Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 22, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E
l« M
I f Use farmers all vote this fall
The day after the primaries Mayor
the oleo law referendum will be de­ Baker of Portland said he yes “tired
an’ dig, an’ cook, an* guide far
feated and the two and
ey. But I won’t fight no more far
La u«*aaaA*>i—MOT m i n i
pounds of bull butter
K « * ( aabUakr« • « » ? T H IS « « ; , money—partly ’cause I don’t need it
into the state yearly
— p artly ’cause I ’m fightln* far a y -
out. And i i they all
a half million of politics.”
There are others, Mr.
To Advertisers
writer on the Brookiyu Ragle,
»hose husband was killed in ths
war, fait about as Binkus and
Coolidge did on the subject. She
O flee boon, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 except
her 9400 to the state and
Mondays and Friday foreneona
»rote, among other things :
Copy received before Tuesday is m
tim e tor good position. Wednesday is
late and 1 hursdsy's m ail Is too late.
Men who were wounded or gassed
w h o lly
in c a p a c ita t­
ed in the service of thia country in
the world w ar ought to have all the
aid the rest of ua can give them in
enabling them to overcome, as fa r as
m ay be, the disabilities they suffer
This is not their due by law, but our
moral duty to
Next to them aa our duty arising
from the w ar are
A rm en ian s,
who rook up arm s for fhe cause. In
their struggle to make the world safe
In the long, long days that have
gone since that morning when 1
watched my
husband striding
across the brown prairies of Texas
to join his regimeut the whole re*
aliiJtion of what war really
means has borne itaelf in upon
my heart. It would have been
too awful had it all come at OBCe,
It would have crushed me. I f 1
had had this visioo two years ago
Farmers buy 155,000,000 packages
of breakfast foods yearly, paying, in
each instance, 15 or 20 cents fo r food
Halsey, Oregon
Commercial and Savings account« Solicited
Glycerine M ixture
Prevents Appendicitis
Simple glycerine, buckthorn berk, etc.
Forehanded as mixed in Adlerika. is excellent to
fanners produce their own breakfast guard against appendicitis. Moat medi­
a cent or two.
I f all would do so the farmers cine« act only oa lower bowel, but Adler-
would get more
therefrom ica acte on B O T H upper and lower bow­
than they could from any farm relief
bill that is before congress if it be
came a law.
Goin and M cM a­
els and removal all ga«tea and poisons:
Brings ont matter you never thought
was in your ayatem. Helps any case gat
en the stomach tn T E N minutes.
han made good records as assembly-
men from
L. L. Swan, the republican nominees,
might be.
county and i f the
parties were nearly even in strength
I would never have ap p lied (er t h e l they would be re-elected, no m atter
meritorioU8 H . E. Tucker and
bonus, I re tu rn the m oney to my |
•date and trust it will divert it into
channels where it will do good.
The spirit which prompted E l­
mer Piper to enlist has no price
The long days that have merged
themselves into years whtn we
who wait have looged for the
touch of a vanished hand and the
sound of a voice that made life all
sunshine have ne monetary value.
S l i
now brought Baker.
____ ., „ 2
w ill be shut
The K. K. K. wasn’t half as no­
vote fo r the
sell. I got a little in nay britches
ticeable after the votes were counted
L- rlii 'o.
11.63 a re a r la advance. pocket, but if I hadn’t my el’ M arler new income tax law they need not
as while they wer bing solicited.
A d ve rtis in g 3Dc an inch ; no discoun wouldn't let me go hungry.'
worry about the initiated repeal of
(or tim e or < pace ; no charge (er com
position or c isnges,
Michigan appropriated 930,000, the old and defective one. I f not
The “ M ’s” have it.
Its M cN ary
t a **Pald-fnt Paragraph«," 6c a llae.
enough farmers vote the big tax
Me advertising disguised as news.
widows. Mrs. Joan Piper, now a shirkers may continue to shirk.
Nothing is sure
Cream and Produce Station
Cash paid for
Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal
& Hides. M. H* S H O O K
the result now.
Solomon took the lightning hurlers
The recall is working in Oregon.
out of the packs and unwrapped them
fo r democracy— the Armenians ex­
I t has become good policy fo r office I can make both F A R M and C I T Y and tried the springs above the ham­
posed themselves to a more horrid
mers. Earlier In the day he had
holders to be as considerate of the L O A N S * t a very row rate of inteiest
fate than our brave men faced In the
looked to the priming. Solomon gave
good will of the voters afte r elec
one to Jack and put the other two In
trenches of Europe. Trusting in us
G. W . L a f ia b ,
bis pockets. Each examined his pis­
Both houses have passed the t o - 1tion as
U n 8 county last
to make good our promise that their
Salem, Ore.
410 Oregon Bldg tols and adjusted them In his belt.
nationality should be recognized and nus over Coolidge’s veto. The weelt resiled two
They started for the low-lying ridge
account of
above the little valley of Rock creek.
m ai|' effective and tthe power of the
because the president did not I bridge and other deals.
I t was now quite dark and looking
cruel Turk curbed, they fought their
down through the thickets of hem­
orawl and «rings before them.
figh t.
lock they could see the firelight of
There are now pending in congress
They declared that the straight
Laundry sent Tuesdays
the Indians and hear the wash of the
The terms of the treaty of peace
172 bills pertaining to railroads.
creek water. Suddenly a wild whoop­
forward language in which be told
Agency Hub Cleaning Works
proclaimed these things accomplish­
ing nmong the red men, savage as the
the truth, as quoted above, wse On other subjects the rig ht of way
howl of wolves on the trail of a
ed. The treaty limited the Turk and
is similarly cluttered up. I f the ma­
insulting. In the words of Tut
wounded bison, ran beyond them, far
gave the Armenians a home and a day’s Oregonian :
jority of these bills, w ith the men
out into the forest, and sent its echoes
nationality— on paper. And then the
traveling from hilltop to mountain
Republieans were so enxieus
tide. Then came a sound which no
United States, the keystone in the
not to lose large bunches of votes many more, could be eliminated,
man may hear without getting, as Sol­
arch which was to uphold right and that they dared not stand by their | the cuntry would breathe easier,
omon was wont to say, "a scar on hla
justice among nations, turned desert­ president. The remarkable pop­
soul which he will carry beyond the
ular inriorsemeat that has been
last cape." I t was the death cry of a
A Portland paper tells us that
er and let the structure fa ll in ruin«
A ll work done prom ptly and reason­
¡liven President Coolidge in the Vermont has gone solidly republican
captive. Solomon had heard It be­
We permitted the Turks to treat the
fore. He knew what It meant. The
primaries is a vote that may well
treaty as "a scrap of paper” and to live him confidence to defy the since 1914. When did Vermont go
Are wns taking hold and the smoke
had begun to smother him.
any other way since the republican
spread slaughter and rapine among Liliputian hosts in congress.
cries were like the stabbing of a knife
party was born?
ouy late allies.
Men, women and
and the recollection of them like blood
children were left dead in heaps. A
They hurried down the slanL brush­
As in the m ajority of states, so
few escaped to Russia and were giv­
The day before our primary elec
ing through the thicket, the sound of
en a place to dwell. A few more were
their approach being covered by the
tion was far from a dull one for
Wednesday ouly
choice for president.
H iram John­
able to escape by water. Able bodied
appalling cries of the victim and the
President Coolidge vetoed
demon-like tumult of the drunken
son also ran.
men were seized and forced into the
1:80 to 8:30j
the soldiers' bonus bill and shocked
braves. The two scouts were racked
army of their enemies. The larger
with soul pain aa they went on ao
congress with the most vigorous mes-
girls were carried off to serve the
that they could scarcely hold their
<age it had ever received.
peace and keep their feet from run­
lust of their p isecutors. Those who
The United States district court in
ning. A new sense of the rapacity for
fled by sea—mothers and their ba­
evil in the heart of man entered the
Chicago shocked Coolidge himself
bies— have starved by thousands.
mind of Jack. They had come close
ind Philip Grossman, a dirty boot­
to the frightful scene, when suddenly
American people, not the American
legger whose money had staved off
a deep silence fell upon it.
government, which is run by politi­
God, the victim had gone beyond the
s ja il sentence given him by Judge
cians for politicians, have given
reach of pain. Something had hap­
I.andis until, by misrepresentation,
pened In his passing—perhaps the sav­
funds that saved a few of the child­
he had got a presidential pardon.
ages had thought it a sign from heav­
ren who survived when their moth
en, For a moment their clamor had
The court set aside the pardon
er* perished from cold and hunger.
ceased. The two scouts could plainly
llegal and sent the criminal to jail
see the poor man behind a red veil
The government grudgingly gave a
of flame. Suddenly the white leader
in spite of every effort his lawyers
pittance to the cause, but refused to
of the raiders approached the pyre,
could make to prevent It.
fu rth er turn a hand for the sufferers.
limping on his wooden stump, with a
Federal prohibition officers shock­
stick in his hand, and prodded the
Under these
circumstances and
face of the victim. It was his last
ed New York by shutting up and
with taxation the heaviest it ever has
act. Solomon was taking aim.
padlocking for a year nine gilded gin
been, our lawmakers sottfht to catch
rifle spoke. Red Snout tumbled for­
ward into the Are. Then what a scur­
the soldier vote by a bonus bill which
A lively day!
ry among the Indiana:
They van­
financiers reckon would add >175 a
ished and so suddenly that Jack won­
dered where they had gone. Solomon
year to the tax burden of every fam ­
stood reloading the rifle barrel ha had
ily in the land for twenty years to
Just emptied. Then he said:
The Jersey cow stands at the head
“Come on an' do aa I do."
of the butter producing industry.
Solomon ran until they had come
M r. Coolidge vetoed the wn ano
Oregon stands at the head in Jer-
near. Then he Jumped from tree to
said, among other thing«:
tree, stopping at each long enough to
"W e muet abandon our theory of iey breeding and in prize-winning
may communicate w ith Rnsign Lee of the Salvation A rm y at the
survey the ground beyond I t
feraeya in the United Statea.
patriotism or abandon this bill.
wee whet he called “swapping covey."
W h itt Shield Home, 565 M a y f.tr avenue, Portland, Oregon.
"W e owe no bonus to the able-
Linn county leads in Jersey breed-
From behind a tree near the fire ha
bodied veterans.
Their first duty
shouted in the Indian tonga»:
ng among the counties of the state
was to their country.
"Bed men, you have made the Greet
ind has been called "the Jersey Isle
Spirit angry. He has sent the son of
*'Patriot iam cannot be bought or
the thunder to slay you with his
sold, and to attempt to pay money of America."
Consider these facts, if you are in­
for it offers it an indignity.
one th a t ia relished at all times by
No truer words had ever left the
'T h e
veterans th«..-»selves as a terested in dairying, and you will see
eld or yo'ing alike, is our icecream. lips of man. Ills hand rose and swung
whole do not want it and there is het the privilege of attending the
I t is made j ’ oni Pure. unadulter­ back of his shoulder and shot forward.
no moral justification for It."
The round mlaaile sailed through tbe
U n a county Jersey picnic, at the
ated cream ao.^ flavored with pure firelight and beyond It and sank into
The graft in the administration
McConnel' farm near Shedd, next
fruit flavors. T , T some whenever black shadows in the great eavarn at
of funds for the relief of disabled
Saurday, i t a rare one in the world.
you can. There is no more whole­ Rock creek—a famous camping place
veterans is aoout the meanest, most,
some or delicious rAlteeh ment on In the old time. Then a flash or white
despicable g raft ever exposed, but
earth. Parties and 'ami lies sop- light and a roar that shook the hills t
An exchange says that in the east
A blast of gravel and dost and debris
the bonus g raft for the benefit of ed and w hite elever hooey is
plied in any quantity.
shot upward and pelted down upon the
men aa well able to take rare of tiven first choice. That w riter ap­
earth Bits of rock and wood and an
themselves as any of us does not parently is unaware that honey bees
Indian’s arm and foot fell In »he flre-
are unable to reach the nectar in a
grade much higher.
The position M r. Coolidge attrib ­ red clover hloasem. The bees know
Whal are yon going to do »"bout that car?
t and do not try. The bumblebee
utes to "the veteran» themselves, as
Don’t wait till th« spring rush. Have it ready for spring
has a longer reach, and since his
a whole,” is that credited to Solomon race hat multiplied on this coeat it
tripe when you need it the Oioet.
B in ku s in his re p ly to George «• possible to ratee the seed here,
Our shop equipment is among the hast, which enables ns to
Washington's reference to the Ina­ which It was not » score or two of
Barber Shop
light. A number of dusky figures scur-
rled out of the month of the cavern
end ran for thafr lives shouting prey*
era to Manitou aa they disappeared la
the darkness. Solomon pulled the etc*
hers from around the feet of the vie*
"Row, by the good God A 'm lg h f.
■peers to me we got the ekeer shifted
se tbe red men'll be the rabbit fer e
while an' I wouldn’t wonder,” said
Solomon, as he stood looking down
at the scene. "He eln’t a-goin’ to
F. M . G R A Y ,
A m erican E ag le
Fire Insurance Co.
Hay is worth just as much in storage as
you might got for it in case of fire. Th ?
American Eagle Fire Insurance comparir
will pay you 85% of the cash value in case,
of loss by fire.
C. P. STAFFORD, Agent,
A ny Girl in Trouble
A Popular Refreshment.
Clark’s Confectionery
bility o f the colonies to adequately
pay their soldiers, set down In last
story, ' I n the Day» of Foor Rich-
id .”
B in k u s said :
”1 ain’t fightin* fer pay.
I ’ll hoe
veara ago. The bumblebees distri­
bute the pollen. And now it is re­
ported that field mice are exterm ina
ting the bumblebees by destroying
their neata and larvae. Poison the
field mice and protect the clover seed
do your job the way it should he done.
All Work Guaranteed
G .A N S L E B R O S .
like the look o' a pale face—not over*
ly much. Them Injuns that got erway
'll never atop runnln' till they've
reached the middle o' next week."
He seised tbe foot of Red Snout and
pulled his heed out of the Are.
"You ol' hellion I” Solomon ex­
claimed. "You dog o’ the devil! Turn*
bled Into hell whsr ye b'long at last,
didn't ye? Jack, you take that luther
bucket an' bring some water out o*
the creek an' put out this Are. The
ring on this 'ere ol* wooden leg Is
wuth a hundred pounds."
Solomon took the hatchet from his
belt and hacked off the end of Red
Snout's wooden leg and pat It In Ma
coat pocket, saying:
“From now on a whit« man can
walk In the bush witholit gtttln’ bis
bone« picked. Injun« le goln’ to be
skeered o’ us—a few an' I wouldn't
be surprised.”
When Jack came back with the wa­
ter, Solomon poured it on tbe embers
end looked at the swollen form which
■till seemed to be straining at ths.
green withes of moose wood.
"Nothin' kin he done fer him,'' said
the old scout. "He'« gone erway. I
tell ye, Jack, it g’ln my soul s sweat
to hear him dyln*."
A moment of silence full of tbe sor­
row of tbe two men followed. Sob
omon broke It by eaylng:
"That 'ere blaek pill o' mine went
right down Into the etnmmlck o’ tbe
hill an' give it quite a puke— you heel
to me.’’
They went Io the cavern's mouth
and looked In.
“Tbey's an awful mess In ther. I
don't keer to see IL" said Solomon.
Near them they discovered a w errlel
who had crawled oat of that death
chamber 1» the rocks. He had been
(Continued on page J)
Fisk and Gates nre»
A ll kinds of accessories
W illa rd battery service
Special equipment for handling wrecked ears
Treuble calls given prompt attention any time and any where
Telephone < 2'
I Residence, nights, lgx
A L B E R T F O O T E Prop.