Halsey Happenings etc. T** »?», left Monday for a weak’s and giv« your weaker eietere a vrart at her old home (Continued from page 1) in Grove. J. Stephenson took in the See premiums in our window. O. W. Frum was at Cottage Grove picnic at Brownsville Thursday. R. B. Mayberry oi Eugene was in Saturday. _ ■ 3 1 George M axw ell is home irorn Halsey Saturday. Douglas Taylor was a passenger to that trip beyond the mountains. Miss Mary La Rue was an Albany Albany Tuesday. visitor Saturday. Delora Wells is with bar grand- Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Davig were mother, Mrs. L. A . Pray, again. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Drinkard drove Albany visitors Monday. A new sidewalk on P. street, to Albany Monday. The Baptists of the county will pic­ beside Dr. Marks’ office and past A. A. Tussing made a trip up to nic at Brownsville on the 4th. the Carter meet market, makes Sweet Home Saturday. Mrs. E. J. Boner went to Eugene walking safer. Henry Seetield unloaded a new Tuesday, returning to Halsey Wed Herman Steinke and fam ily Case separator at the depot Tuesday. nesday, spent Wednesday at tbs P. J. For. Misses Nora Pehrsson and Alberta Mrs. Angcline Ackley of Portland ster home, Herman helping M p. Koontz returned Wednesday evening 3 spending a few weeks with her Forster in baying. from McMinnville. daughter, Mrs. P. J. Forster. C. L. Kusler, who was aetieg as Joe Drinkard, for many years Mrs. Harry Bressler went to New­ station agent here duriog M r. Moody’s vacation, went Monday na'.dent near here, was up from port Sunday to be with her father, to Sutherlin tg> work ae an «xtrz. H. M. Henry, who is quite ill Portland the first of the week. Mre. Opal H g l ae and children Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Kitchen and Last week Joe and John Pittman hays been visiting at the home of were at Philomath to attend the son L avelle of P oitlen d were week­ Mre. Higbee's sister, Mre. Willism funeral of their sister, Mrs. Fannie end guests at the W. A. Muller home Robinson, and with other rela­ E. Custer. Mrs. P. J, True went to Salem on tives. Lyle Standish came up from Port­ Tuesday. She is still under the doc­ This week's is the last announce­ land Saturday and is a guest at the tor's tare, but much improved in ment of our big premiums to new home of his grandparents, Mr. and health. subscribers and paid-in-advance Mrs. D. J. Hayes. subscribers who obtain new ones. Mrs. Ara Miller of Yakima, Wash., Mrs. Louisa Caswell of Wichita, arrived Tuesday for a visit at the The offer expiree next Mooday Kansas, is the guest of her sister, home of her son, Claire Miller. Mrs. and w ill not be renewed. Tboee who have obtained premiums under Mrs. T. P. P atton, and husband. Miller formerly lived in Halsey. tbie offer are well pleased with Mrs. C asw ell is 75 years old , but Jack Dean of Port Orford, who is them. Our supply of those Wear- made the trip alone. Ever Aluminum frying pane now Mrs. Fred Taylor of Eugene went at the sum m er school at O. A. C., again enable* us to fill all order). to Salem Friday to see her brother, came over Sunday and spent the day The protein content of tnfian grass Everett S tan dish, apt*r a few d ays’ with his aunt, Mrs. C. P. Stafford, hay Is not high and for that reason It and husband. visit with her father, J. C. Stan Is not very satisfactory for s dairy dirb, and wife of th is city. O. B. Stalnaker of Corvallis spent herd. • * * W. F. Frey and family, former Sunday at the T. P. Patten home in residents of this neighborhood, but Halsey. He was accompanied home No p eniums after Monday. who have been living in Portland for several years, were guests at the H. L. Straley home last week and at­ tended the pioneer picnic. Mrs. Bliss Byers and children of Independen e were guests at the home of Mrs. Byers’ sister, Mrs. E. j C. Miller, for a few days last week. J. W. Moore of this city has ac­ cepted a position in the Harrisburg National Bank and expects to move his family there soon. Howard Reeves was down from his home in Eugene Monday and was ac­ companied home by his sons Willis m J Charles, who make thvir hon e with their grandparents, J. W. Rec­ tor and wife. The boys will spend a few weeks with their father. Mrs. Bessie Mulkey and two child­ ren and her mother, Mrs. Frank Frisby of McMinnville, spent Thurs- d»y at the pioneer picnic at Brows- ville and stopped in Halsey for a few calls. Mrs. O. B. Stalnaker of Corvallis came from that city with them. ««, Mrs. C. P. Stafford returned Sat­ urday evening from a trip to Port­ land, accompanied by Mrs. Ernest Wyatt of Oregon City, who spent Sunday at the Stafford home. Mrs. Wyatt, formerly Miss Leah Perkins, and who taught school here several • WE ANNOUNCE OUR • 2 Big; 2 0 p r . c e n t ! ! SALE : Everything in this sto re now selling less 20 per cent. Don't fail to take advantage of this great sale. UITS UNDERWEAR Mrs. Hazel Moyer spent the fore­ part of the week visiting in the Ash Swale neighborhood. In fact, you can have your choice of any article in our vast stock at less 20 per cent. C*Tl)THlNGCO| OREGON B. E. Cogswell of Portland is visit­ ing his ranch thia week. Little Rosemary Coshow, who got run into by a car last Thursday, is George Dannen and family of getting along nicely. Shedd visited at the E. A.Stames Marvel Laurence has secured the nome Sunday, Beulah Land school, over by Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riggs of Port Home, for the coming year. Halsey Church oi Christ land visited at the Chester Curtis Miss Ruth Jackson of Pendleton, a home Sunday. Church Announcement» cousin of Jack Gamble, is here visit­ Mrs. L. E. Bond and Lester and j ing relatives and friends. Church of C h tis t: Vera Bond of Albany visited at E. As a result of the election in A&h D. Isom's Sunday. Lon Chatnlce, minister. Swale, Jack Gamble is a member of Bible school. 10, W. I I . Robert­ Mr. and Mrs. Medford Ingram and the board to succeed Cleve Harrison. Mrs. Ingram's parents, Mr. and Mrs. son, superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. ,Laurence Dawson of Christian Endeavor, 7. Bowman of Silverton, were Sunday Berlin spent a couple of days last Morning worship, 11. Lord’« afternoon callers at the Lee Ingram week with relatives and friends north supper every Lord's day. home. of town. Evening service, 8, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Isom came down The church without a biebop, in Charley Howe finished shipping his young chickens, raised by Cecil Har­ Thursday and packed up their things the country without a king. and loaded a car, returning to Oak I f you have no church horn« rison, last Monday, getting a nice Ridge on Wednesday of this week to come and worship with us. price for them. make their home. Methodist: Mrs. Frank Fee and Mrs. Ira Sunday afternoon callers at the J. Robert Parker, pastor. Laurence of Lebanon called at the J. C. Harrison home one day last week. H. Rickard home were Mr. and Mrs. Sunday School, 10. They are sisters-in-law to Mrs. Har­ E. M. Jenks and children, Mr. and Preaching, I I , Mrs. Jim Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. Charles rison. intermediate League, 7. Jenks, and Oliver Jenks, all of Tan­ Epworth League, 7. The school election passed off rath­ gent, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Gildow Prayer meeting Thursday, 8, er quietly last week. The bonds for ■if Albany, and Mrs. Raymond Rick­ Preaching, 8. the gymnasium were defeated. Joe ard of Benton county, and Mr. and Hume was re-elected as a member Mrs. Michael Rickard. Paid-for Paragraphs of the board. (5c a lin e) The days of the picnic were busy According to a report by the Klton ones and from all reports the last »th county agent's office, eight steers Chicken dinner Sunday. night was especially busy with a were Infected with rtbles and died re Good Eats Restaurant. “free for all" before the night was csntly at the Hegelsteln ranch on over. Wonder where our prohibition Sprague river, presumably Infected Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle officers were during that time. It from the bite of a rabid coyote I it the Euterprise office. seems that one of the local town girls flirted (? ) 'a little with one of the show men. The man's wife slapped the girl for her pains, and the result was an arrest or two. If you gills wish to flirt better confine your at­ tentions to single men. A. Hotchkiss took (he train Halsey for Albany Thursday. si About everybody in H sl’ cy wli< could attended the pioneer picnic A report still persists that the woolen m ill is about to take sn extended vaoation. A graee fire st the Howe poul­ try farm Monday night wag pul out by the fire depsrtnient. The Stsnsrd family had a reur iou and banquet on Ed S taiisrd r lawn Thursday, of last week. Mrs. Dslma Chipman and son of Portland, who have been visit- ing in Brownsville, returued home Wednesday. R. I. Edwards returned Tuesday from Portland, where he look « load of cattle Saturday. Follow U Serially in Pay G ravel By Hugh Pendexter Mystery! Danger! Adventure! A quick-moving story. One of the best western tales ever written. Mrs J U. Ro«s and deeghtM Crystal of Tangent took in the picnic and visited tl e former t mother, M i’ - Elizabeth Warren. GRAVEL ,1 i r » Mrs. Elizabeth Sawyer of Port- lead hag been visiting at tbs hmm of ltd Sawyer, who drives lira ex preas truck between Halsey and Brownsville. B y Hudh P en d este* ’ The first really gqr j nov(J that h u been W',ttrn about one o f the P'1o«t dramatic episodes o f American life— the gold, rush and the set­ tling o f the Black H ills. A dldere/it and a better sort o f western tale than you have been accustom ed to read. i ■ n t s r jir t s » C e r r s a e o n f iw e « ) James A she o f B row nsville was s visitor between stages Sat­ urday. ’ HIRTS LUGGAGE ALBANY fAO.t J Alford Arrows (By Special Correspondent) MiasShirlev Hemenway returned to her home in Kogan« Saturday, after a visit with Mre. Hazel Moyer during the picnic. Pay Gravel HAIXKY B.\lE&i'KlS£ H a lsey AND HOES j v j t e m . i**« Brwonsville Briefs Cottage chance ” 'ress ive // by Mrs. Stalnale-r, who has been with her parent3 for several days. and succee Mrs. George Griffis and daugh­ ter« Lena and Gladys returned to their home in Springfield Monday, after taking in the pioneer picni«- snd visiting Henry Sheldon and fam ily. A nother orphan d yn am ite ex- A pint of formalin on the seed oats may mean s gain of 500 pints of grain. p losi«n occurred Saturday night • • • UGH NDEXTEIL COPYRIGHT by THE D O B B S-M E R -W I L COl near enough to the center of town break windows in th t ff. C Thompson r e eid w et snd the Eg g'eatou creamery. A Story of the Black Hills Gold Rush J, W M o o « sod Georgs Dyson propose a trip up the M c K sdzis I o prospect for gold. Both are over 80 veers »Id. Dyson published the first newspaper in Bro" nsville. Hie bom« it now at Long Beach, Cal, Through a »cries of incidents, increasing in dramatic intensity to a clim ax o f tremendous power, M r. Pendexter has 6et before us one o f the most satisfying pictures o f the adventurous West that has ever been placed on paper. House gardening pays tn health as to Alonzo Neal has been running well as produce. the Brawnsville stage this week. • • • C? P. Moody and family a re 1 No legume growing farmer Is likely bacg after a fin» outing “I Yachats. to go bankrupt, for he la constantly adding to his hank account; that Is, Mr« W . P. Robinson and d a u g h ­ his soil reserves. ter Helen have |l