T he Gleveland JUNE 19. I9.M HALSEY RNTERPRISS _ Where tv e Got Her Name. TAOfc J A Loud.-n music hall nomologist Vpon taking over the gavel wheu Chairman Mondell of the convention clear« up seme Bible history thus: the 'onveniiun assembled tor the j cbairniaa ot •ke committee to notify Adam ”•«» so called because he didn't second day's session, Permanent I Preaid nt Coolidge of hia nomination care his earner ».ike what became of M ary S u cceed s Chairman Frank W. Mondell of Wyo- . and to appoint Theodore K. Burton him and he christened her Eve when chairman of the committee to notify she arrive* because she brought his Reaffirms Traditional Policies tning in his speech admonished repub­ on M ain S treet ; Charles 6. Dawes Named Run­ dsys of happiness to a close.”—Suc­ licans to see to It that only those who Qeneral Dawes of his ncinination. and Declares for Member­ cess. By LAURA MILLER ning Mate After Frank 0. are "republicans in principle as well ship in World Court. as In name" be elected to congress. Lowden Declines. A prolonged demonstration for Presi © • I M S . by L a u r a M i l l a r dent Coolidge started when Charlea The platform reaffirms the tradi­ THE SEEDS OF SUCCESS Cleveland, Ohio.—It required only B. Warren, chairman of the resolutions tional party policies, condemns mis one roll call to formally confer upon committee, reading his report, men conduct In office regardless of party, If you aren't thrilled and spurred Calvin Coolidge the republican nomin­ tioned the president. declare« for membership in the world by this letter from Clarice Elliott, ation for the presidency. Charles G. Through all the demonstration for court as recommended by President Hoquiam (no, I don t know how to Dawes of Illinois was nominated for the president and the platform the Coolidge, suggests that farm prices pronounce It, either). Wash., I'm din- appointed in you. the vice-presidency after the conven­ delegates from Wisconsin remained should be brought to a parity with Four years ago my husband and tion had nominated Frank O. Lowden, silently in their seats, taking no part those of the products farmers buy, youngest boy were suddenly taken ex-governor of Illinois, and he had re­ and ignoring the cat calls, hisses, jeers ' «> end does not mention the bonus or from me by Influenza, leaving uie to fused to accept. There was really and shouts directed toward them from Japanese exclusion. recover from the shock, and get back no contest at all for the first place on the marching throng and from the gal The important planks summarized my own strength after that dread dla- the ticket, for it was a foregone leries. are us follows: ease; and bring up another little son The Coolidge marchers, however, conclusion long before the gavel fell Declares for strict economy In ad of six In tbe way hia father would on the opening day of the convention were determined to get the Wiscon ministration of government and laud» wish. With no training other than n that no other candidate would receive sin delegation on Its feet and It final fair education, of course the first Idea republican administration In reducing was that I should prepare myself foe eerioua consideration, and he was nam ly accomplished it by forming a circle taxation and public debt. office work. Just at this time an elder­ ed to head the ticket by one of the around them and singing the Star Fledges progressive reduction of ly lady, the representative of an In­ largest majorities ever given by a Spangled Banner. taxes and endorses plan of Fresident surance company In Aberdeen, wan The La Toilette delegates solemnly republican national convention. Coolidge to call a national conference looking for some one to take an No other name was formally placed rose and stood at attention through­ to devise methods ot lightening tax agency here. Through a mutuul friend before the convention, but twenty- out the singing and then stolidly re site heurd of me. burden. eight of the twenty nine Wisconsin Burned their chairs while the demon­ said Mr. Timson, "like all other in "Now about the only thing I knew Favors comprehensive reorganiza­ votes and six from North Dakota were stration for Coolidge proceeded. R io a p < ;f F i c k R n c in A Q S dustrles which prepare food products tion of executive departments and about life Insurance was that I had La Follette Platform Rejected. L,16fec l)l 1 U U S lI i e S S have long recognised the need foi cast for Senator Robert M. LaFollette, for collected Mr. Elliott's. As far as com­ employing the most modern methods bureaus and enforcement of merit sys panies were concerned, they were all The convention adopted its plat­ and ten South Dakota delegates, fol­ available. Every leader of the lndus- tern in civil service. alike It wus Just my good fortune lowing their primary instructions, vot­ form, as reported by the resolutions Refuses to consider cancellation of to fall Into the hands of the beat committee, and rejected the La Poi , Congress Considering Problem £ ed tor Senator Hiram Johnson. for the comfort and happiness ot the foreign debts and stands for settle company lu the world. No one but lette planks presented from the Wis­ of Conserving Nation’s Salmon I men who do the actual work. Al­ ment with all debtor countries on (be kord himself nnd my mother will consin delegation. though our business is a seasonal one, Supply in Alaskan Waters. Chairman Warren of the resolutions which necessarily Involves many basis similar to that made with Great ever know f*>e struggle I had to make myself stick to It. There Is nothing committee, read the platform as it troublesome problems, we spend Britain. Reaffirms belief In protective tariff In tbe world harder than to try to ba finally was approved and moved Its INDUSTRY IS CO-OPERATING thousands of dollars annually In mak­ ing living conditions In Alaska the and in the elastic provision adopted in a nmlter-of fnct business woman In a adoption. Representative Cooper of I man's office, «hen you cau Just sea tariff act of 1922. Wisconsin presented the La Follette Greatest Possible Attention Given to best possible for our workmen. him feeling sorry for you. Cleanliness a Great Factor platform and spoke in its support. Mr. Stands tor agreement among nations Cleanliness and the Com fort of “And 1 hud no training whatsoever, *'0ur association Is ever on the to prevent war and preserve peace and I was given a rate book nnd a kit of the Men Engaged in Great iVarren made no extended arguments alert to avail Itself of the most mod­ Fishing Industry. literature and told to go after tt. I against the La Follette planks, merely ern methods and machinery. Can­ endorses permanent court of interna didn’t know one kind of policy from reminding the convention that the [ „ neries are kept clean and every care tional justice and adherence to this Platform as brought In from the com w ate%t th* T ' ? tribunal as recommended by President another. I studied when I couldn't »..a >. , . ,n salmon packing. The greatest fish- Is taken to see that the highest state Coolidge. make myself go out and face people» mlttee had been approved by every ,ng lg done the w a t e r s t h o north. ot sanitation Is reached. We realise If you were to mention me as one of the necessity of keeping abreast of Advocates calling of a conference on the successful writers of Insurance I member except the member front Wis western territory and along the shores the times and only by the most Im­ consln and that the committee’s sctioc of Puget Sound and the Colombia ihe limitation of land forces, tbe use proved canning methods are we able of submarines and poison gas as pro should only be ridiculous. I think, might be considered a fair cross sec- I River. however, I am counted a success In to retain the confidence that we havo Congress has long wrestled with tion of the sentiment of the conven­ posed by President Coolidge. my own community. 1 know that suc­ long enjoyed from the public. the problem ot conservation of the tion. Lauds friendly adjustment of dlf cess Is In the fact that I conquered "The Alaska Packers' Association While the selection of the candidate salmon In Alaskan waters. A bill has always been foremost In the In­ ferences with Mexico. myself, my own feora, and made my- - „ ,. . i which probably will be enacted this for president was a mere formality session. sponsored hy Secretary Her- dustry In recognizing the need for Recognises adverse agricultural con svtf do things." the naming of a candidate for vice- bert Hoover of the Department of carrying out wall established prin­ ditlons have brought about distress ciples of sanitation. We believe the and pledges party to take whatevei president provoked a spirited contest, We’ve been telling our reader», comfort and happiness of the ineu resulting in the nomination of Charles whom we employ In our Alaskan can­ steps necessary to bring back balanc from week to week, about Marya O. Dawes of Illinois, but his nomina neries Is essential If we are to produce ed conditions between agriculture, In tlon came only after the convention an article of food which will continue dustry and Inbor and reorganization who have auccaeded on Main had once chosen former Governor Low to meet the approval of the consumer.1 of market system on sounder and more street. Not all the successful den of Illinois, who declined to accept Many ot the larger canning com economical lines. C A L V IN C O O LID G E women, by a great number, have the place. panics In Alaska pay particular at- Pledges continuation of policy of co faced the heartless grind and Who Received the Republican Nomina j tentlon to hospital facilities at their Eight candidates were placed in tlon for President. canneries. The buildings are up-to- operation with the stages In highway crush of great cities. We have nomination and the ballots on the firs' date and fitted with modern equip building. When the secretary announced the roll call were divided among the four Commends congress for adoption ot Marys here nt home. The adver­ ment Employees and resident na total vote, the chairman of the South leaders, Lowden, Kenyon, Dawes and tlves alike are treated without charge constitutional amendment authorizing tising columns of the Enterprise Dakota delegation got the platform Burton of Ohio. Many delegations legislation on child labor and urges tell you of some of them. Among Curious Habits of Salmon and said that South Dakota, having voted for favorite sons as a compli­ Red salmon are principally caught prompt consideration by state legists business enterprises conducted by during three monAs of the year— tures. kept Its primary pledge, was willing to ment, while others divided their votes | the fair six and represented in June, July and August Fleets of sail Pledges continuance of successful make It unanimous. Delegate Scott, among various candidates. A switch of 78 votes from Pennsyl Ing vessels and other craft leave Fa efforts of republican administration to | this week s paper are the H slsej the only Coolidge man In the Wiscon cific Coast ports each spring loaded drugstore and at the county me­ (tin delegation, also moved to make it vania to Theodore E. Burton on th' with men who engage in the salmon eliminate seven day, 12-hour week ir Industry. unanimous, but the 28 loyal La Fol­ second ballot gave the nomination tc tropolis the Blue bird restaurant, fishing In Alaskan waters. Lowden. Favors a careful and scientific re Hall’s Floral and Music Shop, Al­ lette men gave a chorus of “noes” to Naturally among the most prolific Lowden Declines Nomination. the vote. of the fish family, the salmon may be adjustment of railroad rates with a bany Floral Company, Marinello When Chairman Mondell Informed I Alaska Salmon Leaping Falls Coolidge's name was presented to relied upon to reproduce Its kind If view to encouragement of agriculture * that ™ Mr. Lowden, — , iv e n a r fair a ir chance, cnance a no m is horn and this both the and basic industries without Imporlng Parlors and Marguerite Shoppe. the convention by Dr. Marion Leroy the hi. convention h„„.„ . from . i Commerce, Is designed to safeguard e * given ''en a a lalr cnance, ana mis twin Women are partner» or trusted Burton, president of the Michigan uni­ his home in Oregon, 111., sent word | the Ala(ika ga|mon f()r (hIg aU(, fututc I government officials and packers art railroad service. determined the salmon shall have Stands against all attempts to pu‘ woiko « in many other businesses versity. Dr. Burton, a former resident that he positively refused to accept generations. When the average housewife takes The guardlana of the people’s Inter the government Into business and op of the president's home of Northamp the nomination, it was agreed on al' sides that the only thing for the con from the kitchen shelf a can of salm­ eats and far-seeing men of the Indus poaes nationalization or government represented in our columna. ton, spoke on behalf of Massachusetts, ventlon to do was to go at it again on for luncheon or the evening meal try have united In an effort to ob ownership of public utilities. and the nomination was seconded by It is tba moat natural thing tain Federal legislation which will and there was a series of hurried con she probably gives little thought to the conserve without destroying either Favors permanent merchant marine, hi Ihe world for Coolidge and Vermont, California, Kansas. Oregon. care that has been taken to Insure its the fishing or (he Osh. built by Americans, owned hy Amer Dawes to bs partners In a cam­ Illinois, New Jersey, North Carolina ferences and caucuses on the floor. delivery to her In perfect condition. It developed openly that William The peregrinations of the salmon leans and manned by Americans. and New York. Salmon is (he greatest ot all food paign. The families have trained Butler was insisting on the nomina products of the finny tribe. It la after spawning in fresh water streams Urges congress to enact at earliest together for a century and a half. Dr. Burton divided bis lengthy ora tlon of Secretary Hoover nnd working literally handled with white gloves take them Into the broad seas, where possible date a federal anti lynching 1 About 160 year» ago Dawes & tlon Into three parts. He spoke first hard for him while the Dawes people I and modern machinery from the time they wander about from two to sts Coolidge, ancestors of the nomio- of Calvin Coolidge, "the man,” then worked like trojans to line up the it Is pulled from the waters of Alaska years. They then start back to their Development of natural resources ees, kept a grocery »tore at Wor­ about Calvin Coolidge, "the Ameri homes. As they return to the spawn and other northwestern streams until delegates for the general. Ing areas the salmon are generally and Improvement of rivers and bar cester, Ma»». A record ia alto can;” and finished off with an elo­ it finds Its way to the market dug up of the marriage, Jan. 6, quent presentation of Calvin Coolidge, According to William Tlmaon, presi­ caught before they enter the rivers bora and waterways favored. Promises continual and Increasing 1772, of Lydia IJawe«, born Feb. "the human being." dent of the Alaska I*ackers' Associa­ because by then they have grown Into tion, the oldest groigp engaged In the large, toothsome morsels so much solicitude for all those suffering dis J 10, 1740, to John Coolidge. Burton Lauds Coolidge. the packing of salmon, every possible coveted as food. It Is said that the ability as a result of service la time He did not go into the president’s precaution is taken to Insure a whole­ fish make a better food product If of war policies and executive acts. He left caught here than they would If caught some and delicious article of food. DR W H E T S T O N E Believes In time of war nation ' that, he said, for the politicians, and ‘The salmon canneries of Alaska," when they have actually reachod the should not only draft It» citizens hut spawning areas. confined his address solely to the D E N T IS T also every resource which may con moral, spiritual and mental attributes HALSEY HO TEL tribute to success of Mr. Coolidge To him he ascribed Endorses protection against unre- ! In a degree attributes approached by Wedntaday and Friday Immigration. few men, attributes of simplicity. In “ PLATES TH A T F IT » ’ strlcted 12 to 8:30 Declare» dm» for granting Independ . dustry, frugality, patience, vigilance, Grownr, bridgu work and fillings. It will cnee of Philippines has not yet ar honesty and service. piy you to get my prices ou your dental work. rived. Dr. Burton's peroration brought the Endorses policy of present admin Cusick bank building, Albany convention to lta feet with an outbursi Istration with reference fo A*»ska and I ot cheering and applause and the pro­ ( © by M a r g a r e t B o y d .) favors a continuance of the develop | cession of delegates started around ventor, for example, who has mas­ ment of the territory the floor with Vermont In the lead. " , . . death, a rw-cessary end.” tered the laws of gravitation, and en­ Continuation of reclamation of arid —-Julius C a t t a r . Other delegates quickly followed “ " j? W S T E P H E N S O N . Prop abled men to fly; we have another In­ carrying their state standards and Suppose science could today check ventor who hns enabled men to com­ and semi arid lands pledged Opposes further weakening o f army ' all death, then all growth, too, would municate with each other over long aoon the aisles were choked with a CHARLES G. DAWES cense; for all g r o w th Is at the expense distances without wire»; and we have and promises to round out navy to marching throng. The North Dakota standard from the delegation in which Who Received the Republican Nomina­ of life. As Holland expressed It: a scientist who seems to he at the full strength allowed under treaty Reaffirms devotion to orderly gov 1 can make both FARM anil CITY threshold of a knowledge of the origin L if e e v e rm o re la h e ! b y d e a th . there are aix La Follette delegates, tion for Vice-President. In e a r th a n d aea a n d a k y ; eminent and urges respect for law and | L O A N S •< ■ very row rate of intetest of life. The minds of all these men was carried Into the procession, but A n d t h a t a rose t n , < - b r e a th e Its b re a th . . From 5 to 10 years. Write me for par Mr Mondell read the convention Ihe are filled with knowledge that they order S o m e th in g m u s t die. the South Dakota standard from the Demands the speedy, fearless and tnulars. O. W. l x slab , delegation having Johnson delegates telegram he had received from Mr Or suppose death were abolished for cannot communicate to anyone else, Salem. Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg. Lowden. man alone. In a «.wntury or two there cannot communicate to anyone else. Impartial prosecution of all w nm t failed to get In. Then the chair recognised Lawrence would not be apnea on the earth’» sur­ Suppose these men were not to die— doers without regard to political af Mrs. Florence C. Porter of South what might they not reveal to us! Pasadena. Cal., made the first second V. Sherman of Illinois. In behalf of face to accommodate all that lived. What might tliey not accomplish for (illation or position, but declare« no , Itenan, in welcoming Pasteur to the the Illinois delegates he moved that greater wrong can be committed < Ing speech. French academy, »aid: "Death, ac­ ua! Similar reflections led Willis to against th e people than the attemp-» j J , )O m a rk e t w h e re VOU a l­ Judge Charles H. Carey of Oregon Lowden's declination be accepted. write, decade» ago: Th» convention adopted the motion cording to a thought admired by JL to destroy their truit In the great body , was next recognized for another sec . were not man to die, w ays got tho host in with some scattering noes. The clerk Llttre, is but a function, the last and of their public servant». H t w e re to o m ig h t y fo r th « n a r r o w ondlng speech. quietest of all.” Then he added, of his s p h e re then began calling the roll on the Emphasizes responsibility of party m eats. After listening to the keynote own belief: "To me It seems odious, H a d he b u t tim e to b ro o d on k n o w l­ to people and urges the people to d g e b a r» . address of the temporary chairman, third ballot for vice-president. The hateful. Insane, when It lays Its cold C o u ld e he b u t t r a in hia eye, elect a republican president and vice- Theodore E . Burton of Ohio, only »official totals on the third ballot blind hand on virtue or genius.” M ig h t he b u t w a it tb e m y a tle w o rd an d were: Da wet, 692*4; Hoover. 234*4: Singularly enough, thia laat sentence O n ly hia M h o a u k r. e r w o u ld tra n a c a n d h is president. to elect to the senate aad • necessary preliminary business was the house of representatives men and I Implies what haa seemed to various power. transacted the opening day of the con­ Kenyon. 95. After the nomination of General men to be one of the chief reasons E a r t h haa no m in e r a l s tra n g e women who believe In the republican Amor A. Tussing vention. Dawes bad been announced end Sen­ why death 1» "a necessary end” of our principles, acknowledge party rs»poa T h e Il lim it a b l e a ir no h id d e n w in g s The first demonstration of the con w a t e r no q u a lit y In c o v e rt s p rin g s , existence here If death were not to slblllty and who can he relied on to LAWYER AND NOTARY ventlon came when Temporary Chair-. ator James E. Watson had . moved _ It , strike down genius, It might soon be- A r d fire bo p o w e r to c h a n g e . Seasons^ no m y s te r y , a nd s t a r t ns man Burton demanded that only tried | b* keep faith with the people by carry W h lc n * th e u b w i H alsey , O ueoos .'" Z ? per of Pennsylvania took the platform i '“d ' -sib'- to limit the bum.u Ing owt tk* program ■' « ■’» s tin g soul m ig h t h o t and true republicans who »til etana ( e — — ------------- ------- — • race to thia erhere, Wq hive an lu- uooipal. united" be elected to ccngrees? ” I and otter«J a reaoluilon to appoint ) Witenagemote Republican Platform B A R R E T T BROS. M cCormick—D eering Harvesting Machinery FULL STOCK OF REPAIRS BARRETT BROS. ALBAN Y e OREGON Dr. C. H C Q , Dentist r I BARBER SHOP First-class Work FARM LOANS HaiseyMeat Market W . F. C A R T E R