HaJ«y Happening« etc. (Continued from page n missed the mail stage fer Sweet Hoa*. C. H. Koontz was a business visit-! James A*he ol Brown.villa went or in Albany Thursday. jl to Portland Tuesday. Charles Poole of Lebanon was a | Mr. aud Mrs. O. W. Frum diove | to Albany yesterday. visitor in Halsey Friday. J. C. Standish was a north- Mr. and Mrs. John Salash drove to Biund passenger Wednesday. Albany Saturday evening. O. \ \ . Frum this week shipped Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Standish visited a carload of bay at 1 15 a ton. Everett at Salem Sunday. 0. W. Frum attended the Carl Mrs. Jay Moore and Mrs. L. E. Sprenger sale near Holley Saturday. Walton went to Harrisburg Tuesday. M. H. Shook and fam ily start Mrs. S*r*h Helmich of Albany tonight for Newport to stay over has her 101st birthday tomorrow. Sunday. Mr. anti H r«. D. S McWilliams, W. H. Robertson has substituted a new Ford for Dobbin on rural from Albany, ware visiting in H alsey S a tu r .’ay. ) route 1. pushed tlirsugh cs-«>srstlea. Mr. pe*ranct> is still unsolved. HALSEY ENTER PR ISE preo 7 n ^ t n'-7 s |^ 'tlv e ,“’»i!rketln< it FAOt J ’ * I compaidnna. They wera oatng (erred by the fire und were pausing between' mouthfuls to gape in horror at tha solemn recital of the three old llarau an' cut off bis arms while be wajl a ltre ,” soberly concluded one of th«> tlona. I narrator«. “An’ hie ear«.* eagerly added le n t It ■ F .e tt other. “Don't go ferglttln' hla ears If a man hag a natural);- Iraeclhl», Ben " domineering disposition, you present. They 11 he finished hy snorot^g -t l.y find him tn soma movement to “re­ said Dlnsdale. 'T v e heard great yarn« Commercial and Savin p account» Solicited form” somebody. about Deadwood Gulch." "They overplay it.” said Han Joan,, Pressure Between T te th Greatest. leaning hack and carefully lighting aa, S l«VVVAAAA VAAAAoAVAAAAAAAACAAAAA V A » AAAO) <3 Any person of normal strength, with excellent cigar "Tha guJeh te cer-i eseful teeth, ean exert more pressure tainly the poor man e dlgaitiga We'vei between his back teeth then he can been figuring the days of placer mJD-j -H I I I I t I H I I I H I H -t-M -t-H produce by sny other pert of bte body. advantage of this weather and push Ing. with each man grabbing for en." • •elf, ware over. Then came the Mrs. Mella koott i- still very ill Stewards Hairs at Court It w»g evenlDg before they reached Harold Stevenson and wife of Trees »fid value to the prop­ covery In the hills and opened the the stopping place. Tha hor«es knew Brownsville were Halsey visitors on at the home of her daughter, Mrs erty. game for the poor man eDce more. the day » hard grind was over and The bar and hill diggings «re good,1 J. C. Bramwell. The relatives of Ernest Sunday. Trees protect the pavement whinnied their pleasure a« a ranch from the hot eun. and they'll take out two million thin Mi»s Gladys Enger of Browns, Steward have filed a petition Miss Edith Smith has been staying hand appeared ont of the riuah to lead season. Next summer w ill eee Bills Trees cool the air In summer for the appointment of a trus­ with her sister, Mrs. Carl Seefeld, v lie took the train at Halsey y ?. them to the corral. The travelers lost end radiate warmth In winter. at work, for they're after quarts now. tee to settle his estate. His terday for Rossburg. no time In entering the popular way- But once vein mining cornea In, then several days. Trees furnish homes for thou­ mother, three brotheis and a station. Mrs, Callie Frum and eo is good-by to the placers end the poor sands of birds that help mao In Mr. Gilkey has seventeen entries are the petitioners. There were only four guoots In the man s chance." Grenn and Karls of Salem speLt sister hie fight against Injurious In lined up for community exhibits at house. If three old frontiersmen In Steward was a prosperous "Down at Laramie they’re saying Sunday at Oreo Frum ’s. aects. the state fair. tattered buckskin, and grouped before the Injuua are bothering you quite a fanner east of Halsey. His Trees furnish homes for (Continued from page 5) the open fire, could he styled such. To bit." wife was dead and he was liv­ many animals that are useful Glen Frum came down Monday the casual eye they were loungers ts msn for food and clothing. "The red devils have marked nearlyi ing alone on a vi^lt-stocked rather than transients. The fourth four hundred killings on their coup- from S alem , where be is attending Trees help man In his fight farm. Last summer, after man, tall and slender and of dark sticks elnce the season opened. Yes, summer school. for better sanitation. helping a neighbor, J, L. Hayes, complexion, was dtnlng sumptuously at the Injuns nre holding back discover­ Trees help to keep pure air V. C. Smith and Nelson Herbert on the 1st of Atfgust, and the long table on '. unison, warm bread ies all right. Prospectors don't dare pure for man and the lower ani­ and coffee. drove to Coquille Sunday to be gone I piomising to return pext day, go far from any camp." me) s. for several days. The easterners, somewhat wild of he disappeared and no trace "Bond agents have been pretty bugy, Trees supply a large part of eye, lingered near the plainsmen, bun too, I take It." of him has been seen since. all the fuel In the world. A death from sunstroke was re­ gry for authentic Information. The "Busy, but not making much. No Trees give us wood, and wood He had brooded over the three old men. appreciating the gul­ big haul» They did get twenty flve ported Sunday— Mrs. Celia Rose furnishes us with building ma­ death of his wife and many be­ (Prepared by the United State« Department libility of their audience, lost no time Karn at Tangent. thnuannd dollars from one treasure terial, furniture, nnplementa. of Agriculture.) lieve he committed suicide, In turning their Imagination loose In a coach, but only two men were guard­ utensils, tools and other useful Conditions affecting the demand for taking D. C. Roberts and wife of Seattle precautions' that his patched up recital of horror». things tn great variety. ing It. The regular coach carries two arrived Monday to visit the fiormer’s wheat harvest tabor have been Inten­ body should never be discover­ Dlnsdale Ignored their garrulous hundred thousand each trip, with Trees furnish one of the most sively studied by specialists of the ed. sister, Mrs. Frank Hadley. tales and gravitated to the table. He twelve guards. The agents haven't striking end permanent forme United States Department of Agricul­ observed and admired the rather Ini j tried to crack one of those yet. When he failed to appear for of beauty. 8. P. Traveling Agent Jenkins ture tn a survey of nearly 1,300 wheat maculate dress of the dark faced man Wonder the Injuns don't bag some Haves Trees Improve the climate end was in Halsey Ttieidav and smiled farms from Oklahoma to the Canadian work es promised. Mr. "Gambling man and dandy," decided of the agents.” conserve soil and water. border. Factors affecting the labor looked for hint and found the into the Enterprise office. Dlnsdale as he made to »eat himself Trees furnish a great variety "Maybe they do. Hope so. Every demand In given districts were fuund stock uncared for and a note at the end of tlie table. of miscellaneous, useful prod­ time a paaaenger Is robbed 1 feel I've Miss Gretia Harristn of Browns- to Include the number of farm family requesting Hayes to look after ucts.—Monthly Bulletin of Mis­ The man glanced up. smiled pleas [ lost that much." ville took the tra in fo r southern Ore- j workers and month bands on farms his affairs. And he laughed softly. souri State Board of Agricul­ antly and motioned for him to he more gon Tuesday fo j a visit at Ada. a f the beginning of harvest; the aver- In October Hayes sold the neighborly by kicking hack the chair | Dlnsdale succeeded In tearing hla ture. _. , l.age size of the farms; the extent of friends away from their fascinating opposite his. Dlnsdale tvas glad to ac The thennonteter played around . bm aI, gra)D fnrnjlng conJpared t0 other personal property at auction. 11 i - i h i i- u -i i n 1 1 1 11 1 n 11 c e p fth e Invitation. The m ystery o f his disap- company and brought them to tho the 100 mark in. this part of the state types; the kind of harvesting machln- “I'm l’ete Dlnsdale, from Cheyenne; | meet San Juan Joe. After a Sunday and refuelled 98 1-2 in Port}- ery used; the time at which other dis- front Arizona before that.” he In I ,l,,le , “ ,k Dlnsdale and Ids cnmpsn- land. trlcts of the wheat belt are harvest­ foriued the other ns he shifted his loni1 ,un)ed In. but Joe. a slave to noc- ing ; weather eondltlons both before tnrnal It a hits, sat up f«r Into tha night place. Arthur Wtxsley and D. H. Sturte­ and during harvest; conditions of the “Fra called 'San Juan' Joe. 1 have a playing solitaire. vant and fam ilies attended the Sun­ crop; harvest wages, and working The mornlug was cold and damp. place up In the hill».” day school gathering at Waterloo lM>urs. These factors were found to The easterners were standing before “Met your team going out. Saw vary from one district to another and Sunday. j the fireplace when Dlntdale Joined your name on It.” from year to year. them He urged them to hurry their Mrs. John Pittman and baby and "I came down this far with It In making forecasts of labor needs breakfast and make ready for an early Miss Barber got home last week the department urges careful consid­ Found my outfit hack yonder's too small to accommodate the rualt. Must start. The older ot the two abaine- Wednesday titer a visit of a few days eration of the numerous factors men fm adly confessed ; have another roulette wheel and more tinned. The result should aid In ef­ in Eugene. "Fete, we've bail enough. From fixings. You're going through?" fecting a more intelligent distribution whgt those men at the fire said last Harry Bressler and wife wilF oc­ of the thousands of harvest hands who “Starting early In the morning?" night—-and they re old enough to know go to the wheat belt every season “Didn't fancy the stage?" cupy tb» p i ee fo r m n ly owned what they're talking about—we'd he This will mean to farmers greater cer­ "I like a horae Better chance to derned lucky to -git through alive. But Mrs. Vanderlip but now belonging t® tainty of getting needed harvest help, fight or run." , even if we got there and did find gold Mrs. J. J. Corcoran, and be a guide to harvest hands In In­ “What say to our riding together? What chance would we stand of fetch­ dicating the places where work Is Don't reckon your friends will object ing It out? Either the road agent» pr J. O. Cross and wife went to Port-* quickly obtainable, thus shortening to my Joining your party." the Indians would be sure to cetch land Tnursday for a few days' visit \the periods of employment, the depart­ “They'll be tickled to death." us.” and returned Sunday. They drove ment points out. Dlnsdale ste hungrily for some "Those old fools were trying to A comprehensive discussion of the down in their new car. minutes, then remarked: “ You'd scare you," warmly remonstrated Dlua- v.Vioits labor requirement factors Is COPYRIGHT Ay THE BOOM-MERRILL CQ planned to go through with the outfit, dale Miss Anna Drinkard and sister,i cocValned in Department Bulletin No. or Just serving as guard this far?” M en h a v e fo u g h t f o r th e ir liv e « u n - "They scared thia boy ell rig h t” Mrs. Quincy Drinkaitl of Elmira, 12S a and their early rising the two did not get with • large freight wagon drawn by assum e» m a n y q u e e r a n g le s I t la th e «•(■•rte'med. m oat a m a a ln g rec o rd e v e r penned of •lx bt»r«e«. On one «Ide of the wagon started until nine o'clock because of a w h ite m an 's m a tc h in g his c ra ft was piloted : the threat of rain Not until the sen a g a in s t an In d ia n 's w it h lif e o r d eath Kom er Momhinweg art.'! family aa th a ou tco m e struggled through the sullen clouds “Han Juan Joe'« Outfit. Deadwood 'were down from Portland fe r a visit T h e du el le o n ly one o f th e m an y wsa the Journey commenced. Bowmen t h r i l l i n g In c id e n ts w h ic h abou nd tn th ia City. Deadwood Gulch." at the home of his parents, iHr. and r a a - in a tln g lv r o m a n tic an d u n u s u a lly shouted good wishes after them, and Inside, sheltered from the gusty a u th e n tic s to ry . baa»d upon one o r th e Mrs. G. W. Momhinwqg, last wA-k i the two easterner« waved their hata In m oat d r a m a tic c h a p te rs In A m e ric a n ruin, were five men, each h e s v lly h is to r y — th e go ld ru s h , th e s e ttlin g o f farewell. armed. Dlnsdale at a glance Identified tha B la c k H ills a n d th a a cc o m p an yin g Among visitors at the H. The traveling was hard on th« In d ia n w a rs . I t Is r a r e to m eet In dc (P rep ared by t h s U nited R tstss D ep a rtm en t four of these as being gentlemen o f tlo n such a c o lo rfu l p a g e a n t o f c h a ra c ­ Chance home last week were Mrs. or A g ricu ltu re > horse», as the uutd had a glue like te- the night—gamblers. The other, the te rs an d episodes p re se n te d s rlth such "The farmer cannot solve his mar­ fid e lit y to th e re s t fa e ta Henry Bateman and Mrs. Elswick o’ tiaclty In clinging to the hoofs A fte r driver, was uncouth and true to the H u g h P e n d e s te r w as bo rn In P it t s ­ two hours of slow progress they Brownsville and Mrs. Mary Fuchs keting problems by Individual effort, field. type of the time and place. He an M e . In th a la t a ■ a v e n tle a . w h an ne.'thcr Is co-operative marketing « th e C u s te r M a ss a c re , th e B la c k H ills nounced he was driving to Cheyenne swung In cloae to a high yellow bluff of Portland. panu'va for all the farmer's economic e x c ite m e n t an d e th e r s t ir r in g even ts to bring hack a freight of Implements «ml cents to Indlah creek. la an d a rd u n d th a D a k o ta c o u n try w ere Veronica Olsen of Maral.fi £d, C. F. dlfficuhries," declared Lloyd S Tenny, th e m a in s u b je c ts o f discussion In a ll and supplies for the "swellest gamhlin They halted and looked nhout for ia r ts o f th a c o u n try M uch e f the algos of the two wagons. They found Overton of Cottage Grovsc and A. R. assistant chief of the bureau of agri place" In the hilts. I t e r a t u r t o f his b o yh ood w as devoted " I’m Not Much Disappointed,” Smilad the trail left by the mud-blocked ss pages In A m e ric a n h is to ry H e What Interested the horsemen more McNeill of California paid Halsey $10 cultural economics, United States De­ w to a s tho not Dlnsdale. s a tis fie d w it h t h a t ll t a r e t a r s partment '»f Agriculture. In an address wheels, »ml could tell where at fre­ apiece in fines on Sunday, at the ur­ at the anntu’ l meeting of the Chamber an d m ade up h la m in d t h a t som e day espeelnlly the easterners, was the In quent Intervals the men had liatted to he w o u ld g iv e t h a t p b a a t o f hla e s u a - gent request of Justice Bert Clark. of Commerce erf the United States held tr y 'a h is to ry p ro p e r ro m a n tic t r e a t ­ formation that two wagons with seven He hasn't shown up, and I tn going shovel the mud front between the or eight men were ahead on Hal right hack and let him hunt ma up." m ent F o r s e v e n te e n y e a rs he w as one Speed Cop Kenneth Bloont had come at Cleveland. - o . f th o r ig in a g creCk, watting for reinforcements he . e . m . ost .. l a . nd A e b n o te u r t ta in - in -,1 Further study of Hsu Jottn Joe con­ spokes and from betweeu the wheel« s to ry w r it e r s at g h l Discussing co-opefRUve marketing. o y f ia r s a h o a rt over from the county metropolis to fore risking the trip across the strip vinced Dtnadale that there was Indian and the wagon boxes. go o he h< decided to d e v o te hla tim e vate w ith c o rre c t h ls t o r l- a l b a c k ­ The two men rode several rod« get a breath of air on the hottest Mr. Tenny pointed out that the farmer g to ro no bloAd In him, although there waa noth­ of Indian country • Eager to add their unds 'P a y G r a v e l'' Is hla best day we have had and he invited the Is essentially a manufacturer and Is a c h ie v e m e n t so fa r a nd f u lf ills hla b o y ­ rifle» to the train, the three men Im ing to suggest this tn hla p»reoe«l apart, the gambler In the lead. Eacli a m b itio n to w r it s th a re a l s to ry patiently urged their w««ry animals presentment and speech, After satis­ wea armed with s Winchester forty- three speeders to interview Mr. confronted with the same marketing o hood f th a B la c k H ills problems as the manufacturer ot any up the shoulder of a lofty bluff fying hla hunger Dlntdale lighted hla four ; but for Immediate use Dinadnlo Clark. There have been about 20,000 preferred hla two hand guna. Colt product. Dlnsdale was the ftr«t to reach ■ pipe and said: tpeeders through this town who did other “The farmer has the same right to “I was keen to push through In the forty fours, as he believed any fight C H A P T IR I point affording a view of the valley, not meet Mr. Bloom. that might be brought to them would control and solve these economlequee lie »oberly informed hl« companion«: darkness to the Cheyenne river My 1 he In the nature of a hand to-hand tions as have other bustnesa men.” Mr. mates didn't take to the Idee B u t “Train « pulled out. W a ll be hard The T ra it te G eldLand Saturday the thrashermen o f Linn Tenny said. 'Individual effort cannot struggle. now that we're four—" All day the three horseroeu had put to overhaul It." county met at Albany and settled solve them and group action Is In­ By alx o'clock they had covered "Go out In thle weather? When we The other two men »fared moodily the rate ot pay for the season. Six- volved. It Is not only necessary that traveled under a celd gray sky to have thia fire and food and really good •»-Me eighteen miles, and were glad down on Hat creek, the dividing line team thrashing outfits will charge the right of the fanner to organise be awing farther gway from the Haw whisky?" cried the gambler In mock to take refuge In a deserted cabin at Hide buttes and cross the Hanning between "safe" and "hostile" country. dlamiiy. "I'll get up before aiimlae, , the right on the road and on tlie hank, $11 a day, a reduction of $1 fr Marketing Problems Difficult to Solve Progress in Co-Operation Stimulated by Obstacles. f » ' ' T • • »• r • (Ceotiaued aa page 5)