Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 22, 1924, Image 1

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H alsey
H A L S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A Y . «2, I « 4
N O . 42
! mout and build
Short Stories from Sundry
road over the
Master Jerry Moody of Harrisburg'
arrived Monday to spend the week
with C. P. Moody and family.
P i n e G r o v e P a tt e r s
B r o w n s v ille B rie fs
’ Children’s Home, after which lunch
(By Special Correspondent)
¡by Mrs. Lawrence Zimmerman,
• »as served by the hostess, assisted
(Entorprise Correspondence)
A number of farmers around town , ^°- Commons, who has been in
Th» ¡Pina Groyo orchestra met
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simons of Eu- Waduesday.
replanting their corn.
(California, was an overnight vfcitor
( arc replanting
Epitome of Event» in the
Heaver Sfate
in Shedd on his way to Portland.
Glen Frum went to Salem Monday. I 6elJe vlsited at the Curtis Veatch
Mrs. Inez Smith was a Eugene
Mrs. Emma Harrison returned
r r,
and Henry Weger homes Sunday
visitor Saturday.
home from Lebanon Friday.
«_ „ .i »
Elmer Margason and his aunt. Mrs
8nd Mrs- c “« is Veatch and
Marvsl Lawrence has accepted . 1 J ? * *
helping Mr,
H n ur
• » • •
. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Krum «hove to
Gaston Is to have a tourist free auto-
H. D. Warner is driving Mr. Guld- Hood River Mondy to attend na-id
mobile camp.
net's stage this week.
Otto N eff is in a Portland hospit­
'« • S i ' r S
Fire of undetermined origin destroy­
Miss Cleona Smith mad« a trip to I Miss Alberta Koontz spent the al recovering from an operation on Cecil Harrison drove to Albany Sat
Wash., are visiting at the home of ed one of the barns at the state train-
Sweet Home Saturday.
week end with home folks and had
urday on business.
lug school for boys at Salem.
Mrs. Kennedy's
mother, Mr»
Mrs. Etta McDaniel of Portland
A. F. Spurling is taking an a u lo -l’*8. 8 ®^est Miss Irene Balsinger of
Belle and Mabel Burson, Gladys Dora Davis.
Although the season is early, cater­
visited at the R. K. Stewart home
mobile trip into southern California. I Sa em’
Hove and Bruce Burson drove to
pillars aye already appealing on the
last week.
At the meeting of the Eastern Star fruit trees in Benton county.
Albany Friday on a shopping tour.
Claroii Gormley, who baa been I Mr’ #.nd Mr*' James Drinkard, ac
Wednesday five were initiated: Mr.
Charley Gibson and T. P. Patton
The steam schooner O. C. Lindaner
working at Reedsport, spent Sundav d
oont and shipped two carloads of sheep Miss Eva Weeks of Lebanon, for- and Mrs. Koontz, Mr. and Mrs. Clay struck
the bar at the mouth of the
at home.
’ I ^ rank, Martin and Herman Koontz, Tuesday.
mer teacher at Ash Swale, spent the P. Moody and Dr. y. I. Marks, all ol
J ..
drove to Holley Sunday.
week end at the N. L. Burson home. Halsey. After the regular work re­ Umpqua river sod is a total wreck.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Hess of Drowns-1 r
. „
Mi. and Mrs. k E. Eagy spent
The Marshfield chamber of com­
ville were passengers to Albany on I
\ Surveyor Leonard was the
The local W. C. T. U. is offering freshments were served.
unday at the home of her parents
I 0,1 y candidate voted for in the pri- at Oakville,
a prize to the school children for the visitors were prresent from Albany, merce annual banquet was attended
by 400 people representing Coos bay
I “’a"’’®® of both parties to succc-d
best essay on "Cigarettes.” The time Tangent and Brownsville.
and coast sections.
Tuesday Mrs. C. E. Gormley went I hioisrif as county surveyor, ai d ’s
I rank Gansle, Albert Miner is up Friday.
W ith a nucleus of 590 volumes in
to Millersburg where she will visit son was born to him the same day and Albert Heinrich weot to Ki.-
Some of the Shedd visitors and
her father, J. G. Gourlev.
’ gene Monday.
Thera are to be union memorial shoppers in Albany Thursday were 1877. the second year of the Univer­
„ „ „
Gravel 18 he»1»? unloaded by ma-
The Pine Grove boys will play services at the Baptist church Sun­ Mr. Ritchie and Harry Spranger sity of Oregon, the library at the atata
Mrs. H. M. Henry and Emma and chinery from railroad cars and haul-
university has grown to 180.000 vol­
Pat drove over to Nortons Tuesday I
to the road east of here in the baseball with a Halsey pick-up day. Rev. M- S. Woodworth it to and w ives, Mrs. W. W. Poland, umes.
deliver the sermon.
for a stay on their ranch.
I Carey neighborhood at a rapid rate. team Saturday afternoon,
end Mr. and Mis. Harry Poland, Mrs
Damage roughly estimated by the
Mrs. R. H. Daugherty of Pomeroy,, The <)uant*ty of sand in that gravel
About two hundred saw “ The
The Pioneer Telephone picnic held W. McConnel and daughters Clarice owners at 8100,000 was done by fire
Wash., and son Asa of Seattle, arriv-1 ,15 surel>' sufficient to serve as a Farmerettes” at the teboolbouse at the local grounds Saturday was
, u ' Y'
--- ---- tn the furniture making plant of the
fc’ WilIouKhby, Mr. and Strauss Manufacturing company in
The piano fund was gainer by well attended. The sports were good I „
ed in Halsey Tuesday for a short, bindcr> if !t
so serve,
|3 4 65.
as well as the speaking. Drownsville Mrs. McClaine, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Portland.
stay at their old home.
A. A Tussing and
as usual in the ball game with Margason and Mrs. Emma Coon.
The Harmony school closed Fri­
The Hawley Pulp A Paper company
Only four failures
occurred I for California Monday morning on
of Oregon City has purchased approxi­
th -grad e| a combined business and pleasure
among the
J. E. Willoughby hag sold his meat
mately 11,000 acres of hlgAgrade pulp
pupils who look the state exaniin. trip, expecting to visit various towns dler, and pupils having a picnic on
School closes at Ash Swale with market to Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman,
timber In Tillamook county, accord­
| and go as far south as San Diego.
ation in this county.
a picnic Friday on Lone lin e. Mr. immigrants from Montana. Mr. Wil­ ing to recent report!.
They expect to be home about June
Mr. Gardner and Walt Smith have Howe, the teacher, has put in a suc­ loughby will do some resting and
Several instances o f wool theft 7th.
La Grande
of the
baa voted
In pledges
just finished shingling the house and cessful year and has been hired foi i J b e -» f o r e *ntering in new ac- lean
have been reported since shearing
doing some work on the barn at the the coming year. Thelma, Edna and | Hvltiea.
started and now thieves are peel­
to be used as the laltlal fund for the
A'llliam Schweiger, who had lived Floyd Nichols farm.
Elbert Harrison were neither absent
ing cbittem on other people’» prop,
constructtCdi of a proposed armory
at Harrisburg sirce last fit' and
erty. Two men were arrested Ust
A lfo r d A r r o w s
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Pike of North nor tardy during the eight months.
building in that city.
week for stealing 22 fleeces from l ore a gro’d reprtation, is in jail
There was no eighth grade, but Thel­
Plana for the new Bike' temple to
Anders Christensen of Harrisburg
ma Harrison, Dora Burson, Guy Bur­
(Enterprise Correspondence)
be erected la Salem thia year have
One confessed and the wool whs fifteen yea:»old Mary Swift. The girl K Stewart, and cousin, Mrs. son and Jim La wrence w ill all be in
Arch Ingram of Monroe called on
f a n d «»altedl
had been permitted to go to a movie Hover, Saturday and Sunday.
the eighth next year.
ruler of the order. The temple wl!J
his uncle, Lee Ingram, Sunday.
with him by the Frank Nenichick
Miss Mary LaRue had business, in I
M *' M' V' K *
Davidson, president of the San- family, with whom she resided, and
tiant wagon road company, claims the crime is alleged to have been
fhere are twelve to fourteen m ill­ committed on the way home.
ion feet of timber on the right of
way. If the government will
Our history story, “In the
exchange equal timber for this he Days of Poor Richard,” in this
may take the county’s »5000 and week’s chapter recounts some
let the couuty and the govern- bloody deeds» but they are
W e H ave
O ptical
I* the Cause of Many
If yenr eyes give you trouble or
your glasses are annoying
SER US. We can Relieve You
B a n c r o f t O p t ic a l C o .
313 1st St. W. Albany, Phone
> WcJ
deeds which no worthwhile his­
tory could omit in telling of the
even's leading to formation of the
American nation. The old one-
legged renegade whom Jack
Irons whipped in the first in­
stallment of the story gets his
quietus from the mouth of Sol­
omon Binkins’ gun and the
raiding indians get a scare
which they think comes from
the Great Spirit, and who shall
say it didn’t, whatever the me­
dium which brought it?
(Continued on page 4)
L ook Y outhfui ,
in G ingham
There have been no cases of foot
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sprenger of
John Warren of Brownsville died
and mouth disease in Oregon as yet,
Corvallis visited at the E. A. Starnes
but an exchange remarks that it
home Sunday.
knows of several people afflicted
The first Linn county open forum
Mrs. C. E. Mercer of Eugene spent
with the hand to mouth disease.
picnic is to be at Brownsville on
several days last week with her
temo Sunday soon.
mother, Mrs. D. I. Isom.
Mrs. Minnie Waggener, who was
Mrs. £ D. Isom spent several day.
operated on recently at the Browns
last week in Albany with her mother
ville hospital, is reported to be re
Mrs. k E. Bond, who was ill
covering nicely.
B. E. Cogswell of Portlnd came
The Brownsville chamber of com­
to his ranch last week to look af­
merce is trying to have the state
commission force the Southern Pa ter the shearing of his sheep.
cific to restore the daily
Mi. ---“
and ......
Mrs. W. C. Q|tKCla
Sickels Bn„
train, which was discontinued because s°n of Eugene were Sunday evening
it was losing money for the company. I callers at the E. I). Isom home
Halsey Churcb ol Christ
Church Announcement«
See f/ie n ew
Ginghams at
Crispy freth ginghsm frocks In new
colorful psrtems thst only the g«v
brilliance of Spring itself esn rival,
w i l l fo rm no s m all p o r tio n of
milady's Spring wardrobe. Nsrionsl
Ginghsm Week, April 27th to May
3rd, in all the glory of the new
eeaton'i happy colon, w ill furnish
many s timely inspiration.
I Mr. and Mr». John Cornett of
the prospects for a big men’s class, Friday.
Io the first gsme played at th» S***dd and Mrs. Tom Hill of Halsey
similar to those now going in hund­
reds of churches of Christ over the new baseball field Harrisburg beat I cah*d 0,1 Mrs. D. I. Isom Thursday
They were enthusiastic Brownsville 8 to 4.
about the idea. A committee was
Mrs. E. F. J * Fayette of Browns-
C. k Morris, an old resident of
appointed to arrange for place and villa went to Albany Tuesday. She Harrisburg, was buried in the Ma-
date. A delegation of Halsey men ha8 a class in music there.
sonic cemetery at Alford Sunday
will be in Eugene June 1 to hear
A. B. Miller, craam agent, w ii |*lternoon.
George P. Taubman, the world-fam­ transacting business with M. H.
and two children
ous teacher of the largest men’s Shook in Halsey yesterday.
. Mrs. J, W. Moore -----------------.
Bible class, and come back full of
a Hr«» . . ¡ i t r v
and Mr»- Andrew Brown and nephew
A B row nsville fisherm an cam e were rslfrr« .» ti— w n .
"pep ’ for a men's class at Halsey.
in with an 18|-inch trout and was
, hB t D' , ’°m home
President E. C. Sanderson will be proud of it till a amall boy caught 1
s wec
our speaker next Sunday morning.
on» of the »»me length within the
Rickard went to Cor­
You will want to hear him.
city limit».
vallis Sunday evening to help care
Sunday, June 1, is Children’s Day
for two of her grandchildren who
and June 8 is Penticost. June 15 is
had had their tonsils removed.
Ministers’ anniversary day.
S h e d d S n a p s h o ts
Last Sunday the two Smith boys,
Sunday afternoon E. A. Starnes
1 ounty clerk's office at Coquille.
Oregou pennons have been granted
as fellows:
Martha W. Williamson,
La Grande. »30; Joseph 0. Johnston,
Medford, «12; Jarn»a c. Stevens. Port­
land. »18, W illiam A. lib ks. Portland,
viewpoint of tha operators aad that
of the employee, owing to cuts In tha
price of logs.
Voters of Multnomah county retired
the three present members ot the
county beard of commissioners in the
renal I election and replaced them by
the landldates who were sponsored
by the recall committee.
A tingle selling agency
(or the »6.-
000.990 Oregon prune crop and a
single featured bread has been agreed
on by prune growers and others who
have been working with them on tha
project for nearly a year.
Tha use of calolum cyanide flak»«
as a mesas of poisoning red ground
squirrels that are a serious pest la
some parte of Um atilla county has
proved very euceeeeW, according ta
Fred Bennlon, county agent.
Drastic alterations In Aie state In­
come tax provision*. Intended both
to popularise the statute and to over­
come the serious legal objeotlons In­
volved In Its present form, are plan­
ned la a new law drawn at the In­
stance of Governor Pierce.
W alter T Eakln of Astoria was ap­
pointed a member of the state fish
commission In place of John Hmlth.
(EnUrprlae Correspondence)
and fam ily drove to Eugene, where also of Astoria, who decllaed to serve.
Jack Dannen has installed a radio Mrs. Starnes entered a hospital and Announcement of the appointment
in his home.
Underwent a surgical operation early was made by Governor Pierce. M r.
Eakln will succeed Christian Schmidt,
Glen Gregory, who has been work, Monday morning.
who term has expired
ing at Hilt, Cal., ha» returned home.
Sunday visitors at the John Rolfe
There la being distributed from the
The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. church home were I-ewis Wallet and family
oftloe of J. A. Churchill, etate super­
served a chicken pie dinner election
Godwin of Buena Vista, George God­ intendent of public Instruction, pam­
win and family of Corvallis, Ed phlets containing Information relative
Mrs. Lyman Pennell and boys drove
to the Issuance of bonfis by -cbool dis­
Wills and family of Hilt, Cal., Mrs.
to Portland Saturday and retured
tricts In Oregon.
The circular la
authoritative, having been prqpared by
Phelix of Roseburg.
I. II. VanWinkle, attorney general.
Robert Parker of the M. E church
in the Church of Christ building
at 8.
The church without a bishop, in
the country without a kirg.
If you have no church home
C. A. Pugh, C. H. Davidson and
come and worship with tis.
Many Bager county farmers are In
C. W. Maison drove to Oakridge on
W aiter Winslow. Salem attorney, fear that the eerjous water shortage
h*s filed suit |a the circuit court to «rill reuse a heavy lows In farm crops
Robert Parker, pastor.
” ^
*U ? ,,r a * foBrolMiOB hie year. In many sections of tha
Mrs. Del
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11,
A mortgage given by the Coot Bay
i 0“ **."7
„8ecur,,J' Savln« ' C0“ Pa“ 7 of
Port aad wa8 «**» »•« ’ •<* '«»
The logging industry of the lower
M. L Howe of Brownsville was « i
the little stream that flows past
their place. Quite a number of
1 friends were present to observe the
, ordinance.
The baccalaureate sermon for the
high school will be delivered by Rev.
Contractors have begun work on the
North Powder gymnasium and It Is
hoped to have the building completed
by the opening of school ig the (alt.
The coat will be about »3000.
Miaa Helen M ,kols went to Al- , C.huMt5r Curt? 8nd famUy visited Columbia river district la having hard
bany yesterday.
| , *“ ® home of^Chantnr's brother, sledding at praaeet, heth from the
Church of Christ :
passenger to Portland Monday.
! Leonard Ingram and family of
Lon Chauilee, minister.
Mrs. J. F. Brallier of Brown.vUle
R V ' ed n#rd , |UDd'
Bible school. 10, W. H. Robert- was a passenger to Albany Monday. S u n d s j*
a tu rd a 7 nlRhl and
eon, superintendent.
Dick Landon of Brownsville was I
..... _ ,
Christian Endeavor, 7.
Morning worship, 11. Lord’s lU lsev'"**’ ,0 Al6#ny M° nd*y T‘* | fr°m M»nmouthICl.‘ t'l w«kn,to spe"d
supper every Lord's day.
a few day» with her mother, wboi»
Evening service, 8,
Mr». Louis Howe and »on took quite ill.
Sunday twenty-five men met after
the morning service and talked over the train at Halsey for Roseburg I
Wayne and Fleming, were baptized in
cost approximately »175.000.
Intermediate League, 7.
Epworth League, 7.
Prayer meeting Thursday, fi,
Preaching, 8.
visiting her p.rents, .Mr. and Mrs.
the op.njB, datei
Bob Arnold
4* * r • • M o °
M r- Winslow filed
i a similar suit ta the clreult court a
The Potter Sewing club met at the rear M ® w ,t i th’ reau,t thal * * • co®
htmne of Mrs. Ed Zimmerman Wed-
WM affirmed by the supreme
A quilt was. tied
to t
«only the range Is reported to be
drying oqt. and springs which have
never been known to go dry are lower
this spring than any time u prsvinus
• ' ,
. I
i »
(Continued on page 3)