T -S C HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E PAO F 4 JU LY J, 11 This aforti,og*s Oregooiao an- That must be grn n «nd <«rked Into the soil. Humus makes the soil re­ e . s. AND THE LEAGUE HALM Y KNTUP&I8K yesterday that deslro'wi MeAdoo'e tain Its proper working consistency. It aelpa hold moisture in 1 drought. It chances for a nomination It ! helps take off surplus water In a flood. .1 Swayed by an «demerit in his party also reports that McAdoo got more, It preveeta sotl from baking bard which was in the saddle but Is now votes after that «pe-cb than be Nothing an take the place of hutnaa. discredited, M r. Harding “ scrapped Work the straw and . ornstalks into bad ever received before. T h a t’s ■ahfcr.;. . 11.13 a ra a r ta advsaca. the soil. the league of nations" in his n> uocee that Bryan made a apeeeh A d v e r b i a * >Jc aa iacb . ao diacoua lt< Itu « or • pace , ao cbarge for cooi goaflläe or e vaage«. IB T a l i foi k a /« ra p b a ." le a Haa » • a ffv a rtu sg 4i^Su«»4 aa a a v a -•aign and promised ubetitote for it. an That Impossible ream" is now a thing of the past. To Advertioor» Armenian people on her head, and ¡emoted from the position oi leader- OS»» hoora, T to I I and 2 ie 6 aaupt Moaday« and Friday forenoon a . position which was universally ac- hip among the nations of the world a the effort for permanent peace— orded her a few years ago— America »ill probably some day amooth-runnlng political humiliation macnir.’ it Evidently pay generally, when the farmers be com« rebellious and luck out over the the patriotism of He was the ut the doctrine e f Jesus Chlrst. •'Our children and our children's hildren, and on down the ages, w ill But there arose on the horiton an­ I t made 5» Wilson ss tl»e redeemer of m. a- to When Coolidge liction he hot follows the practice in general, and this pernicious bloc f every politician seeking votes. But subversive of the ,'oolidge is practical. “ government •ry other mother's son of ’em persistent. ippropristkms Harding n plain he has secured. He conferred oils. Albany, Oregon English for a cut in pay J J—IILL & S » Hardware • D rat him! ... HALSEY GARAGE 1776 1924 We’re 148 years old July 4 Let the eagle scream, but beware of fire 4 tomorrow on A r Be now quick The Sinslaw News reports that a for farm relief. d r. La B a r of K a in ro ck sold 50 per But the farm bloc was not dissolved M r LaBar of 50 per ra ttlin g ,1 Stoves & Ranges oy a half-acre crop of straw- H a rn p & fi l i d i IIv S S knacking sound rontnues to come w |T iM for |SM>, 1s fa r. from the old political machinery as ’ from , ny eannery or oth»r m ar- 1, rotates. <."r will have the biggest celebration in her history • JFarm Machinery « bis party contained alleged provisions That gasoline, claam the motor of t*rboii, produc»» a better running motor and incraataa the mile* per gallon. Abaolutely guaranteed. Come to our shop end let u* explain thia new fuel more Crawfordsville He hrow» the rank* into panic by calling with the leaders of the pesky produc­ tactics. Efficient service Pleasant surroundings has ers and thereafter the programs of these Thia chemical, mixed with the een asking for votes because of the They continued to m utt up carefully prepared plans in congress and U r. by and C a fe te r ia W . S. D U N C A N He calls for eduction o f expenditures, while ev- by party." capitulated. Best sweet* aud soft drinks, Best cuisine calls for tax re­ He denounced blocs But the farmers were (¿ lite C o n fe c tio n e r y at the ind." the president of the revered old system of There’s a sure cure for hunger at tlie •oint to the name and fame of Wo d- knock and rattle, and it evoked a In p articu lar as the Super-Fuel Ingrtdieol. or the peoples of the earth to carry taritk. United States. Boyce-Ite Clark’s Confectionery -reat character to propose a policy ers good and plenty in the way of from He had the learning of leorire Washington. correctly thought would fix the fa rm ­ protest stepped out on the uve of Lincoln, bloc got what it wanted and what it begin who ►ft-rwn, the courage of Jackson, the manufacturers’ machinery for chidren, as well as grown peop>, daring the hot moDth* of summer tiaie, is a heaping plate of pure, rich ice cream. There is nothing so cooling sod uoorishing to the system as this. The ice cream we sell ia made from the best milk and cream, and is fresh every day. T ry it and be cool. 0 end war. general who “ roarad as gently as a political THE BEST DISH «ague when he said, a t that gath- d the doctrine that this was a war bining in testraiot of trade,” war proceeded against by an attorney the M ilton A. M iller hoped attlefield of the world and proelalm- customer on the other through “ com­ other bloc— the farm bloc. O!d papers for sale at 5c a boodle at the Enterprise office. or our ultim ate entrance into the •.merican farm er on one hand and his ultimate The W illis C. Hawley, the busy con- greesman, leaves Waehington for the congreseioual vacation^ this year and orders his Enterprise rent to Ss'.ero, the first time in the three years the paper has keen under the present management. “Oh, my friends, it was a great The packers’ bloc, accused of cinching the tucking dove.” Gradually farming prosperity has moved from sett to west. No soil can long stand such wasteful methods as burning cornstalks and straw. Ash Is a good fertiliser, to be sure, especially for potato land, but humus la wasted when plant substance la burned. Sods are more In need of bumus than of ash, especially In the old farming sec­ tions. One can buy fertiliser to supply tbs soil with the elements found in ashes, but one cannot afford to buy humus ring at Albany last week: tracts. The oil bloc in Washington smoothly as oil. upon their country are asting from the stage. in it» bearings and the old boy to as the The puny politicians who broagbt moat likely to get all balled up, with aand worked enter «ague of nations. I t in an awful thing for farmer« T im Burning Cornstalks and Straw Is Wasting Humus butchered Copy received helort Tueaday ia ia t i » » fer guol poaitioa. tffadaevday »• lal» aad Tburaday'» ruail too lal» THOME PESK Y F A R M ER S Prsttc'ed Watev-v.alsna. Grostag -aiermelona under cover of bay. a * j sometimes cap vas, ha* prxiwctd In the Northwest irrigated dietriste a superior fruir. “ iridescent With the blood of the to meddle with politic» political arithmetic. W « bava a (lock of H A LSEY GARAGE 1 ■ A bey from the farm has grown up with ideas that clash with those of «• aa f or gtrawherries than any farm H e a v y o r lig h t . Full *toek nn h a n d , Come in ami see the q n n lity and 'cam prices Our prices sell our goods tha Halsey neighborhood. Why ,aani M r. U B a r ’s method of placed bias at the head of the nation have lk , ^ ¡ , and e|imate. with these Uktaa still under bit hat." • Making a virtue oi n f f t t U j those . . ____ « î H IL L the leaders of his party and fate has1 m arketing and raise a few berries? — — t A m illio n <>r »0 r f packager of leaders have nominated him as their lbs cigsrtis which tmaguideJ cili* candidate for president. They did tans of America paid the tobacco so kicking agalnat h i. course, and f#(. | h f o( r# ld ie r r overrode one of his vetoes, but • duriBg ,h . war, were left oyer and have heard from the farms. They hate been condemned h j the gov­ love their eown try, which has provid­ ern m en! as u n fit for h u m an use ed jobs fer them, and a atruggl« T h e y are )>ein| d um ped io fills in road g rad ing . W h a t a C M te m p L ible w ay of l u r l , i ng i o 1>rofit the w ith th e president m ig h t je ip a r d . lie tboae jobs. I f they were on piece their recent performances at p e o p le Washington work would not bring them th e fro n t I g ym p a tb y for th e hoys a t much revenue, but, unlike the farm er who produces their bread and butter An ultimatum has been delivered and their pay roll, they are on sal- «• « " » » * co“ rt of L ‘“ B coun‘ T , . „„ by the state highway commlailon to ary. and they are wdfeng to sacrifice (h< |he co^ , 1f loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent the latter. W ith the hit in their teeth thea< The K. K. K. is fighting the bugalxxi of papal political as­ pirations and those who are fighting the klan are fighting » bugalxxi. farm er- are hard to manage. F all, Dohcny and l.-eri iniiictcd Sinclair fo r their part havi in th. oil scandal. Get all the kick you can out of thi news, for indictment aw far at such cases usually go «• w' -4 * • ’ ______ d,,m ocratir w a r.horsea jn York are still jockeying for a s ta rt ns we go to press. G , New • • i I Any Girl in Trouble may couiniunicatc w ith Ensign Lee oi the Salvation A rm y at tt W hite Shield Home. V 3 M ayfair avenue, i ’ottlaibl, Oregon. French fourth of July (bastile day) July 1 4 r