at the wets# with a golden girdle will recalve 70a. She will be Haitian Liber­ ty. Too will dlimoant and kneel end klaa her hand. Then the prime min­ ister ot France will fir e to each a blessing and to yea a sword and a parse. Ton will hold them ap and aay: - 1 "For theae thing« I promise yon the friendship of my people and their to her lips snd kissed It 1 wish that I could tell you how beautiful she looked then. She is twenty stx years old and her womanhood Is beginning.*' ^/^ibanyJ^Ö irectory A/Awwg JZ)< e» et' » —Continued JUNK U H A LSEY E N T E R P R IS E 19J» FAGK S H ALLS' F L O R A L & M USIC S H O P This is good advice; " I I you live 111 Albany, trade in Albany , il you live We grow our own cut flowers 10 some other town, trade in that town?' Gold banded. Kubruni and other hardy But in these automobile s many re­ lily bulb» now on liand. The Heree of Destiny. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do In Boston harbor. Jack learned of at least part ot their buying in the Nice geraniums every Saturday, the evacuation of Philadelphia by the larger town. Those who go to Albany Phone l t * [ British and was transferred to a to transact business will find the firms posterity.” Satisfaction guaranteed Yankee ship putting out to sea on Its named below ready to fill their require­ Phone 312 Y Price $o,50 “ 'You will kiss the sword and hang way to that city. Thera be found the ments with courtesy an I fairness. It beside year own and pass the purse romantic Arnold, crippled by hla F R E D B JO N E S to me snd then I shall have something wounds, living in the fine. mansion Albany Bakary, 331 Lyon street, - a Best one-pound lost of bread made. to say.’ erected by W illiam Penn. He had 5 cents. *'80 it was all done, but with th rill­ married a young daughter of one of Wedding cakes to order ALBANY ing details, of which 1*0 suspicion had the rich Tory families, far his second come to me. 1 had not dreamed, for wife, and was In command of the city. lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers Piano Tuner for leading music store» in Instance, that the king and queen Colonel Irons, having delivered the let­ and plants. Floral att for every Albany, Inquire Davenport music home would be present and that the enthus­ ters to the treasurer of the United and all occasions. Flower phone 458- I iasm would be so great. Ton will be States, reported at Arnold s office. It New able to Judge of my surprise when, was near midday and the general had Electric Store. Radio and A lbany riding my white horse through the not arrived The yonng man eat down «AB «et« cheering crowd, throwing flowers in to wait and soon the great soldier products 202 Second bought, sold and exchauged at all times W m . H öflich my way, I came suddenly upon M ar­ drove up with hla splendid coach and G lenn W illard pair. Hla young w ife sat beside him. garet Hare In the white robe of B EN T. SU D T E L L uto Electric Service— Kechatg- Human Liberty. Now facing me after He had little time for talk. He was able A A B batteries—W IL L A R D Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin st., Albany these years of trial, her spirit was on his way to breakfast Jack pre­ storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. equal to her part. She was like unto sented hla compliments and the good Second st. 11. D. PrestoC—J.C. Cochran the angel 1 had eeen In ray dreams. tldlDgs which he had brought from The noble look of her face thrilled the Old Country. Arnold listened as lue Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon me. I t was not so easy to maintain If he were hearing the price of cod­ Open from 6 to J and 5 to 8. the calm dignity of Washington In fish and hams. M bs . B lount . The young man was shocked by that moment. I wanted to lift her In my arms and hold her there, as you the coolness of the commandant. R U S 8 W 1 C K may well believe, but, alas. I w u The former felt as If a pall of Icy P H O N O G R A P H S Slices that cost less per month of wear Washington! I dismounted and fell water had been thrown upon him at upon one knee before her m l kissed when Arnold answered: W O O D W O R T H ’S "Now that they have money I hope her hand not too fervently, I would have you know, in spite of ng- tempta­ that they will pay their debt to me.” avenport Music con:p«nv offers Thia kind of talk Jack had not tion. She stood erect, although tears l’ iano-case organ, good as new were streaming down her cheeks and heard before. He resented It, but listey organ, good as new her dear band trembled when It answered calmly i "A war and an Used Pianos. rested on my brow and she could only army Is a great extravagance for a astburn Bros.— Two big grocery young nation that has not yet learned whisper the words: stores, 212 W. First and 225 South " 'May the God of your fathers aid the Imperial art of gathering taxes. Main. Good merchandise at the right Many of us are going unpaid, but If and keep you.' prices. "The undercurrent of restrained we get liberty it will be worth all It Optometrist, with emotion In this little scene went out costs.” lite Cafeteria and confectionery F . M . F r e n c h & S o n s “That sounds well, but there are Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ to thnt crowd, which represented ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. the wealth, beauty and chivalry of some of us who are also In need of J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S France. I suppose that some of them Justice,” Arnold answered as he We make our own candies. W . S. D uncan . Albany, Oregon turned away. thought It a bit of good acting “General, you who have not been "But we were to find In this little ilms developed and printed. drama a climax wholly unexpected by dismayed by force w ill never, I am We mail them right back to you. either of us and of an Importance tc sure, surrender to discouragement,” Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ our country which I try In vain to said Jack. egon. The fiery Arnold turned suddenly estimate. When the prime minister irst garage going n o tti). handed the purse to Franklin he hade and lifting his cane In a threatening Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, manner sal#. In a loud voice: him open It. This the latter did, find repair work. "Would you reprimand me—you Ing therein letters of credit for three W. II. H ulburt . million llvres granted, of which we d—d upstart?" “Gina-al, yon may strike me, If you were In sore need. With It was the O R D S A L E S A N D S E R V IC E newt that a ship would be lenvlmi will, but I cannot help saying that we Tires and accessories Boulogne In the rooming and that re young tnen must look to you older Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor C o . lays on the way had been provided ones for a good example." Very calmly and politely the young for his messenger. The Invention of our furni­ beloved diplomat was equal tc the do man spoke these words. He towered JjV irtm iller F urnitu re Co., ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. wand of the moment and so he above the man Arnold In spirit and stature. The latter did not commit Funeral directors. 427 433 west First announced: street, Albany, Oregon. "'Washington Is like his people the folly of striking him. hut with a look of scorn ordered him to ISuve He turns from ell the loves of tills U L L E R G R O C ER Y. 285 Lyon world to obey the call of duty. M j the office. (Successor to Stenlierg Bros.) Jack obeyed the order and went el Groceries Fruits Produce young friend who has so well present ed the look and manner of Washington once to call upon his old friend. Gov­ Phone 2t>3l< ernor Reed. He told the governor will now show you his spirit.' of his falling out with the major p T w S K X A U E R , auto and gen- "Ha looked at fit« watch and added eral painter “ *Wlthln forty minutes he w ill be general. Get my estimate. "Arnold Is a sordid, selfish man and riding post to Boulogne, there to take 201 E. First street a source of great danger to our jh fp for Aiperjca.' o lm a n & jackson "Bo here I am on the ship L'Etoile cause,” said the governor. "He Is vain \ Grocery—Bakery and almost In sight of Boston harbor, and lovea display and Is living far bejond his means. To maintain hla Everything in the line of eats bringing help and comfort to our Opposite Postofiice extravagance he has resorted te great chief. Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians " I was presented to the king and privateering and speculation, and ub Candy Co,, First street, next Albany, Oregon none of It has been successful, lie Is queen. Of him I have written—a door to Blain Clothing Co. deeply Involved In debt. It Is ctsirged stout, fat-faced man, highly colored, Noon lunches. with a sloping forehead and large gray- that he has used his military mithor- Home nude candy and ice Cream. DR. WHETSTONE eyes. His coat shone with gold em­ ity for private gain. He was tried by D E N T IS T ub Cleaning Works, Inc. broidery and Jeweled stars. His close- a court-martial, but escaped with only Cor. Fourth and Lyon fitting waistcoat of milk white satin a reprimand from the « a m u n d w I11 HALSEY HOTEL Master Dyers and Cleaners had golden buttons and a curie which chief. He la thick with the Tories. M ade-To-M easure Clothes was not the only sign he bore of rich He Is the type of man who would Wednesday and Friday wine and good capon. The queen was sell hla master for thirty pieces of you have friends they should 12 to 8:80 a beautiful, dark-haired lady of some silver.” have your photograph. “This Is alarming,” said Jack. forty years, with a noble and gracious Clifford's Studio “My boy an 111 wind Is blowing on countenance. She was clad In no 3 i3 West First street, Albany. vestnre of gold, but In sober black vel­ us," the governor went on. “We have ~* agnkto e le c tr ic co . vet. Her carls fell upon the loose ruff all too many Arnolds In our midst. .Official Stromberg carburetor serv­ of lace around her neck. There were Our currency has depreciated until ice station. Conservative prices. All no Jewels on or about her bare, white forty shillings will not boy what one work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second. W o rk would have bought before the war. The profit makers are rolling In lux­ A R IB E L L O PARLORS J . W S T E P H E N S O N Prop ury and the poor army starves. The (A beauty aid for every need) honest and patriotic are Impoverished St. Francie Hotel Prep., I nga H augk while those who practice fraud and Toryism are getting rich.” eii and money are best when Depressed by this report of condi­ busy. Make your dollars work in I can make both F A R M ami C IT Y tions in America Jack set out for onr sav inga department. A lbany S tate L O A N S at • very row rate of inteiest Washington's headquarters on the B ank ., Under government supervision. From 5 to 10 year*. W rite me for par Hudson. Never had the posture of trculara. G. W. I- A FLAB, American affairs looked so hopeless u rp h y Motor Co. Bnick and Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bid; . rolet automobiles. Tires and The governor had sold him a young CMevi mare with a white star In her fore accessories. Albany, Oregon. Phone 2BO. _ head and a short, white stocklog on her left fore leg, known In good time O8COK AMES H A R D W A R E , as the horse of destiny. the When he had crossed the King's W IN C H E S T E R STOR E ferry the mare went lame. A little 322 W. First st. beyond the crossing he met a man on s. G IL B E R T A SON a big, roan gelding. Jack stopped him O k-)e Builders' and shelf hardware, g a r­ to get Information about the roads I d den tool« crockery and glassware the north. N> w Stock. New low prices. "That's a good-looking mare,” tlte ~ m f S D N T H E SHOE Dot H ili man remarked. Second street, opposite Hamilton's "And she la better than she loolrs,” Jack answered. "But she baa thrown store. “ Sudden Service.” a slioe and gone lame.” C H A PT6R X X V Piano Tuning and Repairing A Low Fares East FURNITURE AM) u*^d FARM MACHINERY via C alifornia Add California to your Eastern trip at a trivial extra cost. Thus you enjoy the beautiful Shasta Route and California’s scenic wonders in addition to your regular trip. Low roundtrip fares to all Eastern points now in effect. A B B D E Ask agent for complete information Z jT h 'X c . P. MOODY, Halsey, Agent-Phon« 226 W hy suffer from headache? Have your eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H E F F F S o u th ern Pacific Halsey Youths Mentioned O, A. C.. Jane 7. Roland F. Marks of H«l»ey • oneef 81 studants taking the an­ nual examination for licensing reg­ istered pharmacists in Oregon. Owing to the h g i standards re­ quired of the profession in thi state, if n student succeed« ii passing here he is permitted, by «■ interstate reciprocity agreement, to follow his profession in any om of 43 other states. Ercell C. Sneed o, Halsey, ii the field artillery unit, i« one c the 113 men who will repreecn the college at the training eamp s Camp Lewie, Wash , thle year. The men are to report June 15, ti reoplve uniforms and assignment!1 apd training will continue null' July 25. H al L e F evkk . If you have to wear glasses select the frame, that is the most becom­ ing. We have them in Railroad Freight Rates Fiancisco, May, 1924. all styles, suitable for The San freight charge on a pounP of bam from Cedar Rapid«, Iowa every occasion. F H Meade & Albro, H H 1 F M M BARBER SHOP ■ IWI.'14-Sl É&á to New York ie slightly lee« thai three-quarter« of a cent, if deal er»’ purchase« are made from » reasonable source of «upply one never pays ft» much ns » cent a pound on sugar, coffee, oatmeal, potatoes, eggs, fresh meat, butt»i or lo m i twenty-five other import ant article« o, food. Railroads receive about eix cent« for carrying a suit of clothes 800 mile», and about 5 cents for transporting s pair of «boe« a similar distance. The average rate on a ton ol freight carriod one mile in tbs United State« ia approximately oue cent. For an equivalent eerv- ice English railroad» receive three times a» much and French and ( r e n t ) an roads about four time« as much. gOCTHBRM P a c if ic Co. Halsey Happenings ate. (Continued from page I) The Methodist church and parsonage are getting new ce­ ment sidewalks. There was a not very large iut very cheerful open forum neeting at Tangent Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tussing, who ?xpected to lie home from their California trip last Saturday, trolongcd it about a week. Turn out and vote next Mon­ day. Don’t let the enemy’s co­ horts defeat you. Let’s see if ,ve can’t have at least a dozen votes cast at the school meeting. C. G. Rawlings, Albany the­ ater proprietor, gave about 50 children from the W. C. T. U. farm home free admission to the Globe Satuiday afternoon to see Jackie Coogan in "Circus Days’* Rawlings' enjoys giving the lit­ tle waifs a treat. Sterling H. Goin is said to ba the only candidate for Linn County offices this year who does not reside in Albany. And Albany is trying to gather the other communities, as a hen gatlwrs her chickens under her wings, and dwell together with them in unity. Donald Ward attempted an­ other break from the county itber break- Hh got a pies of hack saw blade and sawed a hole in the grating at the county jail, left the pieces in place and cov­ ered the marks of the saw with First-class soot, but Sheriff Richard, going the rounds and inspecting things with a flash light, thought he saw something sus­ Ford on Muscle Shoots picious and tried the bars, (Dearborn Independent) which yielded, and Mr. Ward The Muscle Shoals controver­ was locked up in a cell. sy means more than water-pow­ On» do«« not hav» to read far er and fertilizer, more than the down the column of our oontinu»d south’s new era; it means that »tory thia weak to gat thrills. They two systems of business arc col­ oom» treading on each other'» liding head on! The contest is heel», “ »o fast they follow.” ben­ HalseyMeat Market production versus profits. Ser­ jamin Franklin springs a eorpriee The m arket where you al­ vice and spoils confront each on Jack Irons in a Pari« pageant that nearly knteks him «illy and other. ways got the best in When the war stopped and we an I Jack meet some of the meats. the government found uncom­ most noted character« in French pleted Muscle Shoals on its history. Jack also gets an insight W . F. C A R T E R hands it sent out men and mes­ into tbs character of Benedict A i - sages asking bids for the com­ nold. (Contlnusd on psga ej pletion and operation of the works. One after another all possible users of Muscle Shoals A Welcome Visitor. were approached. And with one Rain came Friday. I t must All work done promptly and reason­ accord they declared that Muscle have been in cold storage during ably. Phone No. 269 Shoals wasn’t worth a nickel, that as for themselves they the »weltering week that preceded would never invest a penny in it. It, for with the first few pattering D ELBER T STARR Henry Ford made the first drops earlv in the morning there Funeral Director and Li­ and only businesslike offer the came a chill that set teeth chalter- government received. The Ford i ing censed Embalmer There were light eprinjclee for Efficient Service. Motor Hears». offer has given millions of dol­ eeveral days and shout all of Ore­ lars of value to a property that Lady Attendant gon and W ellington and eastern Brownsville_____ ___________ Oregon the interests said “wasn’t worth Idaho and Montana frit its wel- a nickle.” touch. With the Ford offer rcfu»mi 1 come There wee not enough to wet the there will never be any other. w . L- WRIGHT roil to any considerable depth, but it freshened early garden crop» Mortician & Funeral Director FARM LOANS Me M R F. M. GRAY. DRAYM AN S " I’ll trade even and give yon a aldo Andemon A Son. distrib­ sound horse," the man proposed. utors anti dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ "What la your name and where do mers. Esses. Hudson & Hoomobile car*. you live?” Jack Inquired. Accessories. Snpnbet. 1st A Broadalbin. "My name Is Paulding and I live .-at Tarrytown In the neutral territory?' “I accepted his offer not knowlxig Vfite for booklet describing our 2 that a third party was looking on uO3 __ _ __ _____ ____ ir Rural Credit Amortized I .o a t laying a deeper plan than _____ either of ua were able to penetrate," Jack utied The loan pay« out in 2t» payments, re- to say th i pvn cp al. t-heap ro e., No aay of that deal. delay. He approached the little house In B eam L and Co , which the commander In chief w’ss 133 Lyon St . Albany, Ore quartered with a feeling of dread, fearing the effect of late develop­ ments on hie spirit. The young men wrote to Mar feret at lowest rate of interest la care of Franklin this account of the Insurance day which followed his return to camp: Real Estate -Thank Oodl I saw on the face ef Prompt service. Courteous treatmeet. niii £9Bunander the same old look of W m B ain . Room .4, First Savings Bank bnilnwg, Albany (Continued on page 6) W; Her smile and gentle voice, d she gave me her bon-voyage and withes for the canse so dear to ■ re Jewels I shall not noon forget r«a, I had a little talk with Mar »t sod her mother, who walked 1 me to Franklin s house There, its reception room, I took a good 1 at the dear girl, now more beau- I than ever, apd held her to my rt a moment 1 see you and then I have to go,’ ild. I t la the fault of my too romantic 1,’ she answered mournfully 'For days we have been In hiding here, anted to surprise you.' Shi lifted the Jeweled cress I «»re FARM LOANS FARM LOANS Halsey and Harrisburg Call D T avi .«»«. Halter, or W. L. WaiOHT. Harrisburg Bread Upon the Water. Some people after casting a crust of bread upon the w a t.r think they should get a bo«l of mUk toast In re turn. and spring grain. It« greate»t «fleet was in quelling forest fires, some of which had got out of control, V