HALSRV BNTERPMISB " I, Ciao Lytle, do take Paul JUNE S. I« « rr; were Gentry O. Sims. Coquille, (slier, ^ ^ H a r d m a n to be u.y lawful and Edward L. Duby. Baker, farmer husband, and agree to live with Of the 69! accidenti reported daring which killed nine people a t Al­ HALSEY ENTERPRISE him until death do us p a r t ’’ These bany last fail a fte r they had the week. «16 *erk subject to bene­ a . li,« » » e a « e a l^ .S II> T n< a ir « l — • • • » • - words on a piece of p*p«r were fits under tbe workmen's compensa­ eaten canned string bean*. Get . » •» » » » ■ S h a S e il » v a r y T h u ra d a r 'hrown across the asle from Pau, s tion act, 77 were from firms and cor­ tz r M W HESCLEH a copy of the bulletin If you can desk to Cleo'a io a Kansas City before you can vegetables. porations that haVe rejected the law law school. Cleo w rit« ” O. K. “ and five were from public utility cor­ you can can rrlB 'o. >1 63 • y « *r In advance. Don’t can unless on the paper and threw it back porations not entitled to state protec­ A d v e rtis in g 2o*. an inch , no discoun s a f e l y . ___________ She said it was all a joke, hut tion. lor il'uic Cabot Lodge and his follow­ time. disease. ers. They slew American mem- Jutant-General White wan requested to «et Saturday, June 7, aa the date beiship in the league of nations but the ghost of it will not tor mustering In the new company. down, and every time it flutters Roseburg high school thia year Is graduating the largest class In the his­ they shiver with fright. They seek for their country tory of the school, and one surprising (and for themselves, as the feature Is that the membership of the country’s bosses) th a t which -lass consists of 11 more boys than Blxty-flve will receive di­ belongs to none but an alm ighty girls eve.ylhing in stunk. B» quick power—influence without re­ plomas. A total of >10,547.19 was spent by sponsibility. There have been kings who and In behalf of George L. Baker of sought to attain the same goal Portland In his candidacy for the re­ by the short cut of proclaiming publican nomination for United States themselves gods, but centuries senator, according to campaign ex­ have rolled by during which pense statepients sq far filed with Sec­ 22 There’s health in cultivating they have had neither power nor retary of State Kozer. l i a r c l e n LO O IS 52 g , rden crop«, and also in eating th< m A fine of >100 and a scathing lecture responsibility. More reoently kings have was the penalty Imposed upon Beryl sought the same elusive object Wagner. 18-year-old Washington Coun­ by proclaiming themselves sov­ ty girl, who pleaded guilty before Uni­ ereigns by divine right, but ted States District Judge Bean In Port­ land to a charge of sending a vulgar they have tumbled. The little two-leggdd would- letter through the mall. be-gods a t W ashington will Clara Trenholm, 17-year-old Phl’o- nath girl, was killed Instantly and tumble too. Ttiey seek the unattainable. St her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D P. Tren­ did Nebuchiuli.ezzor. Nero and all holm, and two younger sisters were badly injured In a tralnauto crash at the other eelf-prooleitued gods. the Lafayette avenue crossing just out­ Mr. Coolidge plainly tells side the McMinnville city limits. them th at this country cannot G E N E R A L S T O R A G E F E E D 0S Frank R. Oouldstone and C. G. « exert its influence in world af­ Ferry. Portland motorcycle officers, D E A L E R IN H A Y , G R A IN A N D fairs without assuming obliga­ were suspended upon order of Com­ tions. That is the rock of eter­ missioner Stanhope S. Pier, In charge E G G « Have you used any of ______ nal fact against which their of the police bureau, for a period of I I nclude nel title a sack v with y o u r boats are wrecked as often as 10 days while charges that they have $ P R O D U C E R ? they launch them. ngaged In the practice of "highjack next o rd e r o f p o u ltry feed anti j o u will be su r- ng" bootleggers Is further Investigat­ f|\ prised with re su lts obtained. Foot and mouthvdisease is at ed. In event Salem canneries refuse to last realy under control in Cali Also Twinej- New and Second-hand Wool Sax. fornla. There are occasionally pay mors than 4 cents a pound for new outbreaks, but only in local­ herrles produced this year, It Is llke- O. W . FRU M ities where the plague has ex­ y that the growers will ship their resh fruit to California for dlspoai- isted, and those localities are stricty quarantineed. It is as ion. Thia was Indicatori following ap safe as ever to travel in th at innOunCeiuent that »«Versi of the can state, but few people are doing ìerles had quoted thé opening price it. Many more are going from or cherries at 4 cents. Fpur hundred old men and women than to California. Business of all kinds is suffering more >f the Multnomah county poor farm from the scare than from the ast week sought new hope to escape pest, and recovery, though it heir lot of poverty In a frenzied hunt has definitely set in, is and will or burled gold—told by spirits be slow. We suffer from real hrough an aged seer an^ medium. ills in this ife, but we suffer With sticks, shovels and hoc«, they much more from those that are eratohed every foot Of land, dislodged Hay is w orth ju s t as m u ch in sto rag e as ocka sud dug deep tor the treasure. im aginary. --- —» ■ ■■■ — Oregon ranks «lath among the vari you m ight get for it in case o f fire. Tli ) Mr*. I’rookhart agnee with >us states of the union, according iA m e ric a n Eagle F ire In su ra n ce com pany Mia. Poir.dextrr on aocial cocdi- o Its citizens' reading and Interest in (will pay you 85% o f th e cash value in case 3 of the so-called higher type maga tioris in Washington and has g.im Ines published In the United States, homo lo make good butter, feed o f loss by fire. .'his Information was contained In a good chickens and raise good t hit eport prepared by J. A. Churchill, dren. Senator U o khart i* greet* tute superintendent of schools, bas with Mr». B. aud extend« the d on statistics furntghed by Ward G. criticism to much that is called feeder of the Ohio 9tate university. Mrs. Luclle Smith McArthur, widow politics iii the national capital. Hi publican« in Iowa agree with f C. N. McArthur, who represented he third Oregon district In congress Brookbart and in priinarita day rom 1919 to 1933. has been appoint- before yeettrday they nomi'iiittd d executive clerk to the majority him to succeed hiuiaell. -ader of the national house of repre cntailves. The position la one of the may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the I t’s coming. A man was fin­ -est In the gift of the house, as It will • White Shield Home, 5» 5 XI.nl.ilr avenue, Portland, Oregon. ed $50 in New York the other sy aa annual salary of >3600 a year day for buying liootleg liquor. inder legislation now about to be en When every pet son who breaks cted. A few hours before James Briere, the law by buying is penalized, Where Our lee as well as those who sell, prohi­ (ate prisoner Injured In the Kelly Cream is Served bition will prohibit. There are lutte premature dynamite explosion ast week died In Portland, a letter there is sure to be satisfaction. For »nun» lawbreakers—criminals— vas received by the sh eriffs office. in the highest places in society ■ ddressed to Briere, containing su ap tiie family dessert there is nothing tuid even in congress. When peal from his slater. Mra Anne Arch so delicious. With each succeed the law is enforced against Malheur do your job the way it should he d »re. FAG I 2 HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings account! Solicited r iFgi* H IL L & CoevRiOMT n IRVING &ACW EU. aaMeei — (Continued) CHAPTER XXIII In France With Franklin. Jack shipped In the packet Mercury, of T9 tons, under Capt. Simeon Samp son, one of Amerlca'e ablest naval commanders. She had been built for rapid sailing and when, the second day out, they saw a British frigate bearing down upon her they wore ship and easily ran a u sy from their enemy. Their first landing was at St. Martin on the Isle de Rhe. They crossed the Island on mules, being greeted with the c ry : "Voila les braves Bostonea!" In France the word Bostone meant American revolutionist. At the ferry they embarked on a long gabbone for La Rochelle. There the young man enjoyed his first repose on a French lit built up of sundry layers of feath­ er beds. In the morning he set out In a heavy vehicle of two wheels, drawn by three horses. Its postillion In frizzed and | powdared hair, under a cocked but. ) with a long queue on his back and In , great boots, hooped with Iron, rode a ' lively little bidet. Such was the French stagecoach of those days, Its running gear having been planned w-lth un eye to economy, since vehicles were taxed according to the number of their wheels. The diary Informs one that when the traveler stopped for food at an Inn, tie was expected to furnish his own knife. The highways were patrolled, night and day, by armed horsemen and robberies were unknown. The vineyards were not walled or fenced. All travelers had a license to help themselves to as much fruit as they might wish to eat when It was on the vines. They arrived at Chantenay on a cold rainy evening. They were rettled In I heir rooms, happy that they had pro­ tection from the weather, when their landlord went from room to room In forming them that they would have to movo on. "Why?" Jack ventured to Inquire. "Because a seigneur has arrived." "A selgneurl” Ja-fc exclaimed. “Oul, Monsieur. Re 1» a very great man." "But suppose we refuse to go,* said Jack “Then. Monsieur. I shall detain your horses It Is a lsw of le grand men irque." There was no dodging It. The coach *nd horses came hack to the Inn door. I'lie passengers went out Into the dark, alny night to plod along In the mud. mother six miles or so, that the seig­ neur and his suite could enjoy that omfort the weary travelers had been forced to leave. Such was the pow- r of privilege with which the great Louis had saddled hla kingdom. They proceeded to Accents, Angers mil Breux. The last stage from Ver- allles to Faris was called the post royale. There tha postillion haa to >e dressed like a gentleman. It was i magnificent avenue, crowded every ifternoon by the wealth and beauty of the kingdom, In gorgeously painted -caches, and lighted at night by great amps, with double reflectors, over Its "enter. They came upon It In the uorning on tlielr way ro the capital. There were few people traveling at that lour Suddenly ahead they saw a •OC'1 of horsemen riding at » wild ,-allop. They were the king's couriers. “Clear ¡he way,” they shouted. "The z I dt ' s hunt Is coming.'* .i'l travelers, hearing this command. made quickly for the ■tilings, there to draw rein and dismount. The daer came In sight, running for Its life, the king close behind with all Ids train, the hounds In full cry. Near Jack the deer bounded over a hedge and took a new direction. Hla majesty— n short, stout man with blue eyes and aquiline nose, wearing a lace-cocked hat and brown velvet coatee and high boot» with »pure—dismounted not twenty feet from the stagecoach, say­ ing with great anim ation: "Vite I Donnes mol un cheval fra!».’’ Instantly remounting, he hounded over the hedge, followed by his train. A letter from Jack presents all this color of the Journey and avera that he reached the house of Franklin In Passy about two o'clock In the afternoon of a pleasant May day. The savant greeted his young friend with an affec­ tionate embrace. "Sturdy »on of my beloved country, you bring me Joy and a new problem,’” be said. "What la the problem?'' Jack In­ quired. “That of moving Margaret across the channel. I have a double task now. I must secure the happiness of Amer­ ica and of Jack Irons." He read the dispatches and then the doctor and the young men set out In a coach for the palace of Vergenne». the prime minister. Colonel Irons was Oiled with astonishment at the tokens of veneration for the white- haired man which he witnessed In tire streets of Faris. "The person of the king could not have attracted more re-ipectful atten­ tion," he writes. "A crowd gathered! about the coach when we were leaving It and every man stood with uncov­ ered hand a» we passed on our way to- i the palace door. In the crowd there wns much whispered praise of ’Lw grand aavant.' I did not understand , this until I met. In the office of the- Compte de Vergennes, the eloquent Senator Gabriel Honoré Rtquettl do Mlrabean. What an Impressive namel Yet I think be deserves IL He has the eye of Mars and the hatr of Samton and the tongue of an angel, I am told. In our talk, I assured him that In Fhlladolpbta Franklin came and went ' and waa less observed than tbe town crier. " 'But your people seem to ador* HALSEY A U T O M O B IL E GARAGE R E P A IR IN G Fisk and Gate» rire» All kinds of accessories Willard battery service Special equipment for handling wrecked cars Trouble calls given prompt attention any time snd any where HALSEY GARAGE Residence, night*, l! x A L B E R T F O O T E Prop.