U s ® / r / HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X I I HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JI NK 19, 1924 ) M- Bond was re-elected clerk, a« HALSEY HAPPENINGS usual, AND COUNTY EVENTS Horace Armstrong and family ______ 1 *nd Horace’s mother were in Al- Shedd Snapshots Brwonsville Briefs NO. 4* A lf o r d A r r o w s (Enterprise CerrespoBdenee) 1 bany Saturday. NEWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER OREGON Irl Nolen, who was very ill for S h o r t S to r ie s fr o in S u n d r y the | Elaine Woodworth has secured the »»tending school. Mie. A ddie Schm elser of T ills- sorae tin,e- is much improved, ;B n « h Creek se>ool for the coming' ~ M. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck call- rnook i . v isilio g Mrs. Rachel Nich- 1 Mia, Merlc r h ,.,me hom< M 1 S o u rc e s dson, near town. ' Tuesday for hey vacation from O, td at the I.. H. StraJey heme Friday. The new meetings at the tabernacle Mrs. J. O. Drinkard of Elmira. A. C. Sain McGee of Peoria has been J. N. Burnett, went to Portland Twenty six carloads ere estimated 1 are well attended. Services three last »«Vk after his daughter Violet, as tbe tonnage of Hood River straw­ fined $50 for killing deer out oi Wash., is visiting Mrs. Douglas Mr. and Mr? Kenneth Robson left times a day. Taylor thia week. season. Mrs. A. E. Armstrong caled on berries this year. Thursday for a month's u sit at Long Central, a small settlement west Karl Carey has gone to Eugehe Beach, Cal. Mrs. Ica Kent (nee Slavens) from Mrs. E. A. Starnes one af:?i iowi Brandon school district elected i blklii» ef Eugene, le planning a Fourth ef Salem is visiting her sister, Mrs. last week. A. H (.¿aim by clerk and Clinton for a few days' visit while hie fractured rib is recuperating. Mi## Mildred Payton of Baker v is ­ Alice Moore, during the picnic. July celebration. Morse director. Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe spent it .. , , ; ited with Miss Merle Pugh a few Eugene is tbe first cMy in Oregon Howard I ernan who has era- I da}.s lagt week Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Allen have ’ Rah ! 'rah ! ! ’rah ! !! Halsey several days at Corvallis and Buena over tbe top In tbe aJumnl part of the returned from Newport and started Vista last week. went over and trimmed Browns­ ployment io Portland, is visiting University of Oregon gift campaign. his mother, Mrs. J. C. Bramwell Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Plainview housekeeping in South Brownsville. ville in a baseball game yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oxford ami two Tbe Royal Anne and Bing cherry spent Sunday in Shedd with Mr. and Horace Armstrong and fam ily Miss Shirley Hemingway of Spring- sons of Plainview visited at the Mr and Mrs. Lon Cbamlee and crep in Lane county Is heavy thia year Mrs. C. T. Thompson. field is spending the days of the pic­ Starnes home Sunday. small sons Paul and Ralph spent visited Mr. and Mrs. Olin Stalua- and the cherries are ripening rapidly.. Mrs. Agnes Clark and Lncille nic with her aunt, Mrs. Hazel Moyer. Sunday at the A. C. Armstrong ker and Mrs. George Cummings at Mrs. John Willbanks and daughter For throwing hot pennies to rhtldrets C Hvallis Sunday. Shedd are home from Portland and home. Mrs. Emma Harrison was up from Gladys called on Mrs. E. A. Starnes In the streets a Portland dentist must, Lebanon last week and papered her one afternoon last week. George F. S' hroll ard wife are report having a fine time. serve t# days tn Jail. Also, he must VV. G. T rill of Harrisburg had the recipients of a fine box of pay a fine of »100 Miss Dorothy Satchwell, who grad­ house for Fay Mallow to move into. some ribs broken and W- A. Tay­ Mr and Mrs. A. E. W hi'bck were 1 lor of the same city suffered a clams fioin their son, J. B. uated from state normal school at A series of Joint community moet- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Brox have Sunday evening callers at t't, J, f, broken leg and both were other­ S-hroll, at Cushman, Ore. Monmouth, came home last week. i tngs are being held In all parts of set up housekeeping in the property Palmer home at Lake C.’e »1*. wise injured yesterduv when their . . r, . . . ' Douglas county sponsored by the Rose- Ed Smith of Los Angeles, with Mrs. Satchwell went to Salem on formerly occupied by Homer Thomp­ J»ke Dannen and w if. of Shedd burg chamber of commerce. err skidded into "the Yaquina bis family, is visiting bis cousin, son. Wedn-» day to see her son Leonard AiRX n e r; D; " n; n 8 o l " ’ MrS" E Tb’ <— « -> •« appointed river near Chitwood. Mrs J. C. Bramwell. They are graduate from Willamette university. Because the pastor went to the A. Starnes. Sundqy afternoon. B.rt Rn„ Aitorla „ ou their way to Colfax, Wash. Petitions bearing nearly 1000 names Charles Pugh and family, Mr. end memorial services at Providence on Ijee Ingram and family were Sun- warden, to succeed Carl Shoemaker, were submitted to the state highway Mrs. A. C. Armstrong drove to Sunday there was no preaching at day evening callers at the E. A. whoee resignation recently was an- department protesting sgatnst any Eugene Monday to attend the Mr«. Ed Zimmerman, Dale LaMar’, Agnes Pugh and Dalton Gibba all the Baptist church in the morning. Stanies and E. D. Isom homes. nounced. change in the location of the Albany university cotnmencen eut and Hazel Moyer had a rather suc­ bridge, for which bids have been open brought home her daugLter Helen went to Cascadia Sunday. L. H. Armstrong and family called i Excavation work has started at Fir «•. cessful sale of her household goods on the E. A. Starnes and K. 1) Isom ““d Thlrd ■•»•»<» In Medford for the for the rummer vaaiion. last Thursday. She expects soon to families one evening last week. British Bunker Hill W ar Map. erection of a new warehouse for the Lively school election Monday ! Mrs. J. D. Rode of Union, O re., A military map and plan, used by go to Springfield where she will have , Mason, Ehrman company of Portland,. More than twice aa many votes r.mery Rickard spent several daj s | to coat 180,COO. arrived Tuesday to visit at the home the British at the battle of Banker employment. She was called to Al­ cast as last year— nineteen of ’em. ■ . . _ „ _ . Hill, has been sold at auction In Lon­ bany Sunday on business. at the home of his uncle, Jesse Jenks H . C. Davis got 10 of them to 9 .her son R' M Roc,e’. and Harry H Johnsoa, who has been don for $»5O. Tbe map. eight inches last week, helping with the hay. fur — Bert S. Clark, so Davis is ■ ly to get acquainted with her grand­ square, bears the signature of Major principal of the Roseburg high school The banquet at the Ash Swale Mrs. E. D. Isom and daughter -all- j for the last throe years, will ba prin- school director for three years. B. son Richard. General Sir Henry Clinton. school house last Friday night under auspices of the Hunt club, was a de­ ed on Mrs. J.H. Rickard au-1 Mrs. clpal of the Astoria blah school for C. L. Khsler is substituting for Peanut Oil. tbe cooling year. cided success. About fifty from Al­ Julius Falk Friday afternoon. Station Agent Moody for ten days Albany’s Only Peanut oil la one of the prime ne Sixty-four ftrea Io Oregon outside while the latter and his family en­ ceaeittea of the average Chinese of bany were present, also a number Leonard Ingram ami family of joy his vacation. south China and mennä to him what front Brownsville and Shedd. Sand- Alpine visited Laonard’s uncle, l.ce of Portland during May resulted In wiches, cake, strawberries and coffee Ingram, Saturday night and Sundry. lossee aacregatlng *488.87$, accord­ lord does to tlie Auier'-an. , Miss Dellie Allingham returned to were served. ing to a summary compiled by tbe ! her home in Portland Monday, after Mias Thelma Ingram spent the state fire marshal. Among those who attended the I demonstrating Crown flour in the With 268 delegates ta attendance* Joab Powell memorial services at night with her friends Hazel and I Koontz store last week. Kate Green Thuraday of last week. O U R N E W P R IC E L IS T : from Oregon. Waehlngtoa. Idaho and Providence Sunday were Mr. and Farmers cut more hay in a week Mrs. L. E Bond and daughter Vera British Columbia, tbe Northwest Mrs. John Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Double Vision Lenses , hereabouts fhan they usually cut in Earle 8tanard, Mrs. Ed Starr, Rev., of Albany visited their daughter and Moose aiioctatloa bold a three-day | so short a time. Then came the pjo- Ultex, $18.50 ; Kryptok, $17:50. ( M. S. Woodworth, Cecil HarrUon and sister, Mrs. E. D. Isom, last Satur- convention tn Portland. Peerless, >16.50; Brights. $15;52. : neer picnic at Brownsville. The com- - ‘ H A. Miles has beon «ranted png Mias T helm a. Marvel Lawr»n«e. $ny. Cemented Segments, f 14.50. 1 bination was too much for the weath- mission by the Tillamook county court Mi. and Mrs. C. J. Howe and daugh­ Mias Fay Dykatra spent Sunday Single or Distant Vision Lensis I er man, and sprinkles of rain have ter Emma, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson with Henrietta Starnes and Esther to oparste a ferry near Pacific City and make a charge for foot pa* | been frequent since Tuesday. Tb« Starnes spent the day with Doris Crune and Fred Harrison. songera, teem*, rlge and autos. 6 D Curve Tone, $13.50 ; Mencius, I picnic has but one more dav tc Dykstra. , ,*' $12.50 Hubbard B Kenataton. 79. Lane- l ’i D Curve Periscopic, $12;50; i run and the showers have quit. Halsey Church of Christ Alonzo Ne»l went, to Albany Mon­ Mrs. Veda Bramwell and children county resident for 8* years and a Flat»’ $10.50. Io this week’s installment of day. of Halsey called on Mrs. E. A. Starnes veteran of the Civil war. died Thurs Fitted in Zilo, gold-filled or rimless “ In the Days of Poor Richard ” Church Anncuncffrnenti frames. Mrs. Gessner of Portland, who has and Mrs. E. D. Isom one afternoon day morning at Eugene at tbe home Jack Irons cither falls asleep by For heeavy Zilo frame» add $1 to $2. of fcts dgushter Mrs. L. F Oaden been visiting in Brownsville, went last week. Church of C h rist: Deduct $2 for second-grade lens the fire and has a prophetic dream Trustees of W illam ette university Reading glasses. $2.50 to $10. home Monday. Clyde Ingrain of Portland, G m i- or receives a spirit message from Lon Chamlea, minialer. will make every effort to retain Dr. son Sheldon of Ingram Island c.ud Henry Thornhill, for he iater The boys continue, undetected, to Carl Oregg Doney as president of the Bancroft Optical Co. Big Brother's Bible Band is the learns, as will be narrated in a shake the city at night occasionally Joe Ingram were Sunday visitor-, i.l Institution. It »as announced after name of the men's class, adopted last JIJ West First street, Albany, Ore Lee Ingram's. future number, that Thornhill lias hit resignation was presented the Sunday. Aaron Starnea proved to with big explosives. One occurred been dead for years, Ask about Punktal, the perfect lens. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). Jenks, Oliver trustees be a good president. He put things near the bridge one night last week. (Continued pace 3) Jenks and Mrs. Mary Jenks of Tan Reckless use ef fireworks tn Mut* over in fine shape. Next Sunday »a gent visited at the J. H. Rickard uomsh county ou»stde tbe city limits want fifty men present. We are go­ home Sunday. will not be tolerated this year Sheriff ing to meet in Odd Fellows' hall at Epitome of Events in Beaver State EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLOR TH’ OLE GROUCH Needs No Breaking In Lv»q«r W ear Greater Comfort You have probably concluded that to be touch and durable a shoe must be uncomfortable. You have a new sense of satisfaction coming with your first pair of Weyenberg Comflex “All Solid Leather’’ shoes. ■■i ■- WCYCNBERCS C o m f l e X If you w m t work shoes that w?’l wear longer, that will be comfortable and flexible, that will protect your feet and your health--get Weyenberg'« Comflex with the double-tan »ole«— we sell them because they offer our cus­ tomers, at a moderate price, the be«t •ervice that can be bought atanyprice. KOONTZQ GOOD GOODS 10 a. m. for a real lively session. The Odd Fellows will be there in large numbers. We guarantee some fine ringing. At 11 o'clock the pastor will de­ liver the annual memorial address to the Odd Fellows. They will march to the church and be seated In a body. | The church has granted a leave of absence for four weeks to the pastor while he and his family visit friends and relatives in California. Clifford Carey will fill the pulpit during his absence. Hurlburt announ-eri that deputies will' feO 'rtOu'UE TW' Ok£ BUSMftODN TVttvVS B ech i s p a s äo -xi' tv ' otrr ABOUT our . BO tSY l GAlS, HGK* \M6U-, ALL I OCT V BWf, lAAORkA.tSTMRf TVA' O u CKIM' STOOL SUUT. A8OUBMRD TOO BOOUk At the annual school meeting of the Alford district Monday J. N. Burnett was elected director for three years, and Mrs. E. D. Isom clerk for one year. i\ Methodist: Robert Parker, pastor. flundav School, 10. Preaching. 11. Intermediate League, 7. Epworth League, 7. Prayer meating Thursday, I, Pr-saehing, 8. Mi. and Mrs. Walter Kickenap Miss Artamese Baine and Desmond Baine of Portland were week-snd guests at J. N. Bui nett’s. Miss Hatie Dannen and Mrs. C. C. Dickson and children and Mrs. Dickson of Shedd visited at the E. A. Starnes home last Friday after­ noon. Bible school. 10. W . H . Robert- ion, superintendent. Christian Endeavor, 7. Morning worship, I I . Lord'e ■»upper every Lord's day. Evening service, 8. The church without a bishop, io the country without a king. I f you have no church home come and worship with us. The Methodist services will be held in the church next Sunday For three Sundays they have been held in the tent. The children’s day pro- gram, which had been postponed for the tent meetings, will be given at 11 o'clock in place of the regular »er- vices, and preaching will be as usual in the evening. The young people voted in the league service to have a Bible study class Tuesday evening. The Bible, not some book about the Bible, will be the textbook. AH young people are invited to be pres­ ent. Doria Rohnert of Eugene came on patrol all roads of the county on July Saturday evening to join her sister * tn enforce this order DeEtta for a visit with her grand Dr Fred F Gullck of Portland was mother, Mr*. D. I. Isom. __________ Jay Curtis and family of Lebanon visited his brother Chester Curtis on Sunday. In the afternoon Jay and Chester with their families called on their brother Ellsworth. | Way Out. His LorJahlp- John I'll bet you've looked In.o tv. whisky flask " John *hl* feur ierdablp. I make “ * P*11«**’* ’• »>•»- ' Hear« by the WayslUa. Tronbia m s never yet succeeded In losktrv r f.vebocn fiddler mad enough to smtsii bis fiddle over Trouble's bard bead Ferhipe I« RigM. Ferhar- »be people can't pay more for the f-.«>d tbe farmer a ralae be­ et uae they here to pay so touch, for everytblni else. . . ’ ■ j Natural gas. said to be of the petro­ leum type and reported tn quantities sufficient to light a large city, wee discovered Issuing from eight fissures 1« the dry bed of Tule take, seven miles southeast of Merrill. Remodeling of tha First National hank of Eugene to combine the present hank site and lb» adjoining building Into « tingle struoture. hes bsen start­ ed The remodeling work will cost »188.888, according to estimates Tbe Oregon grand lodge of Mesons. In session at Portland elected O liver P. Coshow of Roseburg, justice of the supreme court, as grand master fo r neat year. George T Cecil ran, grand mastsr. hscam* past grand matter Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cooper, their Philip L. Jackaon, aaseclate publish son Homer Cooper and little grand­ daughter Madeline Cooper of Plain- ar of the Portland. Oregon Journal, was view were Sunday afternoon callers appnlated a member of tbe hoard of regents ef tbe U nlreratty of Oregon. at the home of Mrs. D. I. Isom. j h i » reetected president of the Oregon State Dental issoclatle« at tbe annual -onrentton of the organization In Port­ land Dr J E. Richmond of Eugene la the new rice preside«! Providence church, six miles south of Scio, was filled with 600 people Sunday, while 3,000 who could not get in crowded around it, when a program was rendered in honor of Joeb Powell, the late circuit rider. A basket dinner followed, after which a huge granite monument to the plo- neer dominie, bearing hi* name and those of the charter members of the church, was dedicated. Dr. John B Horner of O. A. C. delivered the lead­ ing address and remarks were made by Milton M. Millet, J. K Weether- f"r-'tyatnd » f't 8 d°ien other wyll- known citizens. ' * _ «ÄT ■ A t-'1 i Tbe appointment of Jackaon fills tb * racancy caused by the recent deatN of Chtrlea Ptaher of Eugene Material reductions la food coatis In the paat year ar» shown la a com parlaoa of bids submitted to the state board ef control tor supplies for the rarlnua state IkstttWtlRas with prices paid for the »erne commodities a year »«° Except for coffee, which has ad renced In price from 19 2 cents • pound last year to H 1» cents s pound at tble time, all staple supplies show a decHne In values fl'tgsr which last year commended »9 88 per 188 pounds ’’ le now quoted fa the state at 87 88 per 10* pounds. (Continued ou pegtri * I 6 >.•