HALSEY ENTERPRISE PAGI7 * t a—<.——* * •••••*•***** - - (Continued page • I • • : A SON OE TH E; SAHARA » with In D s y . t f P o o r R ich a rd t G L O B E AlBAXy THE PICK OF THE BIG PICTURES SUNDAY—MONDAY JlMB 29-30 JUNE 26, l«M * BERT LYTLL ; CLAIRE WINDSOR Actually Filmed in Algeria * * * * * * * * * * * cowing I* £ •“ - ¿ S “ ' - — When he was lying on hU bed and tls clothe« were being removed, the "Colonel Blnkua. will you help »bis eommander la chief paid him this well roan to take me down to the British de-erved compliment as be held his ship?" Arnold asked. "I have an en­ hand: “Colonel, when the war Is won It will gagement with Its commander and atn he inly because I have bad men like alf an hour late." Solomon had hud much curiosity you to help me." Seen Jack came to his side and then about that ship. He wlabed to a«« the unn who had gone Into the buah and Margaret. General Washington asked the latter about Sirs. Arnold. hen to Smith's with ArnolA "My mother Is doing what she can to “Sart'n," Solomon answereC They got Into a email barge with comfort her," Margaret answered. Solomon revived under stimulants he general In the cuahloned rear sear, and was able to tell them briefly of the is flag In hand. They came up to the Vulture and dire struggle he had had. "It were Slops that saved me,” he jade fast at Its lundlng stage whore whispered. n officer waited to receive the gen He fell into a deep and troubled .tl. The latter ascended to the deck, n a moment a voice called from sleep and when he awoke In the mid­ dle of the night he wag not strong hove: "General Arnold's hoalrneB may enough to lift tils head. Then these faithful friends of big began to know nine uboard." A British warship waa g thing of that this big, brawny, redoubtable sol­ rent Interest to Solomon. Once dier was having hjs lust light. He board he began to look ubout him al seemed to be aware of It himself for lie shining guns and their gear and be whispered to Jack : "Take keer o’ Mlrandy an’ tbe Little lie tackle and the men. He looked for Cricket." xrnold, but he was not In sight. Among the crew, then busy on the Late the next day he called for his eck, Solomon saw the Tory desper- Great Father. Feebly and brokenly do "Slope,'' one time of the Ohio he had msnuged to say: Iver country, with his black pipe In “Jea’ want—to—feel—bis hand.” Is mouth. Slops paused In hie haul Margaret had eat beside him all day ng and reeving to shake a Bal at helping the nurse. olomoo. They were hearing the sn A dozen times Jack had left his work tor. The sails were running up. The and run over for a look at Solomon. ■ hip had begun to move. Whut was UB one of these hurried visits the young man had IWW*«! of tbe wish of be meaning of this? Solomon stepped his friend. He went Immediately to o the ship's side. The stair had been General Washington, who had Just re­ love up and made fast. The barge was turned from a tour of the forts. The lot to be seen. latter sow the look of sorrow and "They will put you all ashore be- anxiety In tbe face of his officer. ow,” an officer said to him. “How is the colonel?” he asked. Solomon knew too much about Ar "I think that he is near the end,” told to like the look of this. The Jack answered. "He has expressed a ¡fleer went forward. Solomon stepp'd wish to feel your hand again." l j the opening in the deck rail, not "Let us go to him at once," said the ■ "t closed, through which he hud come -ther. "There has been no greater board. While he was looking down man In the army." • t the water, some ten feet below, n Together they went to the bedside of .roup of sailors came to fill In. His .he faithful scout. The general took i riu was roughly seized. Solomon tils hand. Margaret put her Ups close eppeij back. Before him stood the to Solomon's ear and said : 1 | POLA NEGRI IN J • SHADOWS OE PARIS J Z c •••••••••« ••» •••■ ••••(••ft H tk e y Happenings etc. (Continued front page $J II. W. C lingtnac was in AU any T hursday. Miss M ary I.a Rue made a trip to Albauy Saturday. Marvin Martin of Brownsville was a passenger to Harrisburg Monday. La Veil« Palmer visited in C or­ va llis the latter p art of last wtek. Miss Pearl Campbell returned Saturday to A lbany, where she ha» employment. Mies L illia n Saeed is visitin g at the home of her parent», N. I'. Sneed and wife. Mrs. J 0 . Cross was a passen­ ger Monday to H arrisburg, where >hi has a class in music. Miss D orothy C ornelius arrived Monday for a week w ith Mrs. L C. M irria in and other frieuds. Mrs. Florenee Leeper arrived from Eugene Thursday to visit her m other, Mrs. Muy M ille r. Mrs. E lb e rt Isom was taken in as a mem bar at last week's meet­ ing of ths Neighbors o| W ood­ craft. G. T. Hockensm itb and fa m ily of A lbany ware visiting at Mrs. Bond's and J. L, Palmer's Sunday of last wevk. Mr». M. H C randall of Port­ land arrived F riday to visit Mrs. H W • C bnguiaii She was joined io the evening for a lew hours by her husband, who is a Southern Pacific conduotor. She relum ed to Portland Suturday. This week's is the last announce­ ment of our big premiums to new subscribers and paid-lu-advsm e subscribers who obtain new ones, 'fbu offer expnes next Monday and w ill uot he renewed, 'l'ln e j who have obteincd premiums under this offer are well pleased w ith them. O ur supply of tbo-e Wear- Ever A lu m in um fry in g pans now again enables us to fill a ll ord'-is Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PLATES THAT F IT ” Grown», b rid g t work and fillin gs. It w ill pay you to get my prices on jo u r dental work. Cusick bank b u ild in g , A lb a n y "General Washington 1ms come to i .un Slops. An insulting word from the latter, u quick blow from Solomon, see you.” Solomon opened his eyes and smiled. ud Slops went through the gate out tito the air and downward. The scout Then there was a beauty not of this world In Ills homely face. And that new It was no time to tarry. moment, holding the hand he had loved "A night hawk couldn't dive no and served and trusted, the heroic soul ¡Ulcker ner wlmt I done.” were his of Solomon Blnkus went out upon “the mils to the men who picked him Uh lonesome trail." He wus apeuklng of thnt half second Jack, who hud been kneeling at his f the twenty-fourth of September, side, kissed Ills white cheek. 1780. His brief account of It was care "Oh, general, I knew and loved this fully put down by an officer: ”1 atruck roanl" said the young officer as he not twenty feet from Slops, which I arose. : cen hint Jea’ cornin' up when I took “It will be well for our people to water. This ’«re ol’ sloop that had . , , , , , , . , _ . _i.k I know what men like lilm have endured overhauled us goln' down were nigh. ........ i „ .,„ . for them," said Washington. ladn't no nmre'n rente tip than I felt “1 shall have to learn how to live flop's knife rip Into my ’eg. I never without him," said Jock. "It will be Mr. and Mrs. Preston Murphy of ' ^<1 »»> Practice In that'ere knife w«wk hard." . . . . .. , . .. . , Tnln t fer decent folks, but my or Margaret took his arm and they went Independence visited at the home o f , „ ... . , .. _ . .. . . , , . . . f .. i hnn Skinner Is nllns on my belt. He’d their niece, Mrs. Jay Moore, last , |loge the weapons nn’ so I fetched 'er out of the door and stood a moment week. They are deaf mutes and fo r -j,„ lt h B(| to er ,ile. We fit a mlnnlt mcr schoolmates of John I.aRue liar In the water. All the while he and enjoyed a "talk” with him while hnd tlmt d—n black pipe In his mouth, here. They were on their way to * 1 * were hacked up a levlle, but he got Eugene to visit their old home. I ' hl« ,Mk ln hlm •" nf * ,ud,,en I he wasn't thar. He'd gone. I struck Mrs. E. A. I.aFollette, formerly >ut with ol’ Dsn Skinner 'twlxt my known as Mrs. Clara Cross, is ccr-1 :e,'*h Then I see your line end , . . . . ' 'rubbed It. Whar't the British ship tam ly a busy woman in her eastern nowj.. * Oregon home. Her sister. Mrs. Wil- j ' ’'T.w„ bel0lV stonv r ,B, a„. , ,nlr 1 inm White, says that she Is raising wind In her sails,' the skipper an 500 turkeys for market and plans to awe red. "Bound fer New York," said Solo­ hatch thut many more, which will mon sorrowfully. “They'd 'a' took me m ake a t i c k o f 1000 in * a ll (as with 'em If I hadn't 'a' Jumped. Put cou n ted before th ey h a tc h ). .ne over to Jasper's dock. I got to see The Halsey porcupine comes in for Washington quick, a little more notice this week. He ' "Wiishlngirtn has gone np the river.” was taken over to enjoy the pioneer' “Then take nte to quarters soon as picnic by Albert Miner. While there ve kin. I'll give ye ten pounds, good English gold. Sly God, boys I My ol' he sat on the radiator of the car and hide Is leakin' bad." partook of refreshments, to the He turned to the tnan who had been amusement o f the ctowd. To wind cashing and binding his wounds. up the day Frank Uansle took him "Fodder me up best ye kin I got to a meeting of the Orientals where to last till I see the Father.*' Solomon and other men In the old he gravely made the acquaintance of I army had otlen used the word "Fa the memliers. I ther" In speaking of the commander Last Sunday F. B. Armstrong, In chief. It served as no other could, superintendent of the Salem paper to express their affection for him. The nlnd » a s unfavorable and the mill, Bert Gros.4, an employe, and , sloop found It difficult to reach the Dale Edson and R. A. Finley, landing near headquarters. After In an auto, liquored up and some tlelay Solomon jumped over speeded up through Albany. Speed hoard and swam ashore. Cep Bloom followed them at 00 miles What follow« he could not have told an hour, brought them to a halt hy Washington was standing with his or 'hooting their rear tires with his derlv In the little dooryard at herd pistol, whipped them »hen they a t­ quarters at Salomon came staggering tacked him and, with the assistance up the slope al a tun and threw his body. Id ceding front a dozen wounds, of Officer l.illard, jailed them. They at the feet of his beloved chief. paid fines. , "Oh, my Father!" he cried In a broken voice and with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Arnold has sold Amerlky an' all Its folks an' gone 0 the Atlantic cities. Brownsville. Crawfordsville and Sweet •T was coughing with a severe cold. Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. ni. He urged me to take some remedies which he hnd ln the house, but I re­ 'A patriotic American sr.onld have at fused them. "He went to his office while Lee least ten children. I must not forget and 1 sat dowu together. The latter to say to you whut I say to every young man. Always treat your wife told me of a movement In the unny with respect. It will procure respect led by Colonel Nlclmlu to make t'.'iikli- for you not only from her, but from ingtnn king of America. He bad seen all who observe It. Never use u slight­ Washington's answer to the letter of ing word.’ "My beloved, how little I need this the colonel. It was us follows: “ ‘Be assured, sir, no occurrence In advice you know, but I think that the the course o f the war has given me old philosopher never made a wiser . I am convinced that sensations mqre painful than your ln- observation. civilization Itself depends largely on the respect that men feel and show for women. “I asked about his health. " 'I am weary and the night is falling nnd I shall soon lie down to sleep, but I know that I shall awake refreshed In the morning,' he said. "He told me how, distressed by his infirmity, he came out of France In the queen's litter, carried by her magnifi­ cent mules. Of England lie had only this to s a y : " 'She Is doing wrong ln discourag­ ing emigration to America. Emigra­ tion multiplies a nation. She should be represented ln the growth of the [5 ] [1 ] New World by men who have a voice In Its government. By this fair means By the scientific lu b ric a tio n of 20 to 25 PER C EN T MORE M IL E A G E AN D PO W ER she could repossess It Instead of leav­ tile upper cylin d e r w alls and ing It to foreigners, of all nations, who B v the lu b ric a tin g of ma- combustion chamber lu b ric a tin g may drown and stifle sympathy for the chfnery we reduce frictio n ; gasoline elim inates tbe heat and mother land. It Is now a fact that bv the reduction of fric tio n ste idy drag on tbe m otor caused Irish emigrants and their children are we reduce tbe amount of by friction. In possession of the government of power necessary to drive m a­ Pennsylvania.' [2 ] chinery i by reducing the "I must not fall to set down here la By tbe lu b rica tio n of the upDer amount power necessary the hope that my sons may some time c j’ linder walla and combustion to prone, rnaebinerv we re­ read It, what he said to me of tbe chamber it prevents tbe d ’ liosit treason of Arnold. duce tbe amount of foe, nec­ of carhon. which w ill not adhere “ 'Here is the vindication of poor essary to produce sufficient to anv o ily substance. Richard. Extravugance Is »3. the way power, br-nce more mileage [« ] to self-sutisfaetion. The man «ho does and power. not keep his feet In the old. honest Bv the use of lu b ric a tin g gssn. [6 ] way of thrift will some time sell him­ line the carbon is removed self, and then he will be ready to sell I t ¡« n’ oved bv actual fc t from the cylind ers, e lim in a tin g Ills friends or his country. By nnd by the stickin g , burnin g and p it­ th a t W A T E R W IL L NOT nothing Is so dear to him as thirty B O IL IN T H E R A D IA T O R tin g of valvep, excessive wear cn pieces of silver.’ i f you use lu b rica tin g sasn- pistons and scored cylinders. "I shall conclude my letter with a [71 beautiful confession of faith by thia HI muster mind of the country. It was L u b ric a tin g gasoline is TI1E The orig'nators of lu b ric a tin g made on the motion for dally prayers gasoline guarantee th a t you O N L Y system which provides In the convention now drafting a con­ can make as m anv tni'es on lu b rica tio n for tbe tipper walls stitution for the states. I shall never I l f . gallons of L F B R IC A 1'- of a gasoline engine w iib o tt forget the look of him as, standing on IN G G A S O L IN E as you producing c 'th o n , fo u l apaik the lonely summit of Ids eighty year», woul 1 make on '200gal!ona of plugs, p itte d valves arid fa u'ty he said to US : regular gasoline ig n itio n . “ 'In the beginning of our contest with Britain when we were sensible of danger, we had dally prayers ln this room for Divine protection. Our <9 prayer», sirs, were heard and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged In the struggle must hnve observed frequent Instances of a directing Providence In our affairs. And have we forgotten that powerful “ 'Because o f the hand that gave formation of there being such Ideas In friend? Or do we imagine that we no It,' she answered In English. ‘1 ahull the army as those you have Imparted longer need His assistance? I have take It with n.e to the Happy Hunting to me und I must view them with ab­ lived, airi. a long time and the longer Grounds. When he sees It he will horrence and reprehend them with I live the more convincing proof I severity. I am much at a loss to con­ see of thta truth that God governs In know me.’ "So quickly the beautiful Little ceive what part of my -mnduct could the affairs of men. And If a sparrow have given encouragement to an ad­ cannot fall to the ground without His White Birch had faded. dress which to me seems big with the notice Is It probable that an empire “At Mount Vernon, Washington waa greatest mischiefs which could befall can rise without His aid? We have as dlgnlflcd na ever hut not ao grave. my country.' been assured, sirs, that except the He almost Joked when he spoke of the • Is It not n sublime and wonderful Lord hulld the house they labor In vain sculptors and portrait painters who thing, deur Margaret, Hint «II our who hulld It. I firmly believe this and have been a grout bother to him since leaders, save one. have been men ns I « ',o believe that without His con­ the war ended. Incorruptible ns Stephen and Peter curring aid we shall succeed In this " 'Now no dray horse moves mors | and Paul? political structure no lietter than the readily to the thill than I to the paint- | “When I went to bed my cough be­ builders of Babel: we shall be divided er a chair,' he sold. came more troublesome. After It had and confounded snd we ourselves be­ "When I arrived the family was go- | gone on for half un hour or so my come » reproach nnd a byword down ing in to dinner and they waited until door was gpntly opened and I observed to future age« And, what is woraev I could make myself ready to Join the glow of a candle. On drawing my mankind may hereafter despair of es­ them. The Joeular Light Horse Harry bed curtains I saw, to my utter aston­ tablishing government by human wis­ l.ee wus there. His anecdotes de­ ishment. Washington standing at uiy dom end leave it to chance, war and lighted the great man. I had never i side with a howl of hot tea in his hand. conquest.’ seen O. W. In better humor. A sin­ It embarrassed me to be thus waited "Dear Mnrgiiret, you and I who have gularly pleasant smile lighted tils whole ' on by a man of Ills greatness. countenance. I can never forget the I "We set out next morning for Phila­ been a part of the great story know full well that In these words of our gentle note In his voice and his dig delphia to attend the convention, noble friend Is the conclusion of the nlfled bearing. It was the same Washington riding In his coach drawn whole matter " whether he were addreaslng hts guests i by six horses. I riding the blaze-faced [THE END ] . I or his family. The servants watched ' mare of destiny, still as sweet and him closely. A look seemed to be [ strong as ever. A slow Journey It was enough to indicate his wishes. The ’ over the old road by Calvert's to Ann­ faithful Billy was always at his side apolis, Chestertown, and s» on to the VV« bave miles I have never seen a sweeter atmos­ north. phere In any home We sat an hour south of Brow nsville, on good road. •T found Franklin sitting under a at the table after the family had re­ tree In his dooryard. surrounded by W ill saw out your order fur 915.50 tired from it. In speaking of his dally his grandchildren. He looks very white A thousand. Delivered H«l»flV, $1S. life he said: and venerable now. His hair is a ¡Shannon At M a rtin , R, 2, H alsey. “ 'I ride around iny farms until It crown of glory is time to dress for dinner, when I "'Well, Jack, It has been no small - v 'y m'ss seeing strange faces, come, part of my life work to get you hap­ HALSEY « they sav. out of respect for me. Per­ pily married.' lie began in his playful haps the word curiosity would better way. -A celibate Is like the odd half describe the cause of If. The usual of a pair of scissors, fit only to scrape time of sitting at table brings me to s trencher. How many babies have Cash paid fur candlelight, when I try to answer iny youP letter».' I Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal " Three.' I nnswereil. "He bad much to say on bis favorite “ 'It Is not half enough.* said be. > Hides. M. H- S H O O K • SEVEN REASONS W HY.? L u b r ic a t in g Gr a so lin e ‘--► ARROW GARAGE GANSLE BROS., Props. ’Sawmill 4’« Cream and Produce Station v <