t JU N E 26 I «4 H ALSEY EN T E R P R IS E PAG F « H A L M Y E N T E R P R IS E j forbids “ cruel and la tn < « » » a * a a < — N<>T ■ • • t r a i — m w i >■ *•< • a S lla h e X a a a e y T ku»«aÿ H r Wa>. M. WMEKLiCK unusual pu nish­ and unusual. Miss D orothy Satchwell When courts overrule the la w and Mrs. J. C. Clay had her tonsils re- ■oka. , Ip u . . *1 S3 a year Io advance. A dvertiaing, 'tti an in ili ; no dlacoun c .n s titu tio n fo r expediency, as every moved last Tuesday at Eugene. tot iftue at » p a ir ; no charge ler.coui poalflbn or c lange», ka " P a l a f " i P aragrap hs." Sc a lina. Ma a d vartla ng d lag u lp el aa new*. T o A dvertixers knows th a t court lid , they augm ent the disrespect in Mrs. J. C. Clay and Mrs. M a ry P orte r drove to Eugene Tuesday. hich the law is held and the con m pt m any people feel fo r Mrs. HAI HALSEY STATE BANK Homer M ornbjnweg o f Portland _ _ _ _ _ J I” Portland, was not cruel was in Shedd Sunday. ite liig e n t person and Mrs. Lym an Pennell and son Lotus returned Monday fro m a week's v is it ■ Enti-rpriM Corraapondanc») m ent,” and tire cou rt held th a t the punishm ent o f lam s were the guests o f M r. I F rank Porter. Shedd Snapshots M erle F a rw e ll and Glen G regory Halsey, Oregon returned 8 mday last fro m L e b a n o n , where she spent a few days vis itin g . C A P IT A L M r. and Mrs. E. J. T a it and sm all daughter o f Great F alls, M ont., are v is itin g at the T a it home In Shedd. A N D S U R P L U S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 C o m m e rc ia l and Savings accounts Solicited our were home Sunday fro m Goldson. Mrs. George Gould and fa m ily , who Miss G ertrude M cKern o f C orvallis live in W ashington, are v is itin g Mrs. When a congressman in W ashing visited M rs. Vera Sprenger la s t week. Gould's parents, M r. and M rs. St. John . >n proclaim s th a t nobody expects There were special children’s d a y , Office hour», 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 except j he p ro h ib ito ry la w to be obeyed o r services a t the M. E. church Sunday i well represented a ll Shed.t was Mondays and Trrday forenoon». | through the pto n e n r p ic n ic . The iforced he does about a ll in his l,‘Kht. M r. and M rs. H arold Pugh drove ball team won the game from W H Y A R E LAW S SCOFFED?j r.ver jto prom ote disrespect fo r law to P ortland Tuesday and returned the B row nsville 10 to 2. I Mrg M j . Scott o f A lbany is P oliticia ns in the conventions are next day. We bear much about th e ‘ w s v i ik in g the Ku K lu x K ian a ll too ser Misses Parthena W hite and Ellen nursing T. H. C. Brasfield who has c l lawlessness ’ ’ and many causer Copy received before Tuesday is in tim e for good position. Wednesday h late and Thursday'» mail i» too late (or i t are a tta in 'd , most of w hirl have mors or less influence in pro ducitig the conditions we face. Perhaps the m o st potent of the-i ia la x it y o f p a r e n ta l co ntrol. / >urts. usly. There are a few sm all sec- •■'pcerstra returned from a few days , nursing T. H . C H ra rfie ld , w ho f a« ons rem aining in thé cou ntry where per t a t N ew port l denouncing, is a menace to our spect fo r th e ir elders and a feeling ;ain st them in the campaigns. a n c/ Rest sweets and soft drinks, C a fe te r ia at the Efficient service Best cuisine Pleasant surroundings own knowledge and judg m ent art W hy? Because they arc allowed to grow th a t way. F athe r and m other are to< busy w ith oth er th in g s to makr frie n d s and chums o f th e ir children and the la tte r, estranged and left la rg e ly dependent upon th e ir own im m ature judgm ent, run w ild. We do not charge these u n fo rtu ­ nate conditions upon a ll fam ilies, nor upon the m a jo rity o f them, but they obtain in sexes who take p a rt in the “ wave of crim e.” The autom obile has come and has made the commission o f crim e and escape from its penalties seem easier we fo llo w up the d a ily news reports wr find th a t alm ost w ith o u t exception the offenders come to g rie f in tim e The conduct o f the courts, too, has bred disrespect fo r them. Whei fo u r hewigged and gowned pomposi ties on the supreme bench decide t point o f law on one side and foui others announce an exactly oppositi opinion, enabling a ninth to exercise autocratic power and make the r u l­ in g which m ust stand as law , wc los< respect fo r the le gislators who fra n i ed such an ambiguous statute and fo r the judges who disagree over il uni. fo r the m ujesty o f law in the abstract. We would not be any better off fo: a change enabling the menagerie that has recently adjourned a t W ashing ton o r such a chaos as goes by th i name o f a senate in Rhode Island toduy to override a decision o f a su preme court, but surely a provisi th a t more than a m a jo rity o f th< supreme body shall be necessary ii decla ring a la w unconstitutional would l»e an im provem ent. There is room fo r im provem ent ii the general a ttitu d e tow a rd consti tuted a u th o rity. T hat im provem ent should have it foundation in the home where otti fu tu re citizens, lawm akers, judgei and enforcem ent officers arc bciiq developed. The officials who practice th< th ird degree" on prisoners are vio la tin g the law and con firm ing the ideas o f disrespect fo r it which th< suspect entertains. Present conditions have not sprung up w ith o u t cause. been scattered fo r The seeds havi generations an> have had plen ty o f tim e to grow. About h a lf a century ago. In the Ü ol case o f a steel w o rkers' s trik e a’ Homestead, Pa., a soldier namci lam s, on leave o f absence from guan tl d u ty, uttered a “ h u rra h " fo r a cer n< El lx Ir cr n R« Io tp P» ta in labor leuder, who probably wa. as lawless as la b o r leaders often are A superior officer had the soldie arrested and stru n g thum bs u n til up by thi he fain ted from th< is to rtu re , might The b ru ta l officer was brought in to co u rt on the charge o f v io la tin i a clause o f the con stitution which / IRVING / B A C H ELL ER j (C ontinued) Now here Is tlie wonder and the Now Andre fared along down the m ystery In tills rem arkable proceed­ rond alone on the hack of the mare ing 1 lies» men were seeking plunder Nancy. 11« came to an onlpost o f the and here «as a handsome prospect. W hile McAdoo is objected to on Highland army and presented his W hy did they not make the most o f ie ground that he is a D ohiny p&sa It was examined and endorsed It and be content? The “ skinners" au Dohepy is ligh ting h im be- and he went on his way. lie met were plundereis, but firs t o f all and transport wagons, a squad o f cavalry above a ll they were patriots. The tuse bs is n 't. snd later, a regiment of m ilitia com­ spirit brooding over tlie highlands of ------ ing up from western Connecticut, but Ihe Hudson and the h ills o f New Eng­ Every flve-to-fonr decision by a no «n« stopped him. In the faded hat land had entered th e ir hearts. Th« in c h of judges increases con and eoat and trousers of Keuben man who called him self John Ander­ everything in stock. Be quick ® «mpt fo r law and uontempt oi Smith, this niau, who called him self son was compelled to dismount and 7 2 ______________________________________________________________ John Anderson, was not much unlike empty Ids pockets and take off bis n u t. ths farm er fo lk who were riding boots, In one o f which wns th« tlaoi- h ith e r and th ith e r In the neutral te r r i­ aing evidence of A rnold's perfidy. A when a bird is killed, bugs rejoice. O iu v e b O i I V i l l l g v a • ; Beach cSt Co., best in the world G • * • tory, on the ir pe tit errands H is face fortun e was then w ith in the reach of -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- was different. I t was the well-kept these three hard-working men of the Co-operative m arketing of farm ® W i H T I P f i C • • Heavy or ligh t. F u ll stock on band. fare of an English aristocrat w ith I hills, but straightw ay they took th e ir iroducts Is another way of answer ig I Id i U v e o Come in and see the qnu lity and ’earn prices handsome dark eyes und hair begin-1 prisoner and the papers, found In bis ho B iblical question: “ Am 1 uiy boot, to the outpost commanded by nlr.g to tu rn gray. iro tb er’s keeper?" • • e A little out o f T arrytow n on the) Colonel Jameson. T his negotiation fo r the sale o f the highway the horseman traveled, a Before sowing sweet clover you diould make some tests fo r acidity group of lliree men were hidden in the United States had met w ith unexpect­ hush— ragged, reckless, unlettered ed difficulties. The "skinners" hod >f tlie soil. Sweet clover must have a iweet soil. country lads w a iting fo r cows to come been as bard to buy ns the learned down out o f tlie w ild land to be diplom at. milked. They were “ sklnuers" in the Give the aifu lfa a chance. Do not C H A P TE R X X IX pa triot m ilitia , some tiavo said; some dow it up because It looks th in to that they were farm ers' sons not in ta rt w ith. It usually starts poorly Salomon’s Last Fight. the army. However that may have aid may come up. M eanwhile. M argaret and her • * * been, they were undoubtedly rough, m other had come up the rive r in a haril-tisted fellow s fu ll of the lawless Don't tu rn the stock out too soon. sp irit bred by five years o f desperate barge w ith General and Mrs. Arnold Hie early grass Is watery and has a warfare. They were looking for to Hie house of the la tte r. Jack had ow feeding value, and It is hard on Tories as well ns fo r cattle. Tories gone out on a tour of inspection. He he grass, causing the roots tc weaken, were th e ir richest prey, for the la tte r had le ft headquarters a fte r the noon n ju rin g the later stand. • • « would give high rewards to he ex­ meal w ith a curious message In his pocket and a feeling o f great relief. cused from the oath of allegiance. Good onion soil Is good cabbage D E A LE R IN H A Y , G R A IN AND They came out upon Andre and chal­ The message had been delivered to toll. Both require the richest soil ami lenged him. The la tte r knew that he him by the mother o f a captain In one he best cultivatio n in the garden for had passed the American outposts of the regiments. She said that It had heir best and successful development. • • » and thought Hint he wns near the been given to her by a man whom she B ritish lines, lie was not fa m ilia r dhl not know. Jack had been busy Celery demands rich soli, plenty o f w lih the geography of the upper east when It came and did not open it mdsture and growth must he kept go­ shore. He knew th a t the so-called u n til she had gone away. I t wns an ng ■ top speed for a good crop. I f neutral te rrito ry was overrun by two astoidsldug and most welcome mes- illow ed to languish during a drought parties— the B ritis h being called the •:ige in the flowing script o f a rapid t Is likely to become tough and stringy. “ Low er" and the Yankees the "U pper." penman, but cle arly legible. I t was “ W hat pa rty do you belong to?'' w ith ou t date and very brief. These w ere the cheering words in I t : Andre demanded. My dear frie n d : I have good news "The Lower,” said one of the .JXÎXS« from down the river. The danger Is Yankees. passed. HENRY T H O R N H IL L * It was. no doubt, a deliberate 11c Jack belug out o f camp, M argaret calculated to Inspire frankness In s Toward the possible Tory. T hat was the moment liad found Solomon. day's end lie had gone out on the fo r Andre to have produced his pass­ south road w ith the young lady and ports, which would have opened the her m other and Mrs. Arnold. road fo r lilm . Instead he committed a fa ta l error, Hie like o f which It would he hard to find In all the rec­ ords o f human action. " I am a B ritis h officer,” he de­ clared. “ Please take me to jo t ir post." 1 hey were keen-minded men who quickly surrounded him. A B ritish officer I Why was he In the dress of a M e e t them in the stunng Yankee farm er? The pass could not romance save him now from these rough, strong handed fellows. The die was cast. They demanded the rig ht of search. He saw Ida error and . changed his plea. " I am only a citizen o f New Tork returning from fa m ily business In the ' country,” he said. He drew his gold watch from his ' pocket—that unfailing slgu of the gen I ________ — - ________ tleman o f fortune— and looked of its By HUGH PENDEXTER dial. •«v l u l l can see I am no common fel- ] M eet also miners, pros­ low," he added. "L e t me go on about I my business." pectors, gamblers, soldiers, They firm ly Insisted on the ir right [ adventurers and other to scnrt li him. He began to be j may communicate w ith V.nstgn Lee of the Salvation A rm y at the frightened. He offered them tils watch interesting ty p e s w h o and a purse fu ll o f gold and any i W hite Shield Home, 563 M ayfair avenue. Portland, Oregon. p e o p le d D e a d w o o d , amount of B ritish goods to be allowed , to go on Ida way. R apid C ity and various • •• •• •• •• Albany, Oregon H IL L & J <-I' th e cash value in cas of loss by lire. PAY GRAVEL C. P. STAFFORD, A gent ••••'»••••••«•••«•«•••«««••••••••••••••••••••••«•«•J » Anv Girl in Trouble • « ■ places in what is now South Dakota, just after the C uster M assacre. A n d in this » lin in g tale you w ill find a gentle love story. pain and a physician advised that thi con tinu atio n o f the prove fa ta l. COPYRIGHT to IAVING 0 A C H E L U A W. S. DUNCAN 'sfnvnc the m a jo rity o f the fam i lies o f the young hoodlums of botl though only in seeming, fo r i f the strongest man le democrats could nominate, no latter how lou dly bis o: l-soskcd ,ponents may shout “ O il ! ” at ¡no. M cA d o o R ic h a r d C o n fe c tio n e r y oerties o r w orth the powder burned th a t fa th e r and m other are old fogie: superior. T h e y ' been very ill t u t is im proving. There’s a sure cure lor hunger at the nt, hut neither it nor the Roman rth o iic church, which i t specializes g re a t m a n y boya an d g ir ls an g ro w in g up w ith deep-seuted disre and behind the tim es and th a t thei la st week. e organization is not already deca­ A New Serial fo Be • Printed in THE E N T E R P R IS E b egu iling with next week's issue. AS COLD AS THE FROZEN NORTH is our ice cream. It it d e lig h tfu lly cooling and refreshing after a hard ■hopping tour. Stop in and en- j a plate. We have a ll flavors — chocolate, va n illa , ftra w h erry, lemon, lu t t i fr u t ti, etc. It makes an ideal refreshm ent and is nour­ ishing and wholesome. Clark’s Confectionery Continued on page 6) H ALSEY a u t o m o b i l e GARAGE r e p a ir in g Fisk and Gates rire« A ll kinds of accessories W illa rd battery service Special equipment for handling wrecked car» Trouble calls given prompt attention any tim e and any where Telephone ’ V’*S HALSEY GARAGE l Residence, night», 18X A L B E R T F O O T E Prop.