I-AGE 6 X X I HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E G LO BE ALBANY ••• : "1 u 0 snow laucn that I am aagwr end F. W. Robin» home» Sunday and Monday. J. E. True is putting in • cement iidewalk. THE PICK OF I H E BIG P IC TU R E* SUN D A Y—M ONDA V JllMB 22-23 O. W. Frum wss a Corvallis ■. ioit- it Thursday. CYTHEREA O. W. Frum shipped another car oad of lambs on Monday. (Oodles o f love) —w ith J. S. McMahan left Eunday mom ng on a trip to Cascadia. Lewis Stun* Norman King Irene Rich This picture took P ortland by »torin laet week. * * * * » * * e * e e Look “A Son of the Sahara ” cowing Miss Grace Pahrsson Is helping out it the Ernest Gourley home. J. W. Moore, local real estate deal­ er, was an Albany visitor Wednenlav ■t last week. In Days o f Poor Richard * (Continued (rcui page 5) Haisey Happenings etc. (Continued from page 5) P. J. Forster was in Eugene Tues- ** Melba f ? L fiu Neal visited in Albany on Monday. Mrs. George L au L n er was in A ), bany Monday. Mrs. Jesse Cross went to Harris­ burg Monday) M r. and Mrs. Marsters are home from the hospital. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME JU N E 19. I«M ta kaow,' I said T b e general has net told ma tfiat ha la to meet the British May I kaow all the good ■ewe? *"V f course, he will tell you about that.- she assured me "He has told me only a tittle. I t is some negotia­ tion regarding an exchange of prls- ohera. l a m much more interested In Margaret and rte wedding I wish you would tell me about her. I have heard that the has become very beau, ttful.’ " I showed Mrs. Arnold the minia­ ture portrait which Margaret had given me the day of our little ride and talk In London and then an orderly came with a message and that gave me to excuse to put an end to this untimely babbling for which I had no heart. The message was from Sol­ omon. He had got word that the British warship had come back up the river arid was two miles above Stony Point with a white flag at her mast­ head. "I went out of doors Soon I met Merrlwether coming Into ramp. Ar­ nold bad returned. He had ridden at a walk toward the headquarters of the Second brigade and turned about and come baik without apeeklng to any one Arnold was looking down as If absorbed In his own thoughts wjien Merrlwether passed him In the road. He did not return the latter's salute. It was evident that the general had ridden away for the sole purpose of being alone. "I went bark to my hut and sat down to try to And my way when suddenly the general appeared at my door on North McCormick—Deering Harvesting Machinery F U L L S T O C K O F R E P A IR S BARRETT BROS. for our cause. “ -They are not promising,“ he an­ swered "The defeat of Oates In tha South and the scattering of hie army in utter rout is not un encouraging event.’ " T think that we shall get along better now ihat the Gates bubble bus burst,’ 1 answered." This ends the testimony of “the able und most valued officer," Jack Irens, Jr. CHAPTER X X V III As an Army With Banners. The American army htnl been sold by Arnold. The noble Ideal It hod mercy of Sir Henry Clinton. Andre would have reached New York that night It The Vulture had cot chunged her position on account of a shot front the battery below Stony Point. For that, credit must be given to the good scout Solomon Elnkus. The ship was not in sight when the two men catne out lu their boat from the west shore of the river while the night wus fulling. Arnold bad heard the shot anil now that the ship had left he feared that hts treach ery was suspected. " I may want to get away In that boat myself," he suggested to Andre. "She will not return until she gets orders from you or me." the Britisher Misses Belle Gormley and Maggie returned from Irvin g on To Gasoline Users of Halsey Miss M ary Smith, Mrs. D. J. Hayes’ and J. C Standish drove to A lb an y’ Monday. into his boat with him sod they puileii over to the west shore and went into | M r. and Mrs. George Maxwell left the bush. Stayed tbar till mos* night. yesterday for a visit beyond the If ’twere honest business, why did mountains at Elgin. they go off In the bush alone fer a Before starting to Albany to trade t a l k r Jack shook his head. look over our Albany directory. It "Soon as I seen that I went to ,-ne nrny aave you steps. o’ our butteries an' toi’ tha cayi'n wl at I,. W. Shlsler and fam ily of H a r­ were on my mind. \V»'1I risburg W e dinner guests at the C .1 “ ’D—n the of British tub. make 'er back up a little,’ suz be. I ’, Stafford home Sunday. ( She's too rlus anyhow.' S. C. Veatch and fam ily went to “Then he let go a shot Ihat ripped Callage Grove Sunday to the annual the water front o ' her bow. Say, Jack, gathering nnd picnic of the Veatch they were some huppin' eround on the deck o' the Idg British war sloop, fam ily. Is a scientific Petroleum product a food for the combustion chamber • No they h'lsted her sails an' she fell away Mrs. Fannie Starr, who makes her down the river a mile ’er so. The carbon Greater M ileage A Cool Motor home in Corvallis, was a guest of sun were set when Arnold an’ the her son, George Starr, and fam ily officer catne out o' the bush. I were the last of the week. In a boat with a fish rod an' could Jes' •William W hite mowed his vetch see ’em with my spy glass, the light Ilv the lu b ric a tio n ol m achinery we reduce last week and had such a crop that were so dim. They stood thsr lookin’ of valves, excessive wear on pistons and fric tio n ; by the reduction of fric tio n we re­ he had to hang much of it up in fer Ike ship. They couldn't see her. scored cylinders. W ith tbs e lim in a tio n of trees to cure, there not being enough They went back Into the bush. It eoine duce the am ount of power necessary to pro­ carbon you have done sway w ith the excessive loom on the ground. to me what they was goln' to do. Ar­ pel the machine, and can therefore reduce the heat and p re -ig nitiou . nold were a goln’ to take the Britisher Dr. T. I. Marks and son Roland over to the house o' that ol' Tory. Iteub am ount of fuel necessary to produce sufficient I t is proved by actual test th a t you cannot spent Friday on the Santiam angling Smith. I got tbar fust an' hid in the power ; hence an Increase in mileage w ith a boil the water in your radiator w hile using Sure and Roland captured two steelhead bushes front o' the house. saving of fuel. L U B R IC A T IN G G A S O L IN E . salmon weighing 7 1-2 and 7 3-4 nough !—that's w hat were done. Ar­ By the use of L U B R IC A T IN G G A S O L IN E D rive into our station and have your tank nold an' t' other feller come erlong pounds respectively. th ece rb o o is removed from the cyliudere, an' went Into the house. 'Twere so fille d w ith a superior gasoline. Wednesday of last week Mr. and dork I coulda't see 'em but I knowed e lim in a tin g the sticking, burning and p ittin g I t costs no more than o rd in a ry gasoline. Mra. Frank Hadley and Velva and 'twere them." "How 7" the young man asked Gladys attended the 77th birthday “ 'Cause they didn't light no enndle. celebration of Mrs. Hattie Roberts Lubricating Gasoline is being sold by over thirty o f the largest garages and They sot In the dark an’ they didn't a t Brownsville. talk out loud like honest men would. service stations in the city o f Portland at th e present tim e Commencing Monday there is ad­ I come erway. I coulda't do so more." "I think you've done well," s-dd ditional mail service both ways be­ “Now go and got some rest. tween here and Brownsville twice Jack each Week day and once Sunday by Tomorrow may l.e a hard day." Jack spent a bad night In the ef­ the Guldner stages. fort to be ns great as his problem, The Linn county W. C. T. U. at in the morning he sent Solomon and Harrisburg resolved, among other Ihrec other able scouts to look the things, to make a tireless fight ground over east, west and south of against rigs rets and for the protec­ the army. One of them was to take , the road to Hartford and deliver a tion of young girls. ■ message to Wnshtngtpa. Miss Clara W illiams is at the After the noon wees. Arnold mount- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. id his horse and rode away alone. Clarence W illiams, after her second I'he young brigadier sent for his trust- his bay mare and asked me to take a cherished, the blood It had given, the assured him. . | i d friend, Cnptnln Merrtwetfier. year al Columbia college, Milton. “I wonder what lias become of her, "Captain, the general has set out little ride wlih him. I mounted ,„y bitter hardships It hsd suffered—tor­ J. J. Corcoran is the builder of the •n the east road alone,'' said Jack, horse and we rode out on the en»t ture In the wilderness, famine In the said Arnold. "She has probably dropped down Hlghlanda, long marches of half cement sidewalk on the second-street lie Is not well. There’s something ros,I together for half a mile or so " T believe that my wife had eoine naked men In mid-winter, massacres the river for some reason,” Andre side of the Methodist church and par­ wrong with his heart. I am a little «t Wyoming and Cherry Valley—all answered. "What nro I to do?” He ought no| ta talk with you this morning,' he begun. sonage and w ill also put In a septic worried shout him "111 take you to the house of this had been bartered away, like a "'Yes,' I answered. • traveling alone. My horse Is In front tunk at the parsonage, * A Urltlsh officer has come tip the shipload of turnips, to satisfy tha man 1 know who lives near the river f the door. Jump on his hark and and send you to New York by horse Mr. and Mis. F. II. Port»r of Port­ keep In sight of the general, but don't river In a ship under a while flne with greed of one man. Again thirty pieces with passports In the morning. You of silver I Was a nation to walk the a proposal regarding an exchange of land were in Halsey Saturday and let him know what yon are doing.” bitter way to Its Calvary? Major can reach the British lines tomorrow.' A little later Mrs. Arnold entered prisoners In my answer to their re­ Mrs. Porter continued her trip to ' T would like Ihat," Andre ex quest for a conference, some time Andre, the adjutant general of Sir Eugene to see her father, M r H op-' the office of the new brigadier lu a «go, I enclosed a letter from Airs. Henry Clinton's large force In New claimed. "It Would afford me a wel most cheerful mood. kins. come survey of the terrain." “ 1 have good news for you." she an­ Arnold to Miss Margaret Hale Invit­ York, was with the traitor when he "Smith /w ill give you a suit of rowed frum the ship to the west shore ing her to come to our home where Ellsworth Curtis was attacked by ( nounced “A British officer has fam« clothes that will fit you well enough," of the Hudson and went Into the bush a hull while working at the H e n ry ' n a ship under a flag of truce to »lie would find a hearty welcome and under the observation of Solomon said the traitor. "You and he are her lover—now an able and most val­ Broek farm Saturday and suffered a ' confer with General Arnold. I sent with his spy glass. Arnold was to re­ stout of a size It will be better for a letter to 3tnrfnret Hare on my own ued officer of the staff. A note re­ you m he In citizens' dress.’ broken rlh and severe bruises about I ceived yesterday eeys that Mis* Hare ceive e command and large pay in responsibility with the general's effi the chest, hot It Is thought there 1st communication. I Invited her to Is one of the party. We are glad to the British army. The consideration So It happened that In the darkness had been the delivery of maps show­ of the September evening Smith and was no serious injury. ■erne with the party and promise,! he able to do you this little favor.' ing the positions of Washington's men Andre, tha latter riding the blaze,! " I thanked him. her safe conduct le our house I and the plans of his forts and other fnce mar*, set out for King s Ferry, Mrs. Charles Standish of Salem “ T wish that you could go with «ipect her For the rest we look to defenses, especially those of Forts where they were tuken across the was a guest at the E. B Penland von Let ns have a wedding al head me down the river to meet her In the Putnam and Clinton and Battery river. They rode a few miles south of morning,' he said. Tint In my absence quarter» On the night of the twruty- Knox. Much other Information was the landing to the shore of Crom pond elghtll. tlenerul Washington will have It win, of course, be necessary for put In the hands of the British offl returned. He has agreed to dine with you tv be on duty. Mr». Arnold will cer Including the prospective move­ sad speot the night with a friend of Every day the sarno o'd SmUh In the morning the latter went go with me and w» »hall, I hope, bring Ut that evening '• ment* of the couinianiler In chief. He oil with Andre until they Imd pusve,) backache. Vte "I think that she must have ob­ (he young lady safely to headquarter».’ v - - t » be taken in the house of the I ’lae's bridge on the Croton river lie was preoccupied. His fice served the shadow on my face for. mats he had befriended. Andre had Theo he turned hack. woflfi a serious look There was i ' while «tie spoke, a great fear ha,I only to reach New York with his (To be continued) coiae upon tueC' he testified m the melancholy note In his tone—I had treasure and Arnold to hold the con- ' a stin iu la o t d iu re tic to the court of Inquiry "It seemed clear observed that In other talks with him flilrnce of his chief for a few days kidneys. to me that. If there was a plot, the - b u t It was a friendly tone It and. before the leaves had fallen, the Usually Is Right. capture of Washington himself .was tended to put my fears at rest. Keeping a memorandum book of war would end. The American army RINGO DRUG STORE "I sake,) the general what he to he a part of It and my sweetheart and Its mqster jnlnd would be al the ’ thing» yon ought to do. ususliv * i j jj 'f u l accMoory. ... thought of the prospects of sneers« We take pleasure in announcing that we are now ready to servo Lubricating Gasoline to the car owners oi Halsey. Look for our sign and give Lubricating Gasoline a trial. • “ 'A L U B R IC A T IN G G A S O L IN E J L U B R IC A T IN G t 3 I 0 I 1 c V « e V h c p c c if f. tl V ■ tl T ei b it n R ci A »h r< tl ol tl IM tl I n Ir ci rt tr» Io ti» p« The delivery window of the Halsey postoffice is open Suudays from 10:40 to 10:50 a. in. and 12:15 to 12:30 p. tn. Sunday m ail goes out o nly on the north-bouud 11:37 tra in : Mail goes south once a day, closing at 11:05 a. in .; north twice, closing 11:25 a. m. and 5:30 p. in .Mail stage for Brownsville. Crawfordsville and Sweet Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m. Paid-for Paragraphs (5o a lin a ) Memorial Services The I. O. 0 F. w ill hold me­ m orial service» Sunday, June 22, at 11 o'clook a. m. in one o f the x.-hurches. Everybody c o rd ia lly iovited to attend. Old papers for sale at 5c a tu n d le at the E nterprise office. through H alsey M o n d ay cu her wav to Y a - quina. McClellan Sunday. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS OREGON B. F. Goodman of Eugene was a business visitor here Monday. Mrs. J. J. Boyle passed No 17. 12 15 p. m 23, 7.26 p. m. 21. 11:32 p in. Nos. 21 and 22 stop only ii flagged. No. 14, due Halley at 5:09 p. m., stops tu let off passengers from south of Roseburg. No. 23 runs to Eugene only. No. 21 rnns to Eugene, thence Marsh­ field branch. Passengers lor south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to No. 15. B A R R E T T BROS. ALBAN Y South No. lA, 11:37 a 24. .4 27 p 22. 's:20 a. J J G A S O L IN E As ueual, the first day of th e Browusville pioneer picnic, yeater. day, had a slim attendance. The outstanding feature seemed to be the drive of the sideshows for the dimes and quarters of sm all hoys and im m ature grown-ups. F or today M ilto n M. M ille r is one of the scheduled speakers. Jack Ferrell returned to his home at Scio Monday. T H ’ OLE GROUCH T M E R E GOES TVA' GUM VJ va O 0Oe.CCNJCP V & FROM , M E TWO NC XRS A.GO A.U' AtMT PA\O \T Q M tK N E T » HES ETEPPtw’ OVJTft. VMS NOW CAR.1 tkl A KMUkltT VAEX l ÄE S T O P P U Ï MN F \S T VJlTct vais u o s e ' . . L U B R IC A T E S Arrow Garage £> GANSLE BROS., Halsey, Ore. Doan’s Kidney Pills means more things to buy Lii.n fo.wty Open Forum (P o rtla n d Oregonian) The success w ith which the L in n county open forum is meeting was proved by the large gatherings at cr.ttiinu oily m tetings last n ig ht at Pine Grove, Ash Swale, O a kville and Rivetside. Delegations from A lbany and other valley points participated. A t the Pine Grove meeting F. E. Callieter, Albany hanker, ami H. E 1 ticker ol the C b rirtla n church «ere the p rin cip a l speakers. L. G Lewelling, d is tric t a tto r­ ney, and Leonard G ilkey, manager •f the L in n county fa ir, spoke at O akville. Jim B rya nt, in whose mind was born the idea of the forum , spoke si Riverside. A t A>h Swale A. K .McMahao, Albany attorney, J. D. Potw in, editor of the Albany H erald, and R R, C ropjie, one of the p u b lith - rs of the Albany Democrat, each talked. W* have a ____________ Sawmill miles south of Brownsville, in good road. W ill saw out vour order for 115 50 a thousand. Delivered Halsev, |18. Shannon A M a rtin , R, 2, H alsey. HALSEY Iream and Proauce Station Cash paid for Cream, Poultry, E ggs, Veal & Hides, m . H- S H O O K