My Business Is selling auto supplies, tire3, tubes, motor bear­ ings, piston rings. J. H. ALLISON F irst and Washington Sts. Where tires are cheaper. “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” ALBANY’S CO-OPERATIVE ADVERTISING PLAN An Appeal to People of Rural Districts for a Wider and More Mutual Interest in Commercial Circles of Linn County. SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS — . . . . «, «• Interests Are Mutual High Grade Lumber “CUT IT OUT” Clip th is com er out and bring it to our store. I t’s worth 25 cents in trade. ^ A lu r f> /y s Seed Store Albany, Oregon Nothing Better for Hot Days We have reached a period in i ___ ,,. 1 the w o,lds history when eveiy THAN Right out of our own virgin forests—home grown. small city finds itself inevitably First-class building m aterial is your m ost im portant A T oaster or Table Stove. a part of the metropolis. It consideration. Special Toaster and Plate is one of the advantages enjoy­ $2.00 Let “Copeland Q uality” be your guide. ed through the advent of auto­ Complete Line of Electric J. W. COPELAND YARDS mobiles and good roads; and Appliances. the interests of the city anc LUMBER tributary country are there­ Albany Yard a t the west end of Second S treet fore mutual. W hat benefits Phone 275. Albany, the county seat anc great metropolis of this vast O ther yards a t Lents, Salem, Hubbard, Yamhill and 310 W est Second St. Hillsboro. agriculiural section, benefits every town which has become part of Albany by virtue of re­ E X P A N S IO N S A L E Key to the Dairy cent invention, and when we Industry of the help to build Albany industries we help to improve our own B utternut Bread Willamette communities. Rough Dry Family Washing, It would indeed be difficult of fine footwear and hosiery must be Valley to say too much in favor of Al cleared to make room for the carpenters Finished Family Washing, B ert Clark Handles it bany as being a most desirable to start alterations for a bigger and and delightful shopping point better shoe store. A FARMERS’ CO-OPER­ in Ilalsey. Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, Feather Beds and It is essentially a city of ex cedent trading opportunities SALE STARTS SATURDAY, JULY 5 ATIVE CREAMERY Pillows, Lace Curtains Scientifically done. and m arkets for country pro­ Albany, Oregon Gigantic reduction throughout the store ducts. And let it be said right I t is the Best by Test. “Quality Work. Prompt Seivioe." here th a t these features are We w ant your Cream proving to be a great asset to E. C. M IL L E R , Haliey Agent towns in Linn county in al Holman & Jackson directions surrounding the “ Hub City.” Pioneer residents can per haps recall the days when mud Let us figure with you on your w ater system. dy roads and the slow ox-team were a hindrance to success WITH ELECTRICITY FAIRBANKS MORSE LIGHT PLANTS A Place to E at W here All Where Aleo Bread Where in form er years a drive to the county seat was a tedi­ Is Neat. Make it your servant. is made. Best On E arth. ous task consuming the greater part of two days to go ant Full Stock of McCormick-Deering Repairs The R ight Service a t the ALBANY, OREGON come, today we find ourselves Right Time. Mail Orders Taken Care of. living in the very suburb of the 129 Broadalbin central m arketing city with BARRETT BROTHERS only a few minutes pleasant Albany, Oregon drive. We become a p art of the Albany, Oregon city—it is* our home town. Albany, Oregon. W'hen we buy in Albany we Eastburn Brothers support home industry. We Tints, Varnishes and HOME NECESSITIES MADE help business enterprises which made modern advantages pos­ Brushes. sible. POSSIBLE H iving discontinued our store at Brownsville, Two Grocery Stores Get our Prices. Nowhere in the great North Oregon, th e Brownsville Woolen Mills Store is now west will be found a city th a t 212 W. F irst S treet and open to the public a t First and Ellsworth Sts. (op­ affords its residents a greater F. C. DANNALS EXNER & SUMMERFIELD posite Albany State Bank), Albany, Oregon, where we combination of advantages th a t 225 Main S treet 123 E. Third Street. have a complete line of Clothing, Furnishings, make life more w orth the liv­ VARIETY STORE Albany, Oregon. Blankets and Flannels. A t our new location we are ing, than are to be found in and Phone 58 and Phone 54 A Bargain Found in Every Purchase. prepar d to carry a larger and more complete stock about Albany. This statem ent Albany, Oregon. than in the past. The Problem of hard tim es solved. is made without fear of suc­ MILL AT BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. cessful contradiction. To those 120 W. F irst St. Albany, Oregon. Retail stores at Portland, Eugene, Marshfield. who claim Albany as their North Bend and Albany. home m arket, a fte r a thorough 5» ni/iíc — Authorized Sales and investigation of the m erits set Service forth of othi?r places, this D m q Ç j I u y- statem ent is unnecessary; but will possibly be of benefit to per cent some readers who are casting about for a new field of oppor­ H. D. Preston, Absolutely nothing reserved. tunity, where, in th eir business 53 53 J. C. Cochran Everything to wear for men and boys. pursuits, they may become alli­ Proprietors Stores Albany, Oregon Stores ed to th at silent, but most New styles, up-to-the-minute clothing — : P ho n e 23: _ now selling less T .e se are everyday prices, Compare them with agreeable partner, “content­ H eadquarters for A. & B. | W W W H IT E H E A D m ent.” others. Radio Rechargahle People are today considering PLUMBFR Batt eries. SHOES more fully than in form er 125 W . Second itreet Mens Brown Calf dress shoes. Goodyear Welts. years the enhancem ents to a successful life represented by Our store has been crowded since wo o: ly $3.98, $4.95, $5.25 and $6.65. the best location naturally, and Mens Black Calf dress shoes, Goodyear Welts. announced our lug sale. Think of what where are supplied the most only $3.98, $4.25 and $6.45. saving ot 20 per cent means to you. abundantly all those acquisi­ If you have boon Mens Work Shoes $2.25, $2.65, $2.85 and $3.45. Chiropractic gives tions th at go to make life suc­ Dress Shoes $1.98, $2.45, $2.75 and $3.45. This sale will last only a few more chronically ill for six Boys cessful and happy. And is it nature a chanco to Boys Work Shoes $1.79. $2.35, $2.69 and $2.85. days, so come in this week. not true th at, in the deepest months and the X-ray correct acute illness WOMENS SHOES (meaning of the word, real suc­ shows your spine per­ in the shortest pos cess in life must be surrounded, Satin Pumps $3.85 and $4.25. sible time. Acute at least in a degi-ee. with such fect 1 will give yon the Black Fine P atent Leather Pumps $3.65 and $3.95. attributes as the business men sickness is always ac­ picture FREE. This Fine Black Kid Pumps $3.98 and $4.45. herein named are daily provid­ companied with at least tem- offer holds good for Brown Suede Pumps $3.95. b n lain p ing. , poraiy eubluxations of tbe The publisher of this paper all c 1 July, 1921, HOSIERY spine, either causative cr earnestly commends these men Ladies Silk Hose $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. from reflex, to the readers, and recommends Dr. R. II. Harris. C h iro pra cto r Childii ns Brown and Black Hose 25 and 30 cents. )U ,// an¿ S u c e n t i their support in the excellent Dr. R. H. Harris, Chiropractor Cusick Bank Bldg , Albany Dependable Merchandise, Alwaji tor leie. industries they pursue. Cueick Bank Bldg., Albany To reduce our stock or m gs we are making big No m atter what the oc­ reductions in the price of our entire stock. casion may be, let us 9 x 12 Royal Ardehan Wilton Velvet $122.50 rug for ............................................................. $98.00 help you. 9 x 12 Hussorah Axm inster m g 62.50 rug for 52.50 Albany Floral Co. 9 x 12 Bussorah Axm inster rug 42.00 rug for 32.50 9 x 110 Seamless Axminster rug ......................_ 29.00 337 W. F irst St. 9 x 12 Grass rugs, double warp ............... 6.75 8 x 1 0 Grass rugs, double w atp ................ 4.75 Flowers-Flowers Ail other rugs reduced in the same proportion. Greenhouse We also have some special values in new and used Store Phone 24-F-21 458-J furniture. BARTCHER FURNITURE CO. 415-421 West F irst St. Albany, Ore. SEARS’ Ralston Electric Company A $25,000. 00 Albany Magnolia Laundry Stock McDowell Shoe Co. GROCERS BARRETT BROTHERS Wash, Cook and Clean 17h e (s /tte Mountain States Power Company WALL PAPER PAINTS - Change of Location Auto Electric Service Willard Storage Batteries Brownsville Woolen Mills Store S Linn County’s Greatest Sale Big 2 0 J. C. BREIER CO. S Reduction 20 p e r c e n t REWARD Acute Sickness A' * ’ CB IM PE R IA L T O R R A N C E CAFE 209 W. First Street Reconditioning Shop and P arts for all Cars. Harold G. Murphy, Prop. Phone M • WE NEVER CLOSE STIMSON-IZE YOUR SHOES High Shoes made into Oxfords $1.0 0 per pair. High Heels taken off and Military H eels put on without changing the shape 75c and $1.00 per pair. Tennis Shoes, Rubber Boots, Hot W a te r Bottles and Inner Tubes Re­ paired. Sewed-on Soles a Specialty; also the Repairing of Arch Support Shoes and Turn Shoes. Rubber Heels put on, “While You W a t ." O iildren’s Scuffer Shoes Rebuilt. STIMSON “The Shoe Doctor” 212 E. F irst St. Phone 379. 316 West Second St., Oppos ite HAMILTONS’ STORE Albany, Oregon SHOE LACES SHOE PO LISHES SHOE GREASES CLOTHiÑocg] «- .» BANKS’ SEMI­ ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE STARTS Saturday, July 5th When Banks says Sale he means SALE BANKS ALBANY OREGON