L E. Blain, head of the Blain Clothing company of Albany, and wife celebrated the 59th anniversary H ALLS' of their wedding Sunday by quietly attending the Albany Presbyterian F L O R A L & M USIC S H O P church, where they were married. We grow our own cut flowers tuebb« not. I f so, the crowd is up the trail. If tbsy'rs cornin' by. It'll be 'fore dark. We'll st< p In this 'ere tavern They'» a eave on t'other aide o’ the ledge as big as a small house They watched until the sun bad set. Then Solomon led Jack to the cave, In which their packs were deposited. From the cava'» entrance they looked upon the undulating green roof of the forest dipping down Into a deep valley, cot by the smooth surface of a broad river with mirrored shores, and lifting to the summit of a distant mountain range. Its blue peaks rose into the glow of the sunset. "Yonder is the great stairway of Heaven 1” Jack exclaimed. " I’ve put up In this ere ol’ tavern many a night,” said Solomon. ‘‘Do ye see Its sign!” He pointed to a great dead pine that stood a little below It, towering with stark, outreacblng limbs more than a hundred and fifty feet Into the air. "I cal) It The Dead Pine Tavern,'' Solomon remarked. On the road to Paradise,” said Jack ns be gazed down the valley, bla hnnds shading his eyes. “Wlsht we could have a nice hot supper, but ’twon't do to build no fire Nothin' but cold vlttlesl I'll go down with the pot to a spring an’ git aorae water. You dig fer our supper In that park o’ mine an' spread it out here. I ’m hungry.” They ate their bread and dried meat moistened with spring water, picked Mohawk Jollied the one near which they had been traveling When they were approaching the point Solomon had left Jack In a thicket and cau­ tiously crept out to the "Juncahln.” There was half an hour of silence be­ Gold banded, Rubrum and other hardy fore the old scout came back In sight lily bulbs now on hand. and beckoned to Jack His face had Nice geraniums every Saturday, never looked more aerlou«. The young Phone 166J man approached him. Solomon swal­ lowed—a part of the effort to restrain Phone 312 Y Satisfaction guaranteed bis emotions. Price I J, 50 “IVant to show ye authln’," be wble T his is good advice; " i f you live pered F R E D B. JO N E S in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town.' The two went cnutlously toward the But in these automobile days many re­ trail. When they reached It the old siding elsewhere find it advisable to do ae<>ut led the wity to »oft ground near ALBANY You ran now obtain atopover privileges in 15-dar at least part of their buying in the a brook Then he pointed down at roundtrip ticket» between practically nil stations in larger town. Those who go to Albany Piano Tuner for leading music stores in the mud. There were many foot­ to transact business will find the firms Albany, Iuquire Davenport music house Oregon which are served by Southern Pacific Lines. prints, newly made, and among them named below ready to fill their require­ Thia is o new service which means mnrh to you in the print of that wooden peg with an ments with courtesy and fairness. added convenience. Iron ring around Its bottom, which In addition, special week end roundtrip tickets from they had seen twice before, snd which A lbany Bakery, 321 Lyon street all stations to Portland are on sale Fridays, Satur­ was associated with the blackest mem­ >pound loaf of bread made Best one-pound days and Sundays, the final return limit being the 5 cents. ories they knew. For some time Solo­ bought, sold and exchanged at all times following Tuesday. Wedding cakes to order mon studied the surface of the trail And. of course, you know how muth less it costs to In silence B EN T. SU D T E L L A lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers travel on Southern Pacific trains than it does to go "More’ll twenty Injuns, two captives, in any other way. and plants. Floral art for every Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin sL, Albany a pair o' bosses, a cow an’ the devil, and all occasions. Yet these trains provide a convenient, regular and he whispered to Jack. "Been a raid _______________ F lower phone 458-L comfortable service which is of great value to all down to the Mohawk valley. The cow passengers. A lbany Electric Store. Radio an' the bosses are loaded with plun A:-k our agent for full informal Ion relative to any sets. Electric wiring. Delco t ight der Tve noticed that when the In phase of our service. He, like all Southern Pacific products 202 Second Juns go out to rob an’ kill folks ye find, c R lkkn W illard W m . MOFL1CH men, is anxious to assist you in any possible way. 'mong their tracks, the print o’ that SHOE © 'ere Iron ring I seen it twice In the IJ lu e Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon SERVICE * Ohio kentry. Here 1» the heart o' the street. Eat here when in Albany. devil an’ his fire water. Red Snout Open from 6 to and 5 to 8. Shoes that cost less per month of wear has got to ha started on a naw trail. M rs . b io v n t . C . P. MOODY, Halscv, Agent Hts ol’ peg leg |g goln' down to the B R U N S W IC K gate o' hell tonight.” some bo,sont boughs and covered • PH O NO G RAPH S Solomon’s face bad darkened with corner of the mossy floor with them. anger. at W h y s u ffe r fro m There were deep furrows When the rock chamber was filled with across his brow. W O O D W O R T H ’S headache ? their fragrance. Jack said: Standing before Jack about three T h e r e ’s a s u r e c u r e to r Fhavenport Music company offer» H ave v o u r ey es I f my dream comes true and M ar­ feet away, he drew out his ram rod Piano-case organ, good as new e x a m in e d garet and I are married, I shall bring and tossed it to the young iuan, who h u n g e r a t th e Estey organ, good as new her here. I want her to see The Dyad Used Pianos. caught tt a little above the middle o n fe c tio n e r y Pina Tavern and its outlook.” Jack knew the meaning of this. They ‘Ayes, sir, when ye're married safe,” were to put their hands upon the ram ppjstburn Bros.—Two big grocery Optometrist, with aw / B est s w e e ts a m i s o ft d r in k s stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Solomon answered. "W e’ll eotne up | rod, one above tha other. The Iasi Alain. Good merchandise at the right here fust summer an’ fish, an’ hunt, hand It would hold was to do the C a f e te r ia F . M . F r en c h & sons a t th e prices. an' I'll run the tavern an' do the killing. It was Solomon's. J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S cookin' an' sweep the floor an' make B e s t c u is in e "Thank God!” he whispered, as his polite Cafeteria and confectionery > E ffic ie n t s e rv ie e the beds!” Albany, Oregon face brightened. Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ P le a s a n t s u r r o u n d in g s Jack awoke at daylight and found ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. He seemed to he taking careful aim that he was alone. Solomon returned with hts right eye. W e make our own candies. in half an hour or so. W. S. D uncan . “It s my Job," said he. “I wouldn't Albany, Oregon H ave Y our Eyes E xam ined Been scoutin' up the trail,” he said. a’ let ye do tt If ye'd draweri the E hl ms developed and printed Didn t see a thing but an ol’ gnaw chanst. It ’s my Job—proper. O nce a Y ear They We theta right rigl back to you. — mail — .......».J bucket. We’ll Jest eat a bite an' p’int ain’t an hour ahead. Mebbe—It's Jest Halsey Happenings Woodworth Drug Com,»any, Albany, Or­ shipments made by O. W. to the nor’west an’ keep watch o’ possible—he may go to sleep tonight egon. You taka good care of your off this ’ere trail. They’s Injuns over E rum. But it isn’t too late to fore I do, an' I wouldn't he surprised (Leftover last week and tcelb, yet they may be replaced thar on the slants. We got to know They’ll build their fire at the caverns Epirst garage going north. printed now without change give them this week and they Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, But what about your eyes'? Make how they look an' 'bout bow many on Rock crick an' roast a captive. of dates) show that he is a busy man. head they is.” repair work. Ws'll cross the bush an' come up on One load of cattle to Cottage it a rule to have them examined W. H. H ulburt . 1 hey went on, keeping well away t’ other side an' see what's goin' on.' Dudley Henry went to New­ Grove Saturday, a double-deck once a year. from the trail. They crossed a high ridge, with Sol port Tuesday. load of lambs to Portland Mon­ p O R D SALES AND SERVICE We’ll have to watch It with our omon tossing his feet In that long, Tires and accessorie» Mrs. John Salash had her ton­ day, also a tiuckload of hogs to ears, said Solomon In a whisper. loose stride of hts, and went down Repairt Salem and two cars of hay to His ear was often on the ground that the slope Into a broad valley. The sils out Saturday. K irk -P ollak M otor C o . Coquille. morning and twice he left Jack to sun sank low anil the Immeasurable Mrs. Edith Drinkard was an "snook” out to the trail and look for green-roofed bouse of the wild was E\>rtmiller Furniture Co., furni- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmer­ Albany shopper Friday. tracks. Solomon could Imitate the dim and dusk when the old scout halt * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. man and daughter June were call of the swamp robin, and when cd. Ahead In the distance they had Funeral directors. 427-433 west First Mrs H. P. Doxsee of Browns­ Albany shoppers Saturday and street, Albany, Oregon. they were separated In the bush, he heard voices and the neighing of a ville visited in Albany last also visited Mrs. Zimmemian’s gave it so that his friend could locate Ttorse. week. P C LLER GROCERY. 235 Lyon him. At midday they sat down In deep sister, who lives near that city. "My eon," said Solomon as he pointed (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Miss Cleona Smith spent the shade by the side of a brook and ate with his finger, "do you see the brow o' Kenneth Van Nice is to be Groceries Fruits Produce their luncheon. the hill yonder « liar the black thickets week end with ‘h er father, W. valediotoiian at the high school Phone 2b3R "This 'ere Is Peppermint brook,” said be?” L. Smith. commencement exercises May Solomon. "It'» 'nother one o' my tav­ P W. SEXAUER, auto and gen­ Jack nodded. Mr«. H. M. Oa it la r d of 29. Everett Corbin is saluta- erns.” eral painter " If ye hear to me ye'll stay tide aide. Get my esumate. “Our food Isn't going to last long at Brownsville was a passenger to torian. Eight are to be gtad»- Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians the rate we are eating it,” Jack re­ This ere business is kind o’ neevarlons. 2<>1 E. First street uated. I ’m a-goln’ elns up. I f I come back Albany Tuesday. Albany, Oregon marked. " If we can’t shoot a gun what ye'll hear the call o' the bush owl. If Misses _ Lena Keene and Miss Eva Miller of Browns T IO L M A N A JA C K SO N are vre going to do when It's all gone?" I don't come 'fore inornln' you p’int fer vilie took the train here for Lorena Eox, who have l»een Grocery—Bakery "Don't worry,” Solomon answered. hum an' the good God go with ye." Linn Calf Clubs Will Go Everything in the line of eats teaching schools near Halsey, "Ye're In my kentry now an' there's a "I shall go as far as you go," Jack Corvallis Monday. Opposite Postoffice Jersey calf clubs of Linn county better tavern up In the high trail.” answered. Bert Mincklev and Grant Mc­ took the train for Monmouth They fared along, favored by good ub Candy Co., F irs t »treet, next w ill send judging teams to the Jersey Solomon spoke sternly. The genial Neil took a tiuckload of sheep Friday, to attend the May Day weather, and spent that night on the tone of good comradeship had left door to Blain Clothing Co. festivities. to Portland Tuesday. judging contest to be held In conncc shore of a little pond not more than him. Noon lunches. Mrs. J. C. Bramwell and Miss The W. F. M. S. met at tho Home made candy and ice Creatn. tion with the first annual Oregon fifty paces off the old blazed thorough­ "Ye kin go, hut ye ain't obleeged,", fare. Nest day, about "half-way from said he. "Bear In mind, boy. Tonight Mary Smith went to Browns­ home of Mrs E. B. I’cnland Fri­ Jersey Cattle club Chautauqua at the dawn to dark," as Solomon was wont, l l u b Cleaning Works, Inc. ville Tuesday morning. day’, with twelve ladies pres­ Cor. Fourth and Lyon state fa ir grounds, May 28 and 29. now and then, to »peak of the noon I'm the cap'll. Do as I tell ye— exact R. S. Nelson of Yakinui. ent. Mis. W. P. Wahl read the Master Dyers and Cleaners (To be continued) One hundred Jersey club members hour, they came suddenly upon fresh M ade-To-M easure Clothes Wash., took the train here Sat­ lesson. The next meeting will “sign.’’ It waa where the big north be held at the church. from over the state w ill compete. urday for Cordova, Alaska. Mr». C. L. Gormley visited Al- trail from the upper waters of the Tf you have friend» they should bay Saturdiy. -*■ have your photograph. A purebred Jersey calf, valued at Miss Maude Ackley spent I he bobbed hair epidemic Clifford's Studio several days in Albany last still apieads in this part of the S150, w ill be awarded the highest 333 West First street, Albany. week, returning Saturday. country, with new victims each scoring individual by Linn and ^ f í b a n y ^/)iree tory Piano Tuning and Repairing *7 FURNITURE AND used FARM MACHINERY A New Service Feature for your convenience s o u t h e r n P a c ific (F/ZZe S. T . F R E N C H w . S. DUNCAN Meade & Albro, H H H M agneto electric co . It almost rivals tho Arthur Foote is hauling lum­ week. ber for a new barn to be erected hoof and mouth disease of Cali­ fornia Nevertheless we have on the F. W. Sylvester place. Mrs. M. B. Southern and no kick coming and have seen lVfen and money are best when -LvA busy. Make your dollars work in five prizes as awards for the best daughter, Mrs. J. W. Clark, worse fads than this one, which makes the head comfortable our savings department. A lbany S tate jddging teams. Every team not G ENERAL STO R A G E to were Albany visitors Monday. and the hair easily cared for H ank . Under government supervision. winning prizes w ill receive five dol­ U/ Mrs- O. F. Neal and daughter and cleaned, even though it has D E A L E R IN H A Y . G R A I N A N D F B E D J Melba urphy Motor Co. Bttick and lars to help defray expenses. and grandson Donald a tendency to render some of fh»r Each Jersey calf club or each calf Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and were Albany shoppers Satur­ its victims a little light headed. accessories. club having three or more members, H ave y o u used an y ot F I S H E R 'S E G G * day. Albany, Oregon. Phone MO. Anyhow, its a godsend to the who own Jerseys, may enter one P R O D U C E R ? In e lu d e a sac k w ith y o ili’jK R. E. King of Lacomb has barlieis. team of three members. All Jersey oscoe ames hardware , been fined $25 for dumping n e x t o r d e r o f p o u ltr y te e d a n d j o u will b e s u r- the calf club members may enter the sawdust from his sawmill in a W IN C H E S T E R S T O K E D ELBER T STA R R contest, as individuals. A ll members Z|\ p ris e d w ith r e s u lts o b ta in e d . creek. 322 W. First st. of a team must be members of the Mrs Lila Parr and Mrs. Em­ funeral Director and Li­ same standard livestock club. s. G 11.HER I A SON New and Second-hand Wool Sax. Also Twine met Shay, Ixith of Brownsville, • Builders' and shelf hardware, gar­ censed Embalmer Teams have been entered from took the train here for Albany Efficient Service. den tool«, crockery aud glassware Motor Heart». Linn, Lincoln, Polk, Marlon, Wash­ O . W . F R U M New Stock. New low prices Satu rday. Lady Attendant. ington, Multnomah, Tillamook and CTIMSON’ rHESHOE'DOCTOR Lane counties. Other counties are Lawrence Parker, vivo has Brownsville............. ................. Oregon *-J Second street, opposite Hamilton's expected to enter. As many as five been working on the block sig­ »tore. nal system, was a passenger to teams have been entered by some “ Sudden Service.” Roseburg Saturday. counties and many individuals will w . L. W RIG H T aldo Anderson A Son. distrib­ enter to compete for the purebred Mrs. P. J. Forster left for i Mortician & Funeral Director utor-« and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ Jersey calf. Eugene Friday, to visit hei Halsey and Harrisburg mers, Essex. Hudson A- lluuinohile cars. daughters, Mrs. Fred Roberts all D. T aylor . Halsey, or Accessories. Supplies. 1st A Broadalbin. • _________ _ __________ W. L. W right , Ham tburg and Mrs. Algy Sweet. DR W HETSTONE W. L. Smith and M. E. Gard­ D E N T IS T ner are remodeling the house on - ’W rite for booklet describing our 20- the Nichols ranch, over on the ytlr Rural Credit Amortized Loans. I : HALSEY HOTEL Amor A. Tussing The fam pays out in .20 payments, re­ Willamette river, this week. tiring the principal. Cheap rates No Wedneaday only C. N. Moody and wife and LAWYER AND NOTARY delay. U p j * r * p c Q *2 Heavy nr light. Full »tnck on b»nd. grandson Jerry were all up 1 80 to 8 30J B eam L and C o ., IIVCJO Come in »nd see the quulity and ¡ear» prices H alsey , O kkoon 133 Lyon St.. Albany, Ore from Harrisburg Tuesday to visit C. P. Moody and wife. 'fiWtltt 22 Ih ere’» health in cultivating D d r U c ll 1OOIS garden crop*, and alaoin eating them Mrs. R. C. Barclay, who has Halsey Meat Market been visiting at the Ross Baker at lowevt rate ol tntereiL Our prices sell our goods First Class Work home in Brownsville, left for T h o m a r k e t w h e r e y o u a l­ Real Eetate Inaurane« her home at Tidewater, Satur­ Agent for P.ngrne Steam Laundry w a y s g e t th o h o st in Prompt »errice. Courteoa» treatment. day. Seat Tuesday». m e a ts . W m B a IN. Room 5, First Saving» Bank Too late for publication last J . W. S T E F H E N S O N . frop builning, Albany W^ek-we received-a list of stock W . F. C A R T E R Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ Cranday, Jersey breeders of Salem. ice station. Conservative prices. All The Oregon Jersey Cattle club has work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. appropriated Ï1 W to be. divided into » O. W . F R l JM ; M R 2 S W FARM LOANS r V FARM LOANS 5 J H ILL & (s Hardware Farm Machinery « Stoves & Ranges JJ BARBER SHOP H IL L