HALSEY ENTER PR! SR ftj Aaaaa ftj aw A at > News NOin HALSEY RAILROAD TIM S North South (Continued from page 1) nine-pound g irl ever since last Sat­ In preparation tor the actual work I No. IB, 11:37 a. m. No. 17, 12:13 p. m. A. A. Tussing is io W alla W alla urday. ALBANY 24, £4:27 p. ni. ef boring 3466-foot tunnel under the 23. 7.26 p. m. thia wesk. Sixty Thousand Children summit 22, 3:20 a m. of the Cascade mountains on 21. 11:32 p. a . Grant Reynolds was in Albany on Miss M ary Henry a e n t to New­ the Nhtron cut-off line, eteam shovels I Nos. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. Trained Friday. SUNDAY—MONDAY port yesterday. have cleared away loose dirt for thelN o. 14, due Haleey at 509 p. m.. stops MAY 18-19 H. W. Clingman went to Albany tunnel approach at each end of the | to let off passengers from eouth of Mrs. H. M . M ille r is thought to How America rescued 250 000 pee­ We recotoiuend this picture as • Monday. Roseburg. be im proving after ber long illoeee. proposed work. ant ef the best ever to be shown • ls from certain death, saved 14,000 Mrs. L. E. Walton went to H arris­ in our city —Globe Management. < bans from blindness, restored 14, Convicts who escape from, the Ore I No. 23 runs to Eugene only. G. H- Campbell, auditor of the burg Tuesday. to home life and self sup gon state penitentiary in the future I No. 21 raus to Eugene, thence Marsh- < Southern Pacific, was here Tues­ 159 orphans George Fitzmauriee’s rt, gave medical aid to 22,000 pew will be assigned to the prison “bull I branch, Miss Mary I a Rue was shopping d ay . e although twelve physicians died pen” tor six months, will be depriv I Passengers lor south of Roseburg should in Albany Monday. hlle fighting typhus, clothed 505, ed of all privileges and Will be dress I lake No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer Mis. George A lford an d ch ild ren y hi with Theodore Henry wa3 a passenger of Irv in g visited borne folks yes­ ioo refugees, accomplishing these re­ ed In red and black striped suits. It I to No. 15. • sults In spite of obstacles that would I io Newport Tuesday. terday. 10 B IG S T A R S I have daunted anyone except an Anglo was announced here by Warden | • The annual picnic of the tele­ Baton, le told In the annual report Dalrymple. Mrs. Bert S. Clark was visiting in and a east of 3U,OUO SUNDAY MAIL HOURS phone people w ill be at Browns­ •f Near East Relief whloh has re­ * * * * * ft Harrisburg Tuesday. Seventy students of the school of The delivery window of the cently been filed with Congress. ville Satuiday. Soon Mrs. E. F. L aFayette was an Al­ Moving 20,000 children a distance forestry at Oregon Agricultural col Halsey poetoffice is open Sunday» E H abold B il l W bioht '» bany visitor Tuesday. Mrs. 0 W F ru m an d d au g h ter« cj hundreds of mtlee until practically lege are spending 10 days oh Salmon from 10:40to 10:60 a, m. and 12:15 R uth and V iv ia n and M rs. C. U la ll the Armenian children are out of creek above Oakridge In the Cascade 110 12:30 p. m. ‘ When a M a n ’s a Man W. G. Trill, H arrisburg attorney, D avidson drove to A lbany S a tu r « ! Turkey; feeding, clothing, housing, national forest, where they are taking •vas in Halsey Monday. j d..< and training 40,000 children, gradual up practical field work In the way of | th e n o r th - b o n n d 'll:3 7 tr a in : Ing hoys and girls at the age of 16 cruising, logging, engineering and con­ Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Arm strong Mail goes south once a day, closing *t Halsey Happenings F. O. Salmon has purchased « to make their own way as mechanics struction of logging railways. 11:05 a. ni. ; north twice, closing 1125 •vere in Albany Monday. new Star c a r from F. M. S t. John for railway shops, instructors in nurs (Continued from page 1) A total of 339,612 voters has regis­ a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Mail stage for Frum & McMahan shipped a car of the Malone Star M otor com Ing. school teachers, skilled artisans Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet tered for the primary election In Ore­ Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m. and farmers, giving faith, hope, and The Albany cannery will r in this load of sheep Monday. pany o f Corvallis, courage and the will to fight back to gon, according to figures on record year and expects to make a new Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell were support to thousands of people— at the office of the secretary of state. Mrs. Agnes Sawyer of Tacoma I record, Mbany callers Saturday. and Mrs. Adolph Chialvo of Olym­ all these are but a few of America's Of this number, 233,023 are republi­ | Paid-for Paragraphs ’w Helen Mykols and Wilma Haver- achievements In the Near East last cans and 91,445 democrats. The mis­ pia have been visiting their mother, year Mrs. George Hayes was consulting land of Brownsville took the train (6c a iiu e ) Mrs. George Maxwell. r dentist in Albany Monday. A fund of nearly »,000,000 was cellaneous group embracing a number here for Albany Friday. of minor parties, numbers 10,036. Gooseberries for sale. E. Ruts, raised and expended at an overhead H arry Commons and family visited Mr. Merrill of the Murphy seed cost of 2678,000. Oregon pensions have been granted I Halsey, Oregon, 3 miles eait. P eter Lewis of Dyer’s Ferry, Id a­ store at Albany offers 125 for the These and other facts are found in as follows; Edward A. Reynolds, ho, is visiting a t the home of his it T. B. Sprenger's Sunday. sister, Mrs. G. W. Mornhinweg. C. J. Straley was out of the store l ann of any person stealing tulips the annual report, copies of which may Oregon City, 512; Nellie Lumadue, Old napers fo r sale at 5c w bundle from Riverside cemetery. | be secured on application to the Near Mrs. Hurley Morgan and son By­ Monday on account of a twisted East Relief J. J. Handsaker, State Portland, <20; E tta C. Hulery, On-1 at th e E nterprise office. Miss M aud A ckley visited M r. I Director, 613 Stock Exchange, Port- tarlo, >30; W arren W. 8tover, Cor­ ron of Albany arrived Saturday for ankle. vallis, $18; Augusta E. Leonard, Clat­ W. P, Wahl brought his daughter and Mrs. Fed Templeton several | land, a visit at the E. D. T urner home. "The achievements, great as they skanie, <30; Lydia 9. Morgan, P ort­ >elma home from Corvallis for the days last week and went to Albany ... ■■ — S Mrs. L. W. Robnett of Drain was week end. sra, give us no sense of pride,” states land, 312; Hamilton B. Arthur, Keat- with them Saturday. visiting at the home of her parents Handsaker, "only a sense of gratl- Int. » 2 . "tHERR GOES OUS OF tudft that we have been able to do as Since the first of the year build­ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stevenson, last TVC WCAWtaSY TAXFaivdRS muoh as we have and of regret that ing permits bare been issued at Salem week. 1W t t x i w H 8 P ut « a we could not do more. Last year at for 101 new homes. The perm its show NxfiXBL t u t v e to u se n o u Elaine Woodworth of Brownsville one time our Near East Relief work­ the average coat to be |3500. The foregoing sum will be BOX SUWOANI MMCU ers were surrounded by dying men, took the train Friday for Tangent paid for information leading Mrs Elisabeth Eliza Hawley, mother H R SWOPFLRS OFF \ l GOS4 women and children at five relief sta­ where she has employment week • to the arrest and conviction of any person dam­ tions at once. A heart broken relief of the late C. L. Hawley, state dairy X' W6AUCU, Wfc VJOUT FH1O ends a t Mother’s Inn. ft aging I roperty of the Mountain States Power worker took down the orphanage sign and food commissioner, died at her MUOW " f AOftC OU H. E. Arm strong, government live­ fused to 5000 children at one time. ran away while he was loading wood. G. M c C lellan , Sup't., Albany. AMENDE Due to lack of funds It was found stock inspector, has been here a few Junior and senior classes in life­ necessary to discontinue child feeding days. He reports excellent conditions saving are being conducted success­ In Constantinople although there were umong flocks and herds in Line six Inches of snow on the ground at fully at the Baker natatorlum by the county, . Baker chapter of the American Red the time." Miss Lottie Bemrose went to Cor- Mrs. T hom as I.acey of P o it and At the present date there are at Cross. The school a t Elkton, where Miss allis Tuesday where she expects to ; h as been v isitin g at th e Ped Tern least 500.000 people homeless In At a recent meeting of the Silver Nettie Spencer is teaching, will have le t employment. pleton hom e and in Brownsvil e, I Oreece. people who two years ago ton school board a resolution was its commencement exercises May 23 were self supporting and self respect- L. H. Arm strong and W. C. Smith | w bere »«rmerly lived, passed which makes It Impossible for and Governor Pierce is expected to John Standish writes from Bole, I lDg Tur“ 7 ,A ,h1rd oi married women to teach in the Silver- and families visited a t the Carl See- if . e at the McConnell farm , Shedd, a P en n sy lv a n ia . H e is taking a agencies are attempting to fight their the P ort of Astoria terminals, with States Power Company’s pole» correapondence course in commer­ way back through Unspeakable dis­ 1887 tons of feed and 42,984 barrels of and you can get a bigger bount) week from next Saturday. than for a coyote scnlp. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quimby of Ai­ cial illu s tra tio n that has two more couragements to self support. The report closes with urgent recom­ flour being shipped. years to run A pair of colts, frightened by an ea came over Wednesday for a few An emergency hospital at MoCredle mendations from 15 prominent Amer- tWxhMB. lays’ visit with home folk. automobile, threw Jay Moore from .cana recently In the Near East that springs to care for injury cases of all Ihe work be continued until the chll- »agon Saturday, causing some employes on the Southern Pacific Na A. C. A rm strong and wife were in Sweet Home haa begun plana for Ite Iren now In the orphanages are tron cut-off work Is being establish W ith the H igh bruises and a sprain, but he was klbany Friday and Monday and in brought to self support and that the Fourth of July celebration. around as usual Monday. ed by the Eugene hospital. Brownsville Monday afternoon. School Classics seeds of the hundreds of thousands of Lincoln and Lane counties will enter sther helpless children in the Near The woolen mill company com T. J. Slcirvin returned Friday from Decision not to raise the embargo By MARGARET BOYD judging teams in the contests to be Cast be urged upon America. Among plains that orders for its product ledford and other southern cities, O ” fruits and vegetables from the dla- those signing these recommendations held In connection with the Jersey come in slowly and it may i>e neees ►f /here he had been on business. ire John If. Finley, editor of the New Chautauqua, to be held at the state I trlc ts of California not Infectod by tha (® by M argaret Boyd.) sary to shut down for a while. Thb fork Times, Ex-Governor Allen of fair grounds at Salem, May 28 and 29. foot and mouth disease waa reached Floyd Keeney and wife of Eugene “. < . your speech would betray J would not be the case if we «1! i.i Irove down Sunday and called on Mr. I yea1.”—Speech on "Conciliation With Kansas. Dr. Cavert, Secretary Federal William Grounds. W. Claude Mo by the Oregon State Livestock board. ouncll of Churches, Bishop Cannon, aisled on tnads-in Oregon cloth it (eency’s grandparents, J. A. Stev - ' America." tlon and J. Robert Thacker, members The recommendation was sent to Gov­ M. E. Church South, Mrs. Alice Hegan our garments. nson and wife. ' When a man Is hurried or excltod Rice. of the New Zealand Dairy Products ernor Pierce. board, visited Portland In the course Foot and rooutb diva at« m ay A lady residing near H arrisburg W. R. Kirk and wife drove to h i speaks the language of his youth. of a tour of the United State* and I causa an aw fu l itc h in g in a h u m a n whose name is not mentioned, ovei Monmouth Friday nnd were accom- In this way speech betrays one's earl, life and tralolng. Europe. | but it n ev er k ills a n y b o d y , 70 years old, partially blind for elev anied home by their daughter It Is much easier to disguise one’s Portland, through Its chamber or on years and totally so for the last ¡race, who is a student at the state appearance than to disguise one's ) commerce, will take no action on the I W o m a n ’« I A t t a r W i l l ormal. » } speech. One rarely. If ever, gets com two, has had her sight restored by question whether W ashington’« prln I WHIoll 0 LfGllGI TT ill the removal of cataracts from hot! pletely away from the speech of one’s | Dr. and Mrs. T. 1. Marks and son clpal mountain should be called Rain eyes, reports Miss Mary Fake, Kei youth. I once heard a man declare toland, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Drink- that he could tell the state of the ler or Tacoma, it was decided by the I Cross nurse. rd and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stafford Union from which anyone came by board of directors. She writea ** I hated cooking because At the county Christian Endeavor pent Sunday on the banks of the bearing him talk for a few minutes Oregon leads all other states In this I al* 1 *,e turned sour and formed g it. I convention at Shedd Friday, Satur alapooia above Crawfordsville. Ue insisted that there were peculiar! corps area in point of relative strength drank hot water and oltve oil by the day and Sunday last, Genevieve ties of speech peculiar to each state, of its national guard, according to a 5‘ ,'1,onL «»Hl I used Mrs. T. 1. Murks and Mrs. J. W. I and that these peculiarities were Wells of Halsey was elected presi mnnn r .r .h - r j v j A'llenks. Most medicines act only en ■rinkard drove to ( orvallta Batur- 1 never altogether outgrown. Few of j report recelv ed from headquarters, lower bowel, but Adlerika acts on BOTH cent, Clarice McConnell of Shedd lay anil were accompanied home by ; us ever cultivate our powers of ob- ninth corps area. San Francisco, by I upper and lower bewela and removes all vice president, May Phillips of A1 George A. White, adjutant general. gas and poisons. Excellent for obstinate i'e form er's son Roland, who had serration to the point where we can bony secretary, and Max Dunham of ___ j „ constipation. Helpa any case gas on the distinguish slight variations of speech ; ecently had hia tonsils removed. Twenty-geven thousand gallons ol stomach is TEN minntea the la tte r place treasurer. but most of ua feel able to dis».aguish Illicit whisk)’ and raaib were asized Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Wilbur of l’orl by bis speech a man from th< eastern Monday night W. J. Ribelln just RINGO DRUG STORE and destroyed during the year 1923) and, brother-in-law and sister of or western or southern part of our up in bed and reached for some by the force of deputies working under rank and W. R. Kirk and Mrs. O. country. HALSEY cough medicine on a stand and got Sheriff Hurlburt of Multnomah conn It Is perhaps easier to leani a new V. Frum, were here the forepart of a twist in the muscles of his back ty and 87 Illicit etills were also seised language than to correct one that has Thia little Near East refugee le ewe which caused him much pain. He he week. They expect to d rive to been learned Incorrectly. I remember Thomas Lee. working temporarily! among more than a million who fled got no relief until he went to Albany ''birago. an Interesting example of the way In from Turkey to Greece last year. tor the Coos Bay Lumber company In I Cash paid for the next day to seek treatm ent from which the mind clings to the form North Bend. In place of hta brother. C r e a m . P o u l t r y EffCK V e a l Arthur Wesley and D. H. Sturte- first learned. Blspbam, It will be re N tar East Bundle Day May 21 a chiropractor or an osteopath. He who was 111. met death when he fe!l| ’ ’ ant took their families and several; membered, was an ardent advocate of Near East Relief Bundle Day la came home feeling as fine as a fiddle |& Hides. M. H- S H O OK against a saw. His heart was severed ol lu n ch to M c K e ro lw r’k ! inU*k’ ln E,,«lish 1 remember one Wednesday. May 21st On this day with the kink taken out of his back baskets and most of hie left elde waa cut • a» 1 A/'oealnn n bun •*e«< w "U'bnw t I t '.. th e occasion when be sang. "When I Was the people of Oregon are asked te con­ away. and carrying his ninety years er so n ill, near C raw fo rd sv ille a Page," und sang ,ll0#tr#(t It as only ,he he Mper) could tribute outgrown, out of date, and cast like a younker, f alauooia, Sunday alternoon and slnf' lt ’ .“ ¿ D oft clothing (or the 60.600 children ln Northwestern fruit shipping con vte supper there. They say» they ority of music In a language known Amerlcaq orphanages and for the 500.- I. E. Gardner and wife have had a cerns have telegraphed a protesti can make both FA R M antf CITY nly went to please the children. | to the audience, he began to ting It •60 people homeless ln Greece. against proposed action of the board I L O A N S at a very row rate of intetest ft It almost Impossible In the mldet la English. Everything went well un The foot nnd mouth disease in Cali til he reached a certain phrase, then of eur prosperity to realise that chib of tariff appraisers to lower the duty! From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par O. W. I.* FLAB. om ia has jumped over into l'reano] his speech betrayed blra Into the Ital dren on (he other side of the world on pitted and seeded cherries, peck trcnlars. Salem, Ore. unt v, where it had not appeared Ian Chagrined, he fried several tlmrs , r * clothed in rage and even starving ed in brine, from 5ft to 1 cents a 410 Oregon Bldg Dae third of a million peo pound. «fore e. and | c -ple In O n g v V w h o 1 <• ,ln « ’he aria through In English, ,0 rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness The annual track and field meet m | although the ave been tr i - . - to hitve the state l b,,t ever> n “ e hl* hetrsred ' , r * «'owly a ta rrig . aitt uth,w„„. ,,-k rn the J n . t,« _ l.n g .u g . In wh.ch he had « « f e and the caused by Catarrh. the high schools of gouthefn Oregon uuat astine Srtf > * ¿-•ne/i f t * <*war 1C >wrg people themselves ere doing every« so long sung. was held at the Jackson e'ounty fair strictions have quit, The d a n g e r, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohl. The speech of the majority of ua 1» thing poaatble to bring them beak to grounds at Medford With track teams too great. influenced by the speech of our aseo- a eopdltloa of salt support To such representing Roaaburg, Grant« Rasa. | Lanndry sent Tuesdays people e suit of warm clothing Is often The date of the meeting at the dates 1 his Is rapeclally true of chll the difference bet wash hopelasa dis­ Klamath Falla. Ashland and Medford \n furlough from missionary work eclous Imitation non political committee to investigate at Belenpe, Africa, would he heard, Speech alec tenda to betray one- any kind ef service ln exchange The and determine upon some plan look come to the ecupatlon and intercuts and social need Is imperative (or need garments Ing to the reorganliatioh of the state! a unavoidably changed from laal of all ktade. cbeta. dresses, sweaters, RINGO DRUG 8TORE government on a more efficient basis | «venin^ as an» ouacadl last week, to •* we)l ** (' ne ’ childhood ea stockings etc. vlronrcent and oaa'a associ ales Aa and nee our FISHING tomorrow evening. was the suggestion coiteined ln a Leoal «hurcbes are cooperating la Ritot puts It: tbls Bundle Day or bundles may be letter written by Joseph N. Teel of | & KODAK SUPPLIES j Mr. and Mrs. Glenn f«tevenBon and 8f» » ch I» 6u t broken lig h t upea tha lent dtract 1» to tke Near East Relief. Portland, which wee received at the All work done promptly and reason­ unapukaa little eon of Beavertoig wem week depth of t h a -------- U5 3t6ik fie kan fe. ♦ - , • a m tiv e oftiooc u fa ltu . ably. Fhone No, 264 PAGE 4 GLOBE “ THE ETERNAL CITY” » * ♦ * * 1 MAY 15. J« 4 end visitors in Halsey and Browna- •11«. e Near Elast Report e. F : : t € ’ « ft TH’ OLE GROUCH $50 Reward « H elp Halsey Cream and Produce Station FARM LOANS Hall's C atarrh Medicine A Modern Barber Shop Fishing Trip F. M. GRAY, DRAYM AN