< 4 FAG P HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E HAL8EY ENTERPRISE JUNE 12. 1924 News Notes A* lo «*»»e4«*»i— M itT » « e ie e l—■»«•«. « • > • ' e e b lls k ro ev e ry T h a re 4 a y » / W e . l i H 'U E E I RH • l.bj a y«»r Is advance ■ rln o, A d w rtiti ttft, 2-*c an inch , no diacoun lor (Tin: : Jr • pace , no charge tor totu poaitruu or c lauge«. aa "Pelo-foi Haragrapba," 6c a Una. r a advarttainc disguised aa new« To Advertiser» Copy received before Tuesday is in tim e for good position. Wednesday is late and Thursday's mail is too late. Offiee hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 except Mondays and Friday forenoons. MCADOO AND OIL The fact th a t Mr. McAdoo, as an attorney, took fees from oil men for work he undertook in Mexico is not a t all to his dis­ credit. It is a tribute to his ability th a t such people paid so much for his services. The editors and stum p speak­ ers who yell “Oil! oil!” a t him would have accepted one-tenth of the same fee and attem pted the service joyously, had they been able. But oil in its relations with the federal adm inistration has acquired an odor th a t complete­ ly eclipses th a t which nature gave it, and therefore it is seiz­ ed upon by stink-pot politicians as ideal ammunition. (Continued from page 3> William Hilton, Portland contra«' tor, waa the successful bidder on the school building to be erected nt Fossil The Southern Pacific comaanr has secured an option on i t acres of Klamath Falls property which »til be utilised for switching, shops and roundhouse facilities for the new Eu­ gene-Klamath Falla line. After receiving no fish since the opening of the sdasoa on Rogue river the Macleay Estate company at Wed deburn has reached aa agreement with the union fishermen, who wOl be paid 8*4 cents for their cetchea. Ten thousand pounds of ehlttlm bark from trees in the Slualaw na tlonal forest have Just been sold by the forest service to W illiam Wilbur of Deadwood creek, according to Ralph S. Shelley, supervisor of thia forest. Governor W alter M. Pierce »aa the principal speaker at tie community picnic held at the Beaver Creek school grounds Thursday, June 12. under auspices of the Bearer Creek grange and the Beaver Creek Co-operative company. The two young snobs in Chi­ cago who murdered another boy for fun and seem proud of it are in themselves proof posi­ tive th a t their parents were un­ fit to rear children. Carl D. Shoemaker has tendered hla resignation as master fish ward- en, to become effective July 1, after which he will be known as office manager of the state fish commission until the new master fish warden be­ comes familiar with the work of the department. Mr Shoemaker has no plans for the future. of the state fair board to succeed Dr I. W. Morrow. Dallas was sblocted as the site for the 1925 convention of the Oregon state grange. In final sessions of the 51st annual meeting of that order. The convention held at The Dalles was attended by more than 850 grangers from over the state. George A. Pal- mlteer of Hood River will serve as master of the Oregon state grange for another two years. Hts election to that office, through a referendum of the various grange lodges In the state, was confirmed by the ronventl*u. $4 employe of the Irwin Hodson company of Portland, on charges of larceny, police officials declared the* had made FOR SALE •» and 10 yaars the first step tn uncovering a ring of wl. lN*0 each. men who have been defrauding the state out of thousands of dollars with roung colts. through the counterfeit tag of auto mobile license plates O oft according J. V. M it c m m i . l to the police, helped furnish a pair 407 Cleveland at., Albany 2 MARES, 2 3-yr.-old Colts HALSEY STATE BANK TVAtS V46.ee CUTTXUG A PM Vt N tttO S S NW W i O was gotta « top ' □sc tw svp ^ njalk '. tvaats um at its Tveee peft! Halsey, Oregon D'NA W6AQ* C A P IT A L | Largest Drum. Believed to be one of the largest In strunients of Its kind In the world, a drum with a diameter of eight and a half feet was recently used in a Lon- don picture theater to Imitate the fir­ ing of cannon. H I L L & 45 prised with results obtained. X /|\ New and Second-hand Wool Sax. Also TwineSJ O. W . F R U M 0/ A m e ric a n E a g le ¡ Fire Insurance Co. American Eagle Eiro Insurance company will pay you 85% of the cash value in case) of loss by fire. Nay is worth just ns much in storage as you might get for it in case of fire. T h } : Any Girl in Trouble C. I’. STAFFORD, Agent may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the GT— White Shield ilouic. 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregou. ♦ ^ « • H W H e e M M g gg H g g H w g u m g geeee t t t t im j IRVING BACHELLERu ---- - ..... ■«■ COf>YRJ&WT * «VISO OACMtLt. (Continued) CHAPTER X X IV The Pageant Jack began to assist Franklin In hie correspondence and In the many busi­ ness details connected with his mie­ sten. " I have never seen a man with a like capacity for work,” the young officer writes. “Every day he Is conferring with Vergennes or other representa­ tives of the king, or with the min­ isters of Spain, Holland and Great Britain. The greatest Intellect In the kingdom Is naturally In great request. Today, after many hours of negotia­ tion with the Spanish minister, In came M. Dubourg, tbe most dis­ tinguished physician In Europe. “ 'Mon chere maître,’ he said “I have a most difficult case and as you know more about the human body than any man of my acquaintance I wish to confer with you.’ “Yesterday, Doctor Ingenhauz, phy­ sician to the emperor of Austria, came to consult him regarding the vaccina­ tion of the royal family of France. “In the evening, M. Robespierre, a slim, dark-skinned, studious young at­ torney from Arras, wearing gold- rtmmed spectacles, came for Informa­ tion regarding lightning rods, he hav­ ing doubts of their legnllty. While they were talking, M. Joseph Ignace Gulllotln, another physician, arrived. He was looking for advice regarding a proposed new method of capital punishment, and wished to know If, in the Doctor's opinion, a painless death could be produced by quickly severing the head from the body. Next morn­ ing, M. Jourdan, with hair and beard as red as the flank of my bay mare and a loud voice, came soon after breakfast, to sell us mules by the shipload. "So you see that even L living In hla home and seeing him almost every hour of the day, have little chance to talk with him. Last night we met M. Voltaire— dramatist and historian —now In the evening of his days. We were at the academy, where we had gone to hear an essay hy D'Alembert. Franklin and Voltaire—a very thlu old gentleman of elghty-four, with pierc­ ing black eyes—sat side by side on the platform. The audience demanded that the two great men should com« forward and salute each other. They arose and advanced and shook hands. “ ‘A la Française,' the crowd de­ manded. "So the two white-haired men em­ braced and kissed each other amidst loud applause. “As we were leaving the table one Jay he said: 'Jack, I hs.ve an idea worthy of L>emosthenes. My friend, David Hartley of London, whe «tilt has hopes of peace by negotiation, wishes to come over and confer with me. 1 shall tell him that he may come 'f he will bring with him the Lady flare and her daughter.' " 'More thrilling words ware never spoken by Demosthenes,' I answered But how about Jones and hts Bonne Homme Richard? He Is now a terror to the British coasts. They would fear lestructlon? " T shall ask Jones to let them alone.' he said. ‘They can com« under s special flag' “Commodore Jones did not appear again In Faria until October, when be came to Tassy to report upon a I famous battle. W h tre O ur lee Cream is Served there i« Hire to be satisfaction. For the family deaiert tier* is nothing io e ici w e. With each succeed- ¡F " *ro nful you’ll like It more a: d ii.ore, 1.« t tie send you some. We have all flavors. We sell pint», quarts, half gallotis and gallons. Clark's Confectionery H ALSEY “I wee eager to meet thle terror of the coaste. Hie Impudent courage and sheer audacity had astonished the world. The wonder waa that meD were willing to Jain him In such dare devil enterprises. “I had Imagined that Jones would be a tall, ganne swarthy, raw-boned, swearing man of the sea He was s sleek, silent, modest little man, with delicate hands and features. He wished to be nlone with the Doctor, and so I did not hfiar theli* talk. 1 know that he needed money and that Franklin, having bo fund«, provided the sea fighter fyem t ie own.purse "One evening opr n ear neighbors, Le Compte de »Tbaumont and M. LeVlIleard, came Jo announce that a dinner and ball In honor of Frxtiklln would occur at tbm palace of Compte de Chaumont leas than a week later. “ 'My good friends,' said the phlloe opher, ‘I value these honors •which are so graciously offer h l me, but I am old and have much w ork to do. I need rest more than I i« u d the huuori? “ 'It la one of t h * penalties o£ being a great savant th at people wtZ.i to see and know him,’ aald the cq’jn t. “The moat distinguished people In France will be among those wLo do you honor. I think. I f you scan recall a talk we had some week» ugo, you will wish to be present.’ “ ‘Oh, then, jo u have heard from the Hornet? “ 'I have a letter here which you may rend at your conventt nee? ‘" M y dear friend, be phased to re­ ceive my apologies and iv y hearty thanks,* said Franklin. ‘Not: even the gout could keep me away? "Next day I received a •octnal In­ vitation to the dinner and b.Vl. I told the Doctor that In view of »lie work to be done, I would decline (fie Invita­ tion. He begged me not te ,<10 It and Instated that he was countlrgg upon me to represent the valor and chivalry of the New W orld; that at J .Iia d grown Into the exact stature of Washington and was so fam iliar w it’ / hla manners and able to Imitate the fa In conversa­ tion, he wished me to fgssume the cos­ tume of our coramaD'Aet tn chief. He did me the honor tit ssy : " ‘There It no ether tman whom It would be safe, ou? " I did ae he wished. T i e result was an aston'iblng liken» ta. I pressed as 1 had e»en the great loan In «!>» field. I wp'.e a wig slightly I taged w ith /ra y , * olue coat, buff wal Iteoat a n / and sword and the top hoots »nd spurs. When I strode weroe» the ro-VJ) In the masterly fnsh'rwi of our great commander, the Doctor dapped his hands. " ‘You are »a like ljn t ss one pea Is like another? he eiutxlmed. 'Nothing would so please our good friends, the French, who have B q immense curi­ osity regarding Le G rand Tasentoii. and It will give mu an opportunity to Instruct them aa to our aplrlt? went ta Ala desk and took from a drawer a Wrote of jew eled gold on • long neckfece of stiver—a gift from the king—