halsey enterprise VOL. X I I HALSEY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY IP l*>24 HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS Democrats Nominate for Presideent A. A. Barber went over to at Newport Friday. visit Iwpaiouent of Agrlealtur*. Metcum eWorld seed treatment Is by far th« simpler of the t« o treatments reenr« needed There (a practically no In Jorv to th* need It * only limithtlon Is that Markle» fungus, though grently reduced. Is not entirely killed, although The democratic con ran tian iu H i t York ba* at last ad, wragdl Mack rot Is almost completely con­ after uooiinatiug Jubu W . Dario of Waal Virginia for pro*i4«ui am’ , trolled. The hot-water treatment will completely control blackleg, but will Th* state (reining school for boys at W. J Bryan’» brother Charlo* for vive-pieaidcnt. reduce some« but the percentage of Falem now ha* the largest population We publish ill* lep u h lieau platform thi* wrsk. N ext week m gernilnetlon. In It* history, 17» A copy of the clrcolar may be ee expect to have a half page rt pur I of th e d e tu w ra lie co n v en tio n , written cured, a* long a* the supply lost*, A to,el of t t a .*46 20 was turned oo tbo spot. lb * fu ll dem ocratic platform w ill appear io these col from the United Flutes Department of over to the state treasurer by the state land department during June. umus sooo. Head die effusion» of both parti«* and awallow a bat you , Agriculture. Washington, D. C. A aevire electrical siorm e ruek ia can of them. the vicinity of Coquille aud Marshfield and i.et four nr five timber file*. John Short Stories from Sundry Sources Mrs. L. E. Walton was a passenger to Harrisburg Thursday. S P. Passenger Agt-nt Jtokin- wag here again yesterday. W. J. Carey came down from Eu­ gene Saturday for a visit of a few day. Three thousand peopr? were re­ Miss Ruth Finley went to Craw­ ported at Crawfordsville on the 4th fordsville Friday for a visit of a and 2000 at Cascadia. tew days. NEWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER OREGON . Davis nnb*i>) Tueedav. vho seek its shelter. The Baptists who picnicked at Peter Freerkscn and wife and moth 'r, Mrs. AgnCs Clark, Ira and L. St. Brownsville on the 4th decided to Tohn and their wives, C. J. Shedd make the picnic gn annual affair. ind family, Mrs. Dora Davit, and Miss M rs, K A C a rtw rig h t re lu m e ’lertha Shedd were among those l i s ­ to her tiouie a t E Idaho ting the Masonic home at Forest T uesday, alter a Vi»il, wi h bw) Grove on Linn County Day there. siakor-jn-law, Mrs. l r , W ale a Needs No B ra k in g In it Mia. J. W. R tgtdal* ol Loa Angel»*, who baa been viaitu.g in Brownavil.e, enntintn-d on 1« Cor- Vsills Tuesday fur a V.eit, ' times I worked twe years wlthont vg- cation. I took as mticli Interest tn that bank as If I had a big salary, ot the presidency. In the ninth year I asked to be made assistant cashier ‘“ I don't think a woman can hold that kind of poiltton,' the cashier told me That ended the motter—for him i —but not for me. "The next year I wes paying feller in a large hank In Wilson, at doubled salary. Seventeen months later I pro­ moted m.vaelf tv a Raleigh hank." Save for the petty vision of that first eashler and others like him. Beitha Hellen finds many big things on Main Street. “The average young girl's character grows better, I feel, when she can here th* Influence of home life She bes a chance to know people heller. My experience I* that she cen hare more social life elong wdth her work than the strange girl In a strange city, “I f one aspire* to big things, II look* sometime* as If It Is necessary in leave the email town. Rut we our selves may be Idgger In a amall town Even If we do not hare a hlg-paylug position, our lives may count for rnorr In th* little home church and com­ munity.“ You have probably concluded that to be tough and durable a shoe must be uncomfortable. You have a new sense of satisfaction coming with your first pair of Weyenberg Comflex “ All Solid Leather” shoes. ■■■ W C VC N B ER VS 'W G a m f l e X I f you want work shoes that will wear longer, that will be comfortable and flexible, that will protect your feet and your health-get Weyenberg'a Comflex with the double-tan soles— we »ell them because they offer our cus­ tomer», at n moderate price, the best service that can be bought at any price. GOOD GOODS — 4. *w- H alsey Church «I Christ A. j Treat Cabbage Seed to Prevent Disease Rev. Mr. Nolen and family return­ ed home from Aleaa Monday. Jim Tait , the barber, left Friday Church Announcements Church ol C b tis t: Lon Chauilec, in mister. Bible school. 10. W . I I . Robert- on, superintendent. Christian Endeavor, 7. M<>tnir,g worship, I I . Lord's j -upper every Lord's dny. Evening service, 8. Th» church without a hirhup, in the country without a king. I f you have no church home i come aud worship with us. Methodist: Robert Parker, pastor. Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11, Intermediate League, 7. Epworth League, 7. Prayer meeting Thursday, fl, Preaching, 8. K 00N TZ C Building permits Issued la Eugeaei during the month of June totaled 1207,- »00 In eellmated coal of construction. Chiropractors from all section* of Ih * northwest will meet la Portland Thursday for their annual convention. In the month of Juaa building pefmit* were Issued In Aaleria. repre­ senting a ronstruetten ra in * of $170.- 82$. Lumber shipments from St Helene for th * week ending June ?• amount­ ed to J. $00,000 feet, th * largest for any week th l* year. University of Oregon summer term registration has broken the record with 188 enrolled In the Portland and Eugene session*. Customs house collection* at Port­ land for the yegr ending Jane 8« amounted to I1.844.1U. marking a new- record for th* district T h * stage men of the state of Ore- »on will hold a two day*’ convention at tb * new Hinge Terminal hotel I * Eugene July 8 and 1«. Cranberry marshes ot Clataeg c e n ly are now la full bloom and give promise of the heaviest crop aver grown In that section The t$oo.ooo bond issue for aa nndr- tortum to he erected on the campus ot the University of Oregon carried at a special election la Eugene. The forest fir* *1tuet1on In Oregon I* wot serious t t t i e present time, <*. apita the contlnu-d dry spell aecord Ing to F. A Elliott, state forester. Ending the long drouth and at the. asms tlgne offering temporary relief from the heat wave, two-tenths ef en. Inch of fain fell In 18 minutes at Bend Receipt* at the Salem poatofflce dur­ ing the quarter ending June $0 were 145 240 27, or approximately 88000 more than at the same period of 1»2» About fifteen raft», of half « million (set of »pruce each, will be brought Io Portland from the yuillavqte river lov he Multnomah Lumber and Box com- pany. A total of 10,824 meter i are Oonv other state» registered In Oregon dur ng June, according to a report pre tared by Ram A. Kojer, secretary o( date. In the case« of 1IX persona arrested ’or itlleged violation of prohibition, aw* of the elate In Multnomeh cogp* y during the first »lx months of Iggfc. he office of District Attorney hfyert» hss otM»lB4d 108 conrktions. The Pendleton Packing A Provwtnn omptyty at Pendleton has slarled con tttutllt.n work on extensive imptove- menls to increase the cspaclty and efficiency of the plant. x Mri.i Harriet Cooley, widow of George Cooley and mother of W. ('. Nancy Gladys Scarbrough. 8». Cooley, the South Brownsville mer­ 'Koterprige Correspondence) daughter of Dr L. D. Scarbrough’ chant, died Wednesday night of last Clyde Crawford has a new Star wealthy retired phyalelan and prune week. She was one of the best-loved cn.'. grower of C r*4*elt, committed sol j Brownsville pioneers. M and $l>a. II. S. Tugli epeiiL ride by shooting herself with a rifle the week end in Portland. The Gladstone city council has In- S h e d d Snapshots Lunger W aar Greater Comfort. The Mlltnn Box factory which waa destroyed by fire about four wvuka ago. will reattnie work immediately V e ry . S im p le , EsaentiaJ and for Vancouver, B. C., and returned L o w -P rie e d In su ran ce. Monday. iF r s e k r k « k» tlM t'e llk S S t a .w D . p . C r , . ' s t A e r1 c u lt« r« .) Mr. and M rs. C. Maelaon spent the 4th in Jefferson at the I. O. O. F. picnic. Csbbage-eeed treatment for the pre venthm of blackleg and black rot, two M » 'l* F»rw»ll and G lenn Or«g- seed born* diseases which close hesvy o .y were botr.e Irons Goldaon oret ioaaea to the crop each year. I* a le rj th« 4th. slmpla, a very essential and low priced M r. and Mrs. O. Shook drove to Insurance, aaya the United State* De­ I partment of Agriculture. Most csbbage Portland to -pend the 4th. Mr. FI ook seed la grown at point* remote from returned Sunday morning. the plac* where It It Wasd and passes A number of Shedd people attend­ through many hand* befor* It reaches ed the celebration at Crawfordsville tb* planter. Usually yery little la know* by the planter as to the preva­ and several feni'ltea picnicked »1 lence of disease on the plant* from Cascadia. which the seed waa («cured and there Mias Parthena W hite, who h*a been It ne practical method ef determining in Shedd «eviral months with her effhaod whether or not a given sample of seed la Infected. Treatment af th* ; »’»nt, Mrs. Tom BraNfield. left last seed therefore should Tie retorted fo aa ' week for her home in Idaho. an Insurance against lota. Mr*. W. McConnell and children, The method* of treating rahbage Harvey. Mary and Clarlae, drove to •eed ft»r thee* two vary prevalent dia- eake» la told In Jtepertmehf Circular 111, jeat Issued by the United State* A 4 » ’ i- ■ i ’i . . . . Monmouth Tuesday to make arrange ment* for the girl* to go to school , thia fall. „ 1 e J- strucled th * city attorney to prepare a hill to amend the charter to allow a 828 008 bend Issue for the Install* tlon of a new water system In Glnd stone. Pnllfornla dairymen and farueen« »ho lost kaavlly la the recnui look and mouth epidemic are appealing IP Dragon for help tu restocking with high producing, sound animals tn r*- •ter« their herds Net more than 20 p*r cent of t ie flax planted ta Marion county this season wlU be pulled, according to reports received by Governor Pierce from the growers. The short crop I*, lue to roatlnued dry weather Following a meeting ef agricultural instructors of Oregon at the Oregon Agricultural college, an automobilw our of Inspection waa made through ladependepce McMinnville. Newberg • nd Woodbure Tba time at the con ’ereae* was spent largely la studying •he prolene ef the various school* of 'be state teaching agrlealtur«. and ligeuaaing problem*. In addition tn Itpe actually agdat out In (he field, ' ( Otitis lied on peg» 2|