PAGI! 4 HALSEY EN rtKPKXSB M AY 29. 1924 is not such as would tem pt a live newspaper m an to acquire probably the most correct his­ If 1000 people should sub- it with a view to m aking it his FICTION IN THE BIBLE to ry of th o ie phases which w ith seribe for th e Enterprise, and life work. pay their $1500 in advance, it callt LeaV* W herever hum anity has been hioh he deala th a t ever have been ... ... * should come tomorrow I believe since speech was first used, or w ill he w ritte n . would become an eight-page pa- HaJsey wouid left w ithout a Each of these stories, in book fiction has held a high place per or larger at once. newspaper. Two years ago, among the influences th at have form, would cost more than a It would give them as much u^ en j feared financial difficul- tended to the diffusion of year’s subscription to the En- fiction as any eastern magazine t jes W0UJd force me out of the knowledge of ethics and of terprise, but our subscribe!s and of a better quality, educa- business, I found it impossible laudabb ambition. The folk- get them as a free g ift with the tionally and morally’. The , buyer, evtn al a con lore of every race is full of it. J current news for th e sake of We are in the field for more scriber specifically renews it. stones it publishes are by the ., ., .. .. . The earliest w ritings we know which they take the paoer. i We want to be Any present subscriber who ablest uplift writer» of the day siderable sacnfice, though there contain it. I t holds a place in These are all copyrighted . . . p il i r I »..w«.. 4.1ZZ4 iZ »i.„lab,le to address a larger dien- is not in arrears may take his and are covered by c o p y rig h t- aPP«a *ed to be plenty of oppor- t o o “ ‘' » l l ¡ £ ± X . U t o ' Lktiun M4. I “ 1* '! '! ” " » P i “ '* ' * * » . trom «■» P "*™ ™ “ •* not old worn-out effusions of p uruty to sell the plant for re- ligion and comprises a larg< I moval to larger and more prom campaign. W ith th is object i n ! for every new subscription he the p a s t p art of every popular library of It would publish current dis- »stag towns where success seem view we are m aking more liber- brings in, with $1.50, and the A ST R A IG H T TA LK today, al premium offers than were new subscriber will also receive coveries and accomplishments ed more probable, When the prophet was sent to on W illamette valley farm s. Its The people of Halsey and the ever made before or probably j the same prize. I want the patrons of the ever will be made again. These •h id e K io g D a y id for o b ta in in g Any paid-in-advance subscrib- agricultural page would be a PaP®r a/\d °th e r supply firms another man’s wife by guile he Enterprise to know th a t I ap­ offere hold good only d u rin g ' er who brings in two name» and place for th e exchange of idea» w,th which I did business sur- I $3 may have two of the pre- among farm ers who have ideas prised me by the kindness w ith told him a story about a lamb, preciate the business it has en June, 1924. and when the king’B interest joyed since I became connected Every new subscriber who miums for himself and each of based on practical Oregon ex- which they continued th eir fa- with it, August 1, 1921. I perience. v°rs and waited until I was able was fully aroused he thundered, thank during June pays $1.50 for the Pie newcomer» m ay have one. you. , ~ . It would publish m any home to satisfy the claim» of credi- “Thou a r t the m an!" The I came to Halsey with plans ^ nte,J >n8e P™ year W ha\ e Any person entitled to two . . . . iamb story was fiction. for very considerable imnrove- ll.s cbo1®® t ^ie premiums list- subscriptions may have, instead, hints th a t would be of value to I tore. housewife. These and I None of us has a lease of any When Jesu» wished to impart ment of the paper. These below’- except Professor a copy of Prof. H om er’» Short the many other features which it term of life, but if my term a lesson with especial force he plans included enJargment tof r*c - .. . , told a parable. That was fic eight pages and the addition of -^ P rio ri, w>Jwu} th e prize, m ust Any subscriber who is in a r is now unable to finance in should extend a few years into potential entirely are the future I have hopes of car- tion, and the messages of the features in agriculture, home received during June. These rears may become eligible to their parables— the novels of Jesus— keeping, uplifting fiction and subscnptl?ns wlllJ 1x5 kept in a ( *"aw prizes for procuring new among its objectives, and the ry>nK out the interrupted plans have been thundering through other field*. separate list and every paper cash subscriptions by paying more general th e response to its 'aid when I came to Halsey and all the centuries since. The paper was promptly wil1 discontinued when t h e h i s own subscription to or be. appeal for increased support placing the business of the En- the sooner they will take their ¡terprise upon such a basis th a t changed from four five-colum n|year explres unless the sub-1 yond July 1, 1924. Fiction does its moral and full place in its columns. *t will be attractive to some educational work wherever men pages to six pages of six col- We reproduce the following I &ood newspaper man when I lay and women live and move and umns each, but domestic afflic-1 from the H arrisburg Bulletin >t down. This will require some love and hate, are born and die. tion, w ith its accompanying because it fits every small town tim e yet and much hard work, As in everything else there pecuniary cost, soon compelled with a newspaper. Read "En- H I £eb the form er I am pre- is a best and a worst, and all a recession to four pages, terprise” for “Bulletin” and I pared to give the latter, ana though the six-column size was | g rad atio n« between, in fiction W ear-Ever is the best alumi­ ‘Halsey” for “H arrisburg and these, with the support and We take it th a t the best fiction not cut down. num goods made. I t is pro- it will fit this city: patronage of the good people of The friends of the paper and * _L duced under enormous pressure, is th a t which has the greatest “The money brought into | this community will mean, which gives a very hard, com- H arrisburg from out»ide adver- SUCCESS. influence for good upon the its publishers stood by tueni in | LJC ’ c l b i n c n n C a V y lives of the greatest number of the hour of need and its total WM. H. W HEELER f m m soft s n f t a E / x t i « a n d c o v in U 'lio r c rising more th an offsets all the people. Probably the parable» iuspension, which a t one time Wear-Ever Aluninum from sheets and soon wears money spent for paper, ink, of Jesus are entitled to be class 3eemed imminent. Was avoided. out. Cast w are is lighter than type and other supplies. Added Slowly the load of debt which Frying Pan ed as the best fiction in any age pressed, containing m any min­ to this is an ever increasing Law Curbing a Graft for some m onths accumulated, (Sunset Magazine) of the world. ute cavities into which the few revenue from subscribers who impurities th a t can damage reside outside of H arrisburg Good and bad fiction is being was reduced. Creditors were E ffo rts of western municipalities aluminum find th eir w ay and territory produced today in greater vo lenient and friends gave their to curb the activities of transient work for its ultim ate destruc­ ume than ever before. Thous support and the business is “The Bulletin is the best subscription solicitors, by requiring nearly back to the footing tion. Aluminum i» the best medium of bringing the home a health-sized peddlars' license, have ands are employed in inventing where fu rth e r improvements kitchen ware and W ear-Ever is buyer and the home seller to­ been given legal justification in a and recording it. the best aluminum. The Enterprise is publishing can be made. gether. The columns tell each decision rendered by the United In accordance with the plans some of the liest stories of its Every housewife knows the week of the reliable goods which States Circuit Court of Appeals a t adopted a t the first, every pos time. Its fiction is carefully home m erchants offer. San Francisco. virtues of enameled ware— our selected with a view to its in sible dollar of the income is Four-quart The decision was in one of sev­ free from rust, easy to keep Timely store news, and bargain still being put into the b u si-|z> r? l j fluence in education and in up­ clean. The fresh berry and offerings. The Bulletin stimu eral cages carried up by the Real Gray * r a y Enar L n a m e le C l holding moral and ethical »tanc ness, the proprietor being w ill- |'- Silk Hosiery M ills of Indianapolis fruit season will soon be here. lates business. aids <>T value to old and young, ing to work hard and constant­ Preserving Kettle “The Bulletin is all for H ar­ one of the largest concerns selling When you have a surplus over especially the young people, in ly for a bare living and tru st to home consumption you will not risburg. Every item of news il» ware» th ro u g h h o u ie -to -h o u e e the future. schools and out. Painting in want to let it stand and spoil. must savor of home interest to solicitors on- the plan of part pay­ Notwithstanding the fact vivid colors the characteristics Put it on the range in this little find a place in these columns. ment to the solicitor and the balance th at the cost of paper, ink, com- of people who have won love kettle while there is a fire for Every w orthy project is given payable on delivery. In its decision poaiuon and o lh e r p riu tin g office and eternal fame in history, oui other purposes, and fill a ja r free publicity and these columns the Federal Court of Appeals decid­ w riters incite to emulation of work ia s till about double w h a t it or two for use next winter, are open to all who would ad­ ed that the city of Portland, Oregon, w at before the w ar, and th a t the lofty ideal» vance H arrisburg’s welfare in was entirely within its police powers when it will be so delicious, A story dealing with Abra E n terp rise ia p a y in g for more a public way. Few country typesetting th a n ever before, th»-1 o n 17 i j Handv w h e n ham Lincoln’s early -life, pub there are a few newspapers in towns the size of in requiring salesmen of this char­ acter to pay a peddlars’ license and lished in these columns some subscription price h a . been kept b m a l l G r a y E n a m e l e d dishes to wash or on a hundred H arrisburg devote as many give bonds. time ugo, was so true in details down to the o ld -tim e lev el, SI 50 p . . 1 other occasions when a good columns to pure home new s., „ . in advance. U is h p a n th at people of the older genera a year sized vessel is needed about The editorials are not borrowed circulation peo- T h e re ia no in te n tio n of contin- tion found many incidents ir uing the business at its pre»«Dt the house. or stolen, and H arrisburg se- pl\ rec°s™ e thls decl8io" « ___,„u „ . . u i i . i i . . V ." . L - I » direct bearing upon the growing it which their memory com dim ensions. T h e re is »anguine Good for the afternoon at cures much publicity by the practice in western cities, large and mended as conscientious record: expectation th a t i l w ill expan d to Two Matinee Tickets any regular-price show a t the frequency with which they are small, of requiring « rather high of actual events. George W the proportion« contem plated three copied in other papers. Globe theatre, Albany. Shaw of this city, who wa; Daily publications a t the license fee from transient magazine , n n • 1 fam iliar with the territory that years ago— the production ofi « Made by the Elite Confection county seat make a laudable ef­ solicitors, especially as A means of was Lincoln’s early home, wa; an eight-page news and rural I DOUnd r e a n u t DH ttle ery, Albany, and packed in a fort to give as good a local discouraging the type known as home paper, working for better one of these. nice box. Halsey news service as the Hal­ “scholarship” solicitors. Such peo­ homes, better faim s, better Another of our stories, “Tht ple travel in “crews,” with “ crew œ n d ition. in th i. naturaU | p o u n J C h o c o l a t e Who does not enjoy chocolate sey Enterprise. By combining managers” who usually exact from Strength of the P in e s/’ talliec such a news service w ith the with the experience of peoph creams. Here is a whole general news which a small lb8 »aleapeapla (mo*tlr youag men who had dwelt" tiloug the coast i J > i £ “ uldr X m 'to& ‘i! I Cream Candy pound free to every new cash weekly is unable to cover, a t a «nd women in their late "teens” or regions of southern Oregor subscriber during the month of price only a dollar or two high- «»rly twenties) one-half of tha covery of his investment would and northern California. June. And if the new name er than th a t of the E n terp rise,J ‘ e to sell the subscription list and cash are brought in by an they would l i able to secure exacted £rom’ subscrib€rs lished in the latter part o' and good will to a publisher in old subscriber whose subscrip­ subscriptions from some local on the piea th. t ^ very subscription 1923, was a thrilling story o< some near-by town, who would tion is not in arrears the lat people wbo, <^ > n° t take the En- | couats so many <‘VOte»” in a “ achol- detective work in the work probably in time consolidate te r gets another pound. tei prise and from many who do. arshiP contest.” I t it a fact how- -he two papers and leave H al-. war. This is a case of praiseworthy L veri that the ..front £ One of the most popular “The Brown Mouse,” which S Î “ ,* ±7 11 ">• R°y»l Club Coffee brands of high-grade coffee on enterprise on the part of their Davment miiw-fa <. -..n , .«. ,7 appealed in these columns re publishers. But they never can nian-s : ■ . e s * e>’ the m arket. bitious young man who wants c n tly , had to do with a tic eover half of the local field that tha 1 ” ? ® a°n’ *nd “ ,he h usm® j .1 »« velopment in American life that to sta rt a newspaper i n s o n i e l t z p j the home town paper covers. resP^n8lble »&e»»cy. V a lid Order Oil the M . has already effected wonderfu* larger town th at has none. and those who neglect their J . / , " 7 * 7 th° I do not expect this to hap- \ / I/" . . r changes and is due to accom home paper for such a service an * (1 "es 8ub8cnbed for- _»f °>e bal- plish a still greater work ir pen. If the good health with | V . ROOIltZ Store tor are thus sending out of town ’X a , !u°Wn °" h® r! 7 ‘pt i# ■ 1 chunging for the better thi which I have been blessed con-1 c n money which if spent at home K L . m ,,.’ ' gen C>', tinues I believe it possible to > V C Hl gO O dS conditions under which tht would enable the local publisher , sch°b 7 h,p ulk 18 mere*y a dod«° great m ass of Americans—th» make the Enterprise so a ttra c ­ to make a better paper, one .? h® ,tte "tit,n ,nd tive to hundreds of people o ut-, farm ing population— live. which would be more o f a cred- P , ' P™8^ 1 the immediate vicinity of I d o z e n R a f f l e P e n c i l The great men of the days ot side ¡it and an advertisem ent to the , Lme 8ub8cnPtw" w o rk e rs -u s u a l- the little town and its 339 in- U O Z en L x lg ie r e n c i l the birth of this republic, home town. P . thoSe to° old ,n »ppe»r»nce to ubitants th a t it will soon a c - l C o S f v i l k a d o n e n c i l x W ashington, Franklin, Adann quire And when a question arises I ,c.olor 7 the “ s in wiiich the interests of the 7 their pr0!Pects” that part of will attach to it several the traito r Arnold, George the columns more of advertising home town conflict with those , .m,oney colle«ted goes to a fund of the other, as will inevitably , lndlgent or disabled soldiers. Thia Third and some of the promin­ and thus make it one of the be the case sometimes, which I P t*' ° IS ** i,!s< “ tbe ent B ritish officers, are brought flourishing institutions of Ore­ liefore our readers for close-up gon. paper can you depend upon to P . ' In Southern California, soli- inspection in the story now run Advertising is the depart-1 D - » .f 1 1 ♦ Any paid-in-advance sub­ set fully before the public the I ? tors #re even using mythical town I otB In a *ort ot l°tte ry scheme, to ning: "In the Days of Pool ment of a newspaper which | * f O l. i l o m e r S scriber, or anybody who be claims of your own town? Twelve years ago, when Hal-1Rttract and hold the prospect, Richard." Every school pupil pays the bills. The subscrip­ C l . il* -z -\ comes such, who turns in two can get help in the study ol tions hardly cover the cost of o n o f t I r l S t O f y o f v J r e g o n new subscriptions to the E nter­ sey had no newspaper, the peo- 10 4 tr **‘ nu"ll* r of western cute« American history, together with white paper and press work, “ P’ck UP” "»choloraWp prise, with $3, while each of pie enthusiastically welcomed Ithe the chorum of a well-written hereas there are many other the new subscribers gets choice the proposal to establish one worker»” on sight, but in other cities romance, in this story. items of expense. The cost of of the premiums, m ay have, here and pledged enough sup- tbe »“thorities have held back on tho We would like nothing bettei setting type Is more than all for the service, two of the above port to induce Mr. Dean to be­ theory that if the solicitor wa» w ork­ than to sec every young readei the other expense» combined, premiums, or, if he prefers, a gin publication of the E nter­ ing fo r a national orgnization (com­ of the E nterprise grow up a and I believe th a t I have used copy of Horner’s new and up- prise. If the town should be ing under the In te rn e t« commerce tru e American citizen—and more of this expensive compo­ to-date Early History of Ore­ left again without a newspaper law ) and was not actually delivering nothing b e tte r could happen to sition every week than had gon, which sells for $1. This the disadvantage of such a situ­ anything — merely taking orders— he them . ever lieen used in the E n ter­ book summarizes in an authori­ ation would soon become appar­ was within his rights. O ur next serial will probably prise liefore I came. This was The P ortland decision shows that tative m anner the natural phe- ent. With all kinds of print­ lie a tru e tale of the Black Hills done to ketp the paper on as cities and town« possess fu ll police ing m aterial, as type, presses, ...t and artificial achieve- Indian w ar. the C uster mass» high a level of serviceabniy as . . l nts, prehistoric and modern, #tc„ and also of typesetting and powers in this repact. ere and th e Deadwxxid gold possible, thus holding as many which led up to the founding p a p e r c o s tin g tw ic e as much rush, by Hugh Poindexter, who patrons as possible, till the time Ruhe Johnson, who broke Jail of the commonwealth of Ore­ is they did then it would re- gar« ranch lira s to stu d y in g th» should come when the contem­ luire much the greater inducements t^ m u M e r o J X r i i f gon. to secure'ent'o’f locality and interview ing par­ plated improvements would he 1 publication office o ffic e here h e r o than th a n has not been heard from since, has ticipants in the events, and who practicable. it did a dozen years ago. obtained further freedom, presents, ui the guise of fiction. (CoaUauad ob page S) Ria wife The business in Halsey today ha* divorced him. Best Premiums Ever Offered for Single Subscriptions PROSPBCTH DIHCUSSKD Here They Are Special These Offers Expire June 30 J