PAGI: « HALbKY H N TE H P R IS It G LO BE pea r»«J I t e o u tb .” ALBANY read: ‘ ‘ Two blocks W J C t r t f at Eugene * t t a visitor between tra in « Wednesday SUNDAY—M ONDAY W V . Mason, Albany bouse mover, »11 in town Tuesday but would not te ll wbat house be had designs on. J (JAM «-¥ CECIL B. De MILLE’S T riumph Somebody wastes water nt n ig ht aud empties the lan k so th a t la case of (ire we would he without protection. M i * latest sued»» uiaile »ir.ce the " T e n Comuiandinents,” and you have to go back to “ Male and Fem ale” and " Mauslaugtitei ** for a companion to “ Tnom ph.” V * JUNK S. i«M Refreshments w il be served at the meetiog of the Women's Mis-1 iiouary society at tbu Church of l,r2:15 p. m. 24, ’ 4:27 p in 23. 7.24 p b i . 22, 3:20 a. iu. 21. 11)2 p Nos. 21 sod 22 stop only it flagged No. 14, due Halsey at 5 tif p. tu., stops to let off passengers from south of Roseburg. No. 23 runs to Eugene only. No. 21 rnns to Eugene, thence Marsh­ field branch. Passengers for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to No. 15. a We are in the field for more scriber specifically renews it. subscriptions. We want to be Any present subscriber who able to address a larger clien­ is not in arrears may take his tele during the coining political choice from the premium list campaign. With this object in for every new subscription he SUNDAY MAIL HOURS view we are making more liber­ brings in, with $1.50, and the al premium offers than were new subscriber will also receive The delivery window of the ever made before or probably j the same prize. HaJsey poetoffice is open Sundays ever will be made again. These j Any paid-in-advance subscrib­ from 10:40 to 10:60 a. m. and 12:16 offers hold good only during1 er who brings in two name« an< to 12:30 p. m. June, 1924. $3 may have two of the pre­ Sunday m ail goes ont o nly on Every new subscriber who' miums for himself and each of the north-bound 11:37 tra in : Mail goes south once a day, closing at during June pays $1.50 for the the newcomers ruay have one. in. ; north twice, closing 1125 Enterprise one year may have Any person entitled to two 11:05a. m. and 5:30 p. in. M ail sta hi» choice of the premiums list­ prem iuus rnav have, in their stead onnsville, Crawfordsville aa ed below, except Professor a copy of Prof. Horner’» Short Home leaves daily at 4:45 a 111. Horner’s history. The sub­ History of Oregon. scription, to win the prize, m ust, Any subscriber who is in ar­ Teacher Gets Promotien be received during June. These j rears may become eligible to Mia« N ettle Spencer got home subscriptions will be kept in a draw prizes for procuring new separate list and every paper cash subscriptions by paying Tuessday from E lk to n , where she will be discontinued when the j his own subscription to or be ta ug ht in tha »ehools tha year ju s t closed. She has been elected year expires unless the sub-1 yond July 1, 1924. Mrs. Ida East, from Browne villa, passed through Hulsey Tuns day for the ccuoty seat to assist iu PJum & M c M u llin »hipped » the sheriff's < ffice a fsw weeks. < ha' w on ’ t come off, and went :• world, that, state the numbers a t high ae we w ill, whilst the dispute con­ who baa charge of the county fait 1 ro rn s v ille to lecture tonight. tinues, the exaggeration ends."— Speech tbia je a r, is in town. J. O Cross took a load of bogs on "Concilliatlon W ith America." W. C. S m ith and W . P. W a ll o Salem on the F ru in truck M on- Lees than a century and a half ago, and fam ilies visited at A. C. A r r r- lay, bringing back a load of gro. when Burke made this statment In aeries for the M . V. Kooutx Co. parliament, lie feared he would he ac stro n g ’s Sunday afternoon. princia l o f the E lk to n lib o o ls . Miss Spencer was able to saoura C, P. Stafford and Geoige M a x ­ fused of exaggeration when he stated Mis» M yrtle Toby of Weal Lyni. well and th e ir wives spent decora­ the population of the colonies as two a rare trea t fo r the schoola and strived Tuesday to visit her m oth­ and a half millions; now the popula­ people of E lk to n on commence­ tion day on the banks of tbe Mo­ tion of the United States Is 110,000,000 er, Mrs. John Gorm ley. ment day, M ay 28. I t happens hawk w ith Mr. Stafford's cousins. —40.000,000 of which have been added that she is personally p re tty well Miss Anna Mygren passed th ru Miss Alice Lafayette of Eugene durtog the last quarter century. Wear-Ever is the best alumi­ acquainted w ith a citizen ol Ore­ Halsey today for her home iu A - passed through Halsey Tuesday A quarter of a century ago, before num goods made. It is pro- gon by the name of Piarse and the last forty millions were added to bany after a week in B ro w n sville . on her way home after visiting our population, excessive wealth and ,’ n r h U o a u i : duced under enormous pressure, she in v ite d her friand to attend her brother in Brownsville a few MesdAiues Mary Hayes, J. C. excessive poverty were practically un­ the school exoroieas and ba did so. Bram w ell and Josie Hmith and days. known. Both of these always tend to It also happen» th a t th is frie n d of W e a f - F v p r A l i i n i n n m Pact body' Spun ware is made Miss Mary L. S m ith drove to tb» A. C. A rm strong and wife were Increase as the population Increases. hers is governor of ths etste a t from soft sheets and soon wears county seat Munday. u A lbany Saturday and Monday Back In those days every village and present, and th is ls tts r fact ° ul Mrs. A rm strong drove to Kug' ne town contained dozens of vacant lore, ' ® pressed, containing many min­ caused the people to flock to th e Mrs. C. N . Moody of H a rris ­ and visited Mrs. Starnes iu the and great commons where the village ute cavities into which the few schoolhouse to listen to the speech cows grazed and where tbe circus an­ burg. mother of the Halsey r a il, hospital. nually pitched Its tents. Houses, In impurities that can damage of the guest and then to grasp his road agent, suffered a stroke cl Twelve bottles o f booze were those days, were close enough together paralysis last Saturday. She is aluminum find their way and bis hand. May 23 became a rad fo in d in a rto m at tbe Browns­ for company, and far enough apart for re p o it.d as im proving. work for its ultimate destruc­ letter day in ths E lk to n school ville bote! Monday, but tbe roomer privacy. Children had plenty of space tion. Aluminum is the best calendar. for baseball games; plenty of woods As usual Prof. English is keep­ Dad t ikeu alarm and sought room Governor Pierce spoke on ths kitchen ware and Wear-Ever is In which to go wUd-flowerlng and nut ing bis muscle up on the farm elsewhere. fo u n d a tio n stones of A m e rica ’s the best aluminum. ting; plenty of clean streams In which d urin g vacation, this tim e in cm greatness, which he says are her to chase crawfish and minnows. Mrs. K. H Dougherty (his neighbor state 011 the north. Every housewife knows the schools and her churches. The last forty millions have changed grandma) reports the a rriv a l uf a virtues of enameled ware— M r, Pierce says th a t the recall, all that. Vacant lots are becoming H a rry Bressler has so far reoov- nine-pound son at ths homo o( free from rust, easy to keep whose parentage was s ca ureo f in ­ fewer each year; people In towns and ered from his illness th a t I e J Rev. W. Wg Crabb and wife, Pom clean. The fresh berry and q u iry when th a t alleged movement villages no longer keep caws, because expects to be at work again eooi • roy, Wash. It la too hard to find pasturage for fruit season will soon be here. showed signs of life, was begotten H is naw nurse »earn» to be a sue- When you have a surplus over of the bootleg iotiueoce and hasn’ t W in n ifre d , wife of Joseph Dan- them; wild flowers are becoming so M SS. scarce that we no longer encourage home consumption you will not uttered a squeak »luce the sermons ley and daughter o f Mrs. J. B Mrs. M a tth a J. Kayser arrived Huston and sister of M rs. Raleigh children to pick them; nut trees have want to let it stand: and spoil. in lb s churches on the Sunday of Monday noon from R edland>, Cal., Templeton, died at te r home in bean cut off to such an extent that Put it on the range in this little aw enforcement week. a boy Is fortunate to gather a quart and want on the afternoon tra in , P ortland Thursday, kettle while there is a fire for where a boy of the earlier dny could hound for Sdvertou, where a son other puiposes, and fill a jar have gathered bushels. The friends o f booze are ju st resides. Mrs. W. I I . McMahan wa* or two for use next winter, With the Increase In population hat now fig h tin g in court to upset tha called to C orvallis Satvrday by when it will be so delicious. law passed by the legislature a t The government calls fo r a he death ol her brother, Late coma a tremendous Increase In out its last session to enable tha gov­ six-days a-week stage to carry let- Stewart. Saturday. Funeral Mor J dollar and cents wealth, and few peo pie ever stop to think whether this In F i T a v F n a m p l r r l Handy when theie are a few ernor to appoint a special prose­ tre a id newspapers between day st Crystal Lake, crease Is a sound one. It la, therefore. cutor where tha elected oflisial fa ils Halsey and Brownsvile, beginning weB to consider that the sources ol other occasions when a good- to tr y to convict lawbreakers. J. F- M itc h e ll wauls to sail a wealth are labor, soil, water power D i s h n a n June 16. sized vessel is needed about pair of heavy brood mares, sound timber, minerals and fisheries In the house. N 8. Nye of Sweat H< me tells as a d ollar, and other horseflesh creased population Increases only one G. R. W alker and fa m ily started an Enteiprise reporter tiia t he lias and advertises on page li, accident­ of these factors of national w e a lth - yesterday fo r a couple o f m onths T w o M a t i n e e T i r l e p k Good for the afternoon at the fu ll urew of tire wardens on, a lly m a rke d " 5 ,” th is week. labor. I t uses up tha natural fertility A V Y U I I d U I I C C 1 1LKC15 any regular.price show afc th(J on wheels. T h e ir itin e ra ry in ­ t ib first tliin e this has happened of tha boll, the timber, minerals and cludes P ortland, The Dalles, Globe theatre, Albany. Carlos, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. flak more quickly than nature can re- 11 early iu the ye: r- Clarkston, Wash., T roy, Idaho, S Marstwrs, who live 011 route 2, 0100). increased population EJ ite Cv1?c^ on‘ Spokane, the home of a daughter L. II. A 'm atrnng and fam ilv near B row nsville, was declared the P about Increased exploitation of r eiy. Albany, and packed in a at Brewster, W ash., tha Y a kim a drove to O akland, O r., Friday and winner over four other contestants ths natural resources of the country nice box, valley and home, to M arshfield Saturday, coming 111 leal esate talks staged by am) thus brthgs about ao appearance home Sunday, Miss K lbelyn he state rea lty company. He is of Increasing prosperity, while all tbe Th« M cN ary-H augen b ill Chenoweth, Mrs, A rin ttro n g 's picture taker and appraiser fo r a Oma cutting away tha foundation oc . creams. Here is a whole ^ ^ is dead, and tbe E nterprise sister, camo w ith H um for a visit. F orlland realty fitm . H is addre a which prosperity rests. p ° und fl®e to every new cash oeljeves the fsrmers are none the Tha ultimate result of a rapidly “ Porcy,” the quilled youngster, ins been broadcuetud over the stale •hoofing population la a crowded coun subscriber during the month of s till slays, uncaged, at the Arrow by adio. June. And1 if the new name worse fo r its demise. trt Meh as China now Is. The nexi mtUtoM wilt not crowd us as | garage and eats red (not w hile) and cash are brought in by an clever, rosea, lettuce and such •1 China la crowded; but It wil' old subscriber whose subscrip­ crowd us altogether too much for com o ilie r delicacies as suit his discritn- tion is not in arrears the lat­ fo rt It seems high time for us tc I io stin g lanoy, irrespective of who ter gets another pound. W ith the H igh ras ter that an increased population b | offers them . M any of bis q u ilh m i an unrolled blessing S ch ool Classic have been taken as souvenirs. One of the most popular Much So-called stomach trouble is See pieibium s in our window. Here They Are □even-men n e a v y which gives a very hard< com. vveai lLVer TAIlininUm Frying Pan ^ast ware *s lighter than Four-quart G ray Enam eled Preserving K ettle Srmll om an M a r c a r s t B oyd ) _ Mry »era «aid by men who paid no "Happy la th ia she Is not yst as aid •♦•«otloa but aha may laam ." fotden'' — M archant e f Vanlaa. to the maxtm "Silence Is Thera ties been much xpeculatiuo Sure Should. aa to the age at which people cease The extreme pleasure we take In to be able to learn Thera ef talking of onraelves should make us course, bo set age—some people can fenr that we give very little to those not learn anything after they arn who listen t< on. twenty, and others can learB after they are a hundred. In general, tee much stres« Is laid upon youth aa a requisite for those who wish to atuds Inventions ef Chinese. ne» subjects. It Is common te find Among the famous Inventions of the people who have been unable te •> Chinese are »ha following: The com­ straight from high school te college pass. printing, lithography, sus;enaton fearing that they will ba handicapped bridges and gunpowder. tn their studies by their age If that enter after they have been eut ef The Boss Speaks Up. school for some years SucK > think, “I don't mind you boys praetlclng la never c m Lunguagea have always been held io putts In the office with an umbrellt," be a subject that should ba atudleJ remarked the boss, "but please don't That last during youth. The T«ry young child try to Illustrate drives. is learning words all the tliua. sad It swing nearl * q the rhandet'er •• makes little difference to him whether the word l i I-«tln. English, French. Few Peitonoue Snakes. Italian or Russian. It. therefore, O f tha several thousands of different ►eems pmhabla that a very young child «pedes of snakes, only ahnut one- can learn a naw language much more third have polaon glands The bite quickly than an adult can It la much I of not more than 180 would cause to ha doubted, however, whether a death to man. sixteen year-old hoy enn learn a new language any mors quLklg than s t} year-old ? e a r .'IU ma man. sixty Benjamin Tranklln began bit study + of languages s ft.r he had bean for a I “ long time tha pioprtetor and editor will de whac we claim for l i ­ of a newspaper, had published Poor Richard'« Almanac,* bad founded the nd vout svston of Catarvh ov Drafacas Philadelphia Hbrnry, and hjd dope cauaad by Catarrh. fcw *» A>own Ar ewr e« war» r . J. C H E N E Y fo C O ., Toledo, Ohfo brands of high-grade coffee on the market. | V alid order on the M . IV . Koontz store for 50c in goods really chronic appendicitis This can often be relieved by simple glycerine, Buckhorn bark, etc., as combined in Ad- lerika. Most medicines set only on lower bowel, but Adleriksscts on BOTH upper and lower bowels, and removes all gases and poisons. Brings out matter yau never thought was in your svstem. dKcellent for obstinate constipation, RINGO DRUG STORE I dozen Eagle Pencil C o.’s M ikado pencils DR. W H E T S T O N E D E N T IS T H ALSEY H O T E L Special Prof. H o rn er’s Short History ofOregon Wednesday only 1:80 to 8:3OJ HALSEY Any paid-in-advance sub­ scriber, or anybody who be­ comes such, who turns in two Cream and Produce Station new subscriptions to the Enter­ Cash paid for prise, with 53, while each of Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal the new subscribers gets choice of the premiums, may have, & Hides, m . H- S H O O K for the service, two of the above premiums, or, if he prefers, a copy of Homer’s new and up- to-date Early History of Ore­ gon, which sells for 51. This Laandrv »ent Tuesdays t>ook summarizes in an authori­ A