t FAG il 4 H AI-5BY ENTERPRISE JUNE It. i* M Best Premiums Ever Offered for Single Subscriptions | is not such as would tem pt A live newspaper man to acquire it with a view to m aking it his life work. If my call to leave this life should come tomorrow I believe Halsey would be left w ithout a newspaper. Two years ago, when I feared financial difficul­ ties would force me out of the business, I found it impossible If 1000 people should sub­ scribe for the E nteiprise, and pay their $1500 in advance, it would become an eight-page pa­ since speech was first u se d .lor Wl11 wr'tteo. per or larger at once. fiction has held a high place' Each of these stoilea. in book It would give them as much among the influences that have form, would cost more than a fiction as any eastern magazine tended to the diffusion o f 'y e a r ’s subscription to the En- and of a better quality, educa­ knowledge of ethics and of | .erprise, but our subacnbeis tionally and morally. The laudable ambition. The folk j e t them as a free g ift with the stories it publishes are by the to get a buyer, even at a con­ lore of every race is full of it. (current news for the sake of W’e are in the field for more scriber speciflaally renews It. ablest uplift writer» of the day The earliest writings we know which they take the pacer. subscriptions. We want to be ■ Any present subscriber who and are covered by copyright— siderable sacrifice, though there appeared to be plenty of oppor­ These are all copyrighted able to address a larger clien- is not in arrears may take his contain it. It holds a place in the sacred books of every re­ tories by the best talent in the tele during the coming political choice from the premium list not old worn-out effusions of tunity to sell the plant for re­ the past. moval to larger and more prom­ ligion and comprises a larg< action field. campaign. With this object in for every new subscription he It would publish current dis­ ising towns where success seem­ p art of every popular library of view we are making more liber- brings in, with $1.50. and the A STRAIGHT TALK coveries and accomplishments today. al premium offei-s than were new subscriber will also receive on Willamette valley farm s. Its ed more probable. The people of Halsey and the When the prophet was sent to I want the patrons of the ever made before or probably the same prize. agricultural page would be a paper and o ther supply firms ev>ide King David for obtaining Enterprise to know th at I ap­ ever will be made again. These Any paid-in-advance subscrib- place for the exchange of idea« another m an’s wife by guile he preciate the business It has en­ o ffe rs hold good only during er who brings In two name» and among farm ers who have ideas with which I did business sur­ told him a story about a lamb, joyed since I became connected June, 1924. ($3 may have two of the pre- based on practical Oregon ex prised me by the kindness with which they continued th eir fa­ and when the king’s interest .vith it, August 1. 1921. I Every new subscriber who miums for himself and each of perience. vors and waited until I was able was fully aroused he thundered, .hank you. during June pays $1.50 for the the newcomer» m»y have one. It would publish m any home to satisfy th e claim» of credi­ ’ Thou a rt the m an:’’ The I came to Halsey with plans Enteiprise one year may have Any person entitled to two hints th a t would be of value to tors. lamb story was fiction. or very considerable inw iove-! hi» choice of the premiums list premiuns may have, in their stead the housewife. These and None of us has a lease of any When Jesu» wished to impart nent of the paper. "ntesc ed below, except Professor a copy of Prof. Horner’» Short many other features which it term of life, but if my term a lesson with especial force he jLans included enlargm ent to Horner’s history. The sub- History of Oregon. is now unable to finance in should extend a few years into told a parable. That was fic ight pages and the addition of scription, to win the prize, m ust Any subscriber who is in ar tion, and the messages of the eatures in agriculture, home be received during June. TTiese rears may become eligible to their potential e n t i r e t y are the future I have hopes of car­ paiabies— the novels of Jesus-— eeping, uplifting fiction and subscriptions will be kept in a draw prizes for procuring new among its objectives, and the rying out th e interrupted plans more general the response to its laid when I came to Halsey and have been thundering through >ther fields. separate list and every paper cash subscriptions by paying appeal for increased support placing the business of the E n­ a ll the centuries since. The paper was promptly will be discontinued when the his own subscription to or be­ tfiae sooner they will take their terprise upon such a basis th a t Fiction does its moral and hanged from four five-column year expires unless the sub- yond July 1, 1924. full place in its columns. it will be attractive to some educational work wherever men ages to six pages of six col- We reproduce the following good newspaper man when I lay and women live and move and imns each, but domestic afflic- from the H arrisburg Bulletin it down. This will require some love and hate, are born and die. ion, with its accompanying xcause it fits every small town tim e yet and much hard work. .ecuniary cost, soon compelled As in everything else there ■vith a newspaper. Read “En­ If I get th e form er I am pre­ recession to four pages, is a best and a worst, and all terprise” for “Bulletin” and pared to give the latter, and •tough the six-column size was gradations between, in fiction. W ear-Ever is the best alumi­ ‘Halsey” for "H arrisburg and these, w ith the support and We take it th a t the best fiction ot cut down. patronage of the good people of num goods made. It is pro­ it will fit this city: The friends of the paper a n d . • , i » is th at which has the greatest “The money brought into ibis community, will mean SUC­ duced under enormous pressure, influence for good upon the ts publishers stood by them in I ¿Seven-inch H eav y which gives a very hard, com- H arrisburg from outside adver­ CESS. he hour of need and its total ■ J lives of the greatest number of more than offsets all the WM. H. W HEELER at one Wear-Ever Aluninum from soft sheets and soon wears tising people. Probably the parables money spent for paper, ink, eemed imminent, was avoided. _ _ o f Jesus are entitled to be class­ out. Cast ware is lighter than type and other supplies. Added A STRAIGHT TALK the load of debt which f TVing P an ed as the best fiction in any age or Slowly pressed, containing many min to this is an ever increasing some m onths accumulated, J ° of the world. ute cavities into which the few revenue from subscribers who (Continued from column 2) as reduced. Creditors w e re ! Good and bad fiction is being impurities th a t can damage reside outside of H arrisburg inient and friends gave their I The people of Halsey have produced today in greater vol aluminum find their way ant territory. upport and the business is stood loyally by the E nterprise ume than ever before. Thous­ "The Bulletin is the best work for its ultim ate destruc­ back to the footing through all its vicissitudes. ands are employed in inventing early medium of bringing the home tion. Aluminum i» the best here fu rth e r improvements | W ith the exception of about and recording it. kitchen ware and W ear-Ever is >uyer and the home seller to­ three, every business in the The Enteiprise is publishing an be made. gether. The columns tell each the best aluminum. In accordance with the plans] town is represented in its ad­ some of the best stories of its veek of the reliable goods which vertising column«, a situation Every housewife knows the our tim e . Its fictio n is carefully dopted a t the first, every pos- home m erchants offer, ible dollar of the income is E n i l f - n i m r t virtues of enameled ware— fimely store news, and bargain th at would be hard to find a selected with a view to its in till being put into the busi- free from rust, easy to keep ifferings. The Bulletin stim u­ match for in any town on the fiuence in education and in up­ coast. Subscribers continue to clean. The fresh berry ant lates business. holding moral and ethical stand­ ess the proprietor being will- G ra y E n am eled _ fruit season will soon be here, ards of value to old and young, ng to work hard and constant- o “The Bulletin is all for H ar­ come in w ith renewals and kind When you have a surplus over risburg. Every item of news words year a fte r year. I be­ especially the young people, in y for a ixu-e living and trust to P reserving K ettle ° lieve there is ahead a better home consumption you will not schools and out. Painting in he futuie. Notwithstanding the fact want to let it stand-and spoil nust savor of home interest to Halsey, a b e tte r Linn county, a vivid colors the characteristics hat the cost of paper, ink, coni-| Put it on the range in this little ind a place in these columns better Oregon and a better En­ of people who have won love □»¡ lull and u lliu r p iiu tin g utlica kettle while there is a fire for ¿very w orthy project is given terprise. and eternal fame in history, out WM. H. W HEELER, other purposes, and fill a ja r ree publicity and these columns w riters in c ite to emulation of " f it t» s till u bo utd o ub le w lia t i l l a» before the war, and th a t the dr two for use next winter, u e open to all who would ad Publisher. lofty ideal". rance H arrisburg's welfare in when it will be so delicious. A story dealing with A bra­ iitu rp rite i» paying fur more i public way. Few country ham Lincoln’s early life, pub­ ypeeetting than ever Lefure, the T H ’ OLE GROUCH Handy when there are a few icwspapers in towns the size of lished in these columns some­ iibseriptiun price hag been kept Small Gray Enameled dishes to wash or on a hundred larrisburg devote as many time ago, was so true in details m m tu the o ld -tim e level, $1 50 I G o s h , b o m c folks other occasions when a goou- »1 urn ns to pure home news. year in advance. E lT n a n th at people of the older genera­ AROUND HFP.£ VET WtElB I here is no inteu tiun of c o n tin .] *-y * u i i p a i i sized vessel is needed about The editorials are not borrowed tion found many incidents in mg the bu»int-H at it» present itio r RON WILD DAT Ml' ir stolen, and H arrisburg se­ the house, it which their memory com N IG H T A W T H E N EXPECT •uenaions There in »anguine cures much publicity by the mended as conscientious records xpectatiun th a t it w ill expand to Good for the afternoon at frequency with which they are SNMPATHT \F T H ' K\OS of .actual events. George W. ne proportion» contemplated three Two Matinee Tickets any regular-price show a t the copied in other papers." GtT IWrtO TROUBLE \ Shaw of this city, who was Globe theatre, Albany. Daily publications a t the cars ago— the production of 1'iinuliar with the territory that Made by the Elite Confection­ rounty seat make a laudable e f­ was Lincoln’s early home, was n eight-page news and rural 1 pound Peanut Brittle fort to give as good a local ome paper, working for better ery, Albany, and packed in one of these. I Halsey news service as the Hal- times, better farms, better 'nice box. A nother of our stories, "The ev Enteiprise. By combining ving conditions in this natural Strength of the Pines,” tallied Who does not enjoy chocolate uch a news service with the aradise. 1 pound Chocolate with the experience of people creams. Here is a whole general news which a small It' this could not be done t h e . . who had dwelt along the coast pound free to every new cash veekiy is unable to cover, a t a ublisher’s recourse for re- G l e a m C a n d y regions of southern Oregon subscriber during the month of •rice only a dollar or two high­ overy of his investment would 1 J and northern California. June. And if the new name er than th a t of the Enteiprise, e to sell the subscription list "The Secret Adversary,” pub and cash are brought in by an .hey would be able to secure lished in the latter part ol nd good will to a publisher in old subscriber whose subscrip­ subscriptions from some local ome near-by town, who would 1928, was a thrilling story of tion is not in arrears the lat­ >eople who do not take the En- detective work in the world tobably in time consolidate eiprise and from many who do. ter gets another pound. he two papers and leave Hal- war. This is a case of praiseworthy -y without one, and then sell I i i t n 1 z^l L zT "The Bi-own Mouse,” which One of the most popular nterprise on the p art of their he printing outfit to some am-1 I ID. r v O y d l V-IUD C ^O ltee appeared in these columns re brands of high-grade coffee on publishers. But they never can eently, had to do with a de­ itious young man who wants the m arket. over half of the local field that velopment in American life that o sta rt a newspaper in some -he home town paper covers, tiger town th at has none. ¡Valid order on the M. has already effected wonderful tnd those who neglect their I do not expect this to hap- changes and is due to acconi lome paper for such a service j»!ish .1 still greater work in ett. I f the good health with V . Koontz store for ire thus sending out of town hich I have been blessed con- changing for the better the noney which if spent a t home nues I believe it possible to 5 Oc in goods conditions under which the CMSAU5 vould enable the local publisher b great mass of Americans—the take the Enterprise so a ttru c -1 o make a better paper, one ive to hundreds of people out- farming population -live. See premium« in our window. vhich would be more of a cred- r- i n •, The great men of the days of ide the immediate vicinity of I i j and an advertisem ent to the te little town and ¡ts 339 in- I dozen L agle r e n c ii the birth of this republic. lome town. th at it will soon ac- rt* » 1 \/p | J •! W ashington, Franklin, Adams ■abitants uire such a list of subscribers ] L.O . S 1 V llK d d O p e n c i l s And when a question arises and th e ir conlrorea, an well a which the interests of the s will attach to it several Treatment, both the traito r Arnold, George the olumns more of advertising tome town conflict with those local and internal, and hat been lucceaa- Third and some of the promin­ nd thus make it one of the if the other, as will inevitably ful in the treatment o f Catarrh for ovet ent British officers, are brought ¡ourishing institutions of Ore- >e the case sometimes, which forty year«. Sold by all druggists. before our readers for close-uj jon. » p e r can you depend upon to F. I. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio inspection in the story now run­ et fully before the public the Advertising is the depart- Any paid-in-advance sub­ laims of your own town? ning: “In the Days of Pool nent of a newspaper which scriber, or anybody who be­ Ridhard.” Every school pupil ays the bills. The subscrip- Prof. Horner’s Twelve years ago, when Hal­ comes such, who turns in two ey had no newspaper, the peo- can get help in the study of ions hardly cover the cost of American history, together with vhite paper and press work, Short History of Oregon new subscriptions to the E nter­ >le enthusiastically welcomed prise, with $3, while each of he proposal to establish one Constant gas causes inflammation »he charm of a w e ll-w rittn vhereas there are many other the new subscribers gets choice lere and pledged enough sup­ whieh may involve the aopendia. Sim­ romance, in this story. terns of expense. The cost of of the premiums, may have, port to induce Mr. Dean to be- ple glycerine, bnckhorn bark, etc., as We would like nothing liettei etting type Is mote than all for the service, two of the above ?in publication of the E nter­ mixed in Adlerika helps any case gas than to see every young readei he other expenses combined, premiums, or, if he prefers, a prise. If the town should be on the stomach in T E N minutes. Most of the Enterprise grow up s tnd I believe th a t I have used act only on lower bowel, but copy of H om er’s new and up- eft again without a newspaper A medicines dlerika aets on B O T H upper and true American citizen -an d none of this expensive oompo- to-date Early History of Ore­ he disadvantage of such a situ- lower bowels and removes all gas and nothing b e tte r could happen tc .ition every week than had gon, which sells for $1. This ition would soon become appar- poisons. Excellent for obstinate con- them . •ver l>een used in the Enter- stipation and to guard against appendi* book summarizes in an authori­ nt. With all kinds o f p n n t-|c i itia . Our next serial will probably nise liefore I came. TTiis was tative m anner the natural phe- ng material, as type, presses, See these Premiums RINGO DRUG STORE lie a tru e tale of the Black Hill» lone to k etp the paper on as ...i and artificial achieve- tc., and also of typesetting and . Indian war, the Custer inassa ligh a level of serviceabiliy as nU, piehistoric and modem, paper, costing twice as much ere and the Deadwood gold xissible, thus holding as many in the Enterprise Office which led up to the founding is they did then it would re- rush, by Hugh Poindexter, who mt rotis as possible, till the time of the commonwealth of Ore­ juire much greater inducements > Window gave much tim e lo stu d ying ltv hould come when the oonteni- gon. to secure the establishment of ■ Lanndrv sent Tuesdays locality and interviewing par dated improvements would be publication office here than I ticipants in the events, and who tract icable. Agency Hub Cleaning Works t did a dozen year* ago. presents, in the guise of fiction. \C o «U n o tJ id column b) The business in Halsey today j A B E'S P L A C E FICTION IN THE BIBLE ------------ probably the moat correct hi» lory of those phases with which W herever hum anity has been he d»*l» that ever Lave been I PROSPECTS DISCUSSED Here They Are H a ll’s C a ta rrh Medicine Special Gas O n Stomach M a y Cause Appendicitis A Modern Barber Shop These Offers Expire June 30 *