I - - I I , J U L Y 1«. K J 4 II A l.SKY K M E R P R IS E det the appointment nt Presidential j a definite obligation at ultim ate pay- I co-operative mark »tine act (he grain ' PAG E J poatmaaters baa been ¡.laced on the men, In full. | fu tu re , and packer control acta; given merit basts sim ilar to that applying "The Justness of tbe baa!« employed to agriculture direct rvprooentation on | to the classified service, hae been form ally recognized by other 1 the federal reserve board and OB the I “W e favor the classification of post debtor nations. • , federal aid comm,salon. musters In first, second and third class • Great nations cannot reeognlz« or j “We have greatly strengthened our portoffices, and the ¡.lacing of the pro­ admit the principles of repudiation. To foreign marketing service for the d ie w*ews«l.l » « « .fi I a* _ . _ o — > — _ hibition field forces within the classi-, r$ zx e*v so « would undermine the Integrity ■ _ (msal f oar agricultural products The G .-'w n r, I in ’g wo;k ami filling». ]| w ill ‘ssarlly ; ‘‘ssentlal 1 cm Hed civil service without necessarily; ‘‘saentlal for International trade, com- 'c r u x of tbe p ro !’em from the stand P y you h ig v im j pries» ou your dental work. Cleveland.— T he following la the text Incorporating the present personae,. I nierf»- «nd credit. T h irty five per cent I point of the fan n er Is tbs net profit Z »K ia total a — la . . . — . . . . _ C >*ii k bank b u ild in g , A lb a n y o V f # the total foreign .l.k debt i I I — t . now In w ' W he receives a fte r his outlay. The proc- of the Republican platform as adopted ! process of liquidation. FOREIGN RELATIONS e.ss of bringing tbe average prices of by the convention: « h a t he buys snd what he sells closer “We, the delegates of the Repub­ Lsbor Board Flexibility. “The Republican p a r t, reaffirms Its THE TA R IFF ongr» as for the cure of t i e disabled together can be promptly expedited by lican party In national convention as­ "The labor hoard provisions of the stand for agreement among the na- evldeooes the uondvtnkehle purpose o f reduction in taxes, steady employment sembled. bow our bead in reverent present law should be amended when- “ We reaffirm our belief In the pro­ meuiory of W arren O. H arding. , 1*1“ prev* i“ * “ r “ nd Pr i * * rve the government not to ccnslder cost» In indnetiy snd stability In business. tective ta riff to extend needed pro­ ever I, appears from experience lbs, “A staunch Republican, he was f i r . , ' K i o n ^ w . “ ^ " “ ' M’ P «hen the welfare o , these men la »0 On# Curs fe r Depression. tection lo our productive Industries. such action is necessary. I'nllectiT« stake No legislation for the benefit) we Indorse the Permanent of ull a true patriot, who gave un- "This process can be expedited di­ We believe io protection as a national bargaining, med'«,ton end voluntary Court of international Justice and of the disabled aoldlers proposed dur-| stintingly of him self during a trying rectly by lower freight rotes by bet­ arbitration are the most Important favor the adherence of the United policy, with due and equal regard to Ing tbe lest four years by veteraDufi and critical period o f our national life ter marketing through co-operative ef­ steps in maintaining prnreful labor re States to this tribunal, as recomiuend- all s e t ions und to agriculture. In organ,za, Iona beg failed to receive cob -1 “H is conception and successful di­ forts, and « more scientific orgoolia- lallons snd should lie encouraged 1 elder»,Ion. i ed by President Coolidge. This gov­ duetrles and occupations. It Is only rection o f the lim itatio n of armaments lion of the physical human machinery W e do not believe In compulsory as- I ernment hag definitely refused mem­ by adherence to such a policy that the “ We pledge ourselves to meet tbui conference In Washington was an of distribution and by a greater diver­ tlon «, any lim e In the settlement of problems of the future affecting th«3 bership In the League of Nations and well being o f consumers can he safe­ achievement which udvanced the world sification of farm products. labor disputes guarded, that there cun be assured to to assume any obligations under tbe - care of our wounded and disabled ,n ni along the path tow ard peace. “W e promise every assistance In tbe “Public opinion sms, be the final I spirit o, liberality, and with t h n i covenant of the league. On thia we American agriculture, to American “As delegates of the Republican p a r­ reorganisation of the m arket system arb iter In any crisis which eo vitally labor, to American mimufuclnrei a a thoujd tfu l consideration which w ill en- ty. we share In the national thanks­ on sounder and more economical lines, , affects public welfare as Ihe sttspen nl le the government to give to the lis- nnd, where diversification Is needed, ' «ton of trnusportatlon. giving that in the great emergency dlvlduel veterans that full meaanre o f W W W W VW Vv government assistance during the pe- ' “Therefore, tbe Interest« of the crented by the death o f our great ^VAAAzVv«vA.WkAA»levAAfV\AArVGVb cure guaranteed hy an effective ad­ rlod of transition. i public require the maintenance of an leader there stood forth fu lly equipped m inistration machinery to which his. to be his successor one whom we had • Vigorous efforts of this adndnlstra- ; Im partial tribunal which can In nn I iiatrlotlc service nnd oncriflee« on,1,1», nominated as vice president—Calvin 1 tlon toward broadening our exports emergency make an Investigation of him. Coolidge— who as vice p ré s id a it a n d 1 m arket w ill be continued. The Hepuh- j the facts and publish its conclusions. President, by his every net has ju s ti­ Ilcan party pledges Itself lo tbe devel- i This Is essential ns a basis for popu- CONSERVATION ©pnient and enactment of measure* I«r Judgment. fied the faith and confidence which “We believe In the development, e f- which w ill place the agricultural Inter j “W e favor a stable, consistent and he has won from the nation. fectlve and efficient, whether of olt. ests of America on a basis of economic constructive policy toward our rail- Financial Chaos Inherited. timber, con, or w ater power reenurcets equality with other Industry to assure ronds. "When the Republican adm inistra­ of tide government, cnly ns needed Its prosperity snd success. We favor tion took control o f the government snd only after the public need has be- adequate ta riff protection to such of G O VERNM ENT CONTROL In 1921, there were 4,500,000 unem­ come a m altei o f public record, ron- Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited onr agricultural products as are th reat­ "The prosperi,} o f the American na- ployed ; Industry and commerce were Indlcd with a scrupulous regard and ened by competition. We favor, w ith ­ , „on rests on the vigor of private In iti­ ever vigilant safeguards agnlnsl w aste, stagnant; agriculture was prostrate; out putting the government Into busi­ ative which hns bred a spirt, of In­ speculation and monopoly. , business was depressed ; government ness, the establishment of a federal dependence und self reliance. The Re bonds were selling below their par "The natural resources o f the coun­ system of organization for co-operative r „ b|,,.«n parly .land s now as always values. try belong lo all the people, and arts marketing of farm products. I „ Hl„ .n “Peace was delayed; mis. nderstand- a pari of an estate belonging to gen­ “The mining Industry has expert- i u. me govern return to perpetnate American stand men, Into business. lng and friction character!?.« J our re­ stand. erations yel unborn. The government eneed a period of depression eg the re- ' ards of life. "American Industry should no, be policy should he lo safeguard, develop lations abroad. T here was a luck of “W h ile we are unwilling ,o enter "A protective ta riff Is designed to snlf of the abnormal economic condi­ compelled ,o struggle against govern fulth In the adm inistration of govern­ Into political commitments which ond utilize these possessions. Tha support llie high American economic tions growing ou, of the war. This ad­ men, enmpctltlon. The right of the ment resulting In n growing feeling would Involve us In the «inflict of conservation policy of the nation orig­ ministration has accomplished much In government to regulate, supervise and o f distrust lu file very principles od European policies It should be the level of life for the average fam ily and inated with Ihe Republican party un­ Improving ihe conditions affecting this control public utilities and public In which our Institutions are founded. purpose and high privilege of the to prevent a lowering ,o ihe levels of great der the Inspiration of Theodore Roose­ fundam ental Industry, snd economic life prevailing In other lands leresta we believe should he strength ‘T o d ay Industry and commerce are United States to continue lo co-operate velt W e hold It a privilege o f the pledges Itself to continue Its efforts In ened, but we are firmly opposed lo the “It is the history of the nation the, active; public and private credits are w ith other nations In hum anitarian ef­ Republican party to build aa a me­ thia direction. onllonallzalloti or government owner sound, we have made peace; we have forts In accordance with our cherished the protective ta riff system has ever morial ,o him on the foundation whlcbi ship of public utilities. Highways. taken tbe first step toward disarma­ traditions. T he basic principles of our Justified Itself by restoring confidence, he laid. “The federal aid road act. adopted ment and strengthened our friendship foreign policy must be Independence promoting Industrial activity and em­ Plank on Coa, Prleas. I IM M IG R A T IO N w ith the world powers; our relations w ithout Indiffeience ,o the rights nnd ployment, enormously Increasing our hy the Republican congress In 1921, 1 “T h e price and n c,instant supply purchasing power, and bringing In­ has been of inestimable value to the of this essential commodity are of vital w ith the rest o f the world are on a necessities of others and co-operation “The unprecedented living condi-' creased prosperity to all our people. development of the hlghwny system of Interest ,o the public. firm er basis, our position was never without entangling alliances. The govern tlons In Europe following the World Raises Standard of Living the several states and o f the nation. better understood, our foreign policy nienl hns no constitutional power lo Jud ¡meat Is Vindicated. w ar created a condition by which WS| “The ta riff protection to our InduS- W e pledge a continuation of this pol­ regulate price«, hut can bring Ila In never more definite and consistent. 'T h is policy, overwhelmingly up try works for Increased consumption icy of federal co-opera,Ion w ith the flnence to bear hy the powerful In­ were threatened with mass lmmlgra-1 The tasks to which we have put our proved by the people, has bebn vln d l tlon that would have aerloualy ilia-, of domestic agricultural products by states In hlghwny building. hands are completed. strument afforded by full publicity | rated since the end of the great war. an employed population Instead o f one “ We favor the construction of roads When through Industrial conflict, it« turbed our économie life. The law ra .1 “T im e lias been too short for the i America's participation In world a f­ unable to purchase the necessities of cently enacted la designed lo protect) and trails In our national forests nec correction of all the Ills we received | supply Is threalencd. the President fairs under the adm inistration of life. W ithout the strict maintenance essary to the protection nnd utilization. should have authority to appoint a the Inhabitants of our country, not as a heritage from the Inst Democratic only the American citizen, but al«<4 President H a rd in g and President Cool of the ta riff principle our farmers will In appropriations, therefore, the tuxes commission lo act as mediators and adm inistration, and the notable ac­ 1 Idge has demonstrated the wisdom and need always lo compete with cheap , Continued on rag « 4> which these lands would pay If tax ­ «« a medium for voluntary arbitration. complishments under Republican r-jle prudence of the nntlonnl Judgment, lands nnd cheap labor abroad and with able should be considered as a con­ In the event of n strike the comrol w arrant us In appealing to the coun­ most Impressive example o f the cn lower standards o f living. trolling factor. try with entire confidence. of distribution must be Invoked to pre­ I p arity of the United States to serve “The enormou» value of the pro­ vent profiteering. "W e demand and the people of the | the cause of world peace w ithout po Concrete Is well adapted for Ihw tective principle hns once more been LABOR United States have a right to demand conalruction of a variety o f equip­ j litlcal affiliations w m shown In the ef demonstrated hy the emergency ta riff M ERCHANT M A R IN E rigid economy In government. ment oil live stock far,os. When uaed "The Increasing stress of Industrial 1 fe e ,lie and benefldent work of the act o f 1921 and the ta riff act o, 1922. life , Ihe constant and necessary e f­ for feeding floors, m an ure-p its, und “The Republican- party stands fat “ We assert our belief In the elastic FIN A N C E A N D T A X A T IO N D a » ’, « commission towards the solu foundations, I, Improves sanitary con- a etrong nnd permanent merchant ma tlon of the perplexing question of Ger­ provision adopted hy congress In the fort«, because of world competition, to dllloiis. H lrnrtiires made from I, are Increase production and decrease coals rlne bull, hy Americana, owned hj “W e believe that the achievement man reparations. ta riff act of 1922, providing for a rsl proof nnd sld In eonlrolllng aueb has made I, specially Incumbent on Americans and manned hy American», "T he first conft rence o f great pow of the Republican adm inistration In method of readjusting the tariff rates pesls. Conerete lots tbe additional lo secure the necessary contact with reducing taxation hy $1,250,000,0,10 per ers in Washington called by President and the classifications In order to meet those In authority to protect labor advantages of being durable, fireproof, from undue exactions world markets for our surplus agrlcul annum ; reducing o f the putdlc deb, by Harding accomplished the lim itation changing economic conditions when ami easily disinfected. “ W e commend congress for having ttirnl products nnd manufactures; lo $2,432.000,000; Installing u budge, sys­ o f nrmnments nnd the readjustment of such changed conditions are brought to protect our shippers nfid Importers tem ; reducing the public expenditures the relations of tlxe powers Interested the attention o f the President by com­ recognized thia possibility In Its prompt adoption of the recommendation o, from exorbllnn, ocean freight tales from $5.500.000.000 per annum to ap­ In the F a r East. plain, or application. President Coolidge for a constitution­ nnd to heeeme s powerful arm of out “ We firm ly mtvoenfo the calling of proxim ately $3,400,000,000 per nnnunt, al amendment authorizing congress lo national defense. thus reducing the ordinary expendi­ a conference on rtie lim itatio n of lund AGRICULTURE legislate ou the subject of ililld labor tures of the government to substan­ forces, the use of submarines nqd “ In dealing with agriculture the Re­ G REAT LAKES W ATERW AY tia lly a prewnr basis; nnd the com­ poison gas. as ¡imposed by ¡ ’resident publican party recognize« tha, we ere and we urge the prompt consideration of that amendment hy the b-gialntures plete restoration of public cred it; the I Coolidge. iVhcn, through the adoption "F ully realizing the vital Importance faced with a fundamental national of tlie various states. payment or refunding of $7.500,000.000 of a permanent reparations plan, the of transportation In boll, cos, and problem, nnd tha, the prosperity and "There la no success great enough of public obligations without disturb- I conditions In Utirepe w ill make nego service to all our people we favor the w elfare of the nation as a whole la ance o f credit or Industry— all during ; tintions nnd co-opa itlon opportune and dependen, on the prosperity end «el- to Justify the employment of women construction of the moat feasible In labor under conditions which n III possible. the short period of three years—pre­ w aterways front the great lakes ,c the fare of our agricultural population. Im pair their natural function«. “ Ity treatles o f pence, safeguardlng sent» a record unsurpassed In the his­ A tlan tic seaboard nnd the G u l, of We recognize our agricultural ac­ High Standards for Women. otir rlghts and " It lio u t derrogallng tory of public finance, Mexico, nnd the Improvement and de tivities are still struggling with ad­ “ We favor high standards for nages, 'T h e assessment of taxes wisely and titosc of otir form er nssortates In nrms «shipment nt river«, harbor«, anti verse conditions th a , have brought scientifically collected ami the efficient tlie RppuhUcun adm inistration enderl about distress. We pledge the party to working and living conditions among waterways. Inland and coastwise, to the «omen employed In Industry. the wnr hetween thls country and and economical expenditure of the Ifie fullest extent Jaatlfled hy the pres lake whatever steps are necessary to “We pledge a continuance of the Germnn.v ind Austrln W e Imve con money received hy the government are ent entl potent tonnage available bring back a balanced condition be­ TKe UNIVERSITY of O R jfX )N successful effort» of the Republican essential to the prosperity o f our na- I r ,” d»,d »Igned w ith ; other nations “ IVe favor a comprehensive survey tween agriculture. Industry and labor, furtherance o f pence and «nd ihr Art» with ?? drp«»tfpent,. penditures. be controlled and utilized for tits bene ; adm inistra,but o f legislation passed a« the elim ination of the twelve hour day good will. lit of the people of the stales which 1 w ar tim e measure*. I hr «tcr’”»o»i idge We declare our faith In tha prin­ Chile and Pen, has been ndvaxiced gresslonal action no, only In the field men! In history under eondltittna which "Progressive tax reduction should he ciple o f the eight hour day. A’or 0 ca/o/ofi/B or onÿ mformation tow ard settlement hy Its s tbmlsslon to of general legislation hut also In the preserve Initiative o , our people, ye, J I'cnm plixlied through tax reform. It “ W e pledge a continuation of Ihe Thr Pr^itru, Umi'rriil]/ of the President of the I ’nlL-d Stales as enactment o f laws to mee, emergency protect the public Interest. should not he confined to less than work of reliald Ilia,lu g workers In In­ Ortfon. f'u^9nn, Oregon ' a rb itra , i t , nnd w ith the helpful co­ situation«. <000.000 of otir citizens who pay direct dustry as conducted by the federal operation of this country a Irenty has WORLD W AR VETERANS \ Mors Being Cenawmed New. taxes, hut Is the right o f the more hoard for vocational education nnd T V 40«h Yen Opens Sepfembcr ?$, H24 been signed by the represent a,Ives of “T he restoration of general prosper­ favor adequate appropriations for thia than lOO.OOO.nrzi who are dally paying “W e reaffirm the ndm lralbm and 1C Aniericnn republies which w ill a *b - ity and the purchasing power of our purpose. their taxes through th eir living ex­ gratitude we feel for toddlers ami i I hlze condition« on tire American con­ people through ta rif, protection lias re­ penses. Congress has in the main con­ sailors. “ We favor a broader and better aya- tinent nnd m inimize the opportunities sulted lu an Increased domestic con­ W»’ h»iVF a fined its work to tax reduction. The tem of vocational education, a more “ The Republican party pledge« n for war. sumption of food products « h ile the adequate system of federal free etn m atter of tax reform Is still unsettled continual and Inceaalng aollcltttrte for “O ur difficulties w ith Mexico have price of many agricultural rmnlBmll- ploytnenl agencies with facilities for end is equally essential. all those auffctlng any dlsahlllty as a sot t i ll o( B io w n»ville. ',i goo-i ro a d . happily yielded to n most friendly ad tlea la above the w ar price level hy »«slating the movements of neasnnnl “W e pledge ourselves ,o the pro­ Just ment. result of ««trice to the United State» Will saw o i l , v iu r o ld e r lo r $ 1 5 5 0 reason of direct ts riff protection. gressive reduction of taxes of all the and migratory labor, including farm In time o f war. No country and no ■ (lio n s nil 1 ) ’ ’ iv e rc d H i|s » v . $18. Succor to Rusola and Japan “ Under the leadership of Ihe Presi­ labor, with a/nple organization for people ns rapidly ns may he done with ndm lnlstratiig, has ever shown a more b lia n n u li i t i t ia t l i n , K, 2, H«lacy. "O ur policy, now well defined, of den, at the rao», critical time, a cor­ bringing the man and his Job together. due regard for the essential expendi­ generous disposition In the care of Ita giving practical aid to other peoples poration « as organlaed hy private c«|e tures of the government administered disabled, or more thoughtful consldera without assuming pol tical obligations Ital making available $100,000,000 to RAILROADS w ith rigid economy, and to plnce our tion l„ providing a sound ad m h ilrtra­ H ALSEY has been conspicuously dem ons,,a,ed. aaslst the farm ers of the Northwest tax system on a sound peace time tion for the solution of ,he many prob­ 'T h e people demand and are en “lit realization of the disturbance basis. lem» Involved In making Intended bene­ FOREIGN DEBTS In the agricultural export market, the titled ,o have prompt and etlirtent fit» fully, directly and promptly avail- "W e indorse lhe plan of President transportation a , the lowest rate«, result of the financial depression In Eu able to tilie veteran«, Coolidge io call In November a na­ Cash paid lor "In fulfillm ent o f our solemn pledge reen 1 need on the R »organizing U. S. Bureaus. couragement o f agriculture and basic of the bureau hy the passage of new conviction Ilia , a moral obligation snch ttons coininlsslon legislation. The basic statute has been Industrie», w ithout Im pairm ent of “ We favor a comprehensive reor­ “The revival In 1W2I of the )V»r as was Incurred should n o t he filers so liberalized aa to bring wlihln Ila railroad service. ganization of the executive depart­ Finance corporation, with loans of over garded. I aunurt went Ttiefdavt “T h e present law rognlatlng ra il­ term« 100,000 additional heneflclariea. ments and hnrenus along ,1th line of gfino.inn.ixv, averte-, tn 1921. a com­ The privilege nt hospitalization In gov­ “ We stand for settlement» w ltli all road« which were enacted to meet Ygenry Hub Cleaning Work» tlie ¡«Ian recently submitted by a Joint plete collapse In the agricultura, In port-w ar conditions should he modi­ ernment hospital*, aa recommended by eoinmlttee of the congress, which hag debtor contitriet sim ilar In c t« re e fe r dnstry. President Coolidge, hns been granted fied from time to time as experience the unqualified support of President to our deht agreement vAth Great ABES Flnaoe'al Help Previde« to «11 veterans Irrespective of the R ritaln. T hat settlement, ocble wd un­ •how« the necessity therefor Coolidge. “W e have eatabtiahed new Intermedi­ origin of disability «mJ over $50,000,- der a R epuhlla n ndm lnl« mtloit. « as 'T h e consolidation of railroads Into "The Improvement In the enfotco- ate cred!, baakx for agricultura, and few e r competitive systems, subject to OOo hns heen appropriated for hospital the greatest l n t e m t h n a l financial men, of the m erit system both hy transaction In history Under the Increased the capital of the federal t h e appro»«, o f the Interstate com­ construction which w ill provide suffi­ legislative enactment snd Executive t e ­ Emergency loans merce commission, should be provided cient lied« to care for ell. agreement the United Rtmes now re ­ farm loan avatem flon since March 4, 1921, has been LAWYER AND NOTARY have been granted to drought stricken for. ceives an annnal return otx $4.fW ),(tin, Proof of Party1« Intent. marked snd effective. Bv Executive or- ' areas We have enacted Into law the mil) owing to US (J; Gres, IB -/»In. w ith “ Apprcjirtntbins totalling over $ ,.- llALft' . OllkOUM ]Otl,