^/^bany_^)irectory stunned and wonnded about the shoal- The »«’oats bad no slaep that night. f L ’ ,...? ,* 7 Wm to bis feet This is good advice: " I i you live F L O R A L & M U S IC S H O P and led him away. He was tremblln» They sat down by the trail side lean h fear. Solomon found a pins Ing against a log and lighted their in Albany, trade in Albany ; if yon live We grow our own cut flowers in some other town, trade in that town. ' re still burning, near where the pipes. But in these antomcSle days many re­ Gold bander!, Kubrum and other hardy "You member Bill Scott?” Solomon L®4 _ be<” By 1,8 ll«ht thev lily bulbs now on hand. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do Ms wound»—the old scout whispered. at least part of their buying in the Nice geraniums every Saturday, having with him always a small sur­ “Yes We spent a night In his larger town. Those who go to Albany Phone 166J house.' geon s outfit. to transact business will find the firms "He were a mean cues Sold rum 1- ^ 7 *• *’ oO,8r be sake« named balow ready to fill their require­ Phone 312 Y Satisfaction guaranteed to tha Injuns, I alius tot' him It were ments with courtesy an t fairness. in the Indian tongue. Price id, 50 "About a mils down tha trail. If» wrong but—my Ood A'm lghty!— I nev­ A lb a n y B a k e ry , 321 L yo n street, F R E D B. J O N E S * ,n<1 8 b°J>” M lil tha warrior er 'spected that tha fire In the water Best oue :-pound pound loaf of bread made T ake us whar they be,'’ Sotomoc ware a goln’ to burn him up sometime. 5 cents. No, sir—I never creamed be wore a- commanded. Wedding cakes to order. ALBANY The three started slowly down tht goln' to be punished so—never.” They lay back against the log with A Ibany F loral Co. C ut flower* Piano Tuner for leading music stores in trail, the warrior leading them. their one blanket spread and spent and plants. Floral art for every Albany,* Inquire Davenport music house the night In a kind of half sleep. and all occasions. C H A P T IR X V III Every little sound was "ilka a hick ________________Flower phone 458-T. New In the rib a” as Solomon put it, and The Volea ef a Woman Sobbing. ^ l b n c y Electric Store, Store. Radio and Over tha ridge and more than a drove them Into tha look and listen seta. Electric wiring. Delco Light used mile away was a wet, wild meadow. busloess." The women was often cry­ products 202 Second ing out or the cow and horses getting G l e n n W il l a k d w m . H ö f l ic h . bought, sold and exchanged at all times | They found the cow and horses feed tng on Its edge near the trail. Tht up to feed. ”M.v son. go te sleep." eaid Solomon. B E N T. S U D T E L L A uto Electric Service— Recharg- moon, clouded since dark, had cornt B e fo re you d e fin ite ly plan vacation spot, you can prob­ able A & B batteries— W IL L A R D Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin st., Albany I out In the clear mid-heavens and “I tell ye there ain't no danger now— your vacation trip, find out storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W a b ly are tw o o r th re e fo r thrown Its light Into the high wlndowt not a bit. I don't know much but T Second st. H. D. Preston—J. C. Cochran about the low summer round­ about what you expected the of the forest above the ancient thor­ know Injuns— plenty.” trip fares, now effective May ti ip to one would cost. oughfare of the Indian. The red guldt I J I u e B ird R e s ta u ra n t, 309 Lyon In spite of hie knowledge even Solo­ 22 on Southern Pacific Line«. of the two scouts gave a call which street. E a t here w h en in A lbany. mon himself could not sleep. A little Let one of our agents help You’ll probably discover that Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. was quickly answered. A few rods before daylight they arose and began you with your plana. He can farther on, they saw a pair of old M bs . B l o u n t . you can do much more than to stir about. suggest many added feature* you th o u g h t on the money C • “ “ »« *» blankets near a “1 was badly burnt by that fir«, R U N S W I C K which might not occur to you. < CRAW R tic k e t of blnck timber. Thev could Jack whispered. you planned to upend. PH O N O G R A PH S And he'll tell you of a ser­ hear the voice of a woman sobbing "Inside!" Solomon answered. ”8o W ith a trip to the East, you at Shoes that cost less per month of wear | n* ar where they stood. vice that makes the trip com­ was I. My soul were a-sweatln' all ______ W O O D W O R T H ’ S can combine a visit to mnny Womsrn. don't bs skeered o' ns— , night.” plete— fine trains, Southei t delightful Pacific Coast re­ ws're friends—we're goln' to take ye TAavenport Music company offsrr Pacific men who consider y r j . Tbe morning was chilly. They gath­ hum," said Solomon. ports for a surprisingly low Piano-case organ, good as new ered birch bark and dry pine and soon a guest, a Dining Car sen ice The woman came out of the thicket bad a fire going. Solomon stole over additional fare. Estey organ, good as new that fa aa economical rs 4* h with a ilttlt lad of four asleep In h e i1 to the thicket where the woman and Used Pianos. Or instead of seeing just one excellent. »• anna. child were lying and returned In a mo­ E p astb u rn Bros.— T w o big grocery Where do ye live?” Solomon asked ment. In fact, thia entire organization of the " stores, 212 W. First and 225 Sooth ’ Far south on the shore o' the Mo- Southern Pacific ia anxious to help in "They're sound asleep," he said In Main. Good merchandise at the right h a n k ,' she answered In a voice trem­ a low tone. "We'll let 'em alone.” prices. every possible way. Take advantage of bling with emotion. He began to make ten and got out this valuable assistance. “What's yer name?” I P l i t e C a fe te ria an il confectionery the last of their bread and dried meat Optometrist, with 'I ’m Blit Scott's wife,” she an­ Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ and bacon. He was frying tbe latter swered. ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. when he sold: F . M . F rench & sons W e make our own candies. Cat’* blood and gunpowder!" Sol­ 'That 'ere Is a mighty likely wom­ w. s. D u ncan . omon exclaimed. "I'm Sol Binkus.” J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S ern. " She knelt before the old scout and Lpilm e developed and printed. He turned the bacon with hts fork Albany, Oregon C . P. M O O D Y , Halaev. Agent kissed his knees and could not apenk and added: We mail them right back to you. for the fulness of her heart. Solomon Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ “Tum ble purty when she were bent over and took the sleeping lad egon. from her arms and held him against young. Alius hated the rum business.” Jack went out on the wild meadow i r * t garage going n o rth . his breast. Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, Don t feel bad. We’re a-goln' to and brought In the row and milked Over the worst plaren I had the boy I repair work. on my back while Solomon carried has been in the lim elight before, take keer o' you,” said Solomon. “Ayes, her, filling a basin and a quart bottle. Solomon went to tbe thicket nnd W. H. H u lb d r T. 'Mis' Scott' In Ida arms as If she were skipped out. You take good care o f your •lr, we be 1 They ain't nobody goln' called: a baby. He was very gentle with her to harm ye— nobody at all." A rthu r Ham er wa* a north-bound pORD SALES A N D S E R V IC E teeth, yet they may he replaced “Mis' Scolt I" To Mm. as you know, a woman has There was a note of tenderness In passenger Friday. Tires and accessories The woman answered. But w ha t about your eyes? M akt the voice of the man as lie felt the been a sacred rreature since his wife Repairs "Here's a tow'l an' a lettle Jug o' died. He seemed to regard the boj Mrs. L. E. Walton spent Saturday chin of the little lad with his it a rule to have them examined K ir k -P o l l a k M otor Co. soap, Mis' Scott. Ye kin take the boy as a wonderful kind of plaything. At thumb and finger. afternoon in Eugene. once a year. p i r t r n i l l e r F u r n itu re C o ., fu rn i- 'T>o ye know what they done with to the crick an' git washed an’ then the camping places he spent every mo The bonds have been voted ahd come to the fire an’ eat yer brenk- ment of Ms leisure tossing him In the ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. B ill? ’ the woman asked soon In now we'll have the bridges. fust.” Funeral directors. 427-433 west First air or rolling on the ground with him pleading voice. street, Albany, Oregon. The boy was a handsome, blond lad "One day when the woman sut b> The scout swallowed os his brain M r* . J T- W o o d d y o f B ro w n sville jp C L L E R G R O C ER Y , S ^ l / o ii began to work on the problem In hand. with blue eyes and a serious manner. the fire crying, the little lad touched was an Albany shopper Saturday. His confidence tn the protection of his her brow with his hand and said: "Bill broke loose an' got erway. He's (Successor to Stenberg iiroa.) " 'Don't he skeered. mother. Tro gone,” Solomon answered In a sad mother was sublime. Earle Stanard and wife of Browns­ Groceries Fruits Produce "W liat'a yer name?" Solomon asked, brave. I'll take care o’ you.' voice. Phone 263R ville spent Friday in Albany. looking up nt the lad whom he had "Solomon came to where I was "Did they torture him?” P W. S E X A U E R , auto and gen- t urtis Veatch spent last week breaking some dry sticks for the fire "What they done I couldn't Jes’ tell lifted high in the air. 1 » e ra l pai a ter "Whig Scott," the boy answered tim ­ and said laughingly, aa he wiped a working on his ranch near Cottage ye. But they kln't do no more to him. Get my estimate. idly with tears In Ids eyes. He's gone.” tear from bla cheek with the back of Grove. 201 E. First street “What I Be ye skeered o' uie?" M m great right band: She seemed to sense his meaning Ted Mitzner filled in as minister These words esnte front the little •' 'Did ye ever see sech a gol' dura and lay crouched upon the ground U O L M A N & JACK8ON with her sorrow until Solomon lifted Isd as he began to cry: "No, sir. cunnln' leetle cricket In yer born days at the M. E. church at Shedd Sunday Grocery—Bakery I ain't skeered. I ’m a brave man." —ever ?’ morning. her to her feet and said: Everything in the line of eats "Courage Is the first virtue In which Look hero, little womern. this don't "Always thereafter 1>* referred to Opposite Postoffice Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians H. W . Stanard, Brownsville mer­ do no good. I ’m goln' to spread my the .voting are schooled on the fron­ the boy as the Little Cricket." Albany, Oregon chant, took the train here fo r Port­ ub Candy C o., F irs t street, next blanket under the ptnee an' I want ye tier," Jack wrote In a letter to his Jack wrote In another of Ms letters door to Blain Clothing Co. to lay down with yer boy an' gtt some friends at home In which he told of that as they fared along, down to land, Saturday. Noon lunches. tbe history of thst day. "The word* ward the aown lands of the upper Mo­ H A t the university of C ali- sleep. We got a long trip tomorrer. Mrs. Curtis Veatch and son Wayna Home-made candy and ice Cream. " ‘"Taln't so bad as It might be— ye’re and manner of the boy reminded me hawk. Solomon began to develop tai fornia hospital a baby started nd Charles Hamer were Albany of my own childhood. ent* of which none of Ms friends had to bleed at b irth aud before it kind o' lucky a'ter all Is said an’ U u b Cleaning W orks, Inc. visitor* Thursday. Solomon held Whig In his lap and entertained the least suspicion. done,” he remarked as he covered the Oor. Pourth and Lyon could be prepared for a blood fed him and soon von his confidence woman and the child Matter Dyers sml Cleaners M r. and M r*. N. A . T in ik from He has had • hard life full of fight transfusion its arteries collapses). The wounded warrior and the old The backs of the horses and the cow and peril like most of u* who were M ade-To-M easure Clothes Clifton spent the week end w ith Mr, The heart ca vity wag pierced w ith men were not to be found They had were so badly galled they could not born In this New World." tbe young nnd Mrs, J. C. Bramwell. I f you have frie n d * th ey ghould a hypoderm ic needle and four sneaked away Into the hush Jack he ridden, but we were able to lath man wrote "He reminds me of some ounces of the father’s blood was have your photograph. and Solomon looked about and tha the packs over a blanket on one of of the Old Testament heroes, and Mr*. H F. En glish w ent to E u - Clifford's Studio injected. The ch ild began to im ­ latter called but got no answer the horse» tVe drove the beasts ahead | la cot this land we have traversed gsne T h u rs d a y , the guest o f U r. 333 West First street. Albany. prove st once and is now well. "They're skeered el'ar down to the of us. The Indian* had timbered tbe j like the plains of Mature? What a j.nglish's mother and sister. toe nails,” said Solomon "They swales here and there eo that we were gentle creature lie might have been If agneto electric co able to _paas them with 1 1 (Us trouble. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Boner of Eu­ Shipments of American couldrTt etan’_ ! t here. A Hghtnin' I be had had a chancel How long. 1 Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ ice station. Couservative prices. All ' wonder, must we he tin}era of men? gene came down to visit Mrs. S. C. wheat from the Columbia work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. riv e r during the last few months of A* long, I take It, es there are sav- Basj Thursday. M r*. Boner was I ages against whom we inu*t defend fonnerly Miss Frost Bas:i. 1923 were nearly half of the entire M A R 1N ELLO PARLORS” 1 ourselvee." (A beauty aid for every need) amount shipped from the U nited Mrs. J. F. Wella of Brownsville and The next morning they met a com S t Francia Hotel States, and in December they were pany of one of the regiment* ot Gen­ Her daughter, M r*. Loomis, and Trop.. I nga H augk more than half. eral Herkimer who had gone In pur­ granddaughter Barbara, were all I en and money are ' best when suit of Ktd Snout and Ms follower* passengers to Ssltm Saturday. busy. Make your dollars work in Learning what had happend to that our savings department. A l b a n y S t a te evil band and It* leader the soldier* Mias Wanda Veatch went to Eu­ B a n k . Under government supervision. faced about and escorted Solomon ««d gene Thursday to spend a few days E Di D E A L E R IN H A Y , G R A IN AND . Ills party to Oriskuay. M u r p h y M otor Co. B uick and with her sister, Mis* Enid Veatch, Motor Hearse. Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and Efficient Service. who is a student at the U . of O. (To be continued) Lady Attendant aeceteories. _____'Albany, Oregon. Phone 70" Brownsville...... ........................... Oregon Guy R rtm w ell and fam ily from Halsey Happenings otc. Brownsville and Mr. and Mrs. Ed oscoe ames hardware Hover of Harrisburg were visitors the (Continued from page I) W IN C H E S T E R STO R E at the J. C. Bramwell home Sunday. W - L. W R IG H T Mrs. 8. P. Brock has been serious­ 322 W. First st. Mortician & Funeral Director ly ill. M r. and Mrs. R. F. Campbell and 1 X Halsey and Harrisburg C S. G IL B E R T A SON I two sons, who went to Eugene last Builder»' and »belt hardware, gar­ C all D. T a v l »R. Halsey, or Lida E. Gum is sueirtg Charles L. week to re«ide, did not find work aa den tool», crockery and glaaaware. \V. L. W r ig h t . Harrisburg Gum for divorce et Albany, by gum! expected, so returned to Halsey and New Stock. New low pneea. 1 A ll the children of the W. C. T . U. le ft fo t Kelso, Wash., Friday. C T IM S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR fnrm home were admitted, free, to Second street, opposite Hamilton's Albany will change its three-quar­ the Globe theater, Albany, Friday. •tore. ter -inch service water pipe into "Sudden Service.” T h e p la y was " Boy o f M in s .” Bryant park to one of an inch and Y V a ld u Anderson A Son, d is trib - A t a meeting Friday evening the a quarter, it being conceded th at ’ ’ utora and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ Pine Grove cemetery association vot- sufficient water ought to be supplied, mers. Essex. Hudson & Hupmobiie ca-a. ( ed an assessment of $1 a share for row that 60c a night is charged Accessories. Supnlies. 1st & Broadalbin. campers. cleanup and maintenance purposes. H ALLS' Piano Tuning and Repairing FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY Get a Finer Vacation th is w ay ____ B SHOE ~ V OtKVIVt W hy suffer irom headache ? Have your eyes examined 8. T . FR EN C H Southern Pacific Have Your Eyes Examined Once a YTear F Meade & Aibro, H M . M' O. W . F R I M “ DELBERT S T A R R ' Tuneral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer STO RAG E Have you used any ot F I S H E R ’S EGG X P R O D U C E R ? Include a sack with your X next order of poultry feed and jo u will be sur- prised with results obtained. Also Twine New and Second-hand Wool Sax. 3 , R C eE K E R A L O. W . FRUM Amor A. Tussing FARM LOANS Write for booklet describing our 20- year Rural Credit Amortized Loans. Tbe loan pays out In 2t> payments, re­ tiring the principal. Cheap rales. No del*y. B k a m L a n d C o . 133 Lyon St., Albany, Ore FARM LOANS BARBER SHOP at lowest rate of interesL First-Class Work Heal Estate Prompt service. Insurance Courteous treatment. W' m B a in . Room 5. First Savings Bank bmlniag, Albany Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry Sent Tuesdays. J. W S T E P H E N S O N . Frop Garden Tools •• garden crops, and alto in eating them O ur prices sell our goods H IL L &e at McConnel 'a Midway Jersey Suaday afternoon Milforil M ailer saw farm , a mile west of Shedd, next a good-aized porcupine. Porey la no Saturday. Cheater Mulkey, presi- racer. Milford turned a box on its i dent of the state Jersey club, ia ex­ aide and with a stick prodded the pected to be the principle speaker. animal until it entered. Then ha Russell Loomis, M yrtle Piper and fastened it in. Monday morning he Bob W ard, Sodaville on their way to had hi* capture on exhibition In fro n t Ivebanon by auto, stole several hun­ of C lark’s confectionery and had dred dollars worth of articles from quite an attendance. The porcupine a stalled c»r that had been tempor­ doe* not, as popularly believed, throw arily deserted beside the road. The his quills, but the fellow who kicks g irl has confessed Loomis and him ia likely to take tome away w ith Piper were arrested, but W ard, who h i« - . . ..« » j .J