as auxiliary representatives,
but as copartners In the greet po­
litical work In which we are engaged,
and we believe that the actual part­
nership In party councils should be
made more complete.
"The Republican party reaffirms Its
unyielding devotion to the Constitu­
tion and to the guarantees of Civil,
political «nd religious liberty therein
"The Republican party reaffirms Its
devotion to orderly government under
the guarantees embodied In the Con­
stitution of the United Stutes. We
recognize the duty of constant vigil­
ance to preserve nt all times a dean
atul honest government and to bring
In the bar of Justletf every defiler of
the public service In or'on, of office.
“Dishonesty and corruption are not
Imlltical attributes. Tl.e recent con­
gressional Investigations have exposed
Instances In both parties nf men In
public office who are willing to sell
official favor and jnen out of office
who are willing to buy them In some
Ask a Q. 0. P. Congress.
cases with DK'ney and In others with
13 ith us parties are essential in­
“The sale of Influence resulting front strumentalities of government.
the bolding of public position, or from government functions hist when ihe
association while In public office, or Chief Executive Is supported by a ma­
the use of such Influence for private jority in the congress of the same po­
gain or advantage Is a perversion of litical faith, united hy party principles
pnhltc trust and prejudlcal to g.xtd snd able by concerted action to carry
government. It should he condemned out In an orderly way n definite, con-
by public opinion and forbidden hy sis,eu, and well balanced program.
"In urging the |>eop!e ,o elect g Re­
"We demand the speedy, fearless publican-president and vice president
«nd Impartial prosecution of all wrong we urge them to elec, ,o the senate
d->er», without regard for political af- «nd house of representative« men and
(Illation or position; but we declare
(»men who believe In the Republican
no greater wrong can he committed ' Pr'nrtpleo, acknowledge party reajwn
against the people than tbe attempt , »Rdllty. and who can he relied on to
to destroy thelr trust In the great h-xly i
faith with the iwople hy carrying
o f thelr public servants.
Admit,'ng | O,H ,l,e program which the Republican
the deep humiliation which all good , P«r,.v presents and pledges Itself to
rt,toons share, that our public 'Ife ^»’O’t-"’
\ » -..........- . - I .