In Days of Poor Richard in camp to go down to tKe landing (Continued from page 2) ev-ery morning with hi. spy glue, survey the river. Only one boatman Jack was riding into camp from an outpost of the army. The day was in lta twilight. He had been riding fast. He pulled up hia horse as he ap­ proached a aenu-y post Three figure» were standing in the dusky road. •'H aiti Who comes th ereF one of them aang out. It was tha voice of Marguref lta tbalienge waa more like a phrase of music than a demand He dismounted. " I am one of the great array of lovara,” said he. “Advance and give the countersign,” aha commanded. A moment he held her in bis em- jrace and whispered: “I love you.” "The countersign Is correct, but be­ fore I let you pass, give me one more look Into your heart.’’ "As many as you like— but— why?” "So I may be sure that you do not blame England for the folly of her king.” "I swear it.” "Then I shall enlist with you against the tyrant. He bas never been my king.” Lady Hare stood with Mrs. Arnold near the lovers. "1 too demand tha countersign,' said the latter. ^/^banyj^/)irectory K t l a n q £)<>er/e>>g—C o n tin u ed H ALLS’ was at the dock. (Continued on page f) n ,1Te F L O R A L & M U S IC S H O P ' l „ l r y u Niws Notes (Continued from page I I J A. Churchill, state superintendent of public instruction, has gone to Washington, D. C., where he will at 'end the annual convention of the Na tional Education association. June 30 to July go. He waa accompanied by Mrs. Churchill. Salem banks will help finance a new leganberry pool formed at a meet'ng of «9 growers who had found no mar het for their fruit. Ths plan formula! ed is that growers will finance ths Picking and arrangements will then be made for canning on a coat plus basts T h is is gool advice: ■ n Albany, trade in Albany , if you 14v We grow our own cut flowtrs in some other town, trade in that town. Gold banded, Rubrtim and other hardy But in ih etr automobile data many re lily bulbs now on hand siding elsewhere find it advisable to do Nice geraniums every Saturday, at least part of their buying in the larger town Those who go to Alban Phone IK .| to transact business w ill had the firms named below ready to fill tlieir require nieuta with courtesy an I fairness. FA R M LO ANS A Ihany Bakery, 321 Lyon street Best one-pound loai of bread made 5 cents. Wedding cakes to order A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flower» at lowest rate of interest. Real Estate Prompt service. \\ * * and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. m Insurance Courteous treatment. B a in , Room 5, First Savings Rank builtnng, Albany FARM LOANS _____________ Flower phone 458-T. W rite for booklet describing our 20- A lb a n y Electric Store. Radio *-*■ seta. Electric wiring Delco l ight vear Rural Credit Amortized Loans. The effect of motor competition up­ on the passenger traffic of the Union Pacific system Is being felt at Baker The railroad has made the announce­ ment that the ticket selling force will be reduced. The same order Is under stood also to affect the office of La Grande. State Treasurer Myers Invested »54,- 500 of the soldiers’ bonus funds in county, school and Improvement bonds The appropriation was apportioned as follows: 120,000 in Klamath county bonda to yield 4.90; »22,000 Salem school bonds to yield 4.66; »5000 In Morrow county bonds to yield 4.90; $2500 in St. Helens water bonds to yield 6.26, and »6000 in Oregon high­ way bonds to yield 4.50. G lm nn A u to products 202 Second W il l a r d W m . h ö f l ic h E lec tric S ervice- - Recharg- able A At ll batteries— W IL L A R D storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. Second si. H . I). Piestoli—J. C. Cochran D l u e B ird Restaurant, 309 Lyon * - * street. Eat here when in Albany Open from 6 to i and 5 to 8. M rs . B l o u n t . Tlie loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tirin g the principal. Cheap rales. No delay H u m L a n d C o ., 133 Lyon St., Albany, Ore z ffi / SHOE c Summer Vacations Low Roundtrip Fares See one o r m ore o f O re g o n ’s w onderful resorts this sum m er. Low ro u n d trip tares m ake it easy. T h e T illam ook, N ew port a n d C oos Bay Beaches, th e m o u n ta in resorts, C ra te r Lake a n d th e O re ­ gon C aves as well as m any o th e r delightful spots offer a great vacation. O r see th e scenic Shasta C o u n try along the beau­ tiful Shasta R oute. < ’ SERVICE * “And’ much goes with it.” said the Ü R Ü N 8 W 1 C K youug man as he kissed her, and then Shoes that cost less per month of wear ° PHO NO G RAPHS he embraced the mother of his sweet­ at heart and added: W O O D W O R T H ’S “I hope that you are also to enlist with us.” ÏAavenport Music company offer» “No, I am to leave wy little rebel Piano-case organ, good as new Estey organ, good as new with you and return to New York.” Ask for our Oregon L'sed Pianos. “Will you give me a ridu?” Marga­ Outdoor Booklet ret asked her lover. “I'll get on be­ C ’ a s tb u ro Bros.— Two big grocery hind you.” Fred Kurtz, an orchardist near “ stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Solomon took off the saddle and Mam. Good merchandise at the right Salem has succeeded in exterminat­ prices. tightened the blanket girth. Optometrist, with "Thar, ’(ain’t over clean, but now ing several colonies of gophers that F . M . f r e n c h & S o n s E^lite Cafeteria and confectionery ye kin both ride,” said he. were damaging his trees by the simple Home cooking. Pleasant surround, Soon the two were riding, she in expedient of connecting the exhaust J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S Courteous, efficient service. front, as they had ridden long before of his tractor with the animal run­ ngs. W e make our own candies. C . P. M O O D Y , Halsey, Agent —Phon» 226 Albany, Oregon through the shady, mallowed bttsh lu ways and starting ths engine. The W . S. D u n c a n . Tryon county. WAAds>AA*M carbon monoxide fumes from the ex­ They dismounted at Arnold's door. t'llurs developed and printed. haust quickly killed entire colonies "For a time I shall have much to We mail them rig ht back to you. Experiments have shown that practic­ »■«-»• -»-^- e-»-«-e e~a--s i s..« -».».*-s4-wt do, but soon I hope for great promo­ Woodworth Drug Couipanv, Albany, O r­ ally the same results may be obtain­ egon. tion and more leisure,” he aaliY (Continued from page 11 W hat a satisfaction to know “Tell me the good news,” she urged. ed by using an automobile exhaust. that your K R Y P iO K GLASSES ^ ir s t garage going north. Misa Ethclyn Chenoweth returned "I expect to be the happiest man In Two persons were killed and 113 Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, are built upon the bigbusi stand- to her home at Oakland Sunday afte r the army, and the master of this house others were more or less seriously In repair work. rd of Q U A L IF Y . and your husband." a three-weeks visit with her sister, Jured In 2060 traffic accidents In Ore­ W. H. H u l b u r T. By M A R G A R E T BOYD Anyone buying lor quality will Mis. Horace Armstrong, "And you and I shall be as one/’ she gon during May. acaordlng to the k for K R Y P T O K S . i’ ORD SALES AND S E R V IC E 8-s answered. "God speed the day when monthly report of T. A. Raffety, chief A truckload of young China phea- ($ Margaret Boyd .) Tires and accessories that may be true also of ynur people of the state traffic squad. Fifty per ants has been turned loose In county, Repairs and my people.” “Filled with water from a neighbor­ cent of the month's accidents, or 1029 K i r k -P o l l a k M otor C o , most of them near Scio and the rest He kissed her and hade her good­ ing stream."— Ivanhoe. near Albany. night and returned to his many tusks. out of the total 2060, were due to D o rlm ills r Furniture Co., futni- In earlier days houses were built He hud visited the forts und butteries. carelessness, the reports point ont, * ture, tugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. near streams wherever possible lu or Miss Betty Coshow of Brownsville He had communicated with every out j 886 were due to failure to give right Funeral directors. 427-43.1 west First der to Insure a plentiful supply of went to Eugene to visit friends Mon­ post. Hi» plan wns cunipletfl. About of way, 102 resulted from cutting street, Albany, Oregon, water for household use. Those not day. midnight, when he and Solomon wure corners, 67 from speeding and 83 from fortunate enough to have spring- am) p i I I.HR G R O C ER Y. 285 Lyon lying down to rest, two horsemen reckless driving The A. C. Armstrong family and clear streams on their land were corn A (Successor to Stenbcrg Bros.) came up the road at a gallop antf pelled to dig wells; but thoss who had j Delmei Wahl were Albany visitor» W ater from a sand filled volcano Groceries F m its Produce ■topped at his door. They were aide» Phone 2t>3R springs rarely bothered about wells 'a t u r d í ) , <>f Washington. They reported that crater may solve Bend's water prob­ Whatever the respective merits of ., „ _ _ lem. If an offer to be made to the the general waa spending the night nt C1 W S E X A U E R , auto and geu- streams and wells as sources of water ; * r *' ( visited In Ore- the house of Henry Jasper, near the city council by a local concern Is ac­ * • eral painter pais tor washing and cooking and the 1 * on CRy end Portland the latter pert Get u>y estimate. ferry, and would reach camp about cepted. The crater Is located within like, there la no question as to which oi week. 201 E. First street noon next day two miles from the center of Bend Optoiuctii&fft, M u n u fjw ïv rirg Opticians 1» the more eatlstactory to children Salt Lake school district is to have "Thank God for that news,” said tlie snd is owned by the Bend Brick com­ U O L M A N A JACKSON Albany, Oregon Every normal child longs to play In a I ’dOO uchool house in place of tha young man. "Solomon. I think tbut pany A well was drilled 327 feet “ water, and a tubful of water drawr Grocery— Bakery one burned last year. » ( can sleep better tonight Into the floor of the crater more than Everything in the Hue of eats from a well Is a poor substitute foi Jack was awuke for an hour think­ ten years ago %nd the supply of water Opposite Post office a stream with minnows and craw-fist Mts. J. S. Jones and son Dallen o f ing of the great happiness which hail that was tapped at that time has and ether living things In it. Oakland were guests of Mrs. A. C. ub Candy Co., First street, next fallen In the midst of his troubles and never been diminished, regardlees of To those who did not spend a Inrgr Armstrong Thursday and Friday. door to Blain Clothing Co. of Thornhill und his message. He part of their childhood playing In 1 the (act that thousands of gallons are Noon lunches. A ll work done piom ptly and reason­ heard ihe tw i aides going to their Mr. and Mrs. W alter Stuart and streams. It Is surprising how man) Home-made candy and ice Cream. ta ie jj out dally. quarters. Then a deep silence fell on and daughter of Albany were thing» live |n even a small brook ably. I hone No. 269 Wlgtspread Interest and specula upon the camp, broken only by the uh Cleaning Works, Inc. There are the caddis flies, for ex « «’»te a t A C. ArrnslrotiR'e Friday tion was aroused In Newberg over the rumble of distant thunder in the moun Cor. Fourth and Lyon ample, wHJg »belt- amazing houses j M atter Dyers and Cleaners tains and the feet of someone pacing recent discovery of what Is believed with the wonderful netting over the evening. M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes up and down between his hut and the to be the fossil remains of some mam S tih ley Slcv-ertsm and fam ily o f entrance^ house of the general. He put on hl moth prehistoric carnivorous animal Fishing for minnows with a bit or Rugane spent Sunday with the fo r- have friends they should f you long coat and slippers and went out of W illiam Myers, an employe of the ">cd and heat pin Is far from being tier'» parents, M r and Mrs. J. A. photograph. have your y doors. despicable »port, even though on« Stevenson. Clifford's Studio Efficient Service. Motor Hears». Yamhill Electric company. In clearing "Who'» there?” he demanded. 333 West First street, Albany. never land» a flltnnow Fishing (ot Lady A ttendant the Ole swimming bole 18 Chehalem Mrs« Clarence Evans returned S at- "Arnold,” was the answer. "Taking creek near First street, came upon crawffeh with 0 piece of cord and a B ro w n s v ille ........... .. ............ Oregon agneto electric co ■ little walk before I turn In.” pebble for a sinker la even more ex urday front a month's visit with her several disarticulated leg and Ja Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ Woodward of citing, however, for the dextrous mother. Mrs. Laura There was s weary, pathetic note of Conservative prices All bones lying on the bedrook of the ice station. W alla Walla. Can often manage to land the craw trouble In that voice, long remembered work guaranteed. 119-121 W . Second. fish. The greatest of all »ports, though by die young man, who Immediately stream beneath four feet of water W L. W R IG H T Mrs. I. V East returned to Albany ~ A R IN E L I.O PARLORS Is to catch grawflsh by hand. To returned to Ids bed. He knew not that Huge tusks 6 feet in length and 1 M ortician & Funeral Director Monday a fte r attending the pioneer inches In diameter at the base were (A beauty aid for every need) And th e» you must turn over the those restless feet of Arnold were Halsey and Harrisburg St. Francis Hotel »tone» 1« th * bottom of the stream picnic. She has employment at the found. walking In ih« flames of hell. C all D. T a v l u b . Halsey, or Prep.. I n g * H a i OB "TtslJ you lift S stone Ihe mud of the sheriff's office. Had gome premonition of what had An effort will be made by the Ore­ W , L . \6 s i g h t , Harrisburg stream bottom is stirred up enough to been going on down the river come up gon Pioneer association to have Lone Mrs. Fred Taylor came down from en and money are best when dead the water. Small hoys uauall) Eugene Thursday to visit to him? Could he hear the feet of F ir cemetery in Portland, kept as a at the busy. Make ) our dollars work in bu plunge their hands right Into the home of her father, J. C. Standish. that horse, now galloping northward park. A resolution was adopted at the our aavingi department. A l b a n y S t a t s muddy water and grab for whatever through the valleys and over the hills B a n c . Under government supervision. Saturday she continued on to Salem fifty-second annual reunion of the as may have been under the stone toward him with evil tidings? No sooiation that the pioneer dead In this ^ JO O R E ’S music house terrible looking of thr for a visit with her brother E verett. more for this man was the comfort denizens Is the hellgrn T h is week'» is tbe last announce. of restful sleep or the Joys of home old cemetery be not dleturbed and ’ Everything musical” truly ferocious looking and went of our big premium* to new snd friendship and affection. Now the that the grounds he transformed Into 223 W. First «t. set on It is a half for subscriber» end paid-in-ad vane* touch of his wife’s hand, the sympa­ a park as a tribute to the folk of early thetic look In her eyes and ail her days. Officers elected for the pioneer would lead the average ■ubecrihera who obtain new ones. u rp hy M o to r Co. B lo ck and erfers wtth It. The sain Tha offer expires next Monday babble shout the coming marriage association were: David 8 Stearns Chevro and gray, that are to »ere torture to him. He could not who came to Oregon In 1867, Portland accessories. and will not be renewed. Those AI tinny, Oregon. Phone 2So be found wherever a bit of brush and endure It. Worst of all. he was In a president; the Rev Bruce Wolverton. leave» check the e tree ms current, look who have obtained premiums tinder »ay where there is no turning. He Portland, vice president; George H oscoe ames hardware dangerens to the city bred, but thr 'bis offer are well pleased with must go on. He had begun to know the Hines. Portland, secretary; William country child knows thev are harm • hem. () >r supp'y of those W ear. that he was suspected. The conduct W IN C H ESTER STORE Ever Aluminum frying pane now, teas. of the scout, Solomon Blnkus. had M. Ladd, Portland, treasurer; Charles 322 W. First st ajptin ensl lee us to fill all orders. “uggested that he knew what waa T. Dickinson. Oswego, Mrs. Mary Bar All eerie o/ ether life Is Io be foul«! S? G IL B K R I & SON In s stream—polllwng» and tadpolp» passing Arnold had seen the aides of low Wilkins and L H. Baker. Portland, Harrisburg will have a community • Builders’ and ib e lf hardware, gar Washington as they came I d The directors. wlggletatla sad water beetles snail» house Preparations were started Jtn tools, crockery and glassware snd wee elamA and wren leeches snd chief could not be far behind them. He An attempt to escape from the Ore­ New Stock. New low prices J . W . S T E P H E N S O N . r , r , water makes The child who has s wben a score of business men met aed dreaded to stand before him. Com- gon state prison was frustrated when stream to play In will lesra more of Inspected plane for the building The pared to the torture now beginning for J. W Lilly, deputy warden, sent 14 TIM SO N T H E SHOE DOCTOR rhl* man, the fate of Bill Scott on water life In g season then ihe sr-hooh estimated coat la »13,00«. with an Second street, opposite Ham ilton's The Rock creek in the wilderness, had men to solitary confinement can ever teach him. end those who dr additional »1000 for equipment. store. men planned to escape through a 40 ' Sudden Service.” keen a mercy. not lire near streams should try t> The Masonic lodges and Eastern spend their vacations near thorn. Soon after sunrise came a solitary foot underground passageway leading Star chapters of I.Inn county are 1 can make both F A R M and C I T Y HE MARGUERITE SHOPPE from the center or a woodpile to » horseman, wearied by long travel, with laying plans for the couaty-wldo Shampooing, Marcelling and Scalp L O A N S at a very row rate ol inteiest a message from Colonel Jsmeeon to point outside the prison wall. Those Treatments. Msrgsret Countryman. memorial and religious ceremonies, Arnold. A man hail been captured Implicated were declared among the G lo b e 'I heater bldg Phone 1'6 | Prop. From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par Recently a kitten belong- which will be performed jointly at a trculars. G. W. L a v l a s . bear Tarrytown with Important docu­ most dangerous criminals In the prison ing 1« 11-yeer-old Mary G rif­ gathering In he held at the Masonic Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg. aldo Anderson dr Son, distrib­ ments on his person. He had con­ and included five who made the dsr utor s snd dealers for Maxwell, Chsl- fith of Bloomington, C al., was run sad Eastern Star home In Forest fessed that be was Adjutant Oeneral ing esoape over the wall several Grove. Jtilv 6 Andre of sir Henry Clinton'» army. months ago. The plot to gala free niers. Esses, Hudson A Hupmobile cars. over and killed by a railroad train. (Continued on page t ) Accessories. Supnlies 1st A Broadalbin. The worst had come to pass. Now dom waa conceived several weeks ago. Thie brought much sorrow to tbs fteason! disgrace! the gibbet! and had It been successful between 20 New little g ill, so sbe wrote to tbe offi­ Arnold was sitting at breakfast He and 30 men would have left the prison. snd need ciale of tbe railroad company ask­ «r"»e, put the message in his pocket Deputy Lilly declared The. plan was snd went out of the room. The Vul- bought sold and exchanged at all tunes ing for another kitty. The com Treatment, both ’ure lay down the river »waiting or- to g all the outside of the wail under local and Internal, and has been success­ piny'a claim agent baa sent Iter ■ •f’ rs The trsltqg walked hurriedly cover of darkest». B E N T. S U D T E L L cat with Ove fluffy little kittens ful In the treatment of Catarrh fee eveg to the boat landing. Solomon was 'orty yean. Sold hy all druggists. Phone 7fi-R, 123 N. Brosdslbin st, Albeay end M «ry'e heart la filled withjoy See premium« in oor window. t.hery. It had been hi» custom when F. I . C H E N E Y Cz C O „ Totodo. OUo W hy sulTer in »in headache ? Have your eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H S outhern Pacific T5 Isey Hfppenng» etc. Quality W ith the H igh S ch ool C lassics Meade & Albro, F. M . G R A Y . D R A Y M A N H H DELBERT STARR Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer I M . M M M R S S , BARBER SHOP First-class W ork FARM LOANS T W Halsey Meat Market FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY The market where you al­ ways get the best in meats. W . F. C A R T E R H a ll’s C a ta r r h Medicine