^/^lb an y .£ 7 )irecto ry A /4 « * ? C o n tin ued JU LY 3. IO21 HALSEV E N T E R P R IS E PAGE J H ALLS’ F L O R A L A M U S IC S H O P This is good advice: “ I f y->n live We grow our own cut flowers in Albany, trade iu Albany . if you live in some oiher town, trade in that town.' Gold ban,led. Rubruiu and other hardy But in these automobile days many re­ lily bulbs now ou band. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do Nice geraniums every Saturday, at least part of their buying in the iarffer town Those who go to Albany Phone 16c J to transact business will fimi the firms named below ready to fill Iheir require menta with courtesy an I fairness FARM LOANS '-*■ Best one-pound loaf of bread made. 5 cents. Wedding cakes to order. COPYRIGHT ZyTHE ROBBS-MERRILL CO JCehtlnuad from page 3) " It’s a death trap or an open rood." “Got In the habit of carrying these," San Juan told Dinsdale as they gal­ San Juan explained as he produced two double-barrel Remington der­ ringers, forty-one caliber.” They ascended a high ridge that crossed their course at right angles sad came to the trail which connected the agencies with the stronghold of the northern Sioux. The summer campaign of 1876 had brought no de­ feats to the Sioux and Cheyennes. The latter, whose cornfields once grew along the Bellefourche, claimed a vic­ tory over General Crook as the result of the June fight on the Rosebud. Custer's death a week later marked the peak ef Sioux supremacy. Curiously enough it was the federal government thal started the gold rush to the debatable hills by sending an expedition to confirm the many border stories about gold to be found there. Once the cry was raised in 'seventy- four, "Custer's soldiers have found gold in the Black hills I Hills of gold 1 Gold from the grass-roots down!” the red man got together his best guns, ac­ cumulated much fixed ammunition, saw that his war ponies were fit, made new medicine, smoked war tobacco, and with the spring grass carried the pipe against the frontier. All too well did the Indian under­ stand what was about to happen to their homeland now that the precious metal had been found upon It. The lesson had been taught In California. Colorado, Idaho and Montana. Many prospectors had Interpreted the government's activity in 'seventy- four as an invitation for them to rush to the hills. But soldiers were sent to •verhaul the trains, burn the wagons and Imprison the fortune seekers. The Indians, primed from the start to resent the Inevitable stampede, did not need his example; but, having be­ held It, they pronounced It good and proceeded to burn a score of trains where the government had destroyed one wagon, to kill a hundred whites where the Great Fattier In Washing­ ton had Imprisoned one. Thus while San Juan Joe and Dinsdale were warily making down the highest ridge In the chain to strike the Cheyenne river the hill towns were praying for Crook to march down from the Little Missouri country Into Deadwood Gulch. The river was reached at dusk, and men and horses enjoyed the first drink of water since morning. They made the crossing without much trouble and were soon drying tbetr clothes In the ranch house. "What's ahead of us now?" asked Dinsdale as they finished »teaming their garments and sat down to an appetizing supper of fried venison, hot bread and coffee. "The worst of tlie lot,” San Juan cheerfully answered. "But It's a short dash. Sudden death rather than a long lingering illness. I f It's In the cards that we make it there's no reason In worrying. I f the cards run against ns, worrying won't help any." After rapper they Inquired of a white-haired man In plains dress about the two wagons they had been expecting to come up with. •'They 'lowed to wait at the sol­ diers' camp near the mouth of Red canyon," mumbled the ancient. " If the boss of that outfit—called hlaaelf Bel- man an’ has his woman along—has got any brains he’ll wait till a big train comes along.” For Dinadale's enllghtment the gambler informed him; "Red canyon Is called 'The Gate of Hell.' Regular death trap If the In­ juns Jump ns. No chance to hide up Walls high and steep. N'o place to run once they've cut you off In both di­ rections. Seven outfits slaughtered In there since May. “The time to go through Is at night. Injuns don't take kindly to night work. My Idea is to stay here till tomorrow afternoon, then make a dash for It I've been through the canron four time« this season, this making the fifth. Once we're through w ell be , only twenty-five miles from Custer City. I don't mind the devils much If ' they don t get me cornered." loped along 'But If it's In the cards for us to get through we ll go through. The curds have been right every trip I've made this season. They had to be before I'd start out.” "What did the cards say list night?" curiously asked Dinsdale Showed trouble in the canyon. Seemed to be sort of blind. But yon and I showed up all right at the end. W ell know Just what It means when we get to It. I'll try them again when w e reach the soldiers' camp." It was late afternoon when the gam­ bler and Dinsdale roda into the sol­ diers’ camp on Red Canyon creek. The camp was defended by rifle-pits, and only a few men were present, the others being off on a scout. From a sergeunt the wayfarers learned tlint two wagons with eight men had left for the canyon shortly after the noon hour, having tired of waiting for an other outfit to come up. "I tried to get them to wait until some of the men out scouting got back, so we could send an escort through with them. But they wouldn't listen.” said the sergeant Dinsdale asked no questions as to when they should set ont. He knew that his companion was familiar with the route and Its dangers. At sunset they ate supper, messing with the sol­ diers, and then smoked for a while. Finally San Juan Joe rose briskly and glanced at the moon crawling above the horizon, greatly magnified and blood-red. "Looks like all h—1 was burning," lazily remarked Dinsdale. “It usually Is,” was the grave re­ ply. "Means that some one la cut­ ting tlie deuce In this deal.” "What do the carda say! have you tried them?" "Ran them off while you was tend­ ing your nag. They run all right for us. We'll go.” Dinsdale glanced at his watch as they entered the mouth of the canyon and observed thut It was eight o'clock The gambler took the lead as the faint light vanished and permitted his horse to pick the way through the thick darkness. Dinsdale'» animal followed closely. Gradually Dinsdale developed the Illusion of being surrounded by Immeasurable open country until It seemed that he was free to gallop In sny direction. Then came a more disquieting fancy; He was riding along the creat of a ridge The way scarcely afforded room for Ids horse's cautious hoofs, and one false step would tie equiva­ lent to a drop Into oblivion. Once, when his horse stumbled, he gave an Involuntary little cry. "What's the trouble?" softly called San Juan from out of the blackness. "My nerves fooled me." sheepishly explained Dinsdale. Soon after this Incident Dinadale's objective senses ousted all fancies. San Juan also heard It, the ominous sound of several guns fired In a vol- CHAPTER II Tit* Cats ef Hell. Overnight the wind shifted from the east, whence comes thy rain to the hill* country, and was blowing smart ly from the south when the two trar- eterg sat down to breakfast There was no occasion for haste, however, a* San Juan Joe insisted that they would gain nothing by making the mouth of Red ennyon before twilight When they swung Into the saddle late In the afternoon the old men eombed his white beard with hl« gnarled fingers m d called after them "Ye won't git through Ye're darned fools to try I t W ilt for a big tra in " "Teld Yew Somaan* Was Cutting the Real Estate Insurance Prompt service. Courteous treatment W m B ain , Room 5, First Savings Batik A lb a n y Floral Co. ) at lowest rate of interest A Hiany Bakery, 321 Lyon street, HU PENDEXTEK, builmng. Albany C ut dower* and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. ______ _______ Flower phone 458-T FARM LOANS Write for booklet describing onp 20- vear Rural Credit Amortizeil I M B* * set». Electric wiring. Helcp Light file loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ products 202 Second tiring tbe principal, Cheap rates. No G lbnm W illard W m . hoxlich delay. A lb a n y Electric Store. Radio B kam L and Co , ulo Electric Service— Recharg­ A able A A B batteries— W IL L A R D storage battery. Phone 2.1. 119-121 W. Second at. H. D. Preston—J.C. Cochran 133 Lyon St., Albany, Ore u c lilu e Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon ” street. Bat here when in Albany. Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. SHOE SERVICE M rs . U locnt . B r u n s w ic k Shoes that cost leas per month of wear PHO NO G RAPHS at W O O D W O R T H 'S W hy suffer irom h ead ach e? Have vour eyes exam ined 8. T . FR E N C H riavenport Mu*ic company offer* Piano-case organ, good at new Estey organ, good as new Used Pianos. astburn Bro*.— Two big grocery E stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. F . M . F r e n c h a S o n s E Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. We make our own candies. W. S. D uucan . ilm * developed and J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S Albany, Oregon printed. Quality We mail them right bock to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ egon. W h a t * «atisfaotion to know that your K R Y P lO K G LA SSES ^irst garage going north. are built up,in the highest stand­ Tires, accessories, oils, gvsoline, ard of Q U A L IT Y . repair work. Anyone buying for quality will W. H. H ll * umt . • rk for K R Y P T O K S . O R D S A LK S A N D S E R V IC E F Tires and accessorie« Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor C o . K in d lie r Furniture Co., fo rn i­ R ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 4Î7-4J3 west First itreet, Albany, Oregon. F u l l e r grocery . 236 Lj>w (Successor to Stenlerg Bros.) Groceries Fruita Produce Phone 2t>3R W- S E X A U E R , auto and gen- F • eral paiater H OI.M V a Meade & Albro, Get my estimate. 201 E. First street a JACKSON Optometrists, Manti'achiring Opticians Albany, Oregon Grocery—Bakery Rverylhing in the line of ests Cpposite Post office ub Candy Co., Firet street, next H ■loor to Blain Clothing Co. Noon lunches. Home made candy and ice Cream. F. M . G R A Y . DRAYM AN AJI work done promptly and reaaon* able. ub Cleaning Works, Ine. H I Cor. Pourth and I.yon Master Dyers and Cieanera Made-To-Measure Clothes f you have friends they should I hone Ko. 269 D ELBER T STA R R Funiral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer have your photograph Clifford's Stndio Efficient Service, Motor Hears» 313 West First street Albanv. __ Lady Attendant Brewnsville_____ ___________ Oregon agneto electric co . Official Stromberg carburetor serv­ ice station. Conservative prices. All work guaranteed. 119-121 \A . Second. M A R iN E L L O P A R L O R S (A beauty aid for every need) fit. Francis Hotel Prep . I nga H acg * M en M W L. W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director Halsey and Harrisburg Call D T aylor , Halsey, or W. L. U s i m i . Harrisburg and money are best when busy. Make your dollars work in our savings department. ALRA n v S ta TR B akr Under government supervision. J ^ J O O K E ’S M U S IC H O U S E "Everything musical' urphy M Motor Co. Btiick and Chevrolet autoniobiles. Tires and accessories. Albany, Oregon. Phone 2»> oscoe a . mes h a r d w a r e , R the W IN CHESTER STORE .122 W. First at _________ S. G IL D E R I A SON s Builders' sod shelf hardware, gar­ den tool« crockery and glassware dei New _N«w law prices. Ne Stock. .IM b flN T H E S H O K DOCTOR Second street, opposite Hamilton e store. "Sodden Service.' STs Deuee. ley, qnb'kly followed by two or three Isolated shots The firing was faint as tf far off. The gambler backed tils horse he aide DlM dale'* and softly whispered: "Told you some one »»a cutting the deuce.” "It'a quiet enough now," mnrnmred Dinsdale "Too quiet Means It'a all over— all ended--«II the chipa In the pot Some one has cashed In for keeps " "We go ahead?" 'Je* " — — (To bo continued) DR. W H E T S T O N E D E N T IS T HALSEY H O TE L 223 W. First sL Wednesday and Friday BARBER SHOP N«ws Notes oett are planning a visit to tha Mc­ Bride and Burnett homes in Yamhill county, where the three were born Plans were made at a meeting In more than 70 years ago. Birkenhead last week toward organi The Deschutes river flow It the low­ zatlon of a Pioneer's society of the est In recent years, running K00 Nehalem valley. i second feet, In spite of the fact that Portland was chosen as tbe meeting stored water at tbe Crane Prairie and place fq; tbe 1926 annual state con Crescent lake reservoirs is re-enforc­ ventlon of osteopathic physicians at ing the flow. Lack of snow In the the convention tn Albany. mountains Is given as the cause. Non resident motor vehicles In Ore­ Taxes to be collected In Oregon gon on June 13 showed an increase of 334 Per cent when compared with during 1924, based on the valuations figures compiled a year ago. accord for 1923, aggregate >40,166,083.30, ac­ ing to a report prepared by the elate cording Io a summary prepared by the state tax commission This Is highway department. i slight reduction when compared with A cougar, out of Its invironment and thoroughly frightened at the prospect tlie tax collections for the year 1923. I,e Roy Ledgerwood, manager of of no trees to climb nor underbrush to bide in, utlllied the manger of an the Mehama fish hatchery, states that old barn near Wasco as a place of an attempt was made recently to dy­ refuge and was killed with a shotgun namite the saimon racks across the mouth of the little north fork ot the The sale of cigarettes at all eon Santiam river, to allow the aaJmon to »traction camps and at two summer go through to the headwaters ot that resorts—those at Odell and Crescent j river. lakes—In the Deschuiet national forest Anticipating that forest fires wilt has been stopped, as a measure foi protection of timber against fire. It Is soon break out again. Nelson F Mac i duff, supervisor of the Cascade na­ announced. tional forest, has Issued an order for Farmers in Um atilla county, sad <11 fire lookouts to take their station* particularly those In the wheat belt again. They had been off duty for who own bottom land where some some time owing to recent rains and alfalfa and green stuff are grown, have lack of flrea. launched Into warfare against a p«st The work of pouring concrete In the of grasshoppers that threatens to construction of the new dam In Itnm i clean up some fields. great creek, which Is a part of the Ou his return home a few minutes ^plent Irrigation project In southern after he had watched a shipment of Oregon, has been started, according caskets unloaded and had jestingly to Information received at the office» picked out the coffin he would prefer of the state engineer. It will require, to be buried io, Matthew B. Keys. 89. several months to complete the dam. dropped dead In Pendleton aa a re­ A county wide organisation ef sult of heart disease sportsmen's organisations of Um atilla The state treasurer's office has county was completed at a meeting started action In Lakeview to collect in Pendleton attended by hunters and over >160.000 from the executors of fishermen from Hermiston. Helix. the Bernard Daly estate, covering In­ Pilot Rock. Echo. Umatilla. Adams and heritance tax upon that part of the Pendleton. Tbe name of the organtxa estate that was left to the Bernard lion la the Umatilla Fish and Gams Daly educational fund. Protective association. -Mrs Anna Kterens. 71, wife of Jas­ Taxation of electric light and power per H. Stevens, and a pioneer of the companies tn Oregon. Washington. Grande Ronde valley, died at La Idaho. Montana and Utah has Increas Grande Mr» Steven» was a daughter ed 42 per cent In the last three years, of George W. Webb, former state according to etatlsllca assembled hjr treasurer, who died a few years ago George L Myers, president of the at tbe age of 9* years. Northwest Electric Light and Power (Continued from page I? Dr James A. McBride of Pasadena. CaL his brother. T . A. McBride, of tbe supreme court, and Justice Bur iTY«f O regon J . w . S T E P H E N S O N . Pr-p association, and presented at tha asso- ctatlon'a annual convention at Gear- heart. Following completion of the present contract on tha Montgomery tract near Mehama, the practice of main­ taining prison woods camps at a long distance from Halem will he abo’lehnd, according to A M Dalrymple, warden of tbe state penitentiary The action was taken. It was said, because of the many escapes at the camps during the past lew years. Carta Abrams, newly elected sec­ retary of the state budget commission, FARM LOANS T W Halsey Meat Market FARM MACHINERY Thft market where you al­ bought, sold and exchanged at all times ways get the best in meats. B E N T. S U D T E L L t Plum« 76-R, I l ì N. Broadalbin «t, Albany C . P . M O O D Y , HalKev, A g e n t— Phone 226 Firsl-class W ork Shampooing. Marcelling and Scalp L O A N S *• • very row rate of intciest Treatments Margaret Countryman, From 5 to 10 years W n te me (or ;ar Globe Theater bldg Phone I MJ Frop teenier* O. W. I. apla *. ald o Anderson A Son. d is trib ­ Salem. Ore 110 Oregon Bldg utors end dealers for Maxwell. Chaî­ nera Rases. Hudson A Hupmobile cars Accessories. Supnliea 1st A »c sd i'tim furniture and Southern Pacific 12 to 4:30 he m a r g u e r it e shoppe I can make both F A R M and C IT Y New to r full information aik any Southern Paci/it d^ent Optometrist, with lite Cafeteria and confectionery F ANYW HERE V o u an d th e fa m ily can visit P o rtla n d at surprisingly sm all expense. T a k e advantage o f S ou th ern Pacific season tickets. Sold a n y d a y ; 15 days stopover p rivileg e. W e e k -e n d fares are still lo w e r. Start F rid a y , Saturday, o r Sunday. Its co m fo rt, safety, an d convenience, m a k e Southern Pacific service w o rth m o re to 3'ou th a n a n y o th e r fo rm o f tran sp o rtatio n . W. F. C A R T E R The U N IV E R S IT Y of O R E G O N contain* The College of literature. Science and the Arts with 22 department» j The professional v h / J > of A rth i j | lecture and A llie d A r t * — Buameae Administration—Eduratmn—Grad- uate Study— Joernalism— Law— M edx me— Music— Phystral Edu i ctUon Sot »logy—E«ten»»on For a catalogue or nop informetKXi j Uirite T h f K efiitro r U m C o rn tf ot Oregon E u )*n t, O re f™ K Ifw I I I ïvar 0*rm Se»»'«*«” H- H24 has started sending out blanks to tbe various state Institutions and depart meota in quest of estimated expend I tore* during the next biennium. Under the l a * these estimates must he Its the hands of tbe budget commission early la ¿k'ober end be compiled and printed before I »ecamber I I H a lF * C a ta r r h 1 M edicine local end Internal, end ha« been succeaa- ful In the trestment of Catarrh fot «was ,'orry yesrs Sold by all druggie»*. P. J. C H E N E Y fc COw T o le d o . O hio