HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS will be at Harrisburg June year. 12 thia! Shedd Snapshots i Brownsville Briefs The Albany cannery started up on * Enterprise C orresp ond »»«) strawberries yesterday. (By Special Correspondent) M is. J. B. Cornett is visiting The Pine Grove baseball boys came Mrs. Anna Gamble is driving Short Stories from Sundry to town Saturday and showed Halsey friends at Blodgett and Summit. a new Ford coupe. So are the Sources Miss Violet P fister of Canby C. J. Howes. how to play the game. The score visited Miss Ellen SpeerstraJ ws Pine Grove 8, Halsey 1. Mis Emma Harrison is Eleven bidg for building H. B. Sudtell of Banning, Cal., fa ­ last week. spending the week with J. C, the Harrisburg bridge were Mrs. Ida Brasfidd and Mrs. Harrison and family. ther of Col. Sudtell the auctioned . received. The state highway com. is in Linn counetv or about to arrive M ary P orter were Albany shop­ Jess Bowers fell from a barn mission opened them today. Some pers Tuesday. figuring is yet to be doue on them, for a visit of a week or two. he was building, one day last Mrs. Frank Hoffman of Prine­ week, and broke his elbow’. Ther e were about 400 people at but it it thought the Portland Bridge company will get the con the Jersey picnic on the McConnei ville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elaine Woodworth will have tract for <183,200. The com- farm near Shedd, Saturday. Quite Lym an Coates. a position at mother's In , a mission had estimated the cost at a number of Jersey fanciers were Mr. J. E. Nilloughby and wife present. There was practice judging left on Monday for Bend to look Tangent, as soon as school WOO,000. doses. Cleons Smith will teach at by calf club members, an address by for a new location. Chester Mulkey, president of the Ore­ U edding bells are ringing in Sw;et Home next year. Loran Stone of Oregon City gon Jersey club, and cafeteria visited Brownsville this week, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Wallace has been style dinner. from all appearances they will -Mrs. E. Stone, Sunday. teuding telephoue in Mre. S lat We ought to have some good roads continue to ring for six weeks Rex Davis and family of Al­ yet. ord’a absence. Of the taxes assessed by the county bany were Sunday visitors at The strawberry shortage is net and collected or due this year the Rev, M. S. Woodworth and the Davis home in Shedd. as great as (eared. The fruit ie budget apportioned $440,392 for Marshal Blakely took a deserter Mrs. H arry Sprenger, Mrs. from the arm y to Portland last plentiful and chear. mending our ways, as follows: Roads H. S. Pugh and Mrs. Lyman Tuesday. They made the trip and bridges $42,392.96; road districts Mre. Mary Eliza Lewelling died Pennell were Scio visitors Fri in H a n y Wilson’s Overland. this morning, aged 63 at Tangent, $76,000; bridges, lumber, etc., $52,- day. 900; ferries, $6,100; market roads, place where ehi was boru aud lived The 1924 graduating class has Miss Rose Nitzel, who has sent out its graduating an­ $90,000; sinking fund for county road all her life. been teaching school near Junc­ nouncements. The class gradu­ Mrs. J. A. Mumrn of Portland bonds, $60,000; interest on county arrived yesterday to visit her road bonds, $25,000; two-mill re­ tion City, ie at her home near ates June 6, the exercises to be held at the Presbyterian church. couein, Mrs. N . C. Smith, and demption fund, $58,000. And the Shedd. Harrisburg bridge bids are to be other relative'. Merle Farwell returned Wed­ The baseball game played by opened today. nesday from Hilt, California, the single men against the m ar­ For a few days a supposed Mrs. Charles Dudley has a •iranger was seen hereabouts, but he proved to be Rodney Savage, new Chevrolet. smooth shaven. university, were a t the A. C. Mrs. ti. E. Carey of Medfoid has Arm strong home Sunday. Ralph and Ross Eggstaff and been visiting her niece, Mrs. N- C. Smith, and brother, W. J Farrell, Gil Wordling, from the Eugene L. H. A rm strong and family the past two weeks. where he has l>een working for several months. Mrs. Kenneth Robson accom­ panied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Abraham, to E u ­ ried ones turned a score of one in favor of the single lads. The game stood a tie in the ninth inning and they played the tie off. Old Mr, Yokum, who formerly lived north of town but is now making his home a t Riddle, suf­ fered a stroke of paralysis a week Sunday, but is better. ago Mr. Yokum il slightly in his 89th year. Mrs. W. P. Elmore had a seri­ ous attack of heart trouble last Friday and fell in the wood- house. lutdly lacerating the liga­ ments in her rig h t foot. She is resting easier. H er grand­ daughters from Portland are with her. C. C. Carlson of Ash Swale drove to Riddle last Friday and returned Saturday. He was ac­ companied by Mrs. Fred H ar­ rison and Mrs. Pearl M errit of Albany, who w ent to be a t the MAY W. 1VM HALSEY B.\ rKREMISE PAGE 5 Alford Arrows —— — — * Correspondence) Sylvia Goodman and family < of Rowland were Sunday visi­ tors a t the Chester Curtis home. Yelda Curtis spent the week end a t the home of her grand- rotoh»r, Mr». Charles Tandy, Halsey Cburch ol Christ near Harrisburg. Lee Ingram and family and Church Announcement» Hazel and Kate Green and Ora Church of Christ : Joe and Alvin Kropf spent the Lon Cbamlee, minister. last Sunday in the woods. Bible school. 10, W. H . Robert, E. D. Isom and fam ily aiu ’on, superintendent. George Workinger and family Christian Endeavor, 7. attended the grange picnic in Morning worship,’ l l . Lord’» I’enoe's grove lari Saturday. | (upper every Lord’s day. Mrs. J. F. Isom and two sons left Wednesday of last week for W est F ir to join th eir husbanc and fath e r in their new home, E. A. Starnes and children Miss H attie Dannen, Mrs. Dick son, Ralph Dannen and wife ant Jake Dannen and wife visited Mrs. Starnes in the hospital at Eugene Sunday afternoon. Alford school closed a very successful term last Friday. A picnic, which several of the parents attended, was held in the glove near the schoolhouse. Miss Louise Robnett was the teacher. Evening service, 8, Last Sunday one of tha greatest educators on the Paci­ fic Coast in the Church of Christ was present a t the morn- ing hour and spoke on “the Un­ seen Leader.” President Eu­ gene C. Sanderson gave a splen­ did message. He was pastor of the Halsey church 28 years ago. Eugene Bible University, over which he is head, is the largest Churches of Christ school in point of num bers training for the m inistry and mission fields, over 300 lieing enrolled thia year. In the evening we enjoyed -he presence of the graduating ?!ass of the high school. Rev. gene Wednesday. Sweet Home high school base An Octogenarian Passes Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote ball team played Shedd high on Mr. a id Mrs. W- II. B<;ene and Mrs. H. M. Miller, widow of C. D fobert Parker delivered the hscca- drove to Albany Monday a fte r­ son Allen, accompanied by W. A Monday at Shedd. The «core Miller, and h pioneer, died at her aureate sermon. A llen, drove to Portland Friday noon. 8 to 4 in favor of the home Next Sunday Halsey men are and returned Sunday, called a t the L. J. Palmer home team. home here Saturday morning. «roing to Eugene to hear George Sunday. Mrs. Miller was born August 1st, K arl Bramwoll did not get sent Mr. and Mrs. V em Arnold as he teaches th e 1842, in Newmarket, Kentucky, a.’d Paubman Mrs. A. C. Arm strong drove and daughter I.urline visited to jail yesterday, though the postal class of 1000 men. went with her pnrenta, Mr. and Mrs inspector made his annual investi­ to Eugene Friday afternoon for Mrs. Arnold’s parents, Mr. and The next Sunday, June 8, J. L. Ashburn, to Kansas City, Mo., her daughter Helen and Miss Mis. G. Swatzka, near Tangent gation of tba Halsey postoffice. in 1875. She was married in Octo­ Halsey men will gather a t 10 M r. and Mrs. Gillette, nephew Bernice McKinney came home Sunday. ber, 1875, tojC. D. Miller, and they a. jn. in the men’s class room to with them for the week end- and utece of Mrs. D. I I . Sturte­ Charles Elder, who has been nganize a m en’s class for Hal­ came to Oregon in that year. A. C. A nnstrong and family working with a Southern Pacific vant, rpent Sunday afternoon at sey. The goal of 25 men has A stepson, B. M. Miller of Harris­ and th eir week-end guest, Mrs. her home. They were returning bridge crew near Roseburg, is burg, and two daughters, Mrs. M. D. been set. If you are a regular W. C. Smith, and H arry Com­ spending a few’ days in Shedd from a visit in Eugene. lfrandon of St. Johns, Wash., and man, you will w ant to be there. mons and fam ily were a t the with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. The charges on which Dr. Chrhs Jersey picnic a t the McConnei Miss Beulah Miller of Halsey, sur­ It will be different. A. D. Elder. June 15th is children’s day in Price was arrested were dropped faim near Shedd- vive. J '| J t he Bible school. We will raise A suiprise birthday p a tty was and a letter to him from the doc­ W. P. Wahl has completed a Mr». M iller's husband died ii >50 to support a native evan­ tor who made them, apologizing new sheep ham and is putting given Mrs. Vet n Arnold Monday. 1892. She had been a m- in >er <4 gelist in Africa for one year. Present were Mr. and Mrs. H ar­ fur them, was published. the C um berland P ie sly ie ria i up a large chicken house. ’Ilia « ill tie th* minister’s « n n :tn - ry Sprenger, M r. and Mr«. Bar bedeido of their father, Jnn Y o .k - church since early girlhood. George Bayne and wife and Bert S. Clark and D. Ta) lor are Uin. .ary day also. The subject of elected republican committeemen two sons, from Shedd, visited ney Albers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack lie sermon will lie “I t’s a G reat Woid was received here last School Notes for east aod west Halsey precincts their daughter and sister, Mrs. Cornett, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Life if You Don’t Weaken." Sprenger, Mr. and Mrs. O. week th a t Jim Anderson, who and Veva Marks and Heury Zim­ George W orkinger, Sunday. (By an Enterprise Reporter) Th» church without a bkhop, in Mrs. Hazel Munkers and Shook and Mr. and Mi’s. Ollie form eily lived west of town, fell merman the democratic. Mr». Croee, le: e mr io the pii bo country without a king. Arnold of Albany. Donald were visiting Mr. and from a scaffold on which he was People smoking in proscribed sec­ maty grade», took her papila on • I f you have no church born* Mrs. H. L. Straley Friday and The Shedd high school base­ standing while painting a barn picnio to the »winging bridgi tions of the Santiam national forest onie and worship with us. also shopping in Halsey. and injured hl« back, partly ball team lost to Junction City this season will be liable to $600 above Brownsville Tueidey. W Miss Mary LaRue took the high, 15 to 4, Fr'day. The game paralyzing hip lower limbs. H . Beene bad about 25 in hi» M«thbdi»t: fine or a year in jail or both. train for Albany Friday. Robert Parker, pastor. Donald Ward, who escaped from was played a t Junction City While it was a serious fall, Mr. track. Mr. and Mt». Zimmerman, Mrs. Hazel Wallace and hei The second town team played Anderson is recovering nicely. Mr. in d Mrs. Beene, Mr» Sturte­ jail while charged with stealing an Sunday School, 10. Lewis of Idaho, the Sand Ridge grangers, win­ The Anderson,s live at Palo Alto, vant and Jean and Mr». M. C. auto from the Kirk Poliak motor uncle, Peter Preaching, I I . California. Bond -vent along. Intermediate League, 7, company, was caught in Portland the spent the week end a t Newport. ning by 34 to 13. Mi»» Bond'» class picnicked the John Bressler was a visitor Epworth League, 7, other day. The .W. C. T. U. held union The senior class play, “ Bash game day at the Broa usville p ark. Prayer meeliog Thursday, 8, in Albany Thursday. services a t the C hristian church ful Mr. Bobbs,” was given at Neither of the men arrested for W ith ice cream ¡and all kinds Preaching, 8. The porcupine captured by W. O. W. hall Wednesday even­ last Sunday night and the prize stealing wool from Anders Christen- Milford Muller recently and ex­ ing. A good sized audience was essays on cigarettes were read. palate.pleating como»tible» and no a:n has confessed, as (repotted, bnt hibited at the A now Garage, in attendance, which the acting Among those who won prizes <>»u bar go on noise the youngsters Thirty per MBt of the flour mills Anders has his wool and they are h*•<• 4) Bernice Sehildm eyer of Brownsville w*ent to Salem for I The people of Halsey have under the auspices of the local Methodist church, but tba spirit • a visit Thursday. stood loyally by the Enterprise will be uoseetarian Guy E lliott of Oregon City tbiough all its vicissitudes. S o n g S e r v i c e and p r e a c h i n g has been presented by his wife, YVith the exception of about 0BT , ,r v ic „ T u ,,. w ,d .. Thar, and F ri. at 1:90 £ form erly Miss R uth Skillman, th re e ,t every business in the town <8 represented in its ad- with a son. »-vchvrge lioiber U sd for the timbered This Meeting will be Condueted by Local Help • Mrs. Chas. Enger and daugh- ’ vertisinjr column», a situation exchange timber land for the aimber- Everybody invited to come and lake part ® ter Gladys and Mrs. J . J. Boyle, I th a t would be hard to find a ed right of way of the Santiam nil of Brownsville, took the train I match for in ¡'»ny town on the Come to the big tent, two block» west of the Hal»ey g m < e * wagon road grant, so that the county for Albany Tuesday. < coast. Subscribers continue to might build a good road there, Mrs. Harold D oxsw and chil- « m e in with renew als and kind struck a snag when it was discover­ dreu of Chicago arrived Tues- words year a fte r / e a r . I be- ed that the law permits the govern­ day to .spend the sum m er with Heve there is ahead a lietter ment to swap only for legal sub­ C’ uWsîg8f nc-r D J Mr’ and Mr» ’’«1 Templeton her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Halsey, a better. Linn county, a divisions. A question suggests Itself lietter Oregon and a b e tte r En­ the train for Eugene wcnt on » fishing trip up the Robinson of Brownsville. as to what is the actual value of. Friday. terprise. C’alapooia last Thursday Mr»»« Grace and Ve»ta Mattock 12,000,000 feet of standing timbei | While at Hood River for the WM. IL W H EELER , Mis. Maggie McClelland and of Brownsville visited Halsey be­ Pubhaher. strung out along all those miles of grand lodge, Mr. and Mrs. O. little gtandson Glenn of San tween stages Thursday afternoon and right of way, where the probability W. Frum drove to Arlington, Francisco arrived Monday for r. made a pleasant call at the Enter- A fter m aking the »ale of some is that if there ever is a road it will where they visited an unde, E. visit a t the homes of her pa r­ priac office. fu rn itu re to Clarence Williams be one over which the hauling of B. Frum. They also drove over ents, Mr and Mrs. F. M. G ray, last week, A. J . Hill and wife heavy logs will be prohibited. and took a dose-up view of and her sister, Mi s. E E. Corni-* The county W. C. T. U. institute! tfrove out to deliv er it and were Delma Wahl was a t home Mount Hood. <■ • treated to a fine chicken dinner. Saturday for a few hours. Beginning Sunday, June 1, q „'.“.’„ a t 8J ind death of our bslo<’»d mother, md for tha beautiful floral pieces. IiKULAK MlILhR. Mr?. M ark B raroon , Mr. and M r*. B M - MiLLBR. NOTICE of annual school meeting : Notice is tieraky given to the legal voter* ol »ebool district No. 41 of Linn county. State of Ore­ gon. that the annual school meet­ ing of said district will be held at