PAGI’ i IIAI.SRV ENTER PRISE HALSEY ENTERPRISE If. t » » , « S , i l — W O T » » » H l —1 . > •*•> s a b lls h e a e v e r y T h vra S a y Ur W in . 14. i V H i K I . E I t S ub ■aba r li o. |l ,6 j a year Io advance. A d v er tisin g 2 tc an inch . no discoun lo t flfiue or • pace , no charge lor com ooeftlbn or manges JUNE 19. i «M From New York and Way Station« Birthday Joys projects, interest on whoaa beads was guaranteed by the state, mat interest due the atate on June 1, according to a report complied and Issued Ur State Treasurer Jefferson Myers. The pro­ jects paid *25.330 28 In Interest to the atate; 134,244.83 was due. TUe sum of 18814 la unpaid. The atate dairy and toed warn.Is- aioner has authority under tie laws to adopt and establish standard« of luallty and purity of eggs sold or offered for sale for human food pur­ poses, according to a legal «pinion prepared by Attorney General Van Winkle. The opinion was reaneated oy J. D. Mickle, state dairy and food commissioner. The follow ing two paragraphs, Contributed by different parties and vent to tbe linotydo on different days, supplement each, other, so we priut them both : Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Barker and daughter Barbara and C. W. Parker, Wednesday of last week was Mrs O. R. Bond’s birthday. She served a feast at her home to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gray, Mr?. J. T. McNeil and) grandson Amel McNeil, and Mrs. J. W. McClelland and grandson, Glenn I Gates. The guests were very enjoy-1 ably entertained. Later in the day Mrs. Bond was I surprised by a number of friends who brought with them ice cream and cake in honor of the day. They I were Mrs. Hannah Cummings, Mrs. John Gormley, Miss Myrtle Toby and Mrs. Glenn Stevenson and small son | Richard. HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SUR PLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 nephew of Miss Nettie Spencer, have Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited s been guests at the Spencer and E. To Advertisers B. Peuland borne A dinner was Copy received before Tuesday is ii in their honor at Mr. Penland’s Mon­ time for good position. Wednesday i day evening, with twenty-seven pres­ late and Thursday’s mail is too late. ent. Mr. and Mrs. Barker are finish­ ing a tore of the world and Barbara Offiee hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 excep Mondays and Friday forenoons. who has been in school in Paris the The Mountain States Power com-1 past year, is returning with her par- pany has made considerable progress I Statements by Dr. J. W. Morrow of I ents to their home at Montclair’ N, The federal government has let a Portland that there were auaatltles of J., where she will again enter school in extending service to farming and I contract for the construction at Seat­ iquor used and kept by officials at | Mrs. Barker's name was formerly fruit growing districts in the Wiliam-1 tle of vessels to chase rum runners he state fair grounds ware branded | Starr and she is related through her ette Valley and Coos Bay districts. I cm this coast. Slowly but surely tht is untrue by Horace Addis, new-t^ ap mother’s family to President Cpol- The total number of rural customers I pointed member of the Oregon state , idge. supplied with electricity is now more I government is settling down to the air board. Dr. Morrow’s statement than 1,000. Plans contemplate fur-1 task of checkmating the liquor in -egarding liquor was made la counec Out-of-town guests at a reunion ther co-operative effort with the] terests, which defy the law as much Ion with his resignation aa a men, dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. E, B. state agricultural school authorities! as they did before prohibition and her of the fair board a few days ago. 'cnland Monday evening were their and the farmers towards the building! Charles L. McNary won ths renub- son, Dr. H. E. Perdand and son Hugh of experimental lines to work out no more. The day is coming when Ican nomination for United States «an and daughter Mary Elizabeth and problems in the application of elec­ prohibition will prohibit bootlegging itor in the recent primary election Mrs. Pritchard and daughter Levona tricity to farm production. — Open | and moonshining as efficiently Bl­ iy a plurality of (1,854 votes ever his of Berkeley, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Bert Window. ether crimes. There probabbly will isarest competitor, Georgs L. Baker, Barker and daughter of New York, Misses Alberta Koontz and Nora always be some violations of that md a majority of 38.419 votes over who have been touring the world for COPYRIGHT he combined strength of his three the past two years, Mrs. Fannie Pehrsson took the train Tuesday fori law, as there are of every other. MviHc BACHILlifk ■Ivale, Baker, K. K. Kubll and H. H. Starr of Corvallis, and Mrs. Charles I McMinnville to be present at the [ ■ItaPard, according to the complete Standish of Salem. Other guests f wedding of a friend, Miss Anns (Continued) Congress at its next session will ifflcial figures as compiled by Secre were H. C. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. F. Schreider. The girls have been pnssed. In the North "a quiet auramcr ary of State Kozor. W. Robins and children, and George schoolmates at Willamette university CHAPTER XXVI consider an nm sntlm ent to (ha fed followed. The French fleet with six Whether the stats irrigation necurl Starr and family. • ' for several years. eral Constitution which provides fot Arnold and Henry Thornhill. I L*1 '”?D u,‘J er «- ies commission will approve the ap taxing the income from future issue: Margaret and her mother returned to I J l J m of state and municipal bonds by the dlcatlon to develop the so-called north England with David Hartley soon after ' m,Uuh as ww^ « Ukl s ih L, Federal government. It also provider mil project in Jefferson county prob- Colonel Irons had left France. The h -S 8 UIW exptallment of the state Income tax, ’’What does that mean, I wonderj” of abandoning our allies. We may Jack queried. vhtch under the law Is June JO. has | | ' | f n p c c Heavy or light. F u ll stock on band. The repul,1 icana have put two ,een deferred until July 20. according lose ail but we shall act In good faith." HCBB Come in and see the quality and learn prices "Dun know," Solomon answered. Here ngRln was a new note in the of their threo biggest men nt tl t o announcement made at the office T ’w scared about It," snbl the young­ history of diplomatic Intercourse. G ardpn •• There’«» health in cultivating er scout. “I am afreld that thia head of their ticket, and the»» >f the state tax commission here, t l u l u v l l I 1 /tll^ garden crops, and also in eating them Colonel Irons' letter to Margaret money seeker has the confidence of deinbers of the commission said the would be pitted against the little,« Hare, with part of which the reader Washington. He haa been a good line for paying the second Installment men in the démocratie party if ,f the tax was deferred because of a Is familiar, was forwarded by Frank­ fighting man. That goes a long way lin to his friend Jonathan Shipley, with the chief." A l(co b ol) smith and a cougenia' ,ult now pending In tbe supreme court Bishop of St. Asaph, and by him de­ Colonel Irons stopped his horse. “I ruuuiug mate were nouilrattd. n which tbe constitutionality of the livered. Another letter, no less vital am of half a mind to go back,” he de­ ict Is under attack. to the full completion of the task of clared. The LiFo lle tte party manager« these pages was found In the faded Officers elected for Oregon grand "Why?” packet. It Is from General Sir Benja­ j r e probgiily not so optimist o is hapter Eastern Star, tn session at ”1 didn't tell the general half that min Hare to his wife in London and Beed said tn me. It was so bitter and tcAthinlf they.ran cleet their nun 'ortland are: Worthy grand matron, Is dated at New York, January 10, yet I believe It was true. I ought to If they can deft at somebody el««’, drs. Mary Alice Burdette, of McMinn- 1780. This Is u part of the letter: have told him. Perhaps I ought now rills; worthy gram! patron. R. Frank mull that will he glory enough. have a small house near the bar­ to go and tell him.” :’eter, Hillsboro; associate grand ma racks with our friend Colonel Ware •‘There's time ’nough,” said Solomon. ron, Mrs. Caroline Lewis. Seaside; and (he best of negro slaves and ev­ "Walt till we git back. Sometimes I've Charles G . D in e s, rcpublieai ssoclate grand patron. Dr. Daniel O. ery comfort. It is now a loyal city, thought the chief needed advice but nominee for vice-piesident, and .Vebster, Portland; grand secretary, secure from attack, and, but for the It's alius turned out that I wng the G E N E R A L S T O R A G E Herbert lluover were the two big- I 4lss Nellie McKinley, Portland; grand soldiers, one might think It a provtn- one that needed It.” A L E It I N H A Y , G R A I N AND P E E D , Ini English town. This war may last The two horsemen rode on In si­ gest men in the republican part) reasurer, Mrs Marie Smith. Portland; :rand conductress, Mrs. Leonora Kerr, for years and as the sea Is, for a time, lence. It was the middle of the after­ u itil Coolidge emerged. 'orvallls; grand associate conduc ; H av e y o u u se d a n y of F I S H E R 'S E G G ’ quite safe, I have resolved to ask you noon of that memorable July day. wwi.11 and Margaret to take passage on one They were bound for the neutral te.r- ress, Miss Margaret Barnes, Grants P R O D U C E R ? Include a sack with yourj! of the first troop ships sailing for ritory between the American and Brit- Parents who bring up chil­ 'ass. dren who act as do the murder­ In u spirited contest Prineville was /¡\ next order of poultry feed and jo u will be s u r - S New York, after this reaches you. Our Uh lines, InfMted by "cowboys" from ba South and "skinners" from the friend Sir Itoger and his regiments will _______ ers of the Franks Ixiy in Chica- elected for ______ the 1925 ___ convention of the prised with results obtained. he snlllng in March ns I am apprised ’Orth who WMe raiding the farms of JfO ought not to be perm itted to American Legion at the state convcn by a recent letter. I am, by this post, driving awajr their A lso T w i n e d raise children. N ew and S eco n d -h a n d W ool S a x . ion io Portland. The vote resulted requesting him to ofTer you suitable t il i-iift* tri ***e opposing n a victory for the central Oregon accommodations and to give you all ftul#«. WU two scouts were >ent to Some people think the paity own by only four votes after Marsh possible assistance. The war would fen 2 ms * had report upon them. O. W . FR U M he over now If Washington would only + ha/ putnS *« n cross-road. It was that yells “ O i l ! ” loudest will leld bad withdrawn from the field fight. His caution Is maddening. His heat lueflown when at a twaautlful •rlnevllle received 53 votes and Med come out oil right in November, army Is In a desperate plight, but he brook, bprdurod with spearmint and ord 49. In the membership report will not come out and meet us In the Wild lftt, jraok watered and fed his Cugene look high honors with an In »pen He continues to lean upon the McAdoo will n««t be nominated rease from 120 to 480 In the year find Mt down to eat Ws luncb- strength of ihe bills. But there are 4cfi. Ua wt* thinking of Arnold and if wet dem icrats or any kind of rtllnmook, Oregon City and Ontario indications that he will be abandoned th* offi* danger when he die-overed republicans can prevent it. vere others of the posts honored for by Ills own army." Uia; * (nan Mood near him. T he young arge Increases In membership. John — — — •••»- - — bad felled to hear hfa approach Those "indications" were Ihe letters t. Quinn, national commander, was } dyetuantaace In no we.v remark- News Not«« of one John Anderson, who described he principal speaker at the meeting e nlnee the road was little traveled himself as a prominent officer In the (Continued from page t t □uturday. 4 Covered with moss sod creeping tmerlcnn army. The letters were wrlt- M. T. Yales of The Dallea, city coun 'en to Sir Henry Clinton. They asked herbage, fie thought not of this, how­ cllman, suffered a broken collarbone for a command In the Brlrish army ever, but only o f the face end form and his wife painful Injuries when an of a man of middle age. Uhe young ind hinted at the advantage Io he de T H ' OLE G R O UCH uutoinoblle In which (hey were riding Hay is worth just as much in storage as • veo irom facts, of prime importance, man wrote In a letter: "It was a slnjubarly handsome face, on the Columbia river highway over VARu YMtSG. SoSPiCtOuS n the writer's possession. you might get for it in case of fire. Th > OLE BUSSBOChES *JHO ADC Margaret Rnd her mother sailed with smooth-shaven nmfl well-shaped with I American Eagle Fire Insurance company Lane county has returned to the old sir Roger Waite and his regiments on Urge, dark eyes And a skin very clean ALLUS YRNtLi V VtKTCM -he tenth of March and arrived in New «nd perfect—I ha tl almost said It was policy of road construction and main will pay you 85% o f the cash value in case, UP SOkAETUlU* OUT OF transparent. Add to all this a look Of York on. thq twenty sixth of April. tenance. the county court having ap MUTt-UU’ t GOSSIPS IS of loss by tire. friendliness snd masterful dignity and The month of May, 1780, gave Wash- pointed Edwin Tuller of Cottage Orove TV)' VJOttSY TMIU& TW ngton about the worst pinch In his rou will unders'jind why I rose to at roadmaster. He will he account ►AATTER 9JITA TVs' career. It was the pinch of hunger. mr feet and tock off my hat. His able directly to the court and will have VJORLO y ’ dan \ Supplies had not nrrived. Famine had •tature was a b o r t roy own, hlg form full charge of all road wqyk. entered the camp and begun to threat­ erect. I rem einbr nothing about his en Its life. Soldier« enn get along clothea save that cbey were dark In David Brainard, North Bend con color and seemeft *to be new and ad- tractor, was Instantly killed when he without pay but they must have food. I ritrahl. Mutiny broke out among the recruits ,* » f flttM was struck by a lever on a wheel In tbe midst of this trouble Lafav- Iou • re 'Tni’n Il■on•■ ,r " snd I scraper. He was supervising work on H”, the handsome French marnul’a. *“ Hinrj- Tbon^ l|W ’«Id h«- T saw the clearing of the 8lmpeon Heights then twemy three years old. arrived 1 - P” 8t Kln,1* _____ h« ’t -where . I used to addition to North Bend He was 80 live I liked you than snd, since the on his white horse, after a winter In years of age and It survived by a wife I arts, bringing word that a fleet and war began, I have k nc«a of your ad­ and daughter. may communicate with Ensign Ice of the Salvation Artny at the army from France were heading across ventures. X >aw you * assing a little Allan A. Bynon hat been reconi the sen. This news revived the droop- way back 3nd y followed for I have White Shield Home, 565 MayGIr avenue, PotlUnd, Oregon. ng spirit of the army. Soon boats something to say to yota' mended by John 8. Ctfte. butted * * a’uall be glad to h<* v of it,’ was liegsn tf> arrive from down the river mates attorney, to become his chief • •• • • • • • • • • 4 Fnswer. ■Villi fo o d f r o m the east The crisis assistant tn the place of Thomas H * Washington cannot. Jbs overcome Maguire, who resigned to become at A S CO LD A S T H E torney for the Union Pacific on June »0 The appointment will be made by FROZEN NORTH the attorney general. is our ice creata. It it delightfully Holding that no legal evidence had cooling and relreshing after a hard been submitted on the part of the atate «hopping tour. Slop in and sn. to connect former Multnomah County j • a plots Ws have all flavors Filli and Gate* rire« Commissioner Dow V. Walker with the Ml kinds of accessaries CHMiQ charge of bribery on which he was -cho co late , vauills, strawberry, \Vil|ar