SEY ENTERPRISE T ------------- -- V O L X II HALSEY, L IN N CO UNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JU N E C !».’ l And he was graduated. HALSEY HAPPENINGS g r it! Mrs. George Laubcer AND COUNTY EVENTS I Albany Monday. Good A |f orou. tion with the California highway coin- the children, visit» her parent» in with Mr». W. A. CumjaiDgs an 1 Wendling, Sunday for au ex'ended Spreuger and Vero Arnold drove mission. .j enjoyed an oj e i-air lunch. The Pasadena during the vacation. Mrs. W . P. Elmore is conva to Sand Ridge Wednesday. officers for the coming year are visit. Money enough to buy 55 cases og lescing nicely after her fall ol William Carter and family Mr». S. (.S m ith (re-elecled) pr»s- M r. and Mr». C. E. Mercer ( f Ir l Nolen, who was vacoinated last week. She is able to be up a C0* ‘,rB»*d ">»* for Near Cast Ro, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gorm­ i au*, Mrg. J. W. Clark vice- Eugene spent several da>» at the some tune ago, has been confined part of each day, but caonot use i li,f h8s been the pupils of ley picknicked up the Calapooia : pfeeident. Mis. J W Moore sec home of the laiter'a mother, Mr» to hi* home, quite ill from it. her foot lhe schools | river Friday. , retary, Mr». T. 1 Marks treasurer D. I. Isom, Just week. Soma cl the Ash Swale woo en m M,rhm eo'*'“ y’ “ The (J. P. church is getting a W’ n' 6n ** B. M. Bond, C. H. Koontz and . 1)a.Tid, c ,re " ; 8 G“'e.8 The uew part of the Alford cem­ new coat of paint, which will ado and a few women from town spent Bert Clark and their wives a t- 1 ~ ^ fo? “d. t" 3 b‘,e,r' °,f etery was surveyed last week and much to its outside appearance. ailed oleomargarine law. tended Eastern Star at Albany f ,pt ’ L ' \ ,o""d ", tbs other part cleaned up so it was Members of the Jersey calf club C. Hsrrisou at the Harrison coqd - While a large part of Baker's popula- Tuesday of last week. ' !’c y fnumbe.r’ for.\e "old half ° ’ in good hap» for memorial day. Irom thia vicinity attended the try home at A»h Swale. In t ie J ¡them to moving picture concern» tltfp was attending a baseball game, evening ice cream aud cake s e n Chautauqua st Salem E. D Isom, wife and daughti r Jersey five prisoaers broke through the root J. H. Safley returned to his • fjr »boat 1200 each and is now in served. of tjte county Jell and eacaped. home at Cold Water Springs Portland to dispose of the rest. attended Sunday school in Eugene Thursday. Harry Sprenger and fam ily and There ia to be an all-day W. G Saturday, after a week’s visit He al«° caught and sold a baby m the morning aud visited Mrs. Compulsory physical examination Ieom’» broiber, Frank Boud, near Mrs. Lyman Pennell and L>oy> r . U. meeting at the Paptia for school children la Oregon wae urg­ with his son, Jess Safley, near beBr- Springfield. drove to Portlaud Friday, return- church Thursday. The union i ed by the Stele Medical society at Ita town j Mr». George Taylor received og Sunday. organizing the children of tie annual convention in Portland. E A. Starnes and children at­ v __ i t i . » •, t ! word Sunday of the death of hei Pred Jackson and family of falb r,H O rffn Clinnin„h. m . M r. » id Mrs. W ill:» Thornton own into a Loyal Temerance I . ' - Georg» Cunningham, ai tended Sunday school and church Mark Weatherford of Condon. t«e Salem were visiting Mr. and i French C»mp, Cal., that day, aged in Eugeue Sunday morning and arrived in Shedd Sunday and iiavi . (his year. by will alec »tart operation thia week. O. H. convention at Hood R iv .r and daughter. EVER Y THING r I Forest Grove. president. Last Monday W illiam Davidtot A protest against the proposed re­ and visiting their daughter, Perth; ir.d wife passed the 57th enniver moval of Llsdeld college Is voiced ,. m e Big Brother farm for boya lo O ptical Gould, at Stiver Lake, Wusb. J W. Moore and w ifa went to i j cated at Lebanon, will care for 150 -ary of their marriage. He is 8' la resolutions adopted by the First E Y E S T R A IN C. W . Kennedy and wife am. tears old and »he is 7ft. Both e tt Baptist church of McMinnville and for­ i boys thia summer, according to Cheater Albanv Monday. 1» the Cause of Many »on Janie», who have been visit­ o good healib, though Mrs. Ds warded to the trustee» of the Institu­ A. Lyon, who founded the farm 11 H U M A N IL L S » ing Mrs. Kennedy’s mother, Mr». vidson hae not fully recovoreo tion. ‘ ' years ago. wd X I f yeur eyes give you trouble or Dora Davis, for tne puet two tom the effects ol a rtte i.l acci C. W. Murphy, who operates a farm The Oregon RUct.rlc Railway com­ your glasses are annoying weeks left for their home, Cha'ao lent iu which her hip was in­ pany has extended Its service to Oak­ i Dear Harrisburg and hae 18 acres In SEE US. W e can Relieve You J Wash., Thursday. Mie. Davi» jured. Three or four years ag< i hops, has contracted to sell his crops ridge la Lane county Is connection B ancroft Optical Co. ! went with them for a visit. Davidson bought an s u trn .ib l* with an automobile paeteagor llna op­ of 1925, 1928 and 1927 to a London ^ 3 1 3 1st SLAV. Albany. Phone The Junction C ity high school ahicb he run» on occasion. H< erated by the Oakridge Transportation — A firm at 20 cents a pound. - ¡girls and hoys played bueebal was in Habey a few days ego ant- company. j with the Shedd high school hen tppeared good tor many n on Lealla Farmer entered e pies of guil­ I Wednesday of la»t week Sliedu «ears. ty to the charge of assault with at­ | won both games. Boy», 28 to 10 tempt to kill Karl Humphrey. Eugoo« K»»hleen Maveurneen Loan. girls, 9 to 4. This will probabh A d-btor, on being sued, nckaowl traffic officer, when the latter attempt­ Hftlrey Church of Christ be the last game of the season. edged that he had borrowed tlia ed to arrott him on Ma? IS for posses­ »vauva g L ook Y öuthfui , in G ingham * GINGHAM W EEK Church Announcements Church of C hrist: Lon Chamlee, minister. Bible school, 10. W. I I . Robert, ion, superintendent. Samboo Organ. A bamboo organ In the Catholic church of Los Pinas, near Munlla. Philippine Islands, was built about 1818 hy a Spanish priest, who used more than 900 lengths of hninhoo In the construction. Every psrt Is of bamboo and the organ Is still u»ed every week hy the Dclglan priest In chsrge. money, but declared that the plaintiff knew at the time that It was a Hath lean Mavourneen loan. "A Kathleen Kluroureen loan?" questioned the mag latrate. with a puzzled look. “That'» It, your honor—one of the 'It may he for ytars, and It may be for ever* tort.-’ Morning won-hip, 11. Lord's -upper every Lord’s day. American Plant In England. Evening service, 8, Introduced by accident In fS7!l Intr The morning subject next Sun- the Bay of Southampton, at Hythe, an lav will be " T h e First Go’ p»l American plnaf, called the Spnrtlns Scott Fought Potatoes. Sermon ’’ and in the afternoon Tnv.-necadl. ha» iqirend rapidly alonr When the potato was first Intro­ ■’ What Would You Do W ith a duced Info Scotland It met with much the English roast, flourishing vigor ously In spite of the fact that It Ii Million DoKara?’’ opposition. Sermons were preached Plans are made for a big m e n ’s! agnlnat It. In which It was declared under water part of the time. Tin plant 1» an excellent fodder for cat C hristian Endeavor, 7. specials class n e x t S u nd ay. T h e y w ill that, a» the potato was not mentioned meet in the new clavsrooni in the ,n the Bible, It must be unfit for ia»ement. T h e goal o l 25 men h r s ' Ghrlulens to c o t. It wa» even de- been set I ii f vou vou are are a a regular regular •???"’ b’r dlvln* b* lng caused ,be the fall rjeen set. bMdpn fru lt wh(rh *’ hgd man, you will want to be there. of Adam It will be different. ! ______________ June 15th is children’s day in the Bible school. We will raise w"*‘d ,n Mlmh , , $50 to support a native evan- Wrth F. , t ” of seven- M> gehst in Africa for one year. 4ear< ro a,.t b„, , thlnX , See the new Ginghams at Crupy fresh gingham frocks In new colorful pattern« that only the gay brilliance o f Spring itself can rival* w i l l form n o sm a ll p o r t io n ot milady’s Spring wardrobe. Narionil Gingham W eek, April 27th to May 3rd, in all the glory o f the new season's happy colors, will furnish many a timely inspiration. Thia will be th e minieter's a n n .v t r sary day also. The subject o the sermon will be “It’« a Great Life if You Don’t Weaken.” t . i . . , . , , GOOD GOODS .Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Intermediate League, 7. Epworth League, 7. Prayer meetiog Thursday, Preaching, 8. Tor Only a very email amotnt of the ao called waxed paper la really waxed, hut la the “glaeslne" paper which I» made hy overcooking the pu'p while It la being prepared. • -dem Collegian ----------------- -— they Lor al ineae of Yeuth. There I» no Innellne«» ;n equal the lonellne»« of vouth et w»r with It» aurrour.dlnse In a world thet d ej pot care.— Rudyard Klplln*. l a r to Qrase Rests politician with hla ear tn the roots hears eome things too 8, le u i The Eugene chamber of commerce gained approximately It’d members during the past year, according to a report mad» at the last weekly Inach- eon of the season Ne mtmbers have been lost, It wee itated A J Weetoa wae convicted In The Dallet for the third time of th» murder of Robert Krug tear Fitters. Of , la ill» , a Wasco couwty I v y returning a verdlet of gujBy the secoud de­ gree after dollM Noiag for t * i hdfas touMjt hotel cfatigg p » « t« o |g he erected at Ashland, aceer4l6| 5R alï the aertdent« tn fecforlod fa New T»ey, with » oy inn.ffpn B day te Industrie», are due tn (gnor en h ejp fyta U r^'«h , |» n fti» g e )«fy u6d»Ml0W bah V’t l ’-dtf 6t|toe senate ha» pa«a- a l i e -o MSAortae the »oevetary of a interior t« a<*ept from the city of Modfotd O r . tRyee lot» for u»e as grlee tpr bttildiaA far the edmlalstra- tldh of cAtov l A s national park. S W illiam McMUla prohibition agent Uldar state F'roAibttlda rMreCtor Oan. V- Cleaver, »ufeeodated himself tn Dlstflct A'tovaay Stanley Myers of Multnomah county to t o r ao ladlet- ■ a k t ' |grgtag ■ e lf«a» a(fe and ahgll gSaao n offlre," which wae returned »«ire'.lr by the Multnomah county gHhd jury tav en tya in a of the tO moa required to form a national guard com pa ay In Astoria have slgoyd the roll and Ad.- (Coatiaucd on page 4, I