HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E PAGE 2 HALSEY ENTERPRISE Aa , . SO «' M AY 15. I»24 o f thia modern servant. When that the la st vestige o f drudgery. The P riest Rapids p ro je ct has 400,- du rin g the season o f high w ater. To Advertiser» as much Copy received before Tuetday is in tim e fur gw>l puaition. Wednesday it late and Thursday's mail ia too late. in d u stria l extension la te r. One heavy Offiee hour*, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 except Monday» and Friday forenoon». It $50,000,000 to its development, and more to a g ric u ltu ra l and jse o f th is power w ill probably be air, as has been Muscle Shoals. planned It fro m the also at rroduced, under new and -roceeses. at o n e-third th e ir present id im a gin atio n to envision h a lf the ost to the fa rm e r, m ore real re lie f possibilities o f the Clear lake watet han a ll the fin a n cia l aid pro je ct in which W aldo Anderson ol .’ill o r ever can give. A lb a n y and his associates have in ­ ending 135,000,000 abroad fo r these e rtiliz e rs every year. p re lim in a ry e n g i­ The f ilin g covers w a te r supply sources w a te r, ligh end power fo r a ll the people who a rt lik e ly in many generations to occupy th is valley, from Eugene and Spring- fie ld on the south a ll the way to Sa­ lem on the north. tion al filin g on O lallie creek which act th a t only through the expansion ndiis 200,00(1 cubic feet per second to { large u t ilit y systems in to the ou n try w ill he get the real benefits th is supply, am ount w ill and th is handsome be noticeable ha rdly { e le c tric ity . i more roundabout w ay to produce be the second largest w a te r plan t in tow er th a t comes throu gh the m in- ng and burning o f coal, but we can th is northw est cou ntry are unequaled ee it w o rk in producing w a te r p. the United States. : Z may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Arm y at the ! 2 White Shield Home 565 M ayfair avenue, Puitlam l, Oregon. 2 • • A Popular Refreshment. one th a t is relished at a ll times by old or young alike, is our icecream. I t is made jro m pure, u n a d u lte r­ ated cream and flavored w ith pure fru it flavors T ry some whenever you can. There is no mors whole­ some or delicious refreshm ent on earth. Parties and fam ilies sup­ plied in any q u a n tity . Sun force went This promises to the northw est, and the resources of in Any Girl in Trouble And a ll this power is tea ted by the sun. when combined w ith the flo w o rig l ».ally file d upon. ¿ /ie jo u ttfic a n ( S a n r iit/a ta f o r ¿ /¿ » n o m in a tio n The fa rm e r Is w a king up to the Anderson recently made an addi The Priest r. t lift s Wenatchee, Wash., m ay exceed this n clouds to the m ountains. one in m agnitude. ee it pour down upon those h ills in ain. When the p u rity o f the supply ir fro m the ocean and carries We can We can see it dash down th e ir considered it would be hard to find ides in to rre n ts capable o f tu r n ’ng the equal o f Clear lake. /heels to produce all I t involves Clark’s Confectionery We can see the m oisture which Rapids project, between Pascoe and the electric T h e foregoing sum w ill be paid for inform ation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person dam­ aging property of the M ountain States Power company, especially insulators. Reward $50 Inform ation w ill be consideied confidential If conviction can be ob- tained w ithout revealing its Source. A M c C lellan , S u p 't, Albany. 0 the ra in fa ll and snow fall on a large >ower we need. We even know tha t, stretch o f governm ent reserve, thus by c re a tin g d iffe re n t te m p e ra tu re s being protected from pollution th ru n d iffe re n t places, th e sun is »»hut auses the wind currents th a t carry settlem ent, and except fo r a s lig h t .hose o ve rflow at the tim e o f the heaviest q itn o jip |> s j o i | ij tatuoa ||n p volcanic sand and rock. » u ib . j A nalysis by Prof. H orner o f O.A lun ? lain, th ird as much im p u rity as Portland's The riotous abundunee o f the sup p ly is not the only uncommonly at tra c tiv e feature. Before reaching the valley the stream has sufficie nt fa ll, i f utilized , to fu rn is h an enorm ­ ous w a te r power, and through the modern genl, e le c tric ity , th a t power Is re a d ily transfe rable to farm and tow n, as w ell as transm utable Into lig h t, The possibilities of usefulness Is it strange th a t the Chinese th e ir race sprang from the America were sun worshipers contains only one w a te r supply. strange th a t man in a ll p a rts o f the un, o r th a t p re histo ric races in this celebrated B u ll Run w ater, and the eighth of the amount which experts eousider ne gligible in a domestic Is i t We arc pleased to state that M r la w le y ’ h campaign manager ha ■upplisd the iu fo ru ia tio n omitted from the voters’ pamphlet n gn rtl ng the congressman's position ou prohibition. Mr. H anley has al rays been a total abstainer and in lia public and private acts has upported the pro hib itio n p-ogram fha November contest « ill prob • bly he between h in t and M ilto n M iller, both sound on p rohibition. are beyond human ken. In th is connection we quote below a few quotations from recent a u th o r­ ita tiv e discussions: Count Salut Von Hoogsttaten tud M tllic e u t Rogers were brought ogelher by money th a t Saini did iot g rt, much to hie disappoint ncot. New her m illio n a ire dad tes paid him lib e ra lly for giving isr up and he ia happy. M illic c n l .ta ile d for home in tears, pci hap» tecauee she realizes what a well- dvertlseil fool she is E lectric power companies, as a rule, are loth to pay inueh a tte n ­ tio n to demands for lig h t and power on farms. T he ir resources are pre tty fu lly tnaed to afford service in town, where there an many customers to the m ile of supply line, and the country, w ith miles of line t>er customer, is Issa attractive to them, i'ossihilities of p u ttin g Oregon’s of Halsey. vast water power to work on tbi farm as well aa in the factories R E P U B LIC A N C A N D ID A T E and urban homes were considered bv the recent conference held al for the Hate college by farm leaders, electric power managers, I’ortlsud COUNTY ASSESSOR chamber of commerce represent- stives aud members of the collcgi A business administration w ith staff. Aready electricity or gas is on 7 courtesy and tustice to all al.kc per cent ol the farms o f the United States, and &0 per cent of all electric power developed in the country it used in rural enterprises. Farmers were present in large numbers and Si I t i l p e l -rd • »eri-1 I L i I . e i it » a« unanimously voted to under *’ ,-r o th e r « ( » lin n ' r « i,b e g ­ take an investigation of the maximum in thi» section. 1 arm ert by im oling to­ profitable uses to get the minimum gether can use car let« to advantage. P m w x s v il l l W a a iiH o rtlS . of cost for efficient service. Phone llc 5 JA Y W. MOORE S la b The day is predicted when not on ly in the' c ity but away out in the country a w ire may be run and the G. lobe, as his more civilize d progeny m la y , lik e P e rs ia n , w o rs h ip s t in C. shows it to contain less than one P u ll Run flu id clouds. lim itiv e — l lo o t W ood. -------------- B » ,|. _| ,n t - H alPs C a ta r r h ill do what wr Medicine w claim for it — fa rm e r» ’ wives w ill lie aolc to «ash .. , rtd ro u t system of Catarrh or Deafnes, and d ry the dishes, wash and iron the earned by C»tsrth. $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 C o n g re ss, congress We are now- T ts proposed Priest rapids dan. 9 to be so high th a t it was feared adequate fish ladders, to perm it n lm u n lo reach th e ir spawning ¡rounds above it would be imprac- lioahle, but word now couics that e tsy passage for the iieli can and v ill b< provided. SU RPLU S W C. Tfawley available I t would take a peraon w ith a v iv ­ s u ffic ie n t to ' 3 o r C. P. STAFFORD, Agent is claimed tha t AND Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited litro g e n and phosphoric acid can be A STUPENDOUS PROJECT vested funds fo r neering w ork. C A P IT A L Ifa.v is w orth ju s t as m uch in sto rag e as you m ight get for it in case o f tire. T h ) iA m erican Eagle Fire In su ra n ce c o m p a n /, (will pay you of the cash value in cas -i of loss by tire. is proposed to devote $10,000,000 or the capture o f nitro ge n Halsey, Oregon Fire Insurance Co. 000 p o te n tia l horsepower the year around, w ith 200,000 more possible •aba. rtp .'u , . fl.C3 a year In advance Ad v a rti»1 ng. g ilc an inch ; no diacoun (wr lim e or » pace ; no charge for coin position or c range«. l a “ PalO-foi Paragraph«." Ic a line, «la U - . i i i s ng dlagulaed as n.ws. HALSEY STATE BANK A m e ric a n E a g le tim e comes, fa rm life w ill have lost i— S O T a v a v r a l— » • » ► a a b lla k r il «V ery T k a ra A a f O f Wan. M W M K K LBR (C o n tin u e d ) CHAPTER X V II I How Solomon Shifted the Skeer. In the spring news enme o f a great force o f B ritish which was being or­ ganised In Canada fo r a descent upon New York through Lake Chatoplsln. f ron tler settlers In T ryon county were being massacred by Indiana. Generals Ile rk lm e r nod Schuyler had w ritte n to Washington, asking for the service» of the famous SCOUt, Solo­ mon Blnkus. In that region. "H e knows the Indian as no other man knows him and can speak his lan­ guage and he also knows the hush," Schuyler had w ritten . “ I f there Is any place on earth where his help 1« needed Just now, It Is here " "Got to leave ye, my «on," Solomon '•ahi to J.ttk one evening soon after that. "H ow to?" the young man asked. "Goin' hum to tight Iotuna. The G rrat Father tins ordered It. I 'll like It better. G lttlu ' laz.y (lore. Summer's cornin' an' I'm a born bush tnan. I ni kind o' uneasy—like a deer in a door- yard. I ain't had to ran fer my life since we got here My hoofs are com­ plainin'. I ain’t shot a gun In a month." A look o f sorrow spread over the face o f Solomon. "I'm ttred o f this p la f f ," said Jack. “ The Y trltls h ore scared” of us and w e re Beared of the B ritish . There's nothing going on. I'd love to go back to the big bush w ith you." ''I 'll te ll the Great F ather that you're a born bush man. Mebbe tie'll let ye go. T h e y'll need ua both. Rum. In ju n » s n’ the devil have J'lDsd hands The Long house w ill be the center o' hell an' Its line fences'll take In the h u ll t-lg bush.” U n it. day Jack's name was Included In Mie order. ‘T aai sorry that it Is not yet possible to p a y you or any o f the men who have served tne so fa ith fu lly .” said Wash­ ington. " I f you need money I shall be glad to lend yon a sum to help you through this Journey.” " I a in 't flgh tln' fe r pay,” Solomon answered. " I 'l l hoe an' dig, an' cook, an' guide fe r money. But I won't tight no more fe r money—p a rtly 'cause I don't need It—p a rtly 'cause I'm flg h t­ ln ' fe r m yself I got a little le ft In my britches pocket, hut I f I hadn't, my o l' M a rle r wouldn't let me go hun­ gry.” In A p ril the two frien ds set out afoot fo r tlw lower end o f the H ig h ­ lands. On the rive r they hired a Dutch fa rm e r to fake them on to Albany In his sloop. A fte r tw o de lig htful days at home. General Schuyler suggested th a t they- cov'd do a great service by A native son of Oregon who is C LEAN , CAPABLE. E X P E R IE N C E D , Read bis record of success. F A IT H F U L , fu l serviue, steady achievement, io - S U C C ESS FU L creasing usefulness and wise statesmanship in voters’ pamphlet. (P»id adv. by Ronald C. Glover) traversing the wilderness to Hie valley o f the great riv e r of the north, as fa r as possible toward Swegachle, and re­ porting th e ir observations to Crown Point o r F ort Edward, If there seemed to be occasion fo r It, and I f not, they were to proceed to General H erkim er's comp at O riskany and give him what help they could In protecting the set­ tlers In the west. "You would need to take all your w it and courage w ith you." the gen­ eral warned them. "The Indians are In bad temper. They have taken to roasting th e ir prisoners at the stake and earing th e ir flesh. T his Is a haz­ ardous undertaking. Therefore, I give you a suggestion and not an order." “ I 'll go ’lone," said Solomon. “ I f I get et up It needn't break nobody's heart. Let Jack go to one o’ the forts." “ No, I'd rathe r go Into the bush w ith you,” said Jack. "W e re both needed there. I f necessary we could separate and carry our warning In two direc tlons. W e'll take a couple of the new- double-barreled rifles and fo u r pis­ tols. I f we had to, I th in k we could tight a hole through any trouble we are like ly to have." So It was decided that they should go together on this scouting trip Into the north bush. Solomon had long be­ fore that Invented what he called "a IIghtoIn’ throw er" fo r close fighting w ith Indians, to be used If one were bard pressed and outnumbered and lik e ly to have his scalp taken. This odd contrivance he had never had oc­ casion to use. I t was u thin, round shell o f cast Irou w ith a tube, a flint and plunger. The shell was o f about the size of a large apple. It was to be Riled w ith missiles and gunpowder. Tha plunger, w ith Its spring, wag set vertica lly above the tube. In throw ­ ing thia contrivance one released Its spring by the pressure o f his thumb. The hammer fe ll and the spark tt made Ignited a fuse leading down to the powder. Its owner had to throw It from behind a tree or have a share in the peril It was sure to create. W hile Jack was at home w ith his people Solomon spent a week In the foundry and forge and, before they set out on th e ir Journey, had three of these unique weapons, all loaded and parked In w aterproof wrappings. About the m iddle o f May they pro reeded In a lig h t bark canoe to Fort Edward and carried It across country to Lake George and made the ir way w ith paddles to Ticonderoga. There they learned that acouts were operat­ ing only on and near Lake Champlain. | The Interio r o f Tryon county was said to be dangerous ground. Mohawks, Cagnawagns, Senecas, Algonqulna and Hurons were thick In the bush and all on the warpath. They were to rtu rin g and eating every w h ite man that fell In th e ir hands, save those w ith a Tory m ark on them. "W e're steered o' the hush," said an elderly bearded soldier, who was s it­ tin g on a log. "A man who goes Into the wlldwood needs to be a good friend of God." "B u t Schuyler thinks a force o f B r it­ ish may land somewhere along the big riv e r and come down through the hush, building a road as they advance,” said Jack. "A thousand men could make a tor- able wsggln road to F ort Edward * m onth," Solomon declared. “ That's mebbe the reason the Injuns are out In the bush satin' Yankees. They're t y l n ' fe r to skeer ns an' keep us er- 1 i ( , «ay. By the hide an' horns o' the devil I We got to know what’a a-goln*’ on out thar. You fellers are a-settln’ eround these 'ere forts as I f ye had nothin* to do but chaw beefsteak an' wipe yer rifles an' pick yer teeth. Why don't ye go ont tha r In the bush and do a little skeerln' yerselves? Ye're like a lo t o' o l' women settln' by the fire an' ta ilin ' ghos' stories." "W e got 'nuflf to do considerin' the pay we g it," said a sergeant. " H —1 an' T oph et! W hat do ye w ant o' pay?" Solomon answered. "A in 't ye w illin ' to fight fe r yer own lib e rty w ithout bein’ paid fe r It? Ye been kicked an' robbed an' spit ou, an' dragged eround by the heels, an' ye don’t want to fight leas somebody pays ye. W hat a dam' corn Addle o’ a man ye mua' Be!” Solomon was pu tting fresh provisions In h it pack a t he talked. "A ll the In ju fls o’ K inady an" th e great graWg lands may be snookin* down through the bush. W e're bound f*.r ,r know whars * gn|n' 00 ont thar. We're liable to be skeered, but also an' likewise w e'll do some akeerln’ 'fore we give up—you hear to m e." Jack and Solomon set out In the bush that aftarnoon and before night fo il were up on the mountain slants north o f the Glassy Water, as Lake George was often called those days. But fe r Solomon's caution an evil fa te had perhaps come to them before th e ir firs t sleep on the Journey. The new leaves were Jutt out. but not quite fu ll. The little maples «fid beeches flung their sprays of v iv id green fo li­ j age above the darker shades o f tha witch hopple Into the soft-lighted air o f the great house of the «rood and filled It w ith a pleasant odor. A m ile or so baek. Solomon had le ft the tra il and cautioned Jack to keep close and •tap softly. Soon the old scout »topped and listened and put hts ear to th« ground. He rose and beckoned to Jack and the two turned aside and made their way stealthily up the slant o f a ledge. In the edge o f a little thicket on njnog»y rock shelf they sat down. Solomon looked serious. Thera were deep furrow» in the skin above his brow. A fte r a few minutes Solomon turned and whispered: "F ou r In ju n braves ju t went by. Mebbe th e j're scoutin' fe r a big band (Continued on page 3) \ \ hat are you going to do about th a t car.* Dou't wail t ill the sprliiK rush. Have it ready In i spring trip s «hen you need i t (he tnos*. Our shop equipm ent it among the >est, « h id ) enables us to do your jo b the way it should bo done. All Work Guaranteed ARROW GARAGE G A N S L E B R O S .. HALSEY GARAGE a u t o m o b il e R e p a ir in g Fi»h and Gates rire» W illa rd b e lte r, mm Ice A ll k in d , of accessories Speo.1 equipment lo r handling wrecked Trimble c a ll, given prom pt »tte.it,c „ , 8 , tIm i aBd „ r wh#f< HALSEY GARAGE Telephone ' f ’ 2 ': ,,,,s I Retideoce. n t « “ • >•« A L B E R T F O O T E Prop «