“ó t k ¿XAz y H alsey enterprise VOL. X I I H A L S E Y . L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , J I N K HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS ----------- - C !ay d ire c to r au J N ig i c le rk . M onum ent« L to Mr». | Perry and M r» . K a le NO. 47 NEWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER OREGON In t e r io r V i e w o f M a d is o n S q u a re G a r d e n Sar.th S m ith 6 .'-24 J. were Short Stories from Suiuirv :unv.,il*'1 Rt 1h® i ’ i- e G rove Epitome of Events in tho Beaver State N ow the day* grow shorter. L a V e lle P alm er w ill le a ih t h e L a ke Creek school The Mutual Creamery company of Portland has opened a ereem buving station at Freewater NJ in - •£>« k O lir c e S w i» >>r^ bp hedd and H 'l- n y del- e g itio n s o f N e ig h b o r* announced in the E n te rp rise . " M tv ls m w B. M. Rond, P ert S C ark an>l A A. T u » *liig a id M r. and Mra. T . I M a rk » and Mi»» K en n e th Cross «pends the v tea Mona Bond attended th e Shedd tio n w ith his m o th e r, Mrs E A . Eastern S ta r M eeting W ednesday P. L a F o lk tte , at P a ye tte , L l.b o . evening of la s t week. It can be safety estimated that «be wheat orep In Gilliam coup»y will bn the w e poorest aver ever harveeted narveete in the ccun- Misses Leone P a lm e r and Ln u i-e The Express solve» th e n n a le rt R o b n ctl are a tte n d in g the s iu iir t r i o f th a t stone 'e ice on Peterson's session at th e M m iu in u th no rm a l b u tte . near I e iin - 'li. I r q u o ti* school. George W. VY e - it r 0« saying the wad wa» b u ilt 43 nr 47 years ago W illia m C orcoran and ria e is a lin e fence between th " p rop- D o ro th y were pasaeng-rs T h u rsd a y rtv o f his fa th e r A lb e r t W | e tle r, ' to P o rtla n d , where thev v i-ite d and th a t o f R ichard L ig g e tt. It th e ir s itte r, Mra M a rc e lla K rk . was b u ilt of »tone because pns’.e T hey re tu rn e d F rid a y . ci u d noi be eet in the rocky Get a new su b scrib e r b -f.ire butte. M ondaav n ig h t, if y o u r E n te rp rise Hiedd w ill have a c o m m u n ity is paid fo r in advance, and yon a l l ib t at the cm in tv f t i r . M ” . w ill get a p re m iu m and so w ill E W Shedd, w . H M cC o n n e ll , tho new p a tro n o f th e very best i r d W i ham S clireihnr are a com- ' paper p u b lis h e d in Ila ls e y . in ittu e in gone al charge of i t . 1 O scar C ham bei«, arrested w ith F a ir Manager G Ik c v , and at Lebanon on a charge of M rs K ate C ro ft w ill have charge ru n n in g a m oonshine s till at B lo d ­ of the home economics d e p a rt­ g e tt, escaped on th e way to Cor- m ent, C . A . Pugh of g ra in s, C. | B ro w n of d a irv products, j va llia h u t was la te r discovered In II the to p of a ta ll tree and ja ile d . W . A M cC onnell of grasses am' i People are not a lw a ys above tile M r. Sell rei her of a school parndr. la w when th e y th in k th e y are. (Continued on page 5) There nrn* more a p p a re n t e ri in the recent a n n u a l m eeting at Shedd th a n here. people to ck p a rt and elected in te r- school 8 ix t \ J C H km • Medford we« diesen A of Up Molay tn alele ft* year. T&e Alsea Telephone company has applied to th« public service commis­ sion for authority to abandon tba Utility. Faat pregreas 1* being made in tha conatrsictlon of the Natron cut otf and 4000 man are employed In the «roiling and tunnel work. Fred G. Buckets, for the post 51-» year« sheriff of I.ane county, lendcrcdl hla resignation to the county court to take effect July 1. W here the Democrats are in Natio.ial Convention W . G . M ’A D O O S. M . R A L S T O N Fred B. Currey, »ecretary of tho I state fair board and manager of the stale fair for the paat 18 months, has tendered his resignation to the board Slash burnings under permits Is sued by duty authorised ftre warden*, are »gain permitted In Oregon under u proclamation Issued by Governor I Pierce. OPTICAL PARLOR P R IC E L IS T : Double Vision Lenses The Anderson A Middleton Lumbar company of Cottage Grove has fust closed a deal for the purchase of 500,000,000 feat of fir timber tn the Umpqua national forest. U ltex, $18.50; K r ) ptok, $17:59. Peerless, $16.50: Brights. $15;50. Cemented Segments $14.50 Single or Distant Vision Lenses After haring been tdl* ter 17 year» tha old Bntsler.Elkhorn mine west of A t t r oled h i the scent < f Baker t* being »leered •< water andt bacon hi a pack on the traca operations will be resumed a* an eerlyr of M a r rin Olsen, a p-ioznr jum ped lay. Gold 1« the principal metal »ought 6 I) Cnrve Tone, $13.50 ; Meuci.t", $12 50. 17'4 D Curve I ’eriscopic, $12:50; Flats' $10.50. Pitted in Zilo, g old-fi'lcd or rimless frame*. Por heeavy Z ilo frames add $1 to $2. Deduct $2 for second-grade lens Reading glasses. $2.50 to $10. B a n c r o f t O p t ic a l C o . 311 West First street, Albany, Ore. Ask about Punktal, the perfect lens. 0 a of the d e m ccra tic d a rk b o rri*. Needs No Breaking In L ittle R h o d y ’ s senate got tn 'o an in te rm in a b le filib u - 'e r 1 y a de m o cra tic m in o rity who were ab'e to block a ll le g isla tio n u n til an am endm ent rh o u ld be voted fo r subm ission to the peop'e to repeal the c o n s titu tio n a l clau»# which lim its the franchise to own- era o f p ro p e rty of a prescribed val u a lio n . T h is Jslic o f aristocrat y the re p u b lic a re w ould not rebn- quifth F in a lly somebody let Io >ee a dose o f poieon g»3 under the speaker's c h a ir. Some of those present had been lawm aker» »o long t i n t they were iin m n n e to ga», S .me tv le car i d out uni-on- »cicur. T he fee-ion whs i d- jo u rn e d , T i l t l l a lo t of the e p u b lica n member» fied outside Ihe state o M ig ra n t •» t-» tn i* s o rl-i n o t ar:e.-l them and I r a n quo­ rum . A t I ehan- n I ist week M r* J. J Weavr r. Tr! had a f u l in • n hi n .e , t t.t d id not i l n »he • »- liU it m uch. A few li tl » later I«he was taken i l l and at 3 f.tie t.t x m -rn in g fbe died. C O R D SLL HULL Lvnqcr W ear Greater Comfort. W E V E N B E tt ^ 'S A n n ftle o f the wet- ; n> x l A Ion in n u m b e r of vote* to p jv li. od up fur firs t b a llo t. At Bend thev are hunting a snake 25 (eet long, with a head i» lug a -a t Vo.g i Lou w ln -k y j-jg, I t ’s not a »ea aerpenl. It it said to have bren turne I b ose by i d:*liuruled »h r.v tro n p -. «n h im a« l i t and L a r i mol Je-un L is k e y were about to p itc h , anq j where they proposed Io ire e lch ilte m near M .rrehtieht M onday r ig h t . I lie Laskey* treat tho beast off w ith an a x, but it had to rn the tric k end got a taste of the meat and t- anted m ore and it hung around u n til d a y lig h t. The p onBcr p ic n ic at Brow ne, v i'le la d the lm g e -t attendance in its lile tn i y T h u rrd a y . M a d ic e n S q u a r e G a r d e n , N e w Y o r k Conatructlon crcwa hare begun thw laying of rail« be’ weaa Crane and Burns on the Oregon Short line ex­ tension, and expect to have thin sec­ tion of rail tin» completed by August >0. Dr J R N. Bell, re elected as grand' chaplain Of the Oregon grand lodge of Masons, has served 47 year» In that capacity and la tha oldest grand chap­ lain in point of service In the entire, world. w* BlnM April 11 19,C$9 automobiles entering Oregon from California hare been fumigated to prevent spread of the foot and mouth disease, according to record» kept at the Ashland fumt gating station. j K citation allowing the Ntate of Ore­ gon to carry the <«»» Involving the- Oregon compulsory school bill on ap­ peal to the Catted States supreme court lies been signed by Judge Bean, of federal court. When they entered the »tore of M ra- Treancr at Creswell a few nights ago, burglars left s bouquet of roses kang log on tbe doorknob for tha feminine, owner Goods and cash to tha amounL of $169 were taken. The oil derrick end drilling equip­ ment of the West Coast Ott «empanF at Palry. 22 mites east of Klansath Fells, was entirely dee'reyed by fire of an unknown origin with a leas ot approximately $26,699. You have probably concluded that to be tough and durable a shoe must be uncomfortable. You have a nevz sense of satisfaction coming with your first pair of Weycnberg Cosnflex "All Solid Leather” shoes. The Columbia county grangers arm asking the townspeople to come with them and celebrate tn the country thus - year on the Fourth They ere p lta - I ning a big picnic celebration fa Stevens park, Yankton 5^ ^ CaMFi-eX m u the New Aatorla cele­ will he the mustering Company O, IkSth In- national guard. Major Leman D. Forreat, Civil w a r veteran and owner of large (recta o i I timber land In Lane county, died a t hl* home in Eugene, aged «8 year*. EXCLUSIVE NEW The granite quarries near Haines, which h ir e been Idle for three year«, will aocn reeipne operation*, according ! to report« frpm Baker. A feature of bration July 4 into »«vice of i fantry, Oregon Albany’s Only OUR by the Order i < on vent ion at Sale», as the place of meeting next 5 The Douglas county association r t Por'land held Its 18th tanusl poqglss county d ty gathering end picnic at Peninsula park. Ju ie 21. Tke m eia- herahip ceaalsta of 789 former real- If you w ant work shoes that will wear longer, th at will be comfortable and flexible, th at will protect your feet and your health-get Weyenberg’s Comflex with the double-tan soles— we sell them beeause ’hey offer our cus­ tomers, at a moderate price, the best service th a t can be bought at any price. » ; (■ of Doutlaa ronntv, |, (ta ll H athaw ay ot Bend ban beeu j appoM'ed by Stale’ Engineer Rhea Lyper to take charge of the distribu­ tion of wnter from the Dotchutes river. He win apportion the water aciord- - Ing to the number of acrea under irri­ gation at the present time Tbe acre­ age totals about 42.999. and It Is claim­ ed there le plenty of water If It la appcrilcned equitably KOONTZS GOOD GOL DS Bi ts of the democratic tap works. 1 ( cm tinned on i<*gt»2