7 ï(c HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII IlALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1924 HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS office building vacated by the Whecl- ers- _r Jeas Cross has a new Ford. J- E. True is putting in some ce- ment sidewalk. A lfo r d A r r o w s (Enterprise Cnrreapongeac«) NO. 4« Brwonsville Briefs S h e d d Snapshots (By Special Correspondent) iK n tv rp rts « C e rru p o n d s m • ) HEWS NOTES FROM AIL OVER ORFEON Thelma Ingram spent the day Fri-1 Edna Boggie and Fay Proebstel Mr. and M rs. H . S. Pugh drove to Short Stories from Sundry day with DeEtta Robnett. Epitome of Events in the were home over the week end. | Portland one day last week. Sources Jay Moore and family were ,n A dancing party was given at the Beaver State | Mi. and Mrs. I,. E. Pennell from M. A. Harrison of Richmond, Cal., Albany Monday. Lee Ingram home Saturday night. S. P. Passenger Agent Jenkins is here visiting his brothers and a Portland drove up to Shedd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter were was in H«Uey Tuesday. Lee Ingram and family went to host of friends. The blue-bait's salmon have started Axel Salvog of Portland visited at visiting here from Portland last Albany Thursday. their annual ruo in the mid-Columbia. the Carlson home a few days last A ll of the rooms of the new Albany week. Carmelita Woodworth is home Thelma Ingram visited Kate and from Linfield college. She is keeping week. Common school tund loans in Ore­ general hospital w ill be furnished by «• Miss Mary LaRue went to Albany Hazel Green Sunday afternoon. fraternal organisations. Quite a number of Shedd families gon on June 15 aggregated I t , 724,- house for her father in the house­ Saturday. She is taking treatments Chester Curtis and family rpent keeping rooms of the Baptist church. spent Sunday picnicking over on the »04.80. W . I I . Beene took a load of rom a chiropodist. Monday evening at the E. A. Starnes Willamette river. Blanco Masonic lodge ot Marshfield The county Baptist picnic will be hogs to the Nebergall packing com­ celebrated its 84th anniversary of or­ Mrs. H. Wayne Stanard of Browns- home' Miss Dorothy Satchwell and Miss held in Brownsville park on the 4th. pany at Albany Tuesday — about ganisation. UeMli™ n°r o ' ' ’iu WUh reUt,VM at and Mrs. U ndis Philpott from Helen Ritchie left Saturday to spend Everybody is cordially invited. Come three tons. McM.nnvdlo Saturday. Wendling