A Ù tJo >***■ ------------------------ My Business J. H. ALLISON Where tires are cheaper. “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” W h a t’s SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS To reduce our stock of ruga we are making big No m atter what the oc­ reductions in the price of our entire stock. casion may be, let us 9 x 1 2 Royal Ardehan Wilton Velvet 8122.50 rug for .................... .......... .......... ..... ........... 898.00 help you. 9 x 1 2 Bussorah Axm inster tug 62.50 rug for 52.50 2 Bussorah Axm inster rug 42.00 rug for 32.50 Albany Floral Co. 9 9 x x 1 11-C Seamless Axm inster rug ..... - ............ 29.00 • 337 W. First St. 9 x 1 2 Grass rugs, double warp ........................... 6.75 8 x 10 Grass rugs, double warp ....... ............. . 4.75 flowers-Flowers A,I other rugs reduced in the same proportion. We also have some special values in new and used Store Phone Greenhouse furniture. 458-J 24-F-21 BARTCHKR FURNITURE CO. 415-421 West F irst St. Albany, Ore. SEA RS’ B utternut Bread Albany Magnolia Laundry - (E Finished Family Washing, in Halsey. Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, F eather Beds and - s • M Pillows, Lace Curtains Scientifically done, Best by Test. WALL PAPER PAINTS W ITH ELECTRICITY t Make it your servant. Mountain States Power Company Albany, Get. our Prices. F. C. DANNALS 123 E. Third Street. Albany, Oregon. Auto Electric Service Authorized Sales and Service Nothing Better for Hot Days High Grade Lumber THAN A T oaster or Table Stove. Special Toaster and Plate $2.00 Complete Line of Electric Appliances. Right out of our own virgin forests—home grown. Ralston Electric Company 310 W est Second St. E X P A N S IO N S A L E Key to the Dairy Industry of the Willamette Valley A $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 . 00 Stock of fine footwear and hosiery m ust be A FARMERS’ CO OPER- ATIVE CREAMERY Albany, Oregon We w ant your Cream Oregon. A Place to E at W here All Is Neat. The Right Service a t the Right Time. 129 Broadalbin Albany, Oregon Eastburn EXNER & SUMMERFIELD TH’ OLE GROUCH 4 - Brownsville Woolen Mills Store r — J. C. BREIER CO. 63 Stores Albany, Oregon T he copy for the advertisement of 0 1 1 VAG-GtA GQUhAP 6 £ E U 'TW tfcK tG w iU ' F t« . NGhibS T LCKVG TV4\«> UO TTEU tOWU," 53 Stores — : Phone 23: _ H eadquarters for A. & B. Here i, where you get dependable merchandise at the lo r . f»t possible price*. You are cordially invited to visit ue, Radio Rechargable B att series. ! AS W t CALLS r f , B U T W t u XU' BOMS TB-'tO T PUT V4\VA OU a T U A IU LAST W EEK, H E PVT U K E A WILDCAT, AM' AltJT GAIO MUTV4IU' « G U I X U ' TOVUI» B ID «® •. A lbany [ b l a in CLOTH ing to] ycu want efficiency Oregon See V / W failed to reach the printer in time for this issue and the publisher grabs this space to remark that a firm which has been in the same business over fifty years, advertising extensively all tho time, and made a constant growth, is proof that integrity, good business judgment, ceurtesy and printer's ink lead to success. Blain’s advice is: Men’s ItluaChambray Work Shivte .................. 79 and 90r Men's « xlra large Chanihray Work Shirts....................... 98 Men's Balhriggxn Union Suita 4........................ ............ . 11 Men’» Athletic Union Suite. , ................... 69c, 79c, 11 25 If you have been Men’» Khaki Work Paul» .. . ........,...9 8 o , 11 75, $2.10 Wool Mixed Dreka Panta $3.96, $4 85. $4 8/ chronically ill for six Men’s Men's all-wool Dress Pant», ... 86.90, $6.45, 86.85. months ami the X-ray I Men’s heavy blue Bib Overalls.............................81.19 81 49 shows your spine per­ M '"‘a l ay Oak Overalls Men's Khaki Coveralls...................................... _______ $2 85 REWARD Dr. R. II Harris, Chiropractor Cuaiek Bank Bldg., Albany IMPERIAL CAFE 209 W. First Street Harold G. Murphy, Prop. Phone 665 1 »E NEVER CLOSE MEN’S AND BOYS’ TENNIS SHOES Men's heavy canvas, suction sole . . . . . . .................... $1.50 Bovs* h.'avy canvas, suction,........ $1 19, 81.29 and $1 115 Child » black Tennis Oxfo:da .......... ..........; ................... 79, Boys' H ark Tennis O x lo rd s ................................89 and 98c TORRANCE Reconditioning Shop and P arts for all Cars. I’hone 379. STIMSON-IZE YOUR SHOES High Shoes made into Oxfords $1.0 0 per pair. High Heels taken off and M ilitary II eels put on without changing the shape 78c and $1.00 per pair. Tennis Shoes, Rubber Boots, Hot W a te r Bottles and Inner Tubes Re­ paired. Sewed-on Soles a Specialty; also the Repairing of Arch Support Shoes and T urn Shoes. Rubber Heels put on, "While You W c 't.” O iildreu’s Scuffer Shoes Rebuilt. 316 West Second St., Oppos ite HAMILTONS’ STORE Albany, Oregon SHOE LACES SHOE PO L IS H E S Chiropractic eives nature a chance tv correct acute illness in the shortest pos­ sible time. Acute sickness is always ac­ companied with at least tem ­ porary fubliixations of the »pine, either caueative or from reflex. Dr. R. II. Harris, Chiropractor J Cusick Bank Bldg., Albany STIMSON “The Shoe Doctor” 212 E. First S t Acute Sickness an d S ucceed evvwKrt Heavy canvas Hv,hicks, 49c W H IT E H E A D . The PLUM BFR 125 W. Second etreet MEN’S CLOTHING fect 1 will give you the picture FREE. This offer holds good for all of July, 1924. Brothers Two Grocery Stores Having discontinued our store at Brownsville, Variety Store Oregon, the Brownsville Woolen Mills Store is now 212 W. F irst S treet and open to the public a t First and Ellsworth Sts. (op­ 225 Main S treet posite \lbany State Bank), Albany, Oregon, where we have a complete line of Clothing, Furnishings, gains and Stnull Profits. When in Albany call and see Phone 58 and Phone 54 Blankets and Flannels. At our new location we are Miss Winnified Rose has succecd- prepat d to carry a larger and more complete stock Albany, Oregon. d Inga Hauge as proprietor of the than in the past. Vtarineflo beauty parlor at Albany, MILL AT BROWNSVILLE. OREGON. listed in our directory of that city. 120 W. F irst St. Albany, Oregon. Retail stores a t Portland, Eugene, Marshfield. North Bend and Albany. Willard Storage Batteries II. I). Preston, J. C. Cochran Proprietors . Change of Location Tints, Varnishes and Brushes. , Oregon BARRETT BROTHERS Wash, Cook and Clean OREGON A lbany, McDowell Shoe Co. Holman & Jackson ALBANY, Fireball in Democrat) iS e ed nitore Oregon dairy cattle are in demand cleared io make room for the carpenters to fill large orders from California to start alterations for a bigger and dairymen and farmers who suffered better shoe store. losses in the recent epidemic of foot and mouth disease. The extension SALE STARTS SATURDAY, JULY 5 sejvice has been asked to help locate stock for sale and up to the qualifi­ Gigantic reduction throughout the store cations The county agents wit! help . wners of such stock get in touch .vith the California market. Oregon dairy stock in general is able to measure up to the standards, and the cows in the cow-testing as­ sociations show a consistent margin Let us figure with you on your w ater system. ,vcr the requirement of 300 pounds of fat a year per cow. Much of the FAIRBANKS MORSE LIGHT PLANTS best Oregon stock has also been uberculin tested and found to be low in percentage of reactors. Best On E arth. The California demand is for cows Full Stock of McCormick-Deering Repairs . b. tested in herds under state or federal supervision, and for cows in Mail Orders Taken Care of. ■ow testing associations. If not in upervised herds each animal in the BARRETT BROTHERS ■erd must be tuberculin tested and f more than 10 per cent react no Albany, Oregon ■animal will be ta k d lfro m that herd. Owners reporting (Thick for this ale are asked to give breed, number i- animals in each, average price, nd other items called for. High •rade Holsteins and Guernseys are lought, and probably later good Jer- ■eys and Ayrshire.*. A trainload is vanted at first, and later several Everything in Home Needs— The House of Big B ar­ nore will probably be called for. "Quality Work. Prom pt Service.” Where Aleo Bread is made. W ith A Call for Oregon Cows E. C. M IL L E R , Halsey Agent GROCERS the M a tte r Albany ? O. À. C., July, 1924. B ert Clark Handles it is the tr p /iy s Anything wrong with A'bany? First-class building m aterial is your most im portant I Oh, nc. Albany and Linn county consideration. ' have the mott fertile soil and the Let “Copeland Quality” be your guide. moat beautiful country in the J. W. COPELAND YARDS world. I predict that Linn county will soon become famous on ac­ LUMBER count of the »ondeiful " p u ll- Albany Yard at the west end of Second Street together eyatem which is spreading Phone 275. to other counties and will soon spread all over the west and in O ther yards at I.ents, Salem, Hubbard, Yamhill and Hillsboro. time will come to supercede the lea ¿ue ol nations and become a brotherhood of men, t ie cradle of which waa Linn county. Rough Dry Family Washing, It Clip this com er out and I bring it to our store. It’s J worth 25 cents in trade. An Appeal to People of Rural Districts for a Wider and More Mutual Interest in Commercial Circles of Linn County. F irst and Washington Sts. ) “CUT IT OUT” ALBANY’S CO-OPERATIVE ADVERTISING PLAN Is selling auto supplies, tires, tubes, motor bear­ ings, piston rings. X SHOE GREASES I A few out of the tr any worth-while taxi* by which you can arveconaider«bly at BANKS' SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE 40-in Uubleac.l M udin. 6 yd $1 32 in Tirane G ing'in, 3yd. $1 3« in. Percale, 6 yd. SI 36 in. Ratine, 3 yd. $1 30 in Wind* r Lin- gei ie Crepe, 3 yd. Ji 80-in. Jap Crepe, 33-in. Jap Pongee, flilk.Hoee, 19c yd 79u yd 89c pr 82-in. Drei« Ging'm,19c yd AU-Linen Stevens Crush, 5 yds 81 BAN KS’ ALBANY OREGON