PAO E 4 HALSEY EN T E R P R IS E : G L O B E ALBANY 5 3 GREAT DAYS :■ X SUNDAY- M O N D A Y -T U E S D A Y M AY U -2 (,-n By GLENN a HAYU great novel, : “ When a Man’s a Man" * 5 We advise you to come early * * ♦ * » * » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Soon • : : HAROLD LLOYD G IR L S H Y Halsey Happenings (Continued from page 1) Helen Arm strong over the week end. wee 1W4 FARM CO-OPERATIVE SELLING Harold Bell Wright’s « M AY U bou.e John Baee and E. j . Boner went to E ugene yeeterday. *©. 1*1«, V m i o i National Live Vaia. 1 Stock Pro-! N ews Note« president and the movement started (Continued from page 1) (in January 2, 1922. the first pro ducer«' commission association was The work of rocking a nine-mile (Ago«« H ayes Reporter) opened fur business at the National stretch of th i McKenzie highway from The junior class honored the sen­ stock yards. East St Louts, III. About tbe Belknap Springs corner toward t ie the same time the Missouri Farmers iors with a "weenie" roast in the summit Jifta hoon aLartad association started tbe Farmer Com- country Thursday night. None but Milwaukie turned down at the elec­ mission association at tbs same mar­ they can fully understand or appre­ tion Friday the proposal to authorize they enjoyed that a tax of six mills annually for ten ket. so In reality tbe record at St. ciate how well Louts represents a division of effort evening together. years to provide a sinking fund grad­ among the farmer« themselves. One The three one-act plays to be pre­ ually to pay off the $45.000 indebted­ co operative at that market would sented here Friday evening will cer­ ness for the Installation of Dull Run have had twice the business and but tainly be worth the attention that water, and to change the town char­ little mors than half the overhead. W« know will be given them. Re­ ter to permit creation of a sewer Since the second month of Its career the Producers' commission bas stood served seats may be purchased at system. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME North School Notes drat or second place at that market. Clark’s confectionery. The first month 250 cars were handled The president of the sophomore T T WAS a little more thsa two years and In the twelfth month 775 cars. class, Roberta Vannice, called the A ago that the National Live Stock The ,ofal for the J * *1 equaled 0.644 members together last week. They Producers’ association came Into exist c* r*. Including river and drlve-In decided to give a party to properly ence. It was the first a Itvs * business. Thia was a total of 481.470 ta th, l head of live stock valued at 79.825,000 I ,bid [ 8" wel‘ t0 ‘ hb “ h° o1 * ear l? at stock co-operative of Its for .— the . year amounted _ haa held 80 much io r them a11- Th«y world. . Net earnings _ — — ________ On the first birthday of tbe eatab ,0 H3.9fl8.5l0, or 32 per cent net * “ * gather at the Vannice home on bailment of Its first co operative com Proflt Thirty per cent of this was | Saturday evening, mission house ut St. Louis January 2 pal<1 *° ,he members as patronage re- Friday morning 8 well.loaded 1923, the National Live Stock Pro I fBnd- about P«r car- I Fords, driven by Messrs. Vannice, ducerà’ association had a record that The second office to open wax tbe read something like this: National of I Producers' Commission Association of Corbin, Albertson, Straley, W right, flee established; six terminals operat j Indianapolis, Ind. It Ja now handling I Dudley, and Winstead, , A conveyed lng; 18.524 cars of live stock sold . I more live stock than any other of tbe the high school students to a spot on <20.000,090 value of live stock handled I 19 B™ ’ h. the yards and gets about the banks of the Long Tom river ducerà* Association | No. lg, li;37 a. in. No. 17, U a g p> B 24. t<:27 p. u . 23, 7,24 p — 21 3:20 a. u . 2), n :j j p m Nos. 21 aud 22 stop oaly it flagged. No. 14, due Halsey at 5.09 p. m., ,k>p« to let off pasaengert from south of Roeeburg. No. 23 runs to Kugeue only. No. 21 runs to Eugene, theace Marsh- held branch. Paiseogers for south of Roseburg should tske No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to.No. 15. , W ith tbe arrest of W illard Quinn «nd Roscoe Wilson, while Wasco coun­ ty authorities were conducting a raid SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The window of of the on a still along the Deschutes river, I „ AU a?d m»de ijs first W. A . Carey Sunday, his stock once It reached the central I in market, but from the very begin prove Injurious to their Industry. I nPPearance in a herd o f hogs. The Christian m inister and hie m arket nlng It has averaged over 30 cars of With more than $200.000 ln federal . il j umPed • « ’O’» a trav. fam ily bad dinner at the L. H. Need Expert Salesmen. live stock per week. funds authorized for the summer train- eled hl«hway from one pasture to Armstrong home Suuday. Producers do need the services ol Two new offices are the Producers' iD5 activities of Oregon’s citizen sol- I another in Orange county and made Mra. L. A. Pray aud Delora expert salesmen In dealing with the Co-operative Commission association dlery, Brigadier-General George A. I lts first “Ppearance in Fresno coun- By MARGARET BOYD The commission system at East Buffalo, N. Y„ and the Cattle Welle were in Brownsville Satur­ packers. tVhite, commanding the Oregon na- I ’ bout the same time, worked all right for a time, but once Kaisers and Producers’ Commission day. Delora visited the dentist. the commission man had complete I company at Fort Worth, Tex. These (S hy M i , | i r e < B o y d .) tlonal guard, has returned from Wash- Miss Fanny W alker of A m ity has control be seemed to forget that he two companies have averaged over one "When could thev aav till now, that ipgton, D. C m v-’here he has been for A PtftentOUS Gathering been spending the past week at the was working for the good of the ship- hundred ears a week. „« o . _ / two W^eks attending a national de- 1 ,..,1 ______ _ I - .- __ _ - ___ S I _______ . _ . talked of Rome, home of her niece, Mrs. George Starr. per Bret and personal Interest second. W *1« 8* The Producers’ Commission ussocia- That her wide walla encompassed but fensg conference at the war depart- I d ay^ n d 3 Thuradav Practices grew up which made live Hon at Kansas City opened a short | one man7" Mrs. A. K. Foote and mother, menL > • | day and l h “rsday of the week after UiCUl. *• | " J . - ' next, >» the time appointed for a Mrs F. W. Robinson of Juuction stock producers dlmatlsfled with con time ago. Commission associations Julius Caesar. also been organized at Cleve- . . . , . „ 12 non non ,a^ roxlmat’ 1-T prohibitory law enforcement conven- C ity, were shopping in Eugene ditlone. They came to feci that the have »»>• ex- 12 000.000 rainbow trout eggs so far tion in Portland. Church rules and regulations of the markets land. O„ Slouz Falla, 8. I).. Oklahoma , £ “e*ar domlni,t«d R °“‘e g Wednesday ol last week. were all made in the Interest of the City. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and other L ? “ 1 “ ' " L h#, secmed ‘ ha on'y n," n ln thl, season, Diamond lake In eastern | school and tem pir, nce organizati; ^ It, and Caaslus, in this conversation Lincoln Overton of Harrisburg and commission companies and stockyard points. las foijnty has become the larg- with Brutus la trying to arrive at the in the northwest will be officially re­ C. W. Malson of Shedd have new owners. So universal was the dlssut The big end ia view is not a mere g taking statica ln the world. saving of a little commission charge I X * ‘ ° f C ,e “ ^ ' domlna“ ‘ P«™ »- presented and an effort made to missi Chevrolet cars bought from the Mur­ Ufactlon that some three years „go ording to M. L Ryckman. state the American Farm Bureau federation at tbe terminals. The big big idea Is to | It „ of (q gt|jdy g I .ty^ riatea ijs n t of game fish hatch speed up the enforcement of the law. phy Motor Co. of Albany, appointed a committee of fifteen of thr Railroads will carry people to the The executive committee for tho outstanding live stock men of the H m c n r o o x . T ) , » « to no . . . . „ I h aB d M Ca»»*us had done. The near *j)J/ be taken before the end of convention and home again fox UHT United States to study conditions and time process. There ls no eaay way— Lebanon strawberry (air and rose three-fourths farft. sat approach we can make to It Is to j ,9 propose a remedy. * J * *- no short cut to the end. There must ehow has fixed the for the fair i K Blichly-Ralnrock Blsel Governor Pierce is expected to de­ Tbe farmers' live stock marketing be campaigns of education which study the personality of those who section of the fur f f l d s j W d flM ifc fty, Juftf S And 7. committee of 15 started to work Is can dominate an audience from a tbe- W illamette liver an address. Senator Sam Gar- valley-Florence state htgh- C. 1‘. M oody lis t putcUused lb» June, 1921. On November 10 and 11, streaa the ways and means of secur­ ^ T h l T . X ™ o’f^ ra o n a llty is a . ldd uu4e,‘ con8,ructlon ^om a I land of this co u n ty , State Superio- ing It. There must be dependable former residence of Mrs. K. 11. 1922, they reported tbe co-operative ami accurate live stock statistics av a il-1 .... . . . pglpt a short distance below Triangle in d e n t Churchill, Attorney General Dougherty, south of town. Mrs. marketing plan around which the Na­ able to ahlppers. A complete system ° f ,be n,ture ot " f* Van Winkle, President Kerf of O. Dougherty took the train today fei tional Live Stock Producers' asaocla- of orderly markotlng must take Into upon volume has been writ­ lake In Lake Creek valley and Rain rocy on t^e Sluslaw river, hat been A. C., and hundreds of other distin- ten un both subjects, but they get us her homo at Pomeroy. W ash ., tlon Is orgaulsed. consideration the movement of the This plan calls for the organization Stocker and feeder cattle, feeding nowhere ln onr study. When sclen clqspd to all through traffic on ac- | guished men have written Indorse- after form ally «losing the deal. of a natloual association with subsld sheep and lambs and stock hogs In data find out whether life itself is a CQ^t of the danger to persons driv­ ment of the affair. I lary commission associations at vurl feedlots und pastures. But the estab­ mutter of chemicals, of ferments, or ing over I) and annoyance and delay It may result in more practical j oiis shipping points where business lishment of the cooperative comuils- of radio-activity, then they will prob- to the contractors end efficient enforcement work. prospects are good. Thtse commission sion companies at strategic market “ P®»’ «»" *® "how why ( Bariy gown barIe og, s . . DriB. associations are purely co-operative. points under u national plan Is the 1 *, mal1 * dominant personality wu .at <_ w. . . . rn , ,g 1 VhA lookim ’ p e a Sten. » I aBd *noth" '• • cipher. if .if , „ ' X dllt^ ‘ re, ‘n ,a,r I The Southern Pacific announce» I They are producer owned and pro­ first first step. , B U UN W HO'S QKATIM' WtS L „2? . " S ’ 1 proved to he a chemical function, as *’ «oo4 c<’»d‘tlon; seeding of these th t auarantina ducer controlled. They charge the . I ------------- It, then then personality q nt ne , e do not ■PP1? PORK Kto T t u . Hta Cfttss Lavoleler thought thought IL personality cr°ps In eastern countlss Is practically , going rate of commission and ut the proved to to ^ be e a a mat- m sr cotnP,rie complete and is needed needed for for , to . pa88enSers’ baggage or freight aa ucapo per B locks , will probably probably be be proved and moisture moisture is end of tbe year pay back the profits to BABIES ARE LIKE MONKEYS | win Au' YJHCU t LA5ET UP KI1TH their custoroars In the form of a pat­ ter of excess or lack of certain chem their germination, according to the going hy train to or through Cali- I net I net te Imitate Other, Leads Icala In the system. ronage dividend. Oregon weekly crop report of tbe forni«. TW B u i BRUTE , MS'S o o u ' Them tu Swallow Queer Juat now the best guess as to the weather bureau W hile winter whea' Members of the Producers' Commit * f * ae. but poor results farm in Dongles county Tburidey. AH profits are distributed on a pat . j. i. a ~ . i or etomacha of batiles. In addition to aparkllng dlaplay; but theoretically. 4re exP*cted from later lambing on returning Saturday. Ha found oi re e*n,h ' *■,“ ,h^ • " h“adrad’ of other ar Hour «'count of the shortage of feed on one should last of eadi year the coromlMloa asaocla in,.i,.a ,.„ _____ hi« sheep in fine condition. tides. Including tacks, peanuts (some­ t ,y * n ,T d ,r ’ ’r“ r af,er th# r , n ,e ' R ,b »r condition In Oregon tiona pay back ta the shtgigar all earn times from pesnut candy which when Inge beyond the coat of conducting the the candy Is dissolved leaves the pea­ buslnass. the profits being divided ac nut In the baby's mouth, whence It cording to the amount ot bualaeai done may ba breathed Into the lungs), small presents three one-act plays— Live etock consigned te ths »reducers' toys, such as Jacks, whistles and tiny able to gtva off «eoursgement snd aad . 7 C° “1P7 * ;<1 W‘tb ’ 7 * ’rear a«° rid your lyatein of Catarrh or Deafnew sgenclee la sold at the regular com animals, seeds, kernel« buttons, beads, Inspiration and mental stimulation d, h !.P coftdltlcB ’ •« W per cent mlssiun rate« fn each cage a saving caused by Catarrh. coins snd bones or fragments of bones, forever, without losing anything from a"n. la In tbe possession rally highly dangerous A broochosco- of stock markalad that «walla the | <* Alfred Andrews, silver lake trap- ptc clinic, of which there la at least one raaslng position yesterday farmar’a dtvtdandR set the «amber of E i X ' , „ „ b, „ „ „ £ , 5 “ X ‘ la every large and many small dries 0 W. Fruui took a truckload of hogs to Salem M onday. With the High School Classics TH ’ OLE GROUCH Halsey High School H a ll’s C a ta r r h Medicine 2L*’,i".r Miss Civilization The Revolt A. D. S. Peridixo Tooth Paste A week with Peridixo will make your tenth radiantly clean For sale at RINOO DRUG STORE at 21« a tuba The Flower°fYeddo shares cwmR specialises la the removal of foreign Thia plan V M «dotted ta Wivamber, bodies from the lungs or tubes that 1921 The pre-’dons fee rutting It Into operation were carried ant hr the executive committee ef the Amerlren Farm Bureau M ereOon be ««»etntlng tbe first board of director« of nine j Jlta. 2. Prow» f t Indian wax a!acred Victor Mapee lead to them But p re v tiiD s 1« worth _____________ ___ a great deal of cure— do not let tbe Institution of the Bend Kiw ani. baby bare each small article« to play dab. the fir.« X l x a T q a i th . with— tbe death rata Is high i £¿4 to J, f ^ H ivok Place ]ggt W8tg. -aptlve The larg bear, Andrew« says. ' L * d* ' rf His specimen Is i ),"' ° ld' b“ ' ” ° n" ” X ? b” a r ' U lnCb” h‘«h Th' * J g ’ - tad long been thought to be F r id a y , M ay 2 3 at R ia l t o H a l l Reserved seats, at Clark's. 4«e General admission, J5e Children, 25«