'T learn that General Arnold is to Dy big enemies unless lie 1» betrayed JUNE 19, 1924 AZfiwwp £)<>*eZw/>y—Continued HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E FA»E 5 by big friend? Arnold hug been put be in command here," Jack remarked In command at West Point. He hag soon after the ride began "1 have not yet announced niy In­ planned the betrayal of the army.' “ D o you know that?- 1 asked. tention. said Washington. ‘ Who told F L O R A L A M U S IC S H O p | " ‘Aa well ae I know light and dark- you?" This is goo-1 advice, “ if you live We grow our own cut flowers M M .' • A man of the name of Henry in Albany, trade in Albany ; tf you live in some other Iowa, trade la that town.' Gold banded. Rubrum and other hardy "'H a v e you told Washington T I Thornhill.” “ 'No. As yet I have had no oppor I lily bulbs now on band. “I do not know him but he is curl But in these automobile days many re «unity. I am telling him, now, through j ousl-T wel1 Informed. Arnold Is an able siding elsewhere find it advisable Iodo Nice geraniums every Saturday, at least part of their baying m the you. In his friendships he Is a sin ' ° ® cer w e h»»e not many Ilka him larger town Those who go to Albany Phone 160J gularly atubborn man. The wile« of He Is needed here for I have to go to transact business will find the firms an enemy are as an open book to him, on a long trip to eastern Connecticut named below ready to fill their require­ but those of a friend be Is not able to confer with Rocharobeau. In the ments with courtesy an 1 fairness. to iomprehend. He will discredit or event of some unforeseen crisis Ar- at lowest rate of interest. A Ibsuy Bakery, 321 Lyon street, only half believe any warning that you nold would know what to do.’’ Real Estate Insurance • * Best one-pound loaf of bread made. or I may give him. But It Is for you ’»hen Jack spoke out: "General, I Prompt service. Courteous treatment. and Solomon to warn him and be not ought to have reported to you the ex­ 5 cents. Wedding cakes to order. deceived. act words of Governor Reed. They W m B a in , RooinS, First Savings Bank “ ‘I shall turn about and ride back were severe, perhaps, even, unjust. I bnilning, Albany A l b * ny Floral Co. C ut flowers You can now obtain stopover privelejies on to camp,' I said. have not repeated them to any one . -----. 'r * ' and plants. Floral art for every 15-day roundtrip tickets between stations in ‘"T here Is no need of haste,’ be But now I think you should know their | and «11 occasions. Flower phone 45B-L Oregon which are served by Southern Pacific answered. 'Arnold does not assume full content and Judge of them In your W rite for booklet describing our 20- own way. The governor insists that command until the third of August Lines. any Electric Store. R a d io year Rural Credit Amortized Loans. "He shaded big eyes Hnd looked to­ Arnold is bad at heart— that he would sete Electric w iring Delco rig h t The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ sell his roaster for thirty pieces of sil­ This is a new service which means much to ward the west where the sun was set products 202 Second tiring the principal. Cheap raise. No ting and the low-lylug clouds were like v e r” G l in n W il l a io W m . höflich delay. you in added convenience. Washington made no reply, for a I . »»«auinginn maue , TT r :— '— ~ ~ -------- roaa-colored Islands In a golden sea, B kam L and Co , In addition, special week-end ro u n d trip and added as he hurried away down moment, and then his words seemed I A u o K l* c lr,c service— Kecbarg- 133 Lyon St.. Albany, Ore to hove no necessary relation to those I A A B batteries— W IL L A R D the road to the south: necessary relation to those tickets from all stations to Portland are on storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. of Jack Irons. " I t Is a beautiful world.’ I Second si. H. D. Preston—J.C. Cochran I sale Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, the final General Arnold has been badly ent ___________ " Too good for fighting men,’ I an return limit being the following Tuesday. swered as I sat down to finish my up In many battles,” said he. “I wish I D l u e B ird R e sta u ran t, 309 Lyon luncheon for I was still hungry. him to be relieved of all trying details. ■*-* street Eat here when m Albany. |60 And, o f course, you know how much less it _ _ O “While I ate, the tormenting thought You are an able and prudent man. 1 | Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8 M bs . B lount . costs to travel on Southern Pacific trains than came to me that I had neglected to shall make you hla chief aide with ask for the source of his Information the rank of brigadier generaL He it does to go in any other way, comparable in Shoes that cost less per month ot wear or for hla addresa. It was a curious needs rest and will concern himself B R U N S W I C K convenience and comfort. 1J PHO NO G RAPH S oversight due to bis masterly manner little with the dally routine. In my at and that sense of the guarded tongue absence, you will be tbe superinten­ Set any agent fc r fu ll information W O O D W O R T H 'S which an ordinary mortal la apt to feel dent of the camp, and subject to or­ W h y s u f fe r fr o m ders I shall leave with you. Colonel Fkavenport Music company offers In the pretence of a great personality. headache? Blnkus will be your helper. I hope Piano-cate organ, good as new 1 had been. In a way. self-bridled aDd H ave y o u r e y e s that you may be able to keep your­ Estey organ, good as new eautloue In my speech, as I have been self on friendly terms with the gen­ Used Pianos. e x a m in e d wont to be In the presence of Wash eral.” Ington himself. I looked down the C^sstburn Bros.— Two big grocery C . P. M O O D Y , Halsev, A g e n t- Phons 220 road ahead. The stranger had rounded Jack reported to the commander in I stores, 212 W. First and 225 South I a bend and was now hidden by the chief the warning of Thornhill, but Main. Good merchandise at the right j Optometrist, with prices. bush. I hurried through my repast, the former made light of It. F. M. F r e n c h a S o ns bridled my horse and set off at a gal­ The air Is full of evil gossip,” he p plite Cafeteria mid confectionery ' lop expecting to overtake him, but to said. “You may hear It of me.” JEWELERS—OPTICIANS Home cooking. Pleasant surround- | my astonishment he had left the road. When they rode up to headquarters ir.gs. Halsey Happtningt ate. Courteous, efficient service. Albany, Oregon I did not see him again, but his words Arnold was there. To Jack's surprise We make our own candies. (Continued from pa|,o,lt« their studies thnn any of their fellows, in the Woodworth drug store In A l­ stances. Having been a patriot and splendid figure, well fitted with a cos All work done promptly and reason­ and ware In better physical condition I i ll*) Candy Co., First street, next ban)'. a money lender the war had Impover­ tume that reminded him of the court | door to Blain Clothing Co. than any of those who had eaten the ably. Iffione No. 269 ished him. My own horse was worn ladles In France. preecribed diet. Noon lunches. M r and Mrs. Geotye F. Schroll and by overwork and so I proposed a trade Home made candy and ice Cream. Interesting as this experiment was, What a contrast to the worn, daughter Helen. Miss Elizabeth Os- and offered a sum to boot which he patched uniforms to be seen la that It by no means settled the question si hurne, M ist Ruth Finley and W. J. ub Cleaning W orks, Inc. - t n: j » • to w h it constitutes a correct diet. promptly accepted. I came back up cutup!” he lidded. cor. Fourth «mi Ly«« the north road with the handsome, Some decades ego, 3’olt, working on Ribelin attended the Brush -Creek Boon after the dinner began, Mrs. Master Dyers sod Cleaners high-headed mare under my saddle Arnold »aid to the young man. "We the subject of metabolism, proved that picnic Tuesday. ce n sed E m b alm er Made-To-M easure Clothes The next night I stopped with one have heard of your romance. Colonel Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. for every gram of protein eaten there Reuben Smith near the northern limit nDd Mrs. Hare and their young daugh­ I f you have frien d s they should runi and fam ily most result a production of 4.1 calo- . drove over* ___ Lady Attendant of tbe neutral territory below Stony ter spent a week In our home In Phil­ A have y riea of heat; for every gram of fat, a l ° lib a tio n Saturday to attend the your photograph. Rrowns ville...................................Oregon Point. Smith bad prospered by sell adelphia on their first trip to the col Clifford's Studio production of 0.3 calories of heat; and strawberry festival. They also vis- 333 West First street. Al bun v. Ing supplies to the patriot army, I onles. Later Mrs. Hare wrote to my so on. At once the enthuelasts thought ited at the home of Ray Fruni They had heard that he was a Tory and mother of their terrible adventure In the diet question M illed f„r all time returned home Sunday A l l r n a i tsAAxrtasvl ♦ «% l , o e a .1 ,1 _ 1 w . L- W R IG H T so I wished to know him, I found the great north hush and spoke of Mar­ M A G N E T O E L E C T R IC CO. All you needed to do, t they M id, was a to *•”* Official Stromberg carburetor eerv- I him a rugged. Jovial, long-haired man garet's attachment for the handsome determine how many calorie* of heet Mrs, Chester OsE-irne and daugh­ ice station. Conservative prices All Mortician & Funeral Director of middle age, with a ready ringing boy who had helped to rescue them, work guaranteed. you needed per day, and then ent ter M ist Elizabeth Osburne of New­ 119-121 W. Second. | Halsey and Harrisburg laugh. His Jokes were spoken In a so 1 have some right to my Interest In enough to produce that many calories port are visiting at the home of Mrs. |C alt D T a vlok , Halsey, or low lone and followed by quick, ster­ you. I happen to know a detail in m a r nkllo parlors A b egg would produce 100 calories of Eliza Brandon. They also attended W. L. W r ig h t , Harnsburg (A beauty aid loe every, need) torous breathing and roars and ges­ your story which may be new to you heat and an apple would produce 100 St. Francie Hotel tures of appreciation. calories— you could eat either. Then the Pioneer picnic at Brownsville. Miss Hare Is now with her father in Prop I nca H au ck | "lie looked my mare over carefully New York.” somebody discovered that the diet moat W e consider that Wear-ever alum­ before he led her to the stable. be balanced—so much protein, so much "In New Y o rk!” en and money are best when inum fryin g pan the best of those "Next morning ss he stood by her fat, end eo much starch. Stilt later, Otldso! In New York! We heard busy. Make /o u r dollars work m head, he asked If I would sell her. some one discovered a vitamin—they premiums that we offer for suhscrip- in Philadelphia that she and her moth­ our savings department. A lbany S ta TK “ 'You couldn't afford to own that er hnd sailed with Sir Roger Waite I d B ank . Under government supervision have found four of them up to date— tions. The supply of the frying pants O rt a m ib h wnw TUfcr mare,' I said. I f you want one, take and proved that one could not hope to is limited. March. How Jolly It would he If the W OM 1 NOt) *A O V R D V 4C 8S ^ J O O R E ’S M U S IC H O U S E " I had touched hla vanity. In fact general and I could bring yon logeth remain in good health unless the food >1.60 and come early. a e e u x -rut«» mjux iw most I did not realize how miteh he had er and have a wedding at baadquar eaten contained enough vitamins. Just PBOORlSStVi TCNJU Aaxxjw', Everything musical' Mr. and Mra. George Tycer from made by his overcharging. He was ters!” j at present tbe correct diet seem* to 223 W. First st A M ' M O W > , K ICK A M ' mots better able to own her than I and ( be back where It wee a quarter cen- Portland, who have been visiting a t *T could think of no greater happi­ ACklW F/Wf h a pr o / mrwy i tury ago—we eat more lettuce and less the home of Mrs. Tyeer’a parents. that be proposed to show me. ness save that of seeing the end of the I ]W pJrpby Motor Co, B m ck and cold slaw, more spinach and less dande­ Mr. and Mrs. John Bressler, returned "Ha offered for her another horse war.” Jack 0RCUT IT eOBTR NA A UL t «„ i , answered. | i v l Chevrolet autoniobiles. Tires and and a sum which caused roe to take hNOwei, AM' WtlVA SMUFT lion and poke weed, more citrus fruit home Saturday. Mra. Bressler ac­ The w ar! That Is a little matter. accessories. Albany, Oregon. Phons 240. account of my situation. The money I want to see a proper end to thia 'YafcT&E OMl j and less borne preserved fruit Juice»— companied them for * visit. but tbe essential value* are the same. would be a help to me. However, I love story.” oscoe ames hardware In view of our present voluminous shook my head. He Increased hla of­ She laughed and ran to the splnnet the R. A. Templeton and fam ily, ac­ fer, writings on the subject of diet, It Is out W IN C H ESTER STOR E and sang "Shepherds, I Have Lost My companied by Mrs. Templeton’s Interesting to turn back to the times " ‘What do you want of her?’ I Love.” 322 W. First st B. Huston, and of Socrates and find out whnt thnt mother, Mrs. J. asked. Jack and Solomon exercised unusual Danley of s. G IL B K R I A SON philosopher thought a proper diet for brother-in-law, Joseph " T v e always wanted to own a hoss care In guarding the camp and organ­ * Builders’ sad shelf hardware, gar­ * genuine and healthy people. He Portland, were in town Tuesday on. like that,' he answereu. izing for defense In rase of attack. den tools crockery sod glastwsre made the basts of such a diet bread their way to their home In Coburg. ” 'I Intended to keep the mare,' said It was soon after Washington's depart­ New Stock. New low prices. and cake* of wheat and barley, and I. 'But If you will treat her well and ure that Arnold went sway on the roed Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Straley and added "something to relish their food: give her s good home I shall let you to me south. Solomon followed, keep- I C T IM 8 O N T H E S H O E D O C TO R salt, no donht, and olives and chevee, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ma raters ar« have her.’ 1 Second street, opposite Hamilton's Ing out of his field of vision. The gen­ together with the country fere of rapidly recovering from the cuts and " 'A man who likes s good Joke will eral returned two days later Solomon store. boiled onions and cabbage W e shell brvises they suffered in an automo­ "Sodden Service.” never drive a spavined hoes,' be an­ came Into Jack's hut about midnight also aet before them a dessert, I Im bile accident. Mr. Straley, with thred swered merrily. of the day of Arnold's return with Im­ " H R M A R G U E R IT E S H O P H sglne, of figs and peas and beans; and "So It happened that tbe mare portant news. broken riba, the most seriously in­ Shampooing. M arcelling sad Scalp they may roast myrtleberrlea and N'aney fell Into the hands of Reuben Margaret Countryman, Jack waa at his desk studying s Treatment.. baerhnuta at tb * fire, taking wine with jured, left the hospital Saturday and Smith." came home. map of the Highland.. The camp waa Glebe I heater bldg Rhone I MJ Prop their fruit In moderation." at rest. The candle la Jack's hut aldo Anderson A Sou, diatrib- CHAPTER X X V II No contract has been let for thff was the only sign of life around head­ ntors and dealers for Maxwell, Chaî­ Several million salmon that have quarters when Solomon, having put out the A lb a n y bridge. T h e c itv m A ner!, Essea. Hodson fit Hapmobils car a Love sod Treason. been hatched out and been in the hla horse, came to talk with hla young Accessories. Sopnliee 1st A Broadalbin, county authorities disagree with the When Jack and Solomon returned ponds of the fish hatchery at Me­ friend He stepped close ta the desk, to headquarters, Arnold end his wife New state road commission a* to who e*A«4e3 swallowed nervously and began his | and hama for several months, have been shall pay for damage done to proper­ were settled In a comfortable house whispered report used overlooking the river. Colonel Irons released into the river, and the hatch­ ty by the building of the bridge and 'Suthln' neevarloue be golu on.” be | made his report. The commander In bought sold and exchanged at all bases The Chautauqua p la/ert finished ery will now be placed in readiness how the difference between the coat their engagement at Brownsville on to receive the new eggs which will and the estimated coat shall be di­ the young man to make a tour of the B E N T. S U D T E L L AS' ?®c«f Monday and took the train her* for be taken at the recite near Detroit vided. camp la hie company. They mounted Arnold neat tb 2 *rl I Pbone 74-R, 123 N. Broadalbin st, Albany Stayton to fill their next engagement. thia fall. • •» tb lir horses end _rode sway together (Continued * • page a) (Continued on page 4) ^/^b a n yj^7 )ire cto ry H ALLS’ FARM LOANS Low R o u n d trip L ocal Fares < FARM LOANS Û < SERVICE * S o u th e rn Pacific 8. T. FRENCH W ith the H igh S ch ool C lassics The Transparent Frame _ , Meade & Albro, F. M. GRAY, D R A YM AN D ELB ER T STA R R Funeral Director and Ll H T TH* OLE GROUCH M' , R ! S T W FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY S illiw S ia w s