U J HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X I I HALSEY, L IN S CO UNTY, OREGON, THUR SDAY, JU N K 12, P'.M HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS learn, io the course of tim e, to plav. 0 . W. F r u n was a H olley vie'. t ) r F rid a y. Short Stories from Sundry ' caller Sources Delos W e,ley M onday. was in A lb a n y 1 WaIton * •• a SalrBQ NO. 45 ----------- C le v e la n d & A u d ito r iu m S c e n e o f G . O . P . C o n v e n tio n Epitome of Events in the Beaver State > T hursday. S p Mr». C. P. Stafford was a Eu­ gene visitor Saturday, M. H. Shook returned M»ndav Corcoran visited from a short tr ip to Portlaud. Mrs. J. J. Albany Monday. A total of $11,110.60 wag turned ovar to tho state treasurer by the state land board during the month of May. -V M rr. A lb e rt M ille r was a Brow ns- T. II. C. Brasfield, who was ill ville visito r the last of the week. last week, is able to be up and Patten & Gibson shipped a oar- about again. S. J. Shoen is on 1 >ad of lauihe from Tulsa Monday, j the sick list. ík Fitzhugh G. Lee hae been confirmed by the senate as postmaster at Junc­ tion City. Or., and W illiam C. Foster at Tillamook. C-' ■ Miss Grace K irk returned Satur. Halsey learned the baseball d y from .Monmouth norm al school. lesson the Pine Grove boys E. S. Hay es and fa m ily returned J came over and gave, and last Wednesday from a trip to Grants Saturday w ent over and retu rn ­ Pass. ed the compliment, beating Pine Grove 7 to 4. I M r. and M is. K a rl B ram well and B. S. C lark .¥ 'b Thlrtyntne student« at the Indian school at Chetuawa received diplomas from Governor Pierce at the graduat­ ing exercises. Eugene's building permits totaled $1,347.036 for the first five months of 1JI24 The permits during May amount­ ed to $260,160. and D. T aylor Roland Marks, having grad­ drove to Albany Thursday. uated and meantime served time * of P ortland went in various drug stores, s t a r t s 1. R M. Hoop j . • out as a full-fledged pharm acist homi Monday “{ter doIng work in one of Portland’s big dru<- Brownsville for the Albany col- stores a t |150 a month. * . le&e drive- NEWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER OREGON City officials have asked that Eu­ gene people curtail their use of water, as the filtering plant Is not working up to standard. .* î ,- V à , > A • . ti Mrs. Cecil Small, who h a s ' Miss Dollie Allingham, for many been living a t Newberg, is v is it-1 yeara a resideDt oi Halsey, is dc- The oonvenl-on yesterday approved the H arding C ooliJg) w orld court p im v a id in v ite I E,tFo|l»‘ t . ing Mrs. Lyman Coates a few ! m onntrating food products at the to start his th re a t ned th ir l party q i progressive issues. days before going to Astoria Koontz store. to live. Mrs. Small will be r e - ! t q »» »» i . j > membered as Florence Adams. ofJ „S M-Mahan returned the las. v u w ouam a. t |)e wee|{ f rom Sweet Hom e, E. L. B a rn e tt of P ortland a d S h e d d S n a p s h o ts THEODORE E. BURTON The Kirk-Pollak Motor Com- be had taken eon.e cattle to wife and their daughter and hu . band from Seattle stopped in H- 1- pany has moved into a large 8Umtl)er rar,Be- f i t SeCOnd M r aud M ri Cecil Q uim by r. - se» a few hours Tuesday on tb< ir The eld»r A1 Jany, and l t i ( Urnt() F rid a v from th e ir home at way to H arrisburg. B arnett form erly lived in Ila ls e r. is the handsomest and most up- Al(ipa nnd will .pend the summer tie and H C Davis wore chums to-date auto quarters in the ¡n this neighborhood. Mid schoolmates, th e ir futhe>e' county. * E . G W a rd and aon Ferris of farms adj >ining, but he fouud E. B. Williamson was elected pvesi- Eugene, were in H a ls e y Sunday very few people here now whom he recognized. dent of the Albany chamber of com- vis itin g th e ir m other and grand ?evnn bst r o i ng R A 8* (Enterprise Correspondence) An order restraining Ihe slate ta m e commission from changing the open season on deer was Issued by Clrcnltt Judge Bingham, Wednesday. Building permits In Marshfield for the first five months of 198« aggre­ gated $331,000. which la nearly on a par with those issued throughout l t t l . The University of Oregon has raised $309,782 thus far In Its nation-wide milllondollar endowment campaign, according to the oftlcftU report Issued May 28. Mr. and Mrs. Vent Arnold drove to Lebanon Sunday. A limited number of enlistments Jim Tail, the Shedd barber, from Portland for the sir service In the was in Albany on business Wed­ Philippines has been authorised by nesday. the ninth corps area headquarters a t San Francisco. Miss Ima Powers of Albany merce at the annual moettng. ¡m o th e r, M rs. M M . W a rd . is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jack Young James Rector returned R. T. Spalding baa resigned as sec­ The Rev. Robert A. Buchanan of Cornett. Sundny evening front A lbany, retary of the Marshfield c h e a te r of Sitka, Alaska, has accepted the pas M rs. Albert M iile r returnedMon- to become secretary of the. torate of Grace Presbyterian church from a vis it to Eu gene and where he had been the guest o Mesdaraes H. S. Pugh and commerce E llio tt .McW illiams for a f< w days. Medford chamber, succeeding H. O-. Lyman Pennell drove to Scio at Albany, succeeding the Rev. A. D. was accompanied by her daughter, Frobach, resigned. W hile gone he made n tr ip to Thompson, who resigned after serving Mrs Florence Lepper, and grand- Sunday. a .* < « 1 Portland w ith the M cW illia m s Dentists from many sections of th * ¡son Francis. several years. T. H. C. Brasfield, Sol Meyer slate, some 600 la number, gathered ia m il» . The Wheelers wish to thank th r ' T h • c o 'n ty offered «400 to the I and J. C. Clay drove to Sodaville In Portland Wednesday for the Slat Halsey Church of C h ris t •Sunday. H tlsey young people who seren- I heirs of John O. Brown for one. annual coeven'tea of the Oregon g is t* aded them M onday evening. The ¡tenth of an acre needed for the ap- Lyman Coates, Frank H off-1 Dental assoAlatten tnusicians k in d ly left some of th e ir ^Pfoach. to the Tfarriaburg bridge, man and wives spent Sunday ' W hile other regions suffer front in stru m e n ts—oans , kettles, etc.— 1 * be heirs a=k $1200. C^ndemna- lack of water, the Warm Springs Irri­ visiting friends in Albany. w b ic h tb e recipients may perhaps j**on Proceed' nSs have been started. gation project enjoys the dlstlnctlen Mrs. W. Brunson and children of being the only project In the west ' ■" Tho Fisher-Braden F urn iture of Maplewood are visiting Mrs. with a surplus for 1924. company is now established in its | Brunson’s sisters.. Mrs. Vein new home at Stcond and Broad­ Charles H. Carey, delegate at larg * He made the key note spiech’ Arnold and Mrs. H arry Spren- W e H ave albin streets, A lb a n y, and has aj from Oregon to the republican aa- at Cleveland. ger. EVERY THING i large advertisem ent on page 6 of: tlanal convention was selected to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A bra­ make a speech seconding the nomina­ i the Enterprise this week. Look at O ptical ham and sons Lester and tion of President Coolidge. the prices. A lfo r d A r r o w s E Y E S T R A IN E verett returned Sunday from The state tax on sales of gasoils* F rank Ganzle, W ill McDowell Church Announcements Is the Cause of Many several days stay at Belknap and distillate In Oregon during the and J. P. H unter were in a car en­ (Bnterprlee Correspondence) •H U M A N IL L S j Springs. month nt April aggregated $214,497.0$. Church of C h rist : gaged in the sport of chasing a I f yeur eyes give you trouble or Chester Curtis went to Al­ according to a statement prepared by your glasses are annoying C. J. Shedd and family a t­ ¡ra bb it nlong the road near Sweet Lon Chamlee. m inister. bany Monday. SEE US. We can Relieve You i Home Saturday when a w heel came tended the baccalaureate ser- Sam A. Koter, (ecretary of state. Last Sunday 20 men met for Beverly Isom visited her ¡vices a t Albany College Sun- A seawall of more than a half m il* off. No damage was done except Bancroft Optical Co. the opening session of the Men’s grandm other, Mrs Louise Bond, day evening. Harold Shedd was In length Is one ot the ambitious pro­ Jl.T 1st St. W. Albany. Phone a little p lo w in g up of the road. jects of Newport. The wall has been Bible Class. Our aim was 25. lA A A A A * A V A V tA A A Kate and Hazel Green visited ' in the graduating class. (C ontinued page 1 ) We want the other 5 by next I their friend, Thelma Ingram , I Mrs. Lyman Pennell and sons started and about 800 feat la under construction by the port commission. Sunday. There was a good,1 Sunday, i Mrs. Agnes Clark and Lucille F E. Mallory ««« wounded In the lively song service, a patriotic « v m service, introduction of all men, . M,st- L. A . Starnes was Shedd went to Portland Monday face, chest and abdomen In exchnng to attend the E astern S tar con­ and a short message on the les-1 j f ,'om the hospital Ing shots with five men whom h* vention and rose festival. observed prowling around the mer­ son. Class officers were elected Thursday ol last week, Mr». I y.nau Pennell and sons chandise store ot H. N. Beck In Uub- as follows: President, Aaron Miss D eEtta Robnett of Eu- > S tarnes; vice president, Rodney g,.ne ¡8 visiting her grand- the graduation exercises in Al­ bard. Henry Turkman of Portland, died | Savage; song leader, Elbert m other, Mrs. D. I. Isom. bany Wednesday. Among the ¡Isom ; secretary-treasurer, Arlie „ graduates ______ „ who form erly attend- at a Halcm hospital as the result of In­ Cummings; teacher, Lon Cham- Mrs. Michael Rickard is quite ed Shedd _ _ __ school were Gail juries suffered when a truck la which of : lee; assistant teacher, William I p and Mrs. J. H. Rickard i s ! Troutm an and he was riding plunged down a hill on David Porter, tho highway betweeo Dallas and In ­ I White. There will be six com -, improving a fte r a long siege of Thursday was picnic day, the dependence. mittees, publicity, music, social, sickness. I several grades and high school > Closer ______ organisation ___________________ _ j usher, membership, and benevo- ot the live slock E. A. Starnes and daughteis al| going to different places in industry of the state and the PnriQd I lent. The president will an- E sther and H enrietta, attended the woods and enjoying their northwest was emphasized nt the ll'k ; u -uuce Ih e c h a irm e n later. the Shedd graduation exercises lunches and having a good time annual convention of the Cattle a n * Next Sunday the Bible school Friday night. and • I in general. Horse Ratiera' association of Oregoo ■ will observe children’s day. We held In Baker. | Miss Lillie Rickaid is hom e' will raise $50 for the support of Shedd's first ball team played A i the Q uarti crostine about n t» a native evangelist Africa, . i for the summer vacation from the Albany Moose a t Shedd on mile» east ot Baker, a watt bound ___ _ in ___ where Miss Goldie Wells is. The Monmouth, where she attended Sunday. The score was 7 to 11 freight train ran Into a herd of c a tti* plan is for every one to give school the past winter. in Shedd's favor; the second belonging to Palmer k Denham and June 10 to 14 inclusive • I one cent for every year he or in Albany Saturday and saw team played Jefferson a t Jef- killed __ Iwenty two and seriously Injur- she has lived. ferson and Shedd lost by a score ed a number more, The m inister will preach his Jackie Coogan in "Cireus Days” of 5 to lfi A convention nf musk teschern an<$ anniversary day message a t 11 at the Glob? theatre, returning professional miiaktana of Oragon was home Sunday morning. Frank Hoffman drove over j a. m. " It’s a G reat Life if h*ld at tha UnlvarOty of Orason F ri­ I You Don’t W eaken.” Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer and from Prineville last week and day and Saturday of last weak. Sev­ B ib le Bcbool, 10, VV. II Robert- Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Robnett and with his wife is visiting a t the eral hundred persona from all parte of will demonstrate the products of the com-' son, superintendent. daughter Doris of Eugene were home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman the etate attended. C hristian Endeavor, 7. evening callers a t the Coates. Mrs. Hoffman is Mrs. Ted Mandronaa, accused of betas pany. Samples of ! M orning wort-hip, 11, L o rd ’ s Sunday Coates' sister and has been home of Mis, D. I. Isom. the third man In the Moeler Valley visiting here for some time. »upper every L o rd ’s day. bank robbery laat ovember, was found E. D. Isom and family attend­ Evening service, 8, The Commencement exercises tu llty of robbery armed with a daager The church w ith o u t a bisb p, iu ed the graduating exercises of weapon, by a Jury in the circuit the Albany high school Wednes- were held in the W. O. W. hall ous the country w ith o u t a k irg . court at The Dalles. home day evening of last week. Mis. ' F ™l*y evening. High school I f to u have no church Governor Pierce oom muted from come and worship w ith us. Isom’s sister, Miss Vera Bond, pupils receiving diplomas were death to life Imprlaonment the sen­ Viola Arnold. Clarence McCon- was one of the graduates. < • ---- M ethodist: nel and Edna Farwell of the tence of Abe Evans, a ho wee schedul­ COME. Y ou will not be asked to buy, Robert Parker, pastor. Sunday dinner guests at the eighth grade; Katherine Arnold ed Io be hanged for the murder of E. D. Isom home were Ix»n Berniece Farwell, Dorothy Dun­ James Doran In Waaco county The Sunday School, 10. Chamlee, pastor of the Halsey can and Roy Preaching. 11. Dannen, Janet crime wee committed September 1$, C hristian church, his family and Interm ediate League, 7. Katherine and Carl Arnold, 1921. near The Dalles. The goveruor'a * GOOD GOODS * E pw orth League, 7. their guests, Miss Della Snyder P aithena W hite and Merle decision la based on the belief that Prayer meeting Thursday, 8, and Miss Cornelia Scharfenberg Thompson, received awards for Evans la feeble minded. Preaching, 8. 1 of Bellevue, Ohio. I the best attendance. (C o u tin it-I on p eg'n * I * < • • • • A t SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION : M. V. K 00N Z c o . store : CROWN FLOUR : Crown JVIills Cereals • Miss Allingham : COOKED FOOD FREE J to Everybody ROONTZG